Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5)

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Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5) Page 29

by Hayley Faiman

  Wrapping my fingers around my cock, I gently stroke it a few times. Her eyes flick down to my length, then lift back up to meet my own. She licks her lips as her panting breaths fill the room. I know that she’s in need, that she’s on edge and only I can make her breathe a sigh of relief.

  Moving forward, I reach forward, placing my hands on the bed as she falls backward and looks up at me with those eyes that own my fucking soul.

  Guiding myself inside of her, I continue to look into those eyes as I begin to take her. She lifts her legs, pressing her thighs against my ribs allowing me to drive deeper inside of her. Siobahn wraps her arms around my back, her nails digging into my skin, scoring me perfectly.

  We don’t speak, our eyes doing all of the talking that we need, at least hers. I’m not sure my emotions are reflected or exactly what she wants to see staring back at her, but this is what she gets from me.

  This is everything that I have for her, for anyone.

  She licks her lips, her breathing coming heavier, her eyes widening and I know that she’s almost there, almost over the edge. So close. I feel her pussy flutter around me. My back tingles and my balls draw up right before she starts to cry out with her release.

  Lowering my head, I touch my mouth to hers, swallowing her cries as I feel her pussy clench tightly. My head jerks up and I bury myself deep inside of her as I come—hard. I’m breathless, watching her, wondering how I got so fucking lucky to not only have her, but to keep her when she found out about Emilyn.

  “I love you,” she whispers.

  My eyes widen and I look down at her. Love. I haven’t heard that word since my mother died. Love. Unable to say another word, I lean down to touch my mouth to hers, hoping that I can convey how I feel in this single kiss.


  “I love you,” I whisper.

  Renzo’s eyes widen, and that’s the moment it happens. Right here in his bedroom while he’s buried inside of me, that’s when his eyes smile at me. Through the surprise of my confession, I see it bright as day.




  “Oh my God, it’s gorgeous,” Kathleen squeals.

  I slide my hands down the front of my dress and stare at my reflection. My wedding day. I didn’t think that it would happen. Not really. Granted, I didn’t have to wait long, my engagement lasting only two weeks, but it’s here and I’m excited.


  My hair is up and there are so many twists and braids in it that it would have taken hours had I not had three professional stylists to do it for me. Lifting my hand, I touch the side of my hair as my eyes roam over my reflection.

  “My hair is gorgeous,” I breathe, spinning around to look at them.

  My three friends, who flew all the way to America for me, stare back at me, all smiling with unshed tears in their eyes. I try to keep my tears at bay, but I fail, miserably.

  They fall in streaks down my cheek. I start to wipe them away, but Andrea holds up her hands and cries out, so I stop. She rushes toward me and grabs some tissues and makeup to fix what my tears have messed up on my face.

  The door slowly opens and Emilyn makes her way inside. My bottom lip starts to tremble and the tears well up in my eyes, but Andrea starts to wave her hand like a fan in front of my face to keep them from falling.

  “You came,” I whisper.

  My friends all clear their throats and back away, but they don’t leave mainly because they’re nosy, but I’m okay with that right now.

  “Of course, I came. I wouldn’t miss it, not for the entire world.”

  She closes the distance between us, then wraps her arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. Her lips are right next to my ear when she speaks in a hushed tone.

  “You’re my sister.”

  Relief floods my entire body. Sister. She is my sister and I’m hers. No matter what, we will be okay, the two of us. We’ve found one another again for a reason, and I’m not going to ruin this because she doesn’t fit the mold that I think she should.

  “I love you, Emmy.”

  “I love you too, now go and marry that delicious bad man,” she says with a laugh as she takes a step backward.

  My lips curve up into a grin and I can’t help but join her in laughter. Sisters. Turning my head, I look back at my friends who are watching me, nosily. Then I introduce them to—my sister.


  We’ve danced, we’ve shared our first bite of cake and we’ve eaten. Now it’s time for me to get to work. I’ll keep my promise to Gavino and D’Amore will be taken out tonight, but not just for Gavino, for Siobahn too.

  Slipping away from the crowd, I find the staircase that I’d mapped out earlier today and climb onto the roof where I set up all of my equipment earlier today as well. It’s right where I left it. Making my way toward my gun, I sink down and lie on my stomach as I look around at the crowd below me.

  Quickly, I find my wife. She’s standing with Luciana and Nicola. Emilyn is dancing with a man. Siobahn’s friends are at the bar gathering another drink together.

  Everyone is enjoying themselves, and then I quickly find Gavino. He jerks his chin up at me in a signal. Go time. Getting myself ready, I still my body and look through my scope. D’Amore isn’t hard to find.

  The overweight fuck is stuffing another piece of wedding cake in his mouth, his jowls moving as he chews and talks to his wife at the same time. His daughter frowns, crossing her arms over her chest, looking like a spoiled ass little brat, one that I’m sure she is.

  The first shot is to the daughter. I sight her in, focus my mind and my head, count to three then let out an exhale as my finger gently squeezes the trigger. The bullet flies quietly through the air and embeds itself in the middle of her forehead.

