by Kenna Bardot
"Running away?" the voice was cruel, cold and familiar.
Devastating in its familiarity.
I turned around to see Tate looking at me with the same coldness as I'd seen him pin me with when I'd been in the middle of those Descendants being tormented.
But this was worse - I saw an amusement that struck me if only because I knew he found and felt joy in my pain.
If I had not been so certain it was him, I'd have wondered if it was his brother Ryle. But no. It wasn't. Because his eyes were like the blades of a sword as they stabbed at me. Silver, glinting and very sharp.
I was down, weak and being thus so it was like he had nothing better to do than to kick me down further.
"Your friend told me to go away." I tried to be cold, but what I said came as a breathless whisper. I put up a hand against my rib - I hadn't noticed that it was bruised from falling to the ground.
"And you just go? You don't defend yourself? Speak up for what you believe is right?" It was said softly, mockingly.
"No. That's how I got there in the first place. By speaking up when I should have just been quiet, I put myself in this situation. Didn't I?" I tilted my head at him, making it spin. It took all my strength not to have me falling to my knees and hurling.
"But we both know that you won't stop, will you?" He stepped up to me, grabbing the strap of my bra as I did so. I trembled. I wanted to slap his hand away but could not even muster the energy to do so.
"I don't know what I know anymore. Who I am anymore." I hated myself for admitting it but I was tired. At that moment I was so close to giving up. Admitting that I was broken.
But not because they'd hurt me.
More because he'd given me a glimpse of what having someone who cared felt like again.
Then ripping it away from under me when I most needed it.
I didn't know if I'd ever find my footing again.
He pulled and my bra strap snapped free - the careless strength of a creature that was greater than a human. I was only glad that my bra could hold itself up relatively well. "Just like a broken doll - battered. Unwanted. No one to care for you."
I whimpered as he grabbed the tip of my hair and pulled. Pulled like a child might pull at their toy - knowing it couldn't feel, wouldn't react; wouldn't fight back.
But I could feel. But I wouldn't react. I wouldn't fight back.
At least not that night.
Not him.
"Run away, Hollis' pet. With your tail behind your legs."
He let me go and gave me a slight shove. Before he could change his mind, I spun around as quickly as I could and scurried away as fast as my injured ankle could take me.
The hallway echoed with the sound of his cruel laughter - fading the farther away I got from him.
Chapter 9
I'd gotten a call from Hollis demanding that I go to his quarters and make myself useful. That and he'd told me he had something else he would have me do.
Of course.
It didn't matter that I'd crawled away battered and bruised the night before thanks to him and his fellow Descendants. Absolutely not.
I belonged to him, and he would have me do whatever suited his purpose. The only thing that kept me going was the thought maybe he would send me on a foraging excursion again. I'd love to have an excuse to get out of Godsvail.
Any excuse. Even if it meant helping the lazy prick with his assignments when I was barely prepared for them myself.
When I entered his rooms, it was empty. That was a bit of a shock to me really, since he'd called me only thirty minutes prior. Then again, he could have called from anywhere. Which he seemed to have done.
It was also very messy. Apparently, all it took was half a day for him to completely mess up whatever cleaning I'd finished doing the day before. I shook my head and started picking up his shit. I'd have said that he was a slob, but they all were. It was just normal Descendant behavior. Their shared common room wasn't any better. And I'd cleaned that too.
The door opened, and I turned around, with a bunch of clothes and cups in my hands.
My first thought was Tate - hard, cold, cruel Tate.
I froze. My first instinct was to run as fast as I could in the opposite direction because as much as I hated to admit it, he had hurt me yesterday. But the sun that streamed in through the windows parted, and I got a clearer look. With a jolt, I realized it wasn't Tate when the glare cleared, and I saw Ryle’s golden hair glimmering in the sunlight.
The twin.
Not much of an improvement.
He cocked a smile at me when he saw me staring and took a step towards me, purpose in his gait. I backed up. It was an instinctive reaction. After the night before, I still felt raw from what they'd done to me.
