Four Horsemen: A Small Town Romance (A Good Run Of Bad Luck Book 5)

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Four Horsemen: A Small Town Romance (A Good Run Of Bad Luck Book 5) Page 15

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “Yeah, that was when you had the flu.”

  “And you stayed with me all night,” she said, looking over at me.

  “You laid on my chest all night. You were burning up, and when I woke up in the middle of the night, I had a sweat stain on my shirt from where your head was.”

  “You were comfortable,” she grinned. “Though, I do feel slightly bad for trapping you underneath my head all night.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t regret a thing.”

  Her face turned sad and she faced the TV. I wasn’t sure what I said, but something wasn’t right. We watched the movie in silence, sitting on opposite ends of the couch. I wanted to pull her close to me, so instead, I drank my wine and wished things could be like they used to.

  When we got to the part about the waterfall, she snorted.


  “He should have had her jump with him.”

  “But she might not have survived the fall.”

  She pointed at the screen, obviously upset. “He said if they don’t kill you. Wouldn’t it make more sense for them to risk it?”

  “Not when you’re in love,” I said, staring at her.

  Her eyes drifted to mine. “If you love someone, you risk everything for them.”

  “But he couldn’t risk losing her. It was better to take the chance that he could get her back than risk killing her by jumping.”

  “That wasn’t his decision to make,” she snapped. She was halfway closer to me now, getting in my face. I wasn’t sure what was fueling this anger, but it brought her closer to me, so I didn’t fight it. “He should have done everything to keep her with him. Maybe everything would have turned out differently.”

  I had a feeling that now we were talking about something entirely different. It was almost like she was talking about us. Was she saying she wanted me to fight harder for her to stay? That maybe we wouldn’t be so distant now if it wasn’t for that?

  I moved closer to her, taking her wine glass and setting it down. “What’s this really about?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Is this about us?”

  She shook her head like she didn’t understand.

  “Are you pissed that I didn’t ask you to stay?”

  “You did ask me to stay,” she retorted.

  “Apparently, not enough.”


  Our eyes locked. In that moment, it was just us, like we used to be. I saw the woman that stared at me adoringly, that laughed at my jokes and would give up anything to spend time with me. I leaned in and brushed my lips over hers, catching her bottom lip between mine. She gasped, her lips trembling as I crushed my lips to hers. I slid my hand around the back of her neck, holding her to me.

  It was like sparks shot off the moment my lips touched hers. It wasn’t just lust or being without someone for so long. It was her. Everything about her made me want things I didn’t think I’d ever want again. Her hands settled on my arms, gripping me tightly as I kissed her harder. I pushed her back, laying her out flat on the couch as I deepened the kiss, but just as I was getting ready to sink my tongue into her mouth, she pushed at my chest.


  I immediately sat up, mortified that I had just mauled her like that. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…”

  “It’s fine. We’ve both had a lot to drink tonight.”

  I wasn’t sure if I was grateful for the out or felt like a chicken shit. She stood suddenly and headed for the door, grabbing her purse.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home. It’s getting late.”

  “But you’ve been drinking. You shouldn’t—”

  “I’m fine. I promise,” she smiled. “See?” She ran through all the tests of touching her nose and walking a straight line, just to prove to me that she didn’t need to stay.

  She opened the door, but I rushed over to her, shutting the door. “Wait.”

  “Jack, I need to get home. It’s late and I have work tomorrow.”

  “I know…I just…”

  What the hell was I supposed to say? Stay with me? Don’t leave me again?

  “I’ll see you later.”

  She opened the door and walked out. I watched from the doorway as she got in her car and drove off. Closing the door behind me, I leaned against it and sighed.

  “Fuck, you’re a dumbass.”

  “So, did you take my advice?” Carter asked as he dealt the next hand.

