Scold's House

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Scold's House Page 17

by Marie Hall

  Io willingly spoke with the women awhile longer. There seemed no reason to break the bonds with them yet. She might still need them until she was gone and she didn't know how long it would take. She hoped it might be a few weeks still. Not that she wanted to delay the parting or risk her safety, but she needed time to remember how to survive on her own. To become accustomed to living without all the comforts she mistakenly thought she'd have always. None of it mattered anymore. She'd go back to how it had been. She'd do things the way she knew would keep her safe. She'd do things her way.

  * * *

  "Io." Gunther trailed after her. Couldn't he understand? Io told him his escort was no longer welcomed. That she couldn't go without some escort annoyed her, but now she was giving the duty to random soldiers, most of whom resented it.

  "I believe the Lady Sabrina will be riding out in the next hour, you should see to her needs." Io continued towards the main gates on foot. She no longer rode and today it wouldn't be likely she would get back to the house before night fall. "I will be out at Darmire. The counts for the herds will be coming in."

  "Io." Gunther took her arm and dragged her to a stop. He stepped around to face her. "You need to stop this." Io struggled but managed to keep her expression blank. That her action caused a bit of hurt to these people she couldn't help but she didn't like it either. Gunther seemed to sense he wouldn't get any further with her than any other time he tried to lecture about pulling away. With a sigh he changed subjects. "You cannot walk all the way to Darmire, take the count and walk back before dark. If you are going to go you need to ride there."

  "I do not ride. Lord Brice saw to that didn't he." Io pulled out of his grasp.

  "Io you must be inside before dark or you know what will happen."

  Io smiled a bit., Gunther had been completely appalled the only time Xavier punished her publicly. He'd not been part of the group of people who traveled home… The sharp pain cut across her chest again. Home didn't exist. Gunther hadn't journeyed here with them so he hadn't witnessed Xavier's sometimes too swiftly delivered reprimands. She squared her shoulders, like everything else, that was over too.

  "I will be inside," she confirmed. "Just not here." She went out the gate behind the two disinterested soldiers who by sheer bad fortune would be stuck with her today.

  The walk to Darmire was long, but it was a way for Io to become used to traveling in such fashion again. And while she had no business overseeing the matters in the shire, it was a way to avoid the house and everyone in it. The people in the shire were always friendly and again Io felt the remorse of having to keep her distance. Seeing the disheartened faces when she didn't inquire about the personal lives of the people and when she didn't give much acknowledgement if someone mentioned a birth or such to her, was hard. She was going to be leaving all of them and they should be trying to get themselves before Sabrina or Charlotte.

  With only a few hours left before sunset, Io started back toward the house. The soldiers were in no hurry as they'd no restrictive curfews. Being caught out after dark meant for them they spent the night beyond the gates. Io though, knew she wasn't really a match against Xavier's direct commands and couldn't be caught out of doors. When they passed through the west side of the shire she stopped.

  "I am not going to try walking all the way back tonight," she told the men. "If you prefer to ride back and come back in the morning, I will be ready to leave at sunrise." Both men looked at her, then at each other. They hardly acknowledged her before spurring their mounts towards home. Not home, the house. Io ruefully shook her head and made her way into the small tavern. The place was mostly empty with the sun still keeping people in the fields and at their craft but she knew when it grew dark and the need to be loud and rowdy struck them, the men and even a few women would crowd in.

  Io headed towards a small table in the far corner where she could see the door. The keep acknowledged her with nothing more than a nod. Io nodded back. She'd taken a meal here now and again and a few times sought shelter from the rain. But always Gunther and the others were with her. Never was she allowed to mix with the nighttime patrons. As casually as she could, she reached down and felt the side of her boot taking comfort in the solid feel of the blade there.

  "Out late, Io?" The keep set a cup before her. "No escort?"

  "Things are a little different now." She shrugged and took a sip of the water.

  "Ah, well with the new lady in the house." The man shook his head sadly. "It is not my place, and I beg pardon for speaking out, but I do not like her. She scares me a little." He set his hand on Io's shoulder and gave her a comforting squeeze.

  Io set her hand over his and squeezed back. "She scares me a little too." It was nice to know not everyone was taken by the Lady Sabrina.

  Now all Io had to do was make it through the night. Alone. And this time the feeling was acute. She busied herself thinking on where she might go once her union with Xavier was done. She was going to demand she be allowed to choose her own placement from now on. After all, she was no maid. She'd nothing anyone might want. She'd given everything to Xavier.

  The sky darkened and the keep began lighting the lanterns as the tavern began to fill with the sweating, stinking men who spent their day tending herds or fields. Io sat back in the corner and did her best to gain no one's attention. Still she couldn't help but think of the last time she was alone in a tavern. And she couldn't not remember how it felt to see Xavier step in before any real harm could come to her. But she wasn't going to start wishing for that man now. She wasn't going to miss or want him here. Alas, when did she ever get what she wanted? Since being in his presence, never.

