Scold's House

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Scold's House Page 19

by Marie Hall

  Io seemed confused at his proclamation. Her distraction gave him time to get inside and close the door. As soon as it shut though, the fight was on. She charged him, sending him back into the door then tried to push him to the side. He blocked her and waited for Io to tire. It didn't take long given her current state of little rest and hunger. When she tired, she backed away. "Let me out," Io panted out.

  "Io," Xavier pushed off the door and stepped towards her. "You cannot continue like this."

  "Let me out, Lord Brice," Io snarled.

  Xavier took a deep breath and released it with a frustrated groan. "Get undressed, Io. The bath will be here soon. You will not come to the table smelling of stable."

  "Go to hell."

  "Io, you have but two choices here. You either do as you have been told or you do as you have been told after you have bent over for a strapping." He couldn't make it plainer to her and he'd hold to threat. He should've given her a sound paddling when he brought her in from Darmire. Her upset at the idea of the whipping changed his mind. Perhaps if she too were punished she wouldn't have seen it as an injustice. That, however, wouldn't make up for the loss of her cloth which he now knew to be of more significance for the manner Io obtained it. It was an achievement for her to earn and then spend money. He was wrong to think she'd be so easily appeased with the solution he offered.

  A knock disrupted the stare down they engaged in and Xavier moved to open the door while keeping his eyes on Io expecting her to try and bolt.

  "The tub and …" Landon started as he came in and spotted Io.

  "Put it there and get a fire started," Xavier directed keeping his eyes on Io, waiting for her to run.

  "Will you need assistance?" The squire quickly had the fire going.

  "No," Xavier said.

  "Should I send in a maid too—" he asked as the water continued to be poured into the tub.

  "No." Xavier saw Io start and then watched as her eyes narrowed. Nothing else was said and when the last bucket was dumped into the tub, everyone left the room faster than ever before. Xavier waited. He'd give her a chance to relent. "Io," he warned. Her response was to cross her arms over her chest and look away. "Io, I will not wait any longer. Undress and take the bath on your own or I will make you."

  Io dropped her arms then paced to the left before coming back. She turned her back paced to the table and stopped. He wasn't prepared for the laver to come flying at him and couldn't move to avoid it. It hit him then crashed to the floor shattering. She sought something else to throw and he had to duck the tankard. It too broke when it hit the wall. Xavier was on her when she turned back from picking up a large book. She dropped the book when he lifted her from the floor and carried her to the chair. Her goal being to escape before he could get her in position, she struggled wildly. He sat, dropped her face down and leaned over her until she again wore herself out. She gave up the fight faster than he thought she might and it gave him pause for concern.

  Without a word he shoved the gown, something she borrowed, up not surprised to see she wore britches under. They were loose and thread bare. It took no effort to simply tear them off and expose the flesh of her arse.

  "Do not." Her demand was strong and her hands came back to try and cover this part of her he was about to thoroughly punish.

  "I gave you the chance. This you have brought on yourself." He moved her hands and cracked his down with a great deal of force. The first was followed by several more equally strong smacks. Io cried out with each one and struggled to be free and block his hands at the same time. Her legs kicked up nearly hitting him in the face. He got them under his leg then managed to pin her hands at her back. Xavier wasted no time resuming the thrashing. He made sure he raised the color of her skin to a bright red before pausing. "Are you ready to be cooperative?"

  Io sniffed but said nothing. Her resistance was more than Xavier not delivering a sound punishment. She needed to beat him. To claim a victory. He was tempted to let her but that would make everything so far pointless.

  "You tell me, Io, when you are ready to do as you are told," Xavier said, raised his hand and brought it down. Each stoke now was delivered with precision and as much strength as he dared to allow. He turned her arse along with her thighs a deep red before she yielded.

  "Stop," she gasped out. "Stop."