  Of course he would ask in front of all the guys. It was my turn to host poker night. Apparently, once you were part of poker night, you had to take your turn hosting. Lucky for me, Brody was upstairs. Unlucky for me, Antonio showed up, and having him in my house really grated on my nerves. I only allowed him in here because of Josh. I was moving past that shit, so I ignored him and pretended like he didn’t exist.

  “What advice?” Joe asked as he sat down, setting a bowl of chips on the table.

  “I told him to have Christy cook for him.”

  “Why?” Robert asked. “Are you incapable of making a meal?”

  “No, see, the idea was that he would invite her over and cook for her, but he would purposely mess up the meal so she would offer to cook for him. Then,” Carter said as if this was some secret formula, “she would see how bad Jack really has it and she’d start cooking for him more often.”

  The table was silent for a moment before Eric spoke up. “Corduroy, you’re a dumbass.”

  “Hey, I’m offended by that. How do you think I got Abby?”

  I snorted. “It sure as hell wasn’t because of her cooking for you.”

  “I believe it was because you forced us to kidnap him,” Antonio said, his eyes narrowing in on me.

  “You did what?” Robert asked in shock. “That’s how that happened?”

  “Thanks,” I shot Antonio a glare.

  He shrugged. “It’s not like they haven’t been on the receiving end of your blackmail.”

  “Okay, can we just relax?” Josh said, trying to tone things down. “Let’s face it, it wasn’t the worst thing you’ve done,” he retorted. “Besides, let’s not pretend like you didn’t enjoy it.”

  Andrew leaned forward, lowering his voice as he looked upstairs, obviously wondering if Brody was really asleep. “So, what happened after you were kidnapped?” he asked Carter.

  He puffed out his chest, beaming with pride. “I led her to the cabin, told her I was her man, and showed her what that meant.”

  I smothered a laugh behind my hand. “I don’t quite remember it going that way.”

  “Wait,” Will shook his head. “You weren’t there with them, were you?”

  “Ew,” I grimaced, shaking my head at him. “You’re sick.”

  “Then how did you know?”

  “Because he came out swinging the morning I picked them up. According to Abby, she saw the driveway, but Carter didn’t want to take it.” I turned to Antonio and smirked. “He thought the mob was after him. So, he took her on an adventure through the woods and—”

  “Okay,” Carter held up his hand. “I think they get the point.”

  “I believe it was Abby who found the cabin,” I said thoughtfully.

  He tossed his cards at me.

  I picked them up and checked them out. “You were going to lose that hand anyway.”

  “Whatever. So, what happened?”

  “I cooked for her.” He laughed at me. “Okay, I attempted to cook for her, but it had nothing to do with your plan. Apparently, there’s something called an Instant Pot and it’s totally different than a crock pot. Like I would know the difference.”

  “How did you not know that?” Eric asked. “They’re completely different.”

  “Because I don’t have a vagina,” I explained.

  The front door opened and Nathan walked in. I bristled at everyone just walking into my house. “You know, I have a doorbell.”

  He shrugged off his coat and hung it up. “Yeah, but everyone els
e just walks in.”

  “Not me,” Robert replied. “I used my fist.”

  “You banged on his door?” Joe asked. “That’s rude.”

  “No, idiot. I knocked.”

  “It’s not an open-door policy. I have a kid. I can’t have just anyone wandering into my house,” I seethed, glaring at Antonio.

  “Wow,” he said drolly. “You really have me running scared. I should just leave now.”

  “I wouldn’t be opposed to that.”

  “Boys,” Nathan chastised, unbuttoning his suit jacket as he sat. “Can we be civilized? Now, what are we talking about, besides sending someone into exile?”

  “We’ve covered Corduroy being kidnapped,” Will ticked off. “Jack’s inability to know the difference between a crockpot and an Instant Pot—”

  “Seriously?” Nathan asked. “You don’t know the difference?”

  I tossed down my cards in irritation. “Alright, how is it that all of you know the difference, but I don’t?”

  “Well, Tyler and Lucas have to leave right before Penny and I get home—”

  “Whoa,” Carter held up his hand to stop him. “You’re still all living together?”