"Hello," he said simply. When I didn't answer, he walked ever closer to me. I stepped back, limping slightly, until the back of my knees hit a low coffee table. I jerked, a small pain exploding in my ankle and my knee, and everything I held in my hands fell to the floor. I bent down to pick them up, but that was a bad choice because it meant I took my eyes off him.
In seconds he was in my space, pinning me against a wall. Up close, his eyes weren't cold like the silver of his brother's.
No. They were gold, and they burnt like a thousand suns.
"I said 'hello'. Haven't you learned your lesson from last night? Show proper respect." One of his hands pressed on my shoulder and pushed me back, keeping me immobilized. The strength of him was more than I could ever dream to fight.
"Hello," I answered back softly. I didn’t want him to hear the tremor in my voice, but it squeaked out regardless.
His hand ran down my cheek and to my collarbone and stopped at the side of my breast. He laid a hand on my heart. "Are you scared of me, Mireyah?"
The word 'yes' was on my lips, but I bit it down and shook my head. "No. I'm not."
He smiled at me, fierce and to the point of feral. "I don't believe you."
"It doesn't matter." My chin jutted up because I didn't want to feel defeated. Or at the very least, I didn't want him to know it. I didn't want any of them to know it. "Believe what you want Ryle Karfi. I'm not giving you my fear."
His hands came to wrap around my upper arms, squeezing hard and pushing me harder against the wall until my feet left the floor. With a swift motion, he had the straps of my clingy black dress down my arms, revealing my bra.
I took a sharp intake of breath. I told myself it couldn’t possibly be excitement that made my skin tingle.
It wasn't fear. Or so I told him.
But when his thumbs hit my nipples and rubbed, I widened my eyes on him. "I wanted to do this last night. The moment I saw them rip your uniform from your breasts. I'd known they'd be beautiful."
"I'm gonna run out of uniforms if you all keep doing this," I muttered bad-naturedly.
"I didn't rip it, Mireyah." A hand skimmed down my back, unhooking my bra quickly, expertly. His eyes darkened - a deep amber like a rich honey. A hand came up to rub my exposed nipple, and my body betrayed me when it hardened. He shot me a smug grin. "Do you like that?"
A little breathless, I protested. "Stop. Please stop." I tried to twist away, but he pushed in further, my breasts pressing against his hard chest. He cupped my face harshly until my mouth formed an 'o'.
"They’re perfect, Mireyah." He rubbed up against me, the side of his head with the gold hair exposed for me to see. I felt the hard bulge of him pressing up against my stomach. Taking one of my hands, he pressed it against him. "I can't wait to fuck these. Can't wait for this pretty mouth to suck me while I wrap your tits around me. Then I'll come all over them, and you'll love every second."
I gasped when his hand came back up and twisted my nipple - hard enough to draw a whimper from me. He began kneading both my breasts, my body involuntarily jerking and arching against his hand rather than trying to escape it.
He pinched once more and bent down to whisper against my ear, the brown hair, on the other sid
e of his head, brushing up against my cheeks. "You'd love that, won't you? Making me come all over these pink peaks?"
I whimpered and said nothing, shaking my head in protest as he pulled.
I heard the door swing open and Ryle just smiled and looked over, still keeping me pinned against the wall and unable to move. "Hey. Wanna join in?"
"Thanks for the invite. I'd love a bite."
And it wasn't even Hollis.
Hollis had sent the message out - go to his rooms if we wanted to play with his pet. Afterwards, he wanted to see her in the common area.
After last night, it interested me to see just how she had fared after what the idiots had done to her. Really, they had been so easy to convince. So easy to manipulate.
I had a reputation as a Tempestas, and they just bowed to my will so easily. Even Descendants felt fear and me on a rampage wasn't something that was worth seeing up close and personal.
Or experiencing.
I opened the door and saw Ryle playing with the toy, had it pinned against the wall.
