Salvatore (Mafia Heat, #3)

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Salvatore (Mafia Heat, #3) Page 2

by Jade, Ella

  “Sal?” Gianni leaned forward. “What’s really bothering you?”

  “It’s been a hectic day,” I admitted. “Two of my shipments are delayed. Produce and seafood. How am I supposed to run a restaurant when my products aren’t here?”

  “Didn’t that happen last week too?”

  “Yeah, but they assured me it wouldn’t happen again.” I grinned. “I threatened to send you to the docks to help expedite the shipment.”

  “That is my specialty,” he agreed. “Expediting.”

  “Apparently my threat didn’t work.”

  “That’s the problem with threats. If you don’t follow through, they won’t work.” He stood and glanced at his watch. “I’m meeting Angelique for dinner but I can get to the docks and see what’s going on. Make sure this doesn’t happen again next week.”

  “That would be helpful.” I was adamant about keeping the family business away from the winery but having Gianni looking out for shipments couldn’t hurt. “How is your beautiful wife?”

  “As amazing as ever.”


  Two of the five Marchelli brothers had gotten married in the past few months. My mother couldn’t be happier. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. She’d be happier if she could find wives for me, Santino, and Dominick now that Vincenzo and Gianni were spoken for.

  “She wants to come for dinner this weekend.” Gianni headed for the door. “Do you have a tasting room for us?”

  “Of course.” I rolled my eyes because my brother and his new bride didn’t come here to taste the wine. They had an attachment to the private dining rooms. They’d had their first date here. Gianni proposed here too. “I’ll make sure the staff leaves you alone after dinner.”

  “Thank you.” He opened the door. “I’ll see if I can get Dad to hold off on the security. He and Mom leave for Italy in a few weeks. I’ll get him to revisit it when he gets back.”

  “That works.”

  Maybe after our dad’s vacation, he would come back and focus on something else and leave the winery alone. Not likely but I could hope.

  Chapter Two


  I’m Not Your Boss

  As I stepped out of the kitchen, I spied Sal charming several women. They gathered around him, gazing into his eyes and hanging on his every word. His smooth demeanor and enchanting smile drew them right in. Who could blame them? Look at the fool I made of myself when I met him yesterday. I hadn’t seen him since. I spent most of the night worrying he’d make an appearance in the kitchen. He hadn’t. Thank God.

  When our eyes connected, I sucked in a breath, suddenly exposed to him. Why was he staring at me? His lips curved seductively and I found myself just as mesmerized as the three women standing beside him. All vying for his attention, I might add. My palms dampened and the swooshing between my ears became unbearable. Was that my pulse racing? What the hell?

  “There is our newest chef.” He curled his finger and gestured for me to join them. “Hayden, come tell us how your first night went.”

  The women eyed me up and down. They didn’t look pleased as I headed their way but when the boss summoned, what other choice was there? Why should they get his undivided attention?

  “Mr. Marchelli,” I greeted him, trying to make a better second impression. “Your kitchen was very busy tonight. You must be pleased.”

  “I heard you did an exceptional job keeping up.” He placed his hand on the small of my back, leading me across the massive foyer. “Ladies,” he said to his entourage. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to work.”

  “Are we having drinks tonight?” one asked.

  “Maybe next week,” he replied.

  They sighed loudly as we walked away from them.

  “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.” He waved at another group of people waiting by the double doors of the restaurant. “This will be quite beneficial for both of us.”

  When we approached the customers, I recognized Antonella Silvio immediately. She was one of the most influential food critics in New York City. She ran her own magazine and blog. She could be a chef’s best asset or their worst nightmare. She was responsible for making and breaking many restaurants. My stomach churned when I realized she had dined here tonight.

  “Salvatore.” She kissed his cheek. “I was worried we wouldn’t see you.”

  “I apologize.” He guided me toward Antonella. “We were so busy tonight I didn’t get a chance to make it to your table. I hope the champagne was enough to make up for it.”

  “You spoiled us.” She glanced at me. “It was perfection.”

  “Antonella, this is my new sous chef, Hayden Chambers.”

  “Such a pleasure to meet you. I heard you were in the kitchen.” She shook my hand. “You must be special if Sal is making an introduction.”

  “I’ve been following your reviews for years.” I nodded, trying not to appear star-struck. “You’re fantastic.”

  “I like this one.” She grinned at Sal.

  “Good because you’ll be interviewing her tomorrow for a feature in the magazine.”


  “Will I?” She laughed.

  “You’re not going to turn me down.” Sal flashed his ridiculously white teeth, using every ounce of his charismatic personality to reel her in. I found myself completely drawn in. I’d never allowed myself to react to a man this way before. “I’ll have my assistant contact you for a time that will work. Be sure to bring your camera crew.”

  “You’re awfully pushy.” She shook her finger. “What’s my incentive?”

  “I’m giving you the jump.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “In two days, the first of the local television stations will be here to interview her.”

  What the hell!

  “You get the first interview,” he told her. “I’ll have Rocco here too. You post it all over social media and I’ll be very happy.”

  “Hmm...” She looked at me. “You’re one lucky sous chef.”