  “Yeah? Who are you to judge?”

  Carter huffed out a laugh. “Well, I’m the guy that’s not living with two other dudes.”

  Nathan quirked his head to the side. “Tell me, how’s that rectal bleeding?”

  Carter’s face turned bright red. “You’re still taking Abby’s medication?” Andrew laughed.

  “Any attempts on your life lately?” Carter shot back. “Any tubs fall through the ceiling?”

  “Hey,” Andrew pointed at him. “That happened one time. And all of those incidents could be explained.”

  I chuckled at how they were all turning on each other, but that ended up being a mistake. “What are you laughing at?” Nathan snapped. “You can’t even cook food for your girlfriend.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend.”

  “Yeah, because you don’t know the difference between a crockpot and an Instant Pot,” he retorted.

  “Did you even make a move?” Carter asked.

  “Of course I did, but it’s not that simple. She’s…I don’t know,” I admitted. “I don’t know how to talk to her.”

  Antonio nodded. “Been there, done that.”

  Against my better judgement, I asked how. “What did you do?”

  “I called this asshole,” he jerked his thumb at Josh.

  “And?” I said irritatedly.

  “You need a bonding thing,” he said, his eyes squinting like he had to think about it. “A TV is good, maybe an animal…”

  I couldn’t believe I asked him. I felt even stupider now than before.

  “What he’s trying to say,” Josh interjected, “is that you need to find a way to get close to her.”

  “I did that. We watched a movie.”

  “Okay, and did you slip your arm around her?”

  I rubbed the back of my neck uncomfortably. “It’s kind of hard to do that when she’s sitting on the other side of the couch. Look, it’s not easy for us. We have history. I can’t just snuggle up to her like it’s a first date. I need to know how to get back in her good graces.”

  Everyone turned to look at Robert, who was counting chips. At the silence, he looked up at all of us. “What? Why’s everyone staring at me?”

  “Jack needs advice on how to get back in a woman’s good graces,” Eric grinned.

  “And you’re asking me,” he deadpanned. “Sorry, but I think you’ve come to the wrong person. I can tell you what doesn’t work, though.”

  “Alright,” I nodded. “Let’s start with that.”

  “Well, Christy’s from around here. Fancy clothes won’t work…or fancy cars.”

  I stared at him like he was an idiot. “I’m a sheriff. I don’t think that’ll be something I could give her anyway.”

  “Right,” he cleared his throat. “So, fancy restaurants are out too.”

  “Let me put it this way. If you put fancy in front of it, assume it’s not gonna happen.”

  “Well…that’s good then. See? You’ve already weeded out things that wouldn’t work and you can’t do anyway.”

  I stared at Eric, pointing at Robert. “Is he serious?”

  “Listen, I have some experience with this too. You need to woo her.”

  “Here we go again,” Will sighed, tossing down his cards.

  “You need to show her you can be the gentleman she deserves. Flowers are always nice. Dropping by unexpectedly just to say hi is a good way to go.”

  “Okay, I could do flowers.”

  “And don’t just pick them out of your neighbor’s garden,” he said quickly. “If she comes over and sees the same flowers, you’re in the dog house.”


  “Ooh,” Andrew piped up. “You could always knock yourself unconscious.”

  Pressing the heels of my hands to my eyes, I wondered why I was even here asking for advice, or why I was about to ask Andrew to explain.

  “You want to know, don’t you, Hunty?”

  I lifted my eyes and saw him pointing at me with a grin. I quickly reached out and snatched his finger, twisting it to the side.

  “Ow, ow, ow!” He stood, pulling his finger free and cradling it to his chest. “That was a little uncalled for.”

  “Don’t call me Hunty.”

  Antonio snorted beside me. “Agreed.”

  Well, at least we agreed on something.

  “You know, just for that, I don’t think I will tell you why you should do that.”


  “I’m serious. I’m not saying a word.”