She was still mostly clothed, which was a damn shame, but he'd pulled down her dress, breasts exposed. It didn’t surprise me - Ryle was a boob man. And right at that moment he practically had his face buried in them as the human whimpered.
"Hey, wanna join in?" Ryle asked as he heard me close the door.
"Thanks for the invite. I'd love a bite." I shot the blonde a wicked smile as her eyes turned towards me and widened. She twisted, and I knew that she was desperately trying to get away from Karfi. She needed to stop. Even Descendants with their superior physicality were no match against Karfis. I walked forward and pressed myself against her exposed side.
"Are you enjoying yourself, human?" I peered into her dark grey eyes - they were rather dull in their color but with the fear and arousal mixing in them, a potent look.
"Shephard asked you a question, pet. Answer him."
Ryle gave her boobs another twist, and she gave a sharp cry of pain. "No."
I smirked. I'd thought we'd broken her the night before. The way she'd crawled off had been a fun sight to see, but I had to admit that the stubborn way she held her chin aloft was even more appealing.
A challenge. I never backed down from a challenge.
"It appears my friends didn't successfully teach you the valuable lesson I'd hoped they would last night." Her head pivoted in my direction, and I saw the exact moment she realized what my part in it had been. The wariness came to her eyes mixed with a heady bit of anger that just fueled me. "Perhaps I had better ask them again. And maybe not so nicely this time."
Ryle sent me a smirk even as his hands kept playing. "They didn't do a good enough job last night."
"What?" she asked, but I grabbed her side and squeezed - squeezed where I knew they'd hit her last night. There was no way that she wasn’t sore there.
"Listen to me, Mireyah. In case it isn't very obvious yet, Hollis owns you. And because Hollis owns you, we own you. Never has our brother been selfish with us. Nor us to him. So if we want you to bend over and have us spank you until you can't feel your ass? You say, yes please and ask when."
"I'm not an object to be owned," she protested but weakly. The defiance was strong in those eyes - dull, human eyes made somewhat beautiful by the human vulnerability. How surprising that I found them so alluring. Even more so than her anger.
I'd never thought about a woman as more than a vessel to please myself before. Least of all a mortal, human one.
She sniffed once but just jutted her chin out at me. Ryle chuckled - a sardonic sound of amusement. I reached over and gave his shoulder a squeeze.
"Let her go, Ryle. Lest you want to fuck her boobs right now."
"How did you know?" His grin was unrepentant even as he let go of Mireyah's wrists.
She slinked away to pick up the bra that had fallen to the floor. I eyed the ass that strained against the dark fabric of the clingy material.
"I know. You always fuck the boobs first." It was true. He did.
"Mireyah." She turned her head towards me. "Hollis is in the common area and would like to see you there. But pick up here first before you do."
She nodded at me as she shrugged her dress back on. She bent to pick up the mess that had gathered by Ryle's feet. I walked up and slapped her ass. She froze, and I slapped it again even as she kept picking things up.
When she straightened, she just shot me a look - it was blank and devoid of reaction. I gave her a smile, satisfied that she understood what I'd told her. "I can't wait to see your naked ass all red and sore again."
"Let's go, Shep," Ryle said even as he kicked a used cup towards the corner of the bed.
I laughed and turned around, forgetting the existence of the human. I needed a good fuck. Perhaps I'd go down to the kitchens and find a willing pussy.
Or who was I kidding? They were all willing. So, hell, maybe I'd get three.
But before that, I had a couple of Descendants to punish.
Chapter 10
As the weeks went by, the torment never stopped. Somehow, the physicality of it all never seemed to escalate to outright abuse again, not after the Descendants got a kick out of watching me suffer through my duties for over a week. It was as though the fact that I healed slower was fascinating, and they inspected the bruises that littered my body from my throat to my ankle daily.