  The wife is next, same setup. Same process. Straight to the middle of the forehead. D’Amore hasn’t even realized that his wife and daughter are sitting dead at the table with him. He’s too busy talking and eating his cake.

  His bullet slices through the air and straight into his temple. He’s mid-chew, his fork suspended in the air. My next mission is to find the son. It isn’t hard. He’s where I figure a snake like a D’Amore would be.

  He’s at the end of the bar, trying to flirt with a woman. I don’t see who she is from afar, but it doesn’t matter. I’m going to save her from a night of disappointment.

  The gun and bullet aim true, and I watch as he falls to the ground. That is when the chaos erupts. Leaving my equipment where it is, knowing that the police will never show, I hurry to make my way back to the crowd, to ensure that I’m seen.

  “Renzo,” Dante asks as soon as I’m down in the crowd.

  Jerking my chin, I scan the crowd of people running around and watch as they all quickly discover exactly what has taken place.

  “Yeah?” I ask.

  He shifts his feet from side to side, acting as if there isn’t complete chaos all around us. He clears his throat then starts to talk.

  “Met someone, and um, I’m not sure…”

  “What aren’t you sure of? Zeta seems like a nice girl,” I simply state.

  “How’d you know?” he asks.

  Laughing, I shake my head a couple of times. “Everyone knows,” I say with a shrug of my shoulder. “Just claim her already and be done with it.”

  “She doesn’t know… about the famiglia.”

  “She does. Believe me, she does.”

  Dante nods his head and opens his mouth to say something else, but I hold my hand up. “I can’t right now, Dante. Just go down to that shop and take your girl, yeah? She wants you, it’s clear.”

  “It is?” he asks.

  Chuckling, I jerk my chin. “To everyone, cugino.”

  Walking away from him, I go in search of my bride. She’s standing next to her friends and her sister along with the mafia wives. Walking up to her, I lift my hand and cup her cheek. I expect to find her trembling, but she isn’t.

rong,” I rasp.

  Her lips twitch into a grin. “Not really. I just know that you’re here and I’m safe.”

  “You are,” I say with conviction.

  Dipping my chin, I touch my lips to hers. Gathering her in my arms, I turn us away from the screaming and running around. Backing her up against the opposite side of the bar, I keep my eyes on hers.

  “I love you too, Siobahn.”

  “You killed the man who shot at Luciana and me, didn’t you?”

  My mouth curves up into a smile. “You know that I have, which is why you’re not scared.”

  “I know that’s what you’ve done,” she breathes.

  “You don’t hate me? You aren’t scared of me?” I ask.

  There is a moment of silence while her eyes search mine. “I should say yes to both, but I can’t.”

  “Yeah?” I ask.

  Her lips curve up into a big smile, her blue eyes dancing. “Yeah,” she whispers. “Take me home, Renzo.”


  She nods. “Yeah, take me to our home, husband.”

  With that, I do exactly as she asks. I take her to our home. Hers and mine. Ours. I’m never going to turn into my father, never going to hurt her the way that he did. I have no doubt that I will hurt her, but it will never be the way he hurt my mother.

  I’m going to spend the rest of my life being better than he ever was.

  Becoming his Bride

  A Zanetti Famiglia Short Story




  The bridal salon is full of women. A private appointment, so private that they’ve asked my mother to completely close down just for them. I try to focus on the bride, on her needs and wishes, but I can’t help but watch the man who stands guard silently against a wall.

  He is huge, massive with dark hair and an olive complexion. His dark green gaze is intense as he watches me move through the store. Maybe he’s not really watching me, but more the beautiful blonde he walked in with, I’m not sure.

  It’s probably all my imagination. My mother is always yelling at me for being a daydreamer and having my head in the clouds. She says I’ll never marry anyone, not with the way my head is always in the clouds and never searching for a man.

  She doesn’t know that the men that I have been around, have dated, weren’t worth getting married to. She doesn’t realize that I want more than just some guy. I don’t know what or who I want exactly, but I know for a fact that I’ve yet to meet him.

  Once the bride has chosen her gown, I make my way to the counter and check her out. I’m not surprised when one of the other women takes out her credit card and pays for it in full.

  They are obviously wealthy, and the fact that my mother made such a big deal about closing the store for them and making sure I knew they were VIP guests, I figure they’re rich.

  I wouldn’t know about that.

  My mom might own an expensive bridal boutique, but I make minimum wage, plus a small commission on each dress I sell.

  The women all leave and I make my way to the door to lock up, but not before the hulking man touches my elbow. He dips his chin, his green eyes finding mine and he keeps them focused on my own.

  “Be back in a few hours. You’ll be here?”

  My body freezes and my lips part in awe. I think about telling him no, that I won’t be here and he can fuck off because I know exactly what he’s implying. I don’t do that though, instead, I nod my head.

  “I’ll be here,” I breathe.

  I don’t know why I agree. Why I say that I’ll be here for him, but I do. His eyes travel my entire length and he doesn’t even smile before he dips his chin and follows the women out of the store.

  I watch him go.

