Bound to the Monarchs

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Bound to the Monarchs Page 11

by Brooke Winters

  Vitoria heard the bathroom door open and the light click off. A moment later, the bed dipped, and Matilda’s naked body pressed against her back.

  “Hello, kitten.”

  Matilda’s lips tickled her ear, her hand rested on Vitoria’s hip.

  “I want you to see me as equal,” Vitoria said. “I want you to see me as good enough.”

  “Oh, precious one,” Antonio said. “We do. In our eyes, you’re perfect.”

  She closed her eyes and pushed away the niggling doubt, the little voice that told her that this was not forever. After all, they had a mate out there somewhere, a Demalyn mate who was physically strong and their equal in ways that she could never be. But for now, she was surrounded by Antonio and Matilda, and the future could wait. She had to take the moments of happiness when they came.


  Vitoria drummed her fingers against the desk and looked around the office for a distraction. Antonio was engrossed in whatever he was reading and Matilda was typing furiously on her computer. Vitoria had read the same paragraph three times and she could probably read it a dozen more without taking any of the information in. She just didn’t care what order the monarchs were supposed to enter the room during official functions. Part of her hoped that they had insisted she read all these books because one day she would be Queen, and she would need to know these things. She didn’t care much for tradition and ritual herself, but she knew it was important to Antonio, less so Matilda, and so she was trying to learn. She couldn’t retain all the detailed descriptions of Royal garments and types of crown. If they just wanted to keep her occupied, they could send her to the library. She would happily spend her days reading romance novels. She would even read the history books they had given her for enjoyment. They were interesting and she loved learning more about Kiilasalia.

  Matilda and Antonio were busy being monarchs, which was fewer parties and formal events and more bureaucracy than she had expected, and she was wasting her days failing to learn the things they wanted to her to know. Perhaps she was their mate, but she would never be a good Queen. She looked back down at the book and let her eyes move over the page without reading the words. She turned the page. Matilda and Antonio wouldn’t know that she hadn’t read it.

  She heard the door open but didn’t look up.

  “Lord Marello, Your Majesties,” the guard announced.

  Vitoria’s gaze shot up and a wave of dizziness washed over her. She raised a hand to her throat, her mouth suddenly dry.

  Lord Marello strode into the room and stopped in front of Matilda’s desk. The strong stench of cologne assaulted Vitoria and she raised a hand to her nose to protect it from the scent.

  “Lord Marello?” Matilda rose from her desk, reached down for the sword that hung at her hip and let her hand rest on the hilt. Antonio followed suit.

  “There is no need for that, Your Majesty,” Lord Marello said. He held up a piece of paper. “I have a decree from the council.”

  “A decree for what?” Antonio’s voice was cold and hard, and nothing like the man she knew.

  “You’ve an unregistered Mazatch on your land,” Lord Marello responded. “And I see a Solviso working in your office as though she were Queen.”

  His eyes bore into her and she shrunk back. Both Matilda and Antonio stepped sideways, towards her, hands on their sheathed swords.

  “What is going on here?” Lord Marello asked, a smirk on his handsome face.

  “Does your decree dictate who we are allowed in our office?” Matilda asked him. “Is there a new law that passed without the knowledge or consent of the Kiilasalian monarchs, stating that we are not to have Solviso guests?”

  “Is it customary for Kiilasalian monarchs to entertain guests within the confines of their Royal Office? Or for them to provide their guests with a Royal desk?”

  “I will have our guards escort you out now,” Antonio said. “Should your monarch, or indeed, the Council of Palici, require further information or the enactment of a decree, they are to send someone else. Lord Marello, you are unwelcome on Kiilasalian soil. I thought that was clear.”

  “There is a Mazatch on your land and your response is to send away a neighbouring Lord and refuse the Council’s decree?”

  “There is no Mazatch on our lands. Had there been our sensors would have been triggered. Do you really think a Mazatch could pass through the Free Land with no one sensing them? Without triggering anything? This is absurd, and you will leave now. Guards,” Antonio shouted the final word and the guards who stood at either side of the door stepped over.