  “I... well, I appreciate the exposure.”

  “I have a condition.” She spoke to Sal. “You have to be featured too. The camera loves you and so do my readers.”

  “I’ll be here,” he assured her. “I wouldn’t want to disappoint your readers.”

  Of course not.” She hugged him. “Because after I run that article they’ll be flocking to this winery.”

  “I hope so.” He kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you soon.”

  Sal hurried across the foyer, turning and staring at me. “Are you coming with me?”

  “Sure.” I caught up to him, wondering why he wanted to speak with me. “Where are we going?”

  “My private lounge.” He pointed to an ornate, wooden door. “Guests have to be invited inside.”

  “By you?”

  “Yes, or my mother, father, brothers.” He swiped his card and the door swung inward. “It’s a bar where we can get out of the public eyes and entertain guests, talk business or impress high profile customers. It’s a highly sought after invitation.”

  “I can see why.”

  The room dripped with class and elegance. The walls were draped with expensive artwork. The hand-carved woodwork adorned the large bar area in the center of the room. Exquisite floor-length refrigerators aligned the back wall filled with the finest Marchelli wines. The patio doors boasted a spectacular view of the lake and vineyards.

  “Let’s sit here.” He motioned toward a secluded booth by the windows.

  Everyone there was dressed in their finest while I was still in my sweaty, stained uniform. We earned a few quick glances but it didn’t seem to bother Sal. I tucked the stray hairs that had fallen from the band behind my ear as I slid into the booth.

  “I’m sure you’re exhausted but I’d like a few minutes of your time.” He sat across from me. “Can I get you something?”

  “A glass of water would be great.” My parched throat was scratchy. Was it because I was in the hot kitchen al
l night or because Salvatore Marchelli had summoned me? “Please.”

  “Gina,” he called to a server a few tables over. “A bottle of sparkling water and two glasses please.”

  “Sure, Sal.” Gina smiled.

  Once I settled my nerves, I took a good look at him. After our less than ideal meeting yesterday, I’d done some research. If I had thought to do that before I accepted the job maybe I wouldn’t have made such a fool of myself. He was much more attractive in person. His thick, dark brown hair was neatly manicured at the sides while the top was long and sort of messy on purpose. His brown eyes were almost black except for that thin strain of amber that ran through them. I had to look closely to see his pupils. I didn’t mind staring into his eyes. They drew me in. His chiseled cheekbones accentuated his strong jaw that was covered with a light dusting of stubble. His pristine clothing flattered him. His custom suit fit his muscular body all the way down to his expensive shoes. The crisp light blue dress shirt covered his toned chest. He didn’t wear a tie, opting to leave the first few buttons undone. It was obvious why women seemed to flock to him.

  “Most of my employees have never been here.” His smooth, deep voice ripped me from my thoughts, bringing me back to reality as my nerves returned.

  “Oh?” I swallowed hard. Where is that water? “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Hardly.” An amused laugh escaped his full lips, causing me to focus on his mouth.

  Sexy... Hell! What am I doing? He’s my boss!

  Gina broke the awkwardness when she arrived at our booth. Although, Sal didn’t look awkward. He looked casual, charismatic, and right in his element. She set down two crystal flutes and a bottle of overpriced sparkling water. She poured each of us a glass.

  “Is there anything else I can get you?” she asked.

  “We’re fine, thank you.” Sal smiled at her. “I’ll let you know if we need anything.”

  “Enjoy.” Gina walked away, leaving us alone.

  I sipped my water, trying to snap out of whatever spell this man seemed to have me under. I’d have to chalk it up to my first-night jitters in a new place. The adrenaline that kept me going in the kitchen had worn off the moment Sal invited me into this room. I never expected to get one on one time with him.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.


  “After your first night?”


  “Rocco told me you were amazing.”

  “He’s very generous.” I placed my hands in my lap. “I made my fair share of mistakes.”

  “Don’t we all?”

  “You don’t strike me as someone who makes many mistakes.”

  “Ask my father.” He pressed his lips together. “He might not agree.”

  “About your dad.” I wiped the sweat from my palms onto my lap. “I may have offended you when I asked about your family yesterday. That wasn’t my intention.”

  “Before you knew who I was?”

  “Yeah, I tend to talk too much and stick my foot in my mouth.”

  “I wasn’t offended. Curiosity surrounds my family.” He drank his water. “I’m used to it but I hope it won’t distract you from doing your job.”

  “I didn’t mean to imply that your business wasn’t legit. I don’t really know much about your family, well except for what’s in the media.”

  “Can’t really believe any of that. Can you?”

  “I suppose not.”

  “I didn’t bring you here to discuss the alleged business dealings of the Marchelli family. My main concern is this winery.”

  “Of course, but why am I here?”

  “I wanted to let you know that I’ve set up a media tour for you.”

  “Like with Antonella?”

  “She’s only the beginning. I have the local stations coming this week. A few bloggers, critics, and some foodies are interested in meeting you. They want to see what fresh ideas you have in store for us. My photographer wants a photoshoot for some publicity shots. Press releases will be going out tomorrow.”