  "You will bathe or I will take my belt to you." He shoved her off his lap and stood. "Undress and get in the bath before the water gets cold." When she remained on the floor crying, he steeled himself against the need to coddle. "Now, Io," He snapped and unfastened the wide leather belt at his waist. Io set trembling fingers to the stays of the dress and worked them loose. While Io disrobed, Xavier crossed to the cupboard and removed the scented soaps Io used. He also took a large sponge and a sheet for when she was done. He heard the water splash and when he turned Io was sitting in the tub her knees drawn up and her arms around them.

  "Your propensity for making things complicated is becoming a hindrance." He squatted beside the tub and forced the soap and sponge into her hands. Placing his finger under her chin he forced her to look at him. "The solution we need is simple enough, Io, if you allow it. Not everything must be a battle. But when it is and you cannot win, when the loss will cost you greatly, to fight is foolish." He let his thumb smooth over the soft skin of her lips. He half expected her to bite given the way her eyes burned into him. With a shake of his head, he ended the contact. "Do you want me to help you wash?" She shook her head and dipped the sponge. "No, of course you do not. Next time perhaps?" He stood placed a kiss on her temple and moved to sit in the chair he moments before sat in while he thrashed his wife.

  He waited until she was well into the process of washing before he tried to speak with her. But regardless of what he said, what questions and options he proposed, threats he issued Io refused to engage him in discussion. She stayed focused on getting clean and she stayed silent. When she dipped back to wet the top of her head, he stood and made his way to the bed chamber. Xavier removed a heavy shift from the wardrobe and a pair of slippers from the shelf, returning to the room as Io reached for the drying sheet. She stood and wrapped the sheet around without exposing anything. Denying him the pleasure of viewing her beautiful body.

  "I am washed I would leave now," Io said stepping from the tub and giving him her back.

  "Dry off, I have clean clothes for you."

  "I do not want your things."

  "You want a strapping?" He heard Io sigh but she dried her skin. Xavier couldn't take his eyes from her graceful movements and the small glimpses of skin raised his leave of want for her. It felt like years since he last laid her down in the bed and enjoyed those pleasures. When she caught him staring, he couldn't stop the flush the crawled up his neck nor deny what he'd been thinking.

  Io's posture instantly became defensive and the look on her face told him she wouldn't just fight, she'd die fighting. "No," she stated flatly, gripping the sheet closed around her.

  "No, Io." He stepped up lifting the shift over her head and dropping it over her so she could drop the sheet and put her arms through without exposing any more than she'd let him see. "Never without your consent."

  She slipped her arms through and adjusted the fabric about her. Xavier took a step closer. Encouraged when she didn't step back, he took another and one more until they stood as close as possible without touching. He could feel her breath, smell the sweet scent of the soap and as close as they were, he knew he couldn't touch her.

  "Io." His fist clenched with the restraint it took. She didn't move at all. Again he knew she was challenging him. With a self control he didn't know he had, he stepped back. "Dry your hair and put on your shoes. Supper will be set out soon." He didn't know if it was relief or disappointment he felt from Io but she took up the sheet rubbing it over the long strands.

  Silence reigned as she combed and braided her hair, and as she bent to slip on the shoes, a knock at the door indicated the meal was being put out.

/>   "You will eat at the table tonight, Io," Xavier said as he reached for his belt. "Be uncooperative and I will strap you in the hall with all as witness." He pointed to the door. "Out."

  Chapter Eighteen

  Io surveyed the hall. It was over crowded and the din set her head pounding. This was what he wanted in his home? This uproar? A crash at the back caused everyone to pause. Seeing it was two men fighting for space on the bench, everyone returned to their loud conversations. Xavier's hand settled at her lower back the pressure forced her forward toward the raised dais. Io scanned the area but there was no sign of the other ladies.

  "My lady," Neville greeted. Io leveled a hard look his way. He cleared his throat and amended, "Io."

  "Brice." Io turned to see Xavier's captain of the guard trotting up. Xavier stepped back, spoke quietly and then sagged.

  "Meet me there," he said to the man before turning to Neville. "See my lady seated at the table," Xavier commanded then went after his captain.