  “This way, my Lord,” one said.

  “A Mazatch on your land and a Solviso in your bed,” Lord Marello sneered. “The council will be intrigued, to say the least.”

  “Leave us,” Matilda ordered the remaining guard.

  The guard left, closing the door behind him.

  Matilda reached out a hand to Vitoria. “Come, let’s retire to our rooms and leave the guards to deal with Lord Marello.”

  Vitoria’s hand shook as she took Matilda’s, and her ankle throbbed when she stood.

  “Are you in trouble with the council for having me here?” Vitoria asked.

  Matilda shook her head.

  Antonio said:

  “Palicin law says Dengara and Solviso can move freely throughout the region, and Kiilasalian law states that the monarchs can grant citizenship to Solviso and Dengara without going to the Palicin council.”

  “But not for Mazatch?”

  “Any Mazatch wishing to enter Palici must petition the Palicin council, and if they are granted entry, they must sign a register. There are almost two dozen Mazatch in Palici, but none within Kiilasalia.”

  Vitoria frowned. They had just told her the night before that there were Mazatch born to Demalyn. She opened her mouth to say something and then caught Antonio’s gaze. He shook his head, tipping it slightly towards the door. Lord Marello might still be there.

  “Come,” Matilda repeated her earlier words. “Let’s retire to our rooms.”

  Matilda began to walk towards the door and Vitoria followed, her hand still in Matilda’s. She expected Matilda to drop it at any moment. It wouldn’t do to give Lord Marello more ammunition. It was one thing to have a Solviso as a guest, quite another to make it clear that they were your lover. Not when you were the monarchs. To Vitoria’s surprise, Antonio took her other hand, and the three of them walked out together.

  “Lord Marello has been escorted from the palace and is being taken back to his own monarchdom,” a guard said. “Apologies for allowing him entry to your office. He had a decree.”

  “It’s quite alright, Lucy,” Matilda replied. “The law is the law. You could not have prevented him entering. Not lawfully, anyway.”

  Matilda and Antonio did not let go of her hands as they walked to the staircase.

  “Did you know,” Antonio began. “That dominant Demalyn are ambidextrous?”

  “Yes,” she replied. “It was in the books.”

  “So, you are reading them,” Matilda said.

  “Of course.”

  “So, you aren’t just turning the pages and pretending that you’ve read them?”

  Vitoria’s skin flushed. She glanced sideways at Matilda who wore a sly smile.

  “I only do that on the boring ones,” she admitted.

  “The goddess made us ambidextrous to better protect our mates,” Antonio said. “We can put our mate between us and still be able to use our swords.”

  She hadn’t noticed before that they always wore their swords sheathed on opposite sides. Her heart ached a little. It would be nice to believe that she was their mate. She knew from the books that mating involved elaborate ceremonies and they had never mentioned anything about it to her. If she was their mate, they would have said something. Except, hadn’t Lord Marello said the Queen usually sat at a desk in the office? She didn’t dare to hope.

  “And don’t think,” Antonio continued. “That you will go unpun
ished for skipping your reading.”

  “But…” She had no excuses. “But I admitted it. And I only skipped the boring parts.”

  “Imagine if we chose to skip the boring parts of being ruling monarchs,” Antonio said. “The monarchdom would be in chaos.”

  A guard opened the door to the suite, and Antonio ushered them both inside before locking it behind them. Vitoria removed her clothes, folded them and placed them neatly on the shelf. She had become accustomed to being naked when it was just the three of them. She wasn’t sure she would ever feel comfortable being naked, or even topless, around other people, even though nudity wasn’t a taboo for the Demalyn, but with Matilda and Antonio it felt good to have nothing between them.

  Matilda and Antonio removed their sheaths and hung them next to the door. It was becoming a familiar routine, albeit usually later in the day.

  “Is your bottom still sore from your last spanking?” Matilda asked.

  She nodded. It still stung just to sit down.

  “Perhaps in the future you will remember that when you decide to disobey us.” Matilda took her hand and lead her down the hallway to the living room.

  “You’re really going to punish me?” Vitoria’s eyes widened. She was still so sore. It was too soon for another punishment.