  “That’s a little overwhelming.” My nervous giggle simmered between us.

  “Is that why you can’t stop fidgeting?”

  “Um.” I glanced down at my leg that I hadn’t realized had been shaking. “That’s a nervous habit.” I pressed on my thigh, trying to stop the twitching. Would he realize I was a ball of nerves because of him?

  “My mother said you had nerves of steel during the interview process. She’d never seen such confidence, especially in a young chef. Rocco said your creations were spot on. They were impressed with you. I went on their word when I set up this media feature. Not only will it bolster sales and generate business at the winery but it will be a good opportunity for you. Please tell me my mother and Rocco didn’t misread you.”

  “They didn’t. I can cook.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” His subtle smirk didn’t go unnoticed. “You had me concerned.”

  “I’m not usually this... off?” I straightened my posture and stopped with the anxious tics. I needed to muster up the confidence I had shown in my interview if I wanted him to take me seriously. “New environment, exciting times ahead and all. I need to adjust to my surroundings.”

  “You’re doing fine.” He reached across the table and patted my hand. “If you need anything, my door is always open. I’m here all the time.”

  “You don’t go home?”

  “This is my home.” He nodded toward the ceiling. “I live in the loft upstairs.”

  “Wow, you do take this job seriously.”

  “It’s my whole world.”

  “I’m honored to be here.”

  “I can see that.” He glanced down at our hands before removing his from mine. “I have total confidence in you. I’ve checked your references and spoken to some of your teachers and past employers. They all speak very highly of you. That’s why I put together the media showcase. It’s time for you to breakout. We’re lucky to have you.”

  “Thank you.” I’m the lucky one. “It’s nice to have my new boss so invested in me.”

  “I’m not your boss.” His lips curved into a delicious smile. “Consider me an investor in your future. I have a feeling it’ll be beneficial for both of us.”

  I hope so...

  Chapter Three


  Those Are My Terms

  Sitting out on the patio that overlooked the vineyards, I took in the view this morning. The serenity of the property provided a breathtaking backdrop for the interview taking place. The cameras, lighting crew, photographers, and various staff from the local morning news station scurried around making sure everything was just right. I laughed when I thought about how unnecessary the makeup and hair crew were. My new chef didn’t need any of that. She stole the show all on her own. The camera couldn’t get enough of her. This media blitz I’d come up with was one of my most brilliant ideas. In a little over a week, Hayden had become the winery’s newest sensation. With Rocco as her mentor, the two were unstoppable.

  “There you are.”

  Maria, an old family friend, and my newest social media guru slash assistant approached me. Our mothers had gone to school together and Maria had been a part of our family for years. She had her hopes set on Gianni but always made it clear that any Marchelli brother would do. She was running out of options now that Vince and Gianni were married. Dominick and Santino didn’t show her much interest. I was too polite to shut her down but she wasn’t my type. Maybe because she had already slept with Gianni when they were younger. None of us wanted to be tangled in that mess. While there was probably no hope for her ever becoming a Marchelli, she was very good at marketing which was why I’d recently hired her.

  “I’m live tweeting the interview,” she said as she studied her phone. “People love her.”

  “I’ve heard.”

  “Have you spoken to the catering and sales office?”

  “Not since yesterday morning.”

bsp; “We’re booked solid for the next eight weeks. The appointments to see the venue for private parties and weddings have tripled since you started flaunting Hayden. You’re a fucking genius.”

  “Am I?”

  “You’re not that modest,’” she said. “You agree with me.”

  “Perhaps.” I gazed at her phone. “I saw a spark when I watched the interview footage of her in the kitchen. She had such determination. She’s going to go far, and I’m going be the one to get her there.”

  “With my help. Social media is everything.”

  “Of course.”

  “It doesn’t hurt that she’s beautiful.” Maria shook her head. “You know how the women come here to see you? Well, she’s going to bring in the men.”

  “Really?” My jaw tightened because I didn’t like the sound of that. “Are men being inappropriate online?”

  “No more than usual. It’s the internet, remember?”

  “Perhaps we should get her some security.”

  “Seriously?” She rolled her eyes. “Who are you? Dominick?”

  “Now that I’ve thrust Hayden into the spotlight, I don’t want her in any danger.”

  “She’s fine,” Maria said. “Besides you don’t have any security for me.”

  “You’re from Brooklyn. I’m afraid of you.”

  “That’s true.” Her loud cackle garnered some attention from the reporter. “Sorry.” Maria placed her finger with the long red nail over her lips to indicate she’d be quiet. “Hayden is from the streets too. Did you know she grew up in Antonio’s territory?”

  “I didn’t.” It didn’t matter to me that Hayden had lived in an area controlled by the Collandra family. “That’s not that big of a deal.”

  “I know but she probably knows Franco and while your family has made amends with his father, isn’t he still a problem?”

  “None of that concerns me and it shouldn’t concern you either,” I reminded her. “It certainly doesn’t involve Hayden.”

  “All I’m saying is she can handle herself. I’ve talked to her a few times while she waits for her ride after her shift.”

  “What ride?”

  “She uses rideshare to get here and back. She doesn’t have a car yet.”


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