  "Io," Neville said with a smile as he took her hand and set it on his arm. "It is nice to see you back in the hall."

  "Do not become use to it. I am not here willingly." Io fell in step as the man took her up to the dais where the lord's table sat with the meal waiting. There were only two seats on the small raised platform. The four seats to the left would be filled with Xavier's highest ranking men and the two to the right were reserved for the lady of the house to show favor.

  Before Io could step up and claim the seat intended for her, Lady Sabrina stepped up from the other side and sat down. The chairs to the right were quickly occupied by Ladies Charlotte and Claire.

  "Lady Sabrina," Neville started in what Io recognized as his diplomatic tone. "Lady Io will be joining the hall tonight." Io almost laughed. While the man favored Charlotte's choice, he wouldn't risk not doing Xavier's will.

  "Well there are other seats. I am sure one of those will do." Sabrina's smile was cold and Io suspected she knew it'd soon be her right to sit where she did.

  Charlotte actually laughed and set a hand on the younger woman's arm. "Well done, my dear, no reason to be anything other than charitable with those beneath you."

  "Madame," Sabrina set her hand over Charlotte's. "I have learned well from you, of course. For it was on me to tell her to sit with the dogs where she belongs."

  Charlotte's face was a mockery of shock and outrage. "Why, my darling, I always knew you would be the perfect match for my son."

  Io watched the exchange along with Neville. And while he needed to follow his lord's commands in a polite and neutral manner, Io had no reason to be either neutral or polite. Xavier made a point of forcing her here. He made the point of doing it by stating she was still his wife. Io would make him regret his stance and make this woman regret the challenge.

  "Sabrina," Io stepped up and faced the woman sitting prettily in the chair. "You sit in my place. And while I have no delusion the place will not be yours to claim, today it is mine. You will move and you will move now. I do not care where you sit. But you will not sit here tonight." Io kept her voice even and stoic.

  "Why do you not return to the stables or sty? You have never been good enough to sit beside a man like Xavier." Sabrina lifted her chin and pulled back her shoulders.

  "Well," Io sighed. "I suppose that makes your stance very clear. I should hate to impose on everyone with my presence. However seeing as it is my husband, Xavier, who has commanded I be here. And being I am dedicated this night, if no other, to obeying him." Io moved quick. Her arm snaked out faster than anyone might have been able to stop. Her fist gripped Sabrina's hair close to the scull and she pulled her up and out of the chair.

  Sabrina's screech brought the entire hall to a stop. She clawed at Io's hand. Io used all her strength to drag the larger woman around and off the dais before sending her toppling to the floor. Io released her grip too late to save the knot of pale hair from being ripped out. Sabrina came off the floor and threw herself at Io. The women crashed back against the table sending it crashing over. Io regained her leverage and pushed back. Sabrina tripped backwards and the edge of the dais caused her to lose her footing and fall to the ground. But not before she grabbed a hold of Io's dress and pulled her down. Io landed on top. Sabrina's hands came up to slap and scratch. Io drove her elbow into Sabrina's side.

  Io didn't know how long the fight lasted. She only knew she gave better than she got and when she was pulled from the fray, she was satisfied with the sight of Lady Sabrina battered and bloodied.

  "What in the name of God is happening here?" Xavier's voice boomed over her. The fight not quite gone, both women lunged at each other again. Io was lifted back and spun to face away from her opponent. When she was set free, she tried to reengage. The bite of leather across her arse stilled her. Xavier pushed her against the wall facing it. "Do not move," he warned. Io turned her head so she could watch.

  "My lord." Neville stood wringing his hands.

  Xavier approached the group of women now clinging like frightened maids to each other. Sabrina wailed as if she'd been nothing more than an unfortunate victim of Io's unprovoked madness. And perhaps she was. It was an extreme measure for Io to take, but she'd not regret it. Not when it felt good to beat that bitch.