  “Fine by me.”

  “You’re gonna kick yourself for not knowing.”

  I glared at him. “I’m pretty sure I’ll be just fine.”

  He sighed heavily. “Fine, I’ll tell you, but know this is under duress.”

  I rolled my neck, thinking maybe I should have just called off poker night. I could feel the tension building every second they were here. I needed a good massage.

  “Alright, so the thing is, if you’re knocked unconscious, she’ll fawn all over you. See, you want her to want to take care of you. Similar to the idea of her cooking for you, but this will have a more lasting effect. Am I brilliant or what?”

  “Or what,” I countered.

  He jerked back and frowned. “Hey, I gave you that advice for free.”

  Eric tossed down his cards. “You thought the woman was trying to kill you. It’s not like you did that to get her.”

  “No, but it worked. We had so much sex after—”

  “Alright, can I just interject and say that’s a really bad idea,” Nathan sighed. “Seriously? Knock yourself unconscious? Sorry, but you’ll look like a pussy. Not to mention it’s not worth the hospital bill.” He turned to me. “If you like her, tell her. Go Eric’s route and bring her some damn flowers.” He picked up his cards and then looked at me again. “And don’t listen to anything this dumbass says,” he jerked his thumb at Andrew.

  Andrew crossed his arms over his chest, mumbling under his breath. “At least I got the girl and not two other roommates.”



  I had successfully avoided Jack for several days now. I made sure to leave before he picked up Brody, which was fine with Ellen since she was obsessed with him. I felt slightly bad that I was subjecting Jack to her, but after what happened the other night, I just couldn’t deal with him.

  I should be happy that he kissed me, but instead, it made me even more wary. He hadn’t just kissed me, he had laid me out on the couch, ready to maul me. And while I had always dreamed of feeling his lips on mine and his body pressed to mine, that wasn’t the way I wanted it to happen. It was clear that he was attracted to me, but why now after all this time? I felt like Jack’s second choice, Natalie’s replacement. I didn’t want to be the woman that cooked for him and took care of h
is kid, or filled in when he was horny. I wanted him to want me for me.

  Around noon, the local florist showed up with a huge bouquet of wildflowers. When she brought them over to my desk, I was shocked as hell. Ellen eyed them, like she knew who they were from. I quickly hid the card as she walked over, not wanting to give her any ammunition.

  “Who are the flowers from?” she asked, sweetness dripping from her voice.

  “I have no idea. They’re probably from my parents, wanting to wish me a happy birthday.”

  “Oh, it’s your birthday?”

  “Every year on this day,” I grinned up at her.

  “Well, it must be hard getting so old and still single. I really hope that never happens to me. How tragic,” she gave a fake look of sympathy. “Of course, I’m younger and have more prospects. But I wouldn’t worry. I’m sure someone out there is right for you. I hear Chili Man is available,” she smirked as she walked away.

  I stuck out my tongue at her, only for one of the kids to look right at me in shock.

  “You didn’t see that,” I snapped.

  After the kid ran off, I finally sat down and discretely pulled out the card.

  Happy Birthday, Christy.

  You’re still just as beautiful as you were on the last birthday we spent together. Can I cook for you tonight?

  Xoxo Jack

  A smile split my lips as I remembered that birthday. He took me out for dinner and ice cream. We went to an old drive-in theater and watched The Shining. He held me through the whole movie, chuckling as I clutched his shirt every time I was scared. It was the perfect night, until he dropped me off after Natalie called him and told him she needed him.

  Dropping the note into my desk drawer, I pushed the flowers to the corner of the desk. It was very sweet of him to think of me, but I wasn’t ready to just pick up and move on as if nothing happened. I pulled out my phone and sent him a quick text.

  Sorry, I have plans tonight. Maybe another time.

  I stared at the screen for a moment. Was that leading him on? Should I have left the last part off? It didn’t matter now. It was already sent. Putting my phone away, I got back to my day and forgot about Jack.


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