  “Kitten, if you break the rules you get punished. No exceptions.” Matilda’s voice was firm.

  “Isn’t my sore bottom punishment enough? It still hurts when I sit.”

  Antonio took a seat on the sofa. “Over my knee, precious one. No arguments.”


  “Don’t finish that sentence unless you want a much longer, much harder spanking.”

  She draped herself over his knee and before she could even settle herself in a comfortable position his hand came down on her bottom. She cried out in pain as his hand connected with her already bruised bum.

  “Count,” Antonio told her.


  His hand came down again, harder this time. “Two.”

  “Three, four, five,” she counted as his hand came down over and over in quick succession. “Six, seven, eight, nine.”

  His hand came down one final time and he let it rest on her punished flesh. “Ten.”

  Antonio rubbed his hand over her bottom and then she felt something wet and cold on her cheeks and Matilda’s hands rubbing the lotion into her skin. She could feel Antonio’s erection pressing against her stomach. The pain in her bottom was rapidly turning to pleasure somewhere else. Antonio’s fingers wandered down over her arse cheeks to the v of her thighs. He stroked a finger over her clitoris and she moaned at the unexpected pleasure. Matilda’s hands caressed her cheeks. Antonio slid a finger into her and she gasped with delight.

  “Oh yes, please master. Please.”

  Antonio chuckled. Matilda parted her arse cheeks and slid a finger over her puckered hole.

  “Relax,” Matilda said. “I’m just going to use one finger.”

  “In my…?”

  Antonio’s free hand stroked her hair. “It will feel good. If it doesn’t, we’ll stop, I promise.”

  He pumped his finger in and out of her tight pussy and then added a second. That felt good. Everything they did to her felt good, except for the punishment, but that wasn’t supposed to feel good.

  “Okay,” she said. “Just one finger.”

  She felt something wet trickle over her arsehole and then Matilda’s finger pressed against it, pushing.

  “Relax,” Matilda told her. She tried to force herself to relax. “It’s just one finger. One day, you’ll take Antonio’s huge cock.”

  “I don’t think his cock will fit,” her words were breathy. Antonio’s fingers worked in and out of her pussy and he used his thumb to rub her clitoris.

  “We’ll prepare you well,” Matilda said. “We’ll build up to it and by the time we have you’ll be begging for Antonio to fuck your arse.”

  Matilda slid a finger into her arsehole. It felt impossibly tight but not unpleasant. “We’re going to own all of you,” Matilda said. “Your pussy, your mouth, and this tight little arsehole.”

  Vitoria moaned. Matilda pulled her finger out and back in again as Antonio pumped his fingers in and out of her pussy, faster and faster as his thumb moved back and forth over her clitoris. She could feel the tension building, the pleasure overwhelming.

  “Please let me come,” she begged. “Please. I’m so close. I can’t control it. Please…”

  “Come for us,” Antonio said, and she tumbled over the edge.

  It felt like she was floating on a cloud. The pain in her bottom had dulled to the point that it was just another sensation. She was vaguely aware of Matilda and Antonio removing their fingers.

  Antonio’s voice seemed far away as he said:

  “You are so beautiful. You’re perfect.”

  Matilda lifted her from Antonio’s lap and Vitoria nuzzled against her neck.

  “We’re not done with you yet, kitten.”

  Matilda placed her on the bed and Vitoria sunk into the softness there. Matilda straddled Vitoria’s face and lowered her pussy towards Vitoria’s eager mouth. Vitoria lapped at Matilda’s wetness. She ran her tongue over Matilda’s clitoris. Matilda gyrated above her, moaning loudly, the sound going directly to Vitoria’s own pussy. She licked furiously at Matilda, running her tongue over and over her clit, desperate to make her come. Vitoria felt Antonio’s large finger run down and over her own clit and then he found her opening and slid two fingers into her. As Antonio’s fingers moved in and out of her she slid her tongue into Matilda’s wet channel. Matilda rode her tongue, screaming out Vitoria’s name as her arousal flooded Vitoria’s tongue.