  "What happened?" Xavier's voice rang with anger. Sabrina's sobbing increased and Io heard the falsehood of it.

  "That horrible girl attacked my poor child," Claire wailed. "She was like a wild dog the way she hurt my sweet daughter.

  "I warned you, Xavier, if you did not get rid of her, she would be your disgrace. Now you see she has gone mad and what will you do now," Charlotte scolded.

  "Maybe let me gouge out your eyes," Io yelled pushing away from the wall. Xavier swung around and the thick leather belt struck Io's arse again.

  "I told you to stay." The sear of a second stroke pushed Io fully against the wall.

  "I want that little whore locked up before she destroys anything more," Charlotte demanded and Io did wonder if she'd find herself locked away.

  "Get from my hall," Xavier ordered. Io thought he meant her but when she heard Charlotte start to sputter she realized Xavier was dismissing his mother.

  "Have you lost your head?" Charlotte snapped.

  "Leave," Xavier barked the command.

  "I want my meal," Sabrina whined. Her high pitched scream followed as Xavier snapped his belt low, catching the woman's thighs.

  "Neville, see they are served in their chambers, they are not to leave the rest of the night."

  "Yes, sir." The man rushed away to see Xavier's orders followed.

  "Xavier this is not acceptable. Your father would be ashamed of you." Charlotte turned and walked from the hall. The other two women followed close. But Io could see the parting remark struck Xavier. He took a moment to collect himself then ordered the table be reset. He moved to place his back to the wall Io still faced and crossed his arms over his chest.

  "You could have been hurt. Was this necessary?" he asked while servants ran around trying to put the hall right.

  "You did insist I sit at your table." Io shrugged.

  He actually chuckled, pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "Yes, I did. And so we are clear, you will eat," he said nothing else and when the hall was reset he pulled her away from the wall and placed her in the chair next to his.

  Io couldn't deny the rush of emotions. They were sitting again as they did once before. She was his focus and concern. The people were seeing her at his side. The joy faded when she remembered this was temporary.

  "Io, I will not tell you again. Eat." Xavier pushed the platter closer.

  "Why must you insist? I do not want anything from you. I care not to be in debt to you. I cannot give you anything back. I will not join you in your bed for these favors." Io jumped when Xavier's hand slammed down on the table.

  "Favors, Io? You think I do this as some payment for having you my bed?" He kept his voice low but the hurt and anger were loud.

nbsp; "I know not why you do anything anymore. You have replaced me in house. I shouldn't think I am not also replaced in your bedchamber."

  "Io," Xavier said, then turned from her.

  "I cannot care though if your rash acts tonight will leave you unable to slack your lust on Sabrina. Or is it some other act you perform with her as it is very clear you have treated me only as one might a whore," Io said almost wanting to ask how one bedded a lady as to not be considered shameful by others.

  "You will cease with this, Io," Xavier snarled.

  Io shrugged. The burn in her eyes warned of tears to come. What did it matter why he did anything? His mother held the house and she was set to have Io replaced with Sabrina. That he stood up this one time made no difference. In the end, he'd do as his family wanted because that was his only choice.

  The plate before her was swept to the floor and Xavier stood. "Do as you will, Io. Because I care not any longer." He stomped from the hall and Io finally let the tears fall.

  They fell steady for almost two days when Sarah, Jude and Ann packed her in a small wagon and drove her from the house to the market in Melkin Shire. She spent two pleasant days exploring the markets, discussing the status of the different merchants and their trades and forgetting the troubles of the house. Planning silently how best to be gone as soon as she could.

  The evening of the second night, the women went together to a large tent for entertainments. The smile Io wore was honest if frail and she was determined to enjoy the night. The other women were good company, the music, and even the short play preformed were cheerful. Io was laughing at something someone behind her said when she heard riotous laughter from the other side of the tent.

  A large group of men shouted and slapped each other on shoulder and back. What they found amusing Io couldn't tell and she was about to return to the conversation when someone yelled out something she couldn't ignore.


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