Ignited By Flames

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Ignited By Flames Page 12

by Day, Vella


  Anderson came toward them. “Thanks for coming in. Let’s find a more private place for me to take your statement.”

  Finn must have mentioned the possibility of the Changeling’s involvement. Blake and Greer followed Finn and Anderson down a darkly lit corridor. This place gave Blake the creeps, mostly because it was filled with bad memories of his incarceration.

  “Let’s step in here,” Anderson said.

  The room was better lit and cleaner than the interrogation room where he was first taken to, but it was still small and oppressive. They all sat down.

  “Blake, Finn said you went to the Wing’s Bar last night. Tell me what time you arrived and when you left,” Anderson said.

  He hadn’t mentioned anything about spotting the essence trail to Finn, but maybe Finn remembered seeing the guy who everyone believed was the Changeling. “I went to the bar around eight thirty. Right before I stepped inside, I thought I saw the same light signature as the man who stole the lamp from Greer’s house. It seemed to be the same as the one Greer and I located in the forest.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Finn asked with a sharp edge to his voice.

  Blake held up a hand. “I couldn’t be sure it was him. There were a lot of people milling about that caused their trails to blend with his. To be honest, I didn’t think any more about it when I didn’t see any evidence of it inside the bar, though that’s to be expected given how many people were in there.” Blake leaned on his elbows. “Did you spot someone who could have been a Changeling?” he asked Finn.

  Finn blew out a breath. “I can’t say for sure. It was a busy night. If I focused on all of the shifter signatures, I’d forget orders. Were there werewolves in the bar? Sure. Was one a Changeling? I can’t swear to it.”

  Finn’s outburst a moment ago had completely defused.

  Anderson turned to Greer. “What time were you with Kaleena?”

  “I think I got there about seven and left a little before ten.”

  “Kaleena said someone who looked like me visited shortly after that,” Finn said to the group.

  Blake hadn’t heard about this. “Someone who looked like you?”

  “Yes. I was still at the bar when some lookalike used the eye scanner and entered our condo.”

  Greer sucked in a breath. “Kaleena didn’t know it wasn’t you?”

  “She said I rushed in, gave her a quick hug, changed my stained shirt, and rushed out.”

  Something seemed fishy. “You two are mates. How did she not know it wasn’t you? Wouldn’t she have sensed the sexual pull was missing?” Blake asked. He’d never be fooled if a Greer lookalike approached him. He doubted a Changeling could pull that off.

  Finn shrugged. “Remember, Kaleena is going through a hard time with the baby. Not only does she have morning sickness, she often isn’t feeling well at night—like what happened last night. It’s not like I haven’t rushed home before in the middle of a shift. She probably was just tired and didn’t think anything of it.”

  “What about the security guard at the entrance to your condo? Was this person able to fool him too?” Blake asked.

  Anderson nodded. “I spoke with him. He said this Finn impersonator smiled like he always did but that he didn’t address him by name, which Edward thought was odd. Since Finn seemed to be in a hurry to get upstairs, he didn’t push it or give it a second thought.”

  “And I suppose instead of Finn returning a few minutes later, Kaleena came down the stairs instead?” Blake asked.

  Finn’s eyes lit up. “You’re right. My lookalike couldn’t pretend to be me returning for the rest of my shift and be Kaleena at the same time.”

  Anderson leaned back in his seat. “I hadn’t thought of that. Good job. I’m betting the Changeling had no idea Kaleena was pregnant and probably wouldn’t leave late at night.”

  “If I had been the intruder—which Blake will attest to that I was not—I would have gone with her if she had been called out on an emergency.”

  “I’m going to call the judge and see about getting Kaleena released.”

  “She’ll do that?” Greer asked. Her voice shook slightly.

  “I’m hoping so. It will be hard to explain what a Changeling is capable of, but I’ll do my best. Thank goodness this judge is a dragon shifter herself.”

  “In the meantime, may I see Kaleena?” Greer asked. “I might be able to help with the morning sickness.”

  Finn reached across the table and placed a hand on hers. “Thank you.”

  Anderson pushed back his chair. “I don’t see why not, but give me a second to call the judge first.” He stepped out of the room. When he returned, he was smiling. “The judge is letting her go for now, but she asked that Kaleena stay at the condo until we resolve this.”

  “She’s under house arrest?” Finn asked.

  “Not quite. She feels if Kaleena was a target once, she might be a target again. I suggest you two work something out between you and the security guards—a special code word—so he can tell it’s you.”

  Finn nodded. “This is a nightmare, but we’ll do whatever it takes to keep Kaleena safe. She may balk, but I’ll convince her to stay put. She can work from home if need be.”

  After all of the paperwork was signed, and Kaleena was released, she rushed into Finn’s embrace, making Blake want to take Greer in his own arms and make sure she came to no harm.

  “Let me make sure your baby is okay,” Greer said, placing a healing hand on Kaleena’s stomach. Seconds later, color returned to Kaleena’s face, and the worry lines around her eyes disappeared. Greer was truly a miracle worker.

  “Call me if you aren’t feeling well, okay?” Greer asked.

  “I will, thanks.” Kaleena hugged her.

  As soon as Finn and Kaleena left, Blake needed something to eat. He wrapped an arm around Greer’s waist and led her outside. “What do you say to some coffee—or in your case a tea—and a pastry at Angelique’s Coffee Shop?”

  She smiled for the first time this morning. “Sounds divine. We need to figure out how to get this guy.”

  Blake was afraid she’d say that, but given she was a Guardian, he didn’t want anyone else by his side. “Works for me.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Brother Richard was positive he’d pulled off the murder of the century. Kaleena—the woman he was sent to discredit—never suspected a thing. He had to admit luck was on his side when he’d entered the condo under the pretense of needing to change his shirt. Apparently, this wasn’t the first time Finn McKinnon had spilled a drink on himself. Brother Richard had almost blown it though when he wasn’t sure where the bedroom was located. Thankfully, an open door revealed an unmade bed, making it easy to identify.

  The quick hug he’d given her upon entering enabled him to change from Finn to Kaleena as soon as he left. The only slight snafu was the damn guard who’d asked him—or rather Kaleena—a few questions about what she was doing out so late at night without Finn, but Brother Richard had an answer ready. He told the guard that one of her friends needed her.

  After that, it was easy. With so many people milling about the town, all he had to do was find some human who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and stab her. Sure, she cried out, but when he clamped a hand over her mouth and nose for a few minutes, she settled down and died. The hardest part had been finding a location with street cameras where no other passersby were about. He wanted the world to know that the great Kaleena Sinclair was a murderer without him being caught red handed.

  After the victorious attack, Brother Richard decided to spend the night in the forest even though he’d managed to lift a few Denlars from the woman’s purse. The money would be better spent eating a fabulous meal in town tomorrow when everyone would be gossiping about Kaleena’s arrest.

  As he neared the forest, he went past the path to his old campground that had been compromised when the jewelry lady—who he believed the blonde called Greer—and her male co
mpanion had found it. Thankfully, they didn’t notice where he’d buried that sardonyx lamp. Even if they had, it wouldn’t have mattered. Prince Omar had promised him all the sardonyx he wanted after his mission was complete.

  Once he gathered a suitcase full of the precious gem from his gracious host, he’d be on his way back to Earth where his fellow Changelings would hail him as their new leader.

  Life couldn’t be any better.

  Brother Richard’s emotional high was short-lived however, when two Royal thugs invaded his new campsite the next day. While he was still upset at the intrusion and about the fact the prince refused to let him stay in style at the castle, if Prince Omar wanted to bestow jewels on him sooner rather than later, that was fine by him.

  “How did you find me?”

  “Prince Omar wants to see you now,” was all one of them would say.

  “I trust he is pleased that the Sinclair woman is in jail?” Brother Richard asked. No surprise neither of the damn guards answered this question either. That was okay. He didn’t need anything from them—only his gems from the prince.

  “Follow us.”

  After traipsing through the forest for fifteen minutes, they emerged onto the large field where he’d first encountered the dragons. His two escorts shifted into their dragon form. Brother Richard thought they’d take off and he’d have to find the prince on his own, but apparently that wasn’t the plan. A few seconds later, one of the black-scaled dragons swooped toward him and unceremoniously picked him up. Brother Richard knew not to struggle or chance falling. He doubted there would come a time when he was used to this crude form of transportation.

  When they arrived at the castle, he was deposited rather abruptly on the ground. Both dragons shifted and were still fully clothed. Envy slashed through him. Brother Richard wished he had that ability.

  “Follow us,” came the command from one of the dragons.

  This time, instead of traveling down a long dark and twisted corridor like the first time he’d come, they entered by the main entrance—an entrance fit for a king. About time they realized his worth. When they came to the door where the prince resided, the guard knocked and announced that the wolf from Earth was there.

  Brother Richard spun to face them. “Wolf from Earth indeed. I’ll have you know that I am Brother Richard, the future leader of the Changeling Clan in Silver Lake, Tennessee.”

  “Whatever.” He motioned for Richard to enter.


  Prince Omar had a scowl that looked like it would be impossible to erase. He stood and pushed back his chair. “You failed.”

  Brother Richard was stunned. “I beg your pardon, your highness.” He wasn’t sure how to address the prince, but he wanted to show some respect. “You asked me to make sure that Kaleena Sinclair either ended up dead or landed in jail for the rest of her life. Last time I checked, she was in jail for murder.”

  “Correction. She was in jail. While I don’t have all of the information, apparently she was released due to a lack of evidence.”

  Brother Richard almost foamed at the mouth. “That’s preposterous. I had to go to great lengths to look like her. While in her form, I killed someone in view of the cameras. I don’t know what more I could have done.”

  “Apparently, they figured out it wasn’t her. I want you to return to Earth immediately and never come back. Refuse, and I’ll throw you in the dungeon and leave you there for the rest of your miserable life.”

  The temptation to shift into his wolf form and tear out the prince’s throat was strong. Too bad this Omar dude was also probably a dragon shifter. Fire scared Richard. Heat did terrible things to the skin.

  Brother Richard lifted his chin. “What about my sardonyx? I did as you asked. I can’t help that the police here are incompetent.”

  “You are the incompetent one. I’m not giving you anything. Now go.” The man puffed out his chest, and Brother Richard had to inhale deeply to keep his heart from sending him into cardiac arrest.

  He didn’t know if he could get through the portal. “I will make it up to you. What if I do something to Greer Caspian? I know she’s not a Sinclair, but they are related.”

  “Get out! Guards?”

  Shit. Did he get her last name wrong? “Wait! There must be something I can do.” Brother Richard hated sounding weak, but he’d not been given a fair deal.

  The same two guards returned and dragged him out before he was able to explain anything else to the prince. With their hands tight on his arms, they practically carried him down the corridor.

  As soon as they reached the outside, one of the guards shifted into his dragon form. This time the harsh grab and go was expected. The large dragon flew fairly close to the ground and then set him down at the entrance to the forest. He shifted and faced him. “Don’t return or you will be killed,” the guard announced.

  Before Brother Richard could respond, the man returned to his dragon form and took off. Shit. He couldn’t wait to leave Tarradon. But he wouldn’t leave right away—not before he took care of one other thing.

  Normally, Greer would have gone back home with Kaleena to make sure she was okay, but her cousin insisted she was fine. She’d even promised to call Angelique later. The white entity had put a magical protective sac around the baby and was on Tarradon by Fate’s decree to make sure all of the Guardians’ children thrived. If Kaleena became ill, she assured her Angelique would help.

  “I hope you feel better,” Greer said as she waved goodbye to her cousin.

  Kaleena blew her a kiss.

  Greer and Blake then walked over to Angelique’s Coffee Shop. Greer had hoped to speak to Angelique about what happened, but apparently, they’d just missed her. Greer could only hope she was on her way to visit Kaleena.

  Blake ordered a black coffee and a pastry, while she wanted something to help calm her. “I’ll have a peach tea and one of those strawberry roll ups,” she said, pointing to one of the pastries in the display case.

  “We’ll bring it right over.”

  Once they were seated, she leaned forward. “What is your plan?”

  “My plan?”

  “To find this Changeling. I know the cops are looking for him, but you have the best chance of doing that. Only you can see his essence trail.”

  “True. I was thinking we should give the cops one more day before we do another search.”

  “Do you think he’ll still be where we found him?” Greer asked.

  “Honestly? No. He would have figured out that someone found his secret hiding place. He did run off, after all.”

  Blake was good at shooting holes in her theories. “Then we’ll have to do a more thorough search of the area. Expand where we look.”

  “That’s a good idea,” he said.

  Their drinks and pastries arrived.

  After she finished her amazing sweet pastry, Greer washed it down with her now slightly cooled tea. “Do you want to go after work to look for him?” she asked.

  His smile was brief. “Like I said, I think we should wait a day. I get the sense the cops don’t like a lot of interference.”

  “Fine. One day. Then tomorrow, after I get off work, we’ll do our thing.”

  “Perfect. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to capture this creep and end all of the misery as much as you are, but I’m not sure how we can accomplish it even if we locate him. While we can kill him by setting him on fire, that’s not my style,” Blake said. “I say we do our best to send him to jail unharmed, though I too am uncertain how to do that, especially if he shifts into his wolf form.”

  She nodded. “If this werewolf becomes involved with kidnapping a mate, then we could ask the Four Sisters of Fate for help. From what I’ve heard though, they have their hands full right now. Not long ago, the sisters took their annual, two-week vacations to different places, and now each sister has returned home after finding her very own mate.”

  “You’ll have to fill me in on them sometime.”

sp; “I will.”

  Blake polished off the rest of his coffee. “Let’s hope your cousin Anderson and his men can perform a miracle.”

  “Fingers crossed.” He raised his brows, acting as if he’d never heard of that expression. “Chelsea uses it all the time. It means you wish that person good luck.”

  “I see. Ready?” Blake asked. “I need to get to work.”

  “So do I.”

  They slipped out the back entrance, shifted, and flew back to his apartment on top of the bank. Once inside, they both changed into their work attire. After they kissed goodbye, they headed off to their own jobs. Leaving Blake each morning was becoming more and more difficult. Greer just wanted to spend the day holding and kissing him. Okay, she wanted to do a little more than that, but they did have to earn a living.

  The morning was rather routine, but after lunch, her cell rang. It was her brother Griffin again. “Hey,” she said.

  “I need your help.” He sounded scared.

  “What happened?”

  “It’s Danita. She was attacked by what looks like a wolf shifter. She managed to call me before she passed out. I located her and took her to the safe house. Can you meet us there?”

  “Sure. It’s Tory’s day off, but I’ll ask her to cover for me. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Danita had been injured? Holy crap. The woman had been through so much already. First, the Royals had held her hostage in their prison alongside of Kaleena. Even more damaging to her psyche was that she had been subjected to the dark lighter Sanditra for weeks on end. Now apparently, some wolf had attacked her—possibly the same one who was killing and stealing. Danita might never recover emotionally.

  Greer called Tory to ask if she could cover for her after explaining why she couldn’t man the store.

  “Of course. You go. I’ll be there in a few. Please give Danita my best. I can’t believe she has to suffer another setback.”

  “I know. She’s still in therapy from her incarceration months ago.”

  After thanking her cousin profusely, Greer rushed up to the rooftop. Once in the open, she took off, and arrived at the Sinclair Mines in no time. As soon as she landed, she shifted and raced into the underground bunker. Not sure where Griffin had Danita, she called out. “Griffin? Where are you?”


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