  Matilda climbed off her and settled next to her, stroking her hair as Antonio’s fingers worked in and out. Vitoria looked down at him, could see him stroking his big cock. Her mouth watered, and she wondered if she would suck him next. She wanted to make her master come.

  “I want to fuck you,” Antonio said. His voice was low, his eyes had darkened. “I want to fuck you until you can’t take any more.”

  “Yes,” she said. “Fuck me, master.”

  Antonio leaned forward and kissed her, his mouth hard against hers, demanding, his tongue invading her mouth. When he pulled back Matilda caught her lips in a kiss. She could feel Antonio positioning his cock at her entrance. It felt impossibly big as he pushed slowly into her, stretching her. His finger stroked over her clitoris and she arched her back. Matilda placed open mouthed kisses along her neck and Vitoria closed her eyes, giving herself over to the feelings, the feeling of Matilda’s mouth now on her breast, Antonio pulling slowly out of her and back in again as his fingers danced lightly over her clitoris. Too light. She needed more.

  Matilda straddled her face again and Vitoria sucked her clitoris. She could hear Antonio and Matilda kissing, imagined their tongues mingling, and the thought of them kissing while Matilda rode her face and Antonio fucked her pussy sent another jolt of pleasure through her. When Matilda came again she climbed off Vitoria and Antonio leaned down and kissed her. His thrusts became faster and harder. He hit a spot she didn’t know she had and she cried out his name as pleasure crashed down over her. Her pussy gripped his cock as he pumped faster, wringing out every drop of her orgasm. He spilled his seed inside of her, calling out her name and Matilda’s.

  Antonio collapsed on top of her, Matilda stretched out alongside her. Vitoria turned her head to look at her mistress. Matilda’s smile was warm and she stroked a finger down Vitoria’s cheek. Antonio rolled off her and lay on her other side. She missed his weight but his arms wound around her waist and he kissed her shoulder.

  “You belong to us now, precious one,” Antonio told.

  “Yes, master,” she said.

  “We don’t plan to ever let you go,” Matilda told her.

  “Yes, mistress.”

  She thought back to Lord Marello’s earlier words. Working in your office as though she were Queen. Maybe
, just maybe. Vitoria closed her eyes and drifted into a peaceful slumber. Everything felt right.

  Chapter Twelve

  Vitoria and Matilda were curled up on the sofa when Antonio returned to the suite later that night. His sword was still strapped to his waist and Matilda gave him a quizzical look.

  “Drayga and Cal are at the city gate,” he said. “The gate guards called to let me know. Get dressed,” his order was directed at Vitoria. “We’ll go down and meet them.”

  Vitoria dressed quickly and followed Matilda and Antonio down to the entrance hall so they could wait for Drayga. There had been a knot in her chest since she’d found out that Drayga was Solviso, and she hoped that seeing her friend, alive and well, would ease it.

  They stood at the foot of the staircase, directly in front of the door. Antonio put an arm around her waist and she leaned against him. Her ankle was already beginning to throb and it helped to let Antonio take some of the weight. Matilda took Vitoria’s shaking hand in hers.

  “Do you think she’ll be angry with me for telling you she was gone?” Vitoria asked. “I promised not to say anything.”

  What if her only friend in all of Kiilasalia hated her? The thought hurt as much as the thought of losing Matilda and Antonio.

  “She won’t be angry,” Matilda assured her. “She never should have expected you to lie to us.”

  The door opened. Drayga shuffled inside. Her shoulders were slumped, her usually silky straight blonde hair was tangled, and dark shadows ringed her dark brown eyes. There were tear tracks down her cheeks.

  “Drayga,” Vitoria said. She pulled out of Matilda and Antonio’s grasp and hobbled over to her friend. She took both of Drayga’s hands in hers. “Are you hurt?”

  Drayga shook her head.

  “She’s fine,” a deep voice said.

  Vitoria looked up and past Drayga. A tall man with piercing green eyes stood in the doorway. He looked past Vitoria and Drayga, his face grim.

  “I will leave Drayga in your care.”

  “If that is what you wish.” Antonio’s tone was icy.


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