Triple Duty

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Triple Duty Page 7

by Douglas, Katie

  “And... about the other thing? The room?” I couldn’t bring myself to say “the BDSM” because it was too hard.

  “No. He had no idea about that,” Matt replied.

  “So… he sent me here, knowing what you three wanted…” I trailed off, not sure what point I was trying to make.

  Did it make it better if Adam knew what he’d dropped me in the middle of, or worse? At least, if there was a Heaven, I could face him knowing he would understand. I knew I shouldn’t be thinking about Adam like that. It was morbid, and anyway I had three new men right here, and they were the ones who should be getting my thoughts and attention, especially after what we’d done in the shower.

  “Do you feel bad about what we did together?” Matt asked gently.

  I shook my head. “No. I mean, it didn’t mean anything, did it? I just want to know where I stand.”

  “Wherever you want to,” Matt remarked dryly, and he nodded to my toast, which I’d all but forgotten. “Eat your dinner.”

  The command reminded me that they were used to being obeyed. And it made me feel wanted and cared about.

  * * *


  She hadn’t called me ‘sir’. She hadn’t worn a collar or had her limbs bound with rope. We hadn’t spanked her or gagged her. All of those things would come later. She had submitted to three men, trusting us not to harm her, and we had started out as slow as we possibly could.

  We had claimed her.

  Something had started between the four of us and I was fairly excited to see where it would lead. We had stayed close to Bex for most of the evening to make sure she was okay and now the four of us were flopped in the living room watching TV.

  “How many other people do you think there are right now, in their houses, who just had a four-way?” Ben wondered.

  Matt and I laughed.

  “Probably more than would admit to it,” Matt said.

  I nodded, but Ben’s question got me thinking. Was this sort of relationship common, and we just didn’t know? How could we ever know what went on inside people’s houses?

  I remembered, growing up, how my Uncle Mick, who we called uncle even though he wasn’t any relation to us, used to come ‘round the house every Friday night, staying usually until Sunday. I’d get sent to bed at seven, and the adults would stay up for hours. Sometimes if I woke from a bad dream, I’d hear them all still talking downstairs. It never occurred to me to get out of bed again, so I had never seen what they were all doing down there. I just thought they were drinking and playing cards. What if they weren’t?

  It seemed a bit weird to think about it. One reason Ben, Matt and I were such good mates because we were into two things that society said we should never talk about. Sharing and BDSM. So far, we’d shown Bex what it was like to be shared, and she had gone along with it. We’d taken the lead because we knew how to do this. When we took her into the dungeon, she would learn that submission went much further than just opening her mouth when someone told her to.

  I couldn’t wait to start training her.

  She had no idea what possibilities lay before her.

  Chapter 7


  In the morning, I was surprised to open my eyes and find all three men sitting on my bed, along with a big tray of food.

  “We brought you breakfast,” Ben explained, as though the appearance of food might be anything else. The sight was still a complete surprise, and the smell was already making my mouth water, but there was one thing I really, really needed to do before we went any further. I hopped out of bed with no explanation and closed myself into the bathroom. Now I was alone, I seized my toothbrush and toothpaste, and began to set a world record for the fastest tooth brushing in history.

  I was swirling my mouth out with water when there was a tap on the door.

  “Grglrgl,” I gargled, aiming for “come in” and missing making any sort of sense by a country mile. The door opened, and Andy stuck his head around it.

  “Just checking you're okay?” His voice gave away the concern and I realized I had run away a little abruptly. I spat out the water, cleaned off my toothbrush, turn the tap off, dried my face, and turned around to look at Andy.

  “Sorry,” I apologized sheepishly, “Morning breath.” I returned to my bedroom and resumed my previous position.

  “Start again,” I told them, feeling like a four-year-old getting her dad to repeat a new word.

  There was a momentary pause.

  “We brought you breakfast,” Matt said.

  I grinned widely.

  “Wow, thank you, that's amazing, and so thoughtful! But, er, what is it?” I cast my eye over the food on the tray. It looked delicious, but I hadn’t a clue what it was. It looked like swirling cream on top of salmon. Drizzled over all of it was a yellow sauce.

  “Eggs Royale,” Ben explained. “It’s like Eggs Benedict but there’s salmon instead of bacon.”

  “I told him to just do the normal one because that’s fancy enough, but he had to go one step further,” Andy remarked, winking at me. I giggled.

  “C’mon, you love it really. When we were cadets, one of the first things you said to me was when you messaged me on Facebook and begged me to cook you something better than mess hall food,” Ben said.

  “I remember that,” Matt added.

  “There’s definitely worse things than living with a chef who cooks for the brass,” Andy conceded. “And I’ll never say no to anything Ben makes,” he added to me, “but I do like a good slice of bacon every now’n’again.”

  I picked up one of the plates, admiring the creamy whirl of the egg, and the way it contrasted beautifully with the orangey pink salmon. It almost looked too beautiful to eat.

  “You've really outdone yourself this time Ben,” I remarked in awe. “Thank you.”

  I picked up a fork and began eating. The men each took a plate and began eating their own breakfast too.

  “It's really good with the whole-wheat bread, I like this better than the white bread you put it on last time,” Matt declared.

  “Yeah, I thought I'd experiment.” Ben turned slightly pink under the barrage of compliments.

  “I carried the tray and Matt opened the doors,” Andy quipped, and I laughed.

  I racked my brain for any time in the past that anyone had ever brought me breakfast in bed, but my mind drew a blank. This had to be a first. First, they showed themselves to be sensual, in the shower, then attentive and thoughtful, with the way Andy and Matt had wrapped me up in a towel and all three men had held me. Now, they were showing me how caring they could be. I mean, all my previous boyfriends had never so much as brought me a bowl of cereal or cup of tea to wake me up. If this was what it was like to date these three guys, I was so up for it.

  “What are your plans for the weekend?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

  “Well my vintage car rally got cancelled,” Andy said through a mouthful of egg.

  “Airsoft,” Ben replied.

  “Yeah, I'm probably going to do airsoft as well,” Matt said.

  I nodded, trying not to feel dismayed. It had been too much to hope that they would stay here all weekend with me, when we had already spent so much time together since they came back from work on Friday evening.

  “Why don't you come with us?” Ben asked, looking between Andy and me. I hesitated. Running around outside in the rain and mud wasn't my idea of a fun day out, but if it meant getting to spend more time with Matt, Ben and Andy, I could maybe give it a try. Perhaps. On an autumn day in hell.

  “I have a better idea,” Andy said, as if he read my mind. “Why don't we all stay home and spend some quality time finding out Bex's limits?”

  Oh, I liked the idea of that even better. A thrill tore through my body and I accidentally bit off far more egg than I’d planned to eat.

  “But our squadron...” Ben replied, looking horrified at the idea of abandoning his team. It was sort of cute.

  “Mate, they can live withou
t you this one time,” Andy cajoled. Matt nodded. I tried not to giggle. Ben could be such a boy scout sometimes.

  “C’monnn,” I coaxed, “I need to show my appreciation for this fab breakfast you all brought me.”

  “Fine, but if the rest of the team dies without their best DM...” he waved a hand as though we should all know what he was on about.

  “What’s a DM?” I asked.

  “Designated Marksman,” Matt explained. “They shoot long-range. And Team Black Ops already has another, so they’ll survive for a week.”

  “Yeah, but Toffo’s shit, though,” Ben replied.

  “That’s because he’s fresh out of Cosford,” Andy countered. “Give him time. He’s just green.”

  I tuned out the rest of their banter and concentrated on the delicious, soft egg yolk glistening on its way out of the solid white that protected it from