Mostly, they let the other Descendants and humans take charge of the bullying, ordering me around like a slave and ignoring me otherwise. Occasionally they might play with my body, touch me, and leave me on the edge of an orgasm without sending me over, but there seemed to be some general line where they didn't have an interest in making me cross over. It felt like a punishment.
But something shifted in Hollis. Something more urgent, less patient. As if I disappointed him somehow even though I did everything he asked of me with as little sass as I could manage. When he finally made his move, I knew even before it happened that I wouldn’t like it.
"Come here, pet," he murmured, standing in the middle of his rooms just as I finished cleaning up after his study session with the others. I felt eyes follow me as I stood up straight, making my way to stand in front of him even though it killed a little piece of me every time I followed an order. "You've disappointed me."
I glared back at him. "What exactly have I done to disappoint you?"
He gestured towards Ryle, who was watching carefully. "Ryle and I gave you a gift when you first became mine. The polite thing to do would have been to return the favor." He reached out a hand to brush the hair away from my face, those eerie red eyes staring into mine so harshly that I wanted to shy away.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I whispered, and it was the truth. I couldn't think of a single gift any of them could have possibly given me.
"When they punished you," Tate stated, matter-of-factly. He was lounging on the bed with Char with his arms crossed over his chest. His silver eyes were so unfeeling they made my blood run cold. "When you came for them like a greedy little thing."
"But I didn't ask you to make me come," I protested. "I didn't want it."
Hollis shrugged. "It’s time to return the favor, regardless."
I clenched my jaw as I stared at him, his thumb running over my bottom lip as he tracked the motion with his eyes. "With this mouth, since you can't seem to keep it shut. We'll see if we can't find a good use for it."
"Fuck you," I hissed. "I'll bite your dick off if you come anywhere near my face with it."
Ryle suppressed a laugh, but I winced when the cool, measured voice of Char interrupted whatever he might have said, "No, you won't. There are five of us, human. If you don't do what you're told, perhaps all of us will make use of the other," he smirked at me before continuing, "orifices that don't have teeth. All of us."
"So, what's it going to be, Mireyah?" Hollis purred, drawing my attention back to him. "Will you let Ry
le and I put that mouth to use? Or will the five of us be fucking you tonight?"
Ryle reached a hand in, grasping the neckline of my dress and yanking it down until my bra spilled out the top. He drew me into his chest, my face in line with his pectorals and his scent filling my nose.
It was a situation I’d found myself in before, and I was sure it would not be the last time it happened.
"The first time I have those lips wrapped around my cock, I want to see your perfect tits bounce while I fuck your face." A huge, meaty paw opened the closure of my bra, tearing the straps down my arms until the flesh of my breasts spilled into view of the room.
"I haven't agreed," I argued, slapping his hand away when he reached for the mound of flesh where his gaze fixated.
"Do you know what Tate and I enjoy most, little Northerner?" I shook my head, because, how would I? They flirted, the lot of them, but I realized with a start that I'd never seen any of them with a woman. And that was despite Hollis' words on my first day, so I expected that if they had been with another girl, they'd have wanted to rub that in my face.
"Have you ever heard of a twin sandwich?" I swallowed audibly because while I hadn't heard of the term before, I could guess the implications. "That's, no. Just no."
"What's wrong? Don't like the idea of Tate in your pussy while I pound your tight little ass? We'd split you open if we took you like that tonight. It takes some prep work usually, but I don't imagine you'll sit still for it. We'd just have to take it, anyway."
I clenched my eyes shut, looking at Char and Shephard briefly. The way they watched with satisfied smirks; I knew they wouldn't help me. They stood to benefit more if I refused, anyway.
With a resigned sigh, I turned my attention back to Hollis and nodded my assent. Blowjobs weren't a big deal, I lied to myself. Once you've done it once, what did it matter?
"On your knees then," Hollis said with a self-satisfied smirk. Slowly lowering myself to the ground, I knelt in front of him. The cool marble of the floor was painful against my knees, horribly battered from the sudden increase in cleaning. I had spent little time on them studying my herbs back home.