  His strong body swaying with each step that he takes. He’s tall, strong, and confident. He is no boy, he is all man.


  Zeta De Luca.

  Five-foot-three-inches tall. One-hundred-and-two pounds. Long black hair that she wears up in a high bun almost every day. Big brown eyes, pouty pink lips.

  Doesn’t date much.

  She’s only had one serious tool of a boyfriend.

  Nothing more.

  No booty calls.

  No late-night clubbing with girlfriends.

  I’m not sure what I’m thinking, but all I can do is think about those eyes of hers. The way she would try to steal glances at me throughout the whole appointment. Sexy. Sweet. Innocent. I want her. I want to dirty her up and bend her over, fuck her until she’s screaming my name and only my name.

  Finishing my search, I screenshot her home address.

  It doesn’t take me long to get Nicola home with her husband. After she’s locked up tight and safe, I beg off, telling Benicio that I’ll be back in the morning. He waves his hand, uncaring as long as I’m there when he wants, the way he wants it.

  Climbing into my SUV, I head to the bridal shop. The street is dark, the shops all closed up save for the lone light that is coming from Zeta’s shop. Parking on the street in front, I unfold from the SUV and round the hood, jogging toward the front door.

  Lifting my hand, I make a fist and knock on the door. She has blinds covering the glass and I’m glad that nobody can see in, the only space where the light spills out is about a one-inch border around those blinds.

  I watch as they move and one of her brown eyes peeks from behind the blinds. She disappears and then the door slowly opens just wide enough for me to slip through.

  I step to the side, watching as she clicks the lock firmly back in place and then I reach both hands for her, cupping her cheeks and without a single word I place my lips on hers and slip my tongue inside of her mouth—tasting her.

  Chapter One



  I think to myself as he waltzes in behind Nicola, the woman he guards. His eyes find mine and no matter how badly I want to, I can’t look away from him. He jerks his chin at me, his green gaze never leaving mine. He doesn’t even try to hide the way he watches me.

  Not for a moment.

  It’s unnerving, and even though I’m angry with him, I’m also stupidly attracted to him. I hate myself for it too.

  Dante is a womanizer and a user. He fucked me once here at the shop, then a few nights later appeared on my doorstep and fucked me for the second and last time. He never called, never showed up again, it’s been months and nothing.

  Now he’s here and he’s staring at me, eye-fucking me from across the room, blazingly.

  Pressing my lips together, I try really hard not to look at him, but I fail. Throughout the entire appointment, no matter how much I try to focus on my bride, I can’t. He unnerves me and pisses me off all at the same time.

  When everyone leaves, I watch him saunter out of the door. Not a single word to me, not one.

  The asshole.

  Once I finish cleaning up the shop and lock up, I decide to head back home. Usually, after working on a weekend day, I would treat myself to a coffee, but I don’t feel much like it now. Seeing Dante has made me feel certain ways, and I don’t like it.

  He was the only man I’ve ever taken a chance with. I’ve never been wild, never had a one-night stand. I’ve always been shy, probably considered prudish by most, but with Dante, I threw caution to the wind and it bit me in the ass.

  I spend too much time walking around the city. I’m avoiding going home to my empty house, avoiding being alone and not in the mood to visit my mother, so I walk. Eventually, I make my way back toward home.

  Walking up my walkway, I pause at the shadow standing next to my door. This is a moment where I should run, but I recognize that shadow.


  Squaring my shoulders, I attempt to look stronger than I am, than I feel. I watch as he pushes off the wall during my approach. He doesn’t even speak to me as I slip my key into my lock and slowly turn it, then open the door.

  He follows me inside, wordlessly, shutting then lock
ing the door behind him. A sign that he thinks he’ll be staying a while.

  He won’t.

  But then again, he probably will.

  I’m completely powerless against him.


  I watch her sweet ass as she walks into her place. Following her inside, I lock the door behind her. Her spine is ramrod straight and she stays facing away from me. I admire her ass for another moment, then make my way toward her.

  Reaching out, I wrap my hands around her hips, my fingers squeezing her before I lower my head and touch my lips to the side of her neck. She trembles, and I can’t help but feel a sense of pride roll through me.

  “Why are you here?” she asks on an exhale.

  “No talking,” I murmur.

  She nods, then turns around in my arms. I watch as she tips her head back and looks up at me with those chocolate brown eyes. Those fucking eyes, I could get lost in them, totally and completely lost in them.

  Her lips curve up into a small smile before she takes a step back, then turns around. She walks away from me, that sway in her ass about does me in. I stay still for a moment, watching her, then follow behind her toward her bedroom.

  By the time I arrive, she’s taken off her shirt and bra, her bare back to me, her hair still up in her bun. The lines and curve of her back and waist send a thrill of desire throughout my entire body. My cock hardens against the zipper of my pants at the sight.

  “Take that hair down, cara,” I demand.

  I watch with anticipation as she begins to take the pins out of her hair. I watch as it tumbles down her bare back. Fucking gorgeous. Next she shimmies down her skirt and then her panties. Last, she kicks her high heels off.


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