  * * *

  Xavier spurred the horse again. He knew the animal was tired from training all day but the sun would be down shortly and he still hadn't caught up to Io. Gunther said she was headed towards Darmire to see about the sheep. And he might have let it be as Io was keeping to duties away from the house. Then the man added she walked and plainly stated she'd no intention of trying to make it back before nightfall.

  Pulling the reins right, Xavier directed his mount towards the large shire on the east of his lands. What the hell was the matter with his wife? He could understand her not wanting to be in the house. Not with his mother there. And the incident in their chambers frightened even him. But Io it seemed was transformed by it even though Ann claimed she'd no memory. Io was, to him at least, back to being the very way she was when they met and maybe even, somehow, colder.

  The thundering of hooves coming at him gave him a bit of hope, maybe Io was even now trying to race for home. She wouldn't make it but, if she at least was trying, he'd consider that when he dealt with her. His hoped died a bitter death when the two riders coming at him, neither carrying Io, slowed then pulled up.

  "Where is your lady?" Xavier barked. He watched them glance nervously at each other before one decided to speak up.

  "She," the man started then swallowed. "She is staying in the shire. She bid us come back for her in the morning." The man wasn't nearly fast enough to duck away from Xavier's fist.

  "You left her alone?" Xavier bellowed. "Where?" He would deal with them after he found Io.

  They looked between each other again. "In the shire?"

  Xavier chose to sink his spurs again rather than kill two of his own men. The horse bolted forward. There weren't many places Io could be. Although, there were a number of homes which would host her if she imposed. He was more concerned Io would lean up against a tree and he'd have to scour the entire east wood line before he found her.

  Full dark had fallen when he rode into the shire. He'd two choices here, the church and the tavern. He gritted his teeth as he dismounted. He knew better than to bother with the church so he headed straight into the tavern. The crowd of bullish stinking men didn't notice their overlord was among them. Barely an hour past sunset and most of them were deep in their cups. He pushed through up to the table where the keep was trying to serve a group of men.
br />   "My lord." The keep's startled response was loud and a strained silence fell over the crowd.

  "Have you seen Lady Io?" Xavier asked and saw the crowd part and the keep point to the far corner.

  Xavier turned and, between the bodies, he spotted her sitting safe at a corner table. Io looked content right up until she turned and saw him standing there. Then, damn him, her expression changed to annoyance. He stared at her for a long moment, hoping she might look more pleased to see him or at least look nervous. But when he took the first step towards her he saw not just annoyance but anger. Let her be angry, it would sustain her through whatever he delivered when he got them home.

  Squaring his shoulders, he stepped up to the table. "Let us go," he told her with a swing of his arm indicating she should rise and precede him out.

  "It is too dark to walk ho… back," Io said, lifting a small pack from the ground and pulling an apple from it.

  "My horse is outside, Io. Get up we are leaving."

  "Sir Brice, I do not ride." Io bit into the apple and sat back.

  Sir Brice? What game did she think to play at? "Io, gather your things; we are leaving." When she looked to protest again he leaned forward, set his hands on the table and gave her his most serious look. "Or I can pull you out of that chair, sit in it myself and take you over my knee right here, with all these men to watch."

  "You would not," she hissed.

  Xavier stood, crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her. "I will not wait much longer, Io."

  "I—" He didn't give her a chance. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. She struggled, mostly to get her hands behind her to protect her arse. Xavier retrieved her pack and forcibly walked her out the door. Shoving her away, Xavier collected the reins and mounted.

  "Get over here," he commanded and point to the spot beside his horse.

  "I do not ride. I will not ride with you," Io stated adamantly.

  "You, my lady, do not know what you will or will not be doing. So unless you want to make this harder than it already will be," he pointed to the ground next to him again, "get over here."

  "Go to hell," Io said, turned and started walking down the road.

  Xavier nudged his horse forward. Whatever had gotten into Io, he wasn't going to learn here. But he certainly wasn't going to allow her to behave in this manner. Riding up behind her he leaned over, reached out and took hold of her arm and the seat of her skirts. A strong yank and Io was off her feet, in the air and then face down over the front of his saddle. He adjusted her a bit, snatched the bag from her hands and then kicked his horse into a fast trot.

  "You son of a whore," Io screamed. She kicked and pounded at his leg causing the horse to rear up.

  "Settle," Xavier said loudly as he got the horse under control. Io worked herself backwards enough to almost get down. Xavier stilled the animal and snagged her before she did. He roughly repositioned her and then cracked his hand down on her seat before again setting the horse into a trot.

  "Let me off this beast," Io yelled. Her fist slammed into his leg and Xavier cracked his hand down again. "You bastard."

  "Io, you will hold that tongue or you will wish you had."

  "The only think I will ever wish is for you to rot."

  He shook his head and kicked the horse into a faster pace. Io let out a screech but then made a grab for anything she thought would hold her on as the ground passed beneath her eyes. All she had to grab was his leg. Xavier kept one hand in the small of her back to prevent her going over either side and drove the horse towards home. They'd one more rise to top before the house would come into sight when Io cried out.

  "Stop, stop please. Lord Brice, stop I am going to be ill." She was struggling now to get upright.

  Xavier pulled them to a stop, flipping Io so she sat only to have her lean over and puke. Anger fled and guilt settled on him as Io heaved over and over. When it was over, Io leaned over and rested against the neck of the horse. Xavier tried twice to pull her against him but she fought him. Fearing she'd again be sick, he sighed and started towards the house at a sedate pace.

  "Stand at the gate." Xavier heard the tower watch call.

  "Open the gate," Xavier ordered and while he shouldn't have been, he was, annoyed when the man called back.

  "Gates are closed to the night, come back in the morning."

  He heard Io mutter something uncomplimentary about his person and then he heard a scuffle behind the gates. The portal in the main gates swung open and Gunther stepped forward, only to step back and shove someone back.

  "Lock this behind me and you will join those two when they feel the lash come morning," Gunther said as he stepped up and pulled Io from the horse.

  Xavier dismounted. Handing Gunther the reins and sweeping Io up in his arms, he squeezed through the narrow portal. She waited until they were through the door before she struggled to be put down.

  "You are in enough trouble, my lady. I would strongly advise you to settle down." Xavier carried her as far as the inner yards before her struggles became too much. He gave up, setting her down.

  She did her best to step beyond his reach as soon as her feet were on the ground. Xavier hadn't been so foolish as to let go of her and the struggle ended with Io kneeling in the dirt trying to pry his hand off of her.

  "Let me go," she snarled, yanking her arm so hard she caused him to stumble forward.

  He chuckled without humor. "No, now stand up."

  "I am back at your house, sir, you will make no other demands on me this night."

  "Demands," Xavier barked, reaching down, dragged her up then shook her. "Demands are the last thing I will be making on you." He started them towards the house. "I am sure that a few marks and a great deal of hurt will be made long before I make a demand."

  He heard her gasp at the threat, but he kept her stumbling forward. He took the chance to look at her face and try and gauge her expression. He hoped to not see anger, she was impossible to speak to when she was angry. The moment he looked was the same moment something to his right caught Io's full attention. So much so that her struggle to get free abruptly ended and they both tripped and almost fell.

  "What is happening there?" Io pointed and Xavier turned to look.

  A satisfied smile curved his lips upward. "A whipping." Xavier had forgotten about the two soldiers who abandoned Io in the shire. Clearly Gunther found them as derelict in their duties as he and was taking steps to correct the matter as the two men were being practically force marched before the man.

  "A whipping?" Io sounded horrified and he realized in the entire time she'd been there, been with him, it had never been necessary. "For what crime?"

  "Leaving you behind in the shire," he said and saw her start. "They should not have left you behind, unprotected."

  Io jerked free and shoved him. "You mean the way you did?" she yelled and pushed him again. "They had my consent to leave me, they had my consent and at least they did not leave me to crawl between the legs of another woman." She shoved him again. "You fucking hypocrite." She spun away and he let her, too stunned to react. "Let those men go. I gave consent, they did nothing wrong."

  "You did not have the authority to give consent, my lady," Gunther said, coming up behind them. "Their duty was to you for the duration of the time you were outside these walls and there is not one soul among us who does not know this to be so."

  Xavier watched Io step up to the man mainly responsible for her safety when she wasn't with him. "I beg to differ, sir, on the duration of duties where I am concerned. You will not whip those men when I gave my consent and if you do I will never forgive you."

  "I neither need nor want your forgiveness, my lady. I will not have soldiers in this house derelict in any duty they are given."

  "You will not do this." Io's command was shaky and her voice cracked.

  "It will be done. That is the way things are done in this house. And they should be on their knees giving thanks they are not already swinging from th
e end of a rope. Leaving a woman alone, unprotected, what bastard does that?"

  "The kind who would be ready to replace her with another," Io said quietly.

  Xavier didn't miss it when Io's eyes swung towards him and he wondered a bit at who Gunther directed the question but he didn't have the chance to comment because Io spun away from them both, heading inside on her own. Her parting remark confirming he'd a larger problem then he might have suspected.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Io pressed back against the low wall and covered her eyes. She still felt sick and it wasn't all due to the ride back. Those men would be punished, whipped for mercy's sake, for doing what she said they could. It was nauseating. She drew in a deep breath of the cool night air when she felt her stomach roll again. She could be thankful knowing she wouldn't be here long. To have made so great a mistake as to cause the suffering of people who only did as she told them. It was a ridiculous notion. If she'd been told there were such rules in place, she'd have at the very least warned them to not return to the house.

  She'd seen several of Xavier's messengers going out with his official documents; somewhere among them must have been his request to set her aside for Sabrina. After all, the woman had a family to complain if he was bedding her without the benefit of a marriage for too long. Io folded her hands together and setting them between her legs pressed hard. It seemed not all the madness had fled. She still ached for him that way. She still wanted to feel that bliss. She might take comfort knowing she'd be free to try and find it with another man, but she didn't find the idea comforting.

  Light poured out over her when someone opened the door. She didn't need to look up to see who the figure was standing in the garden entrance to the house. So much light was blocked it could only be Xavier. Squaring her shoulders, she readied for yet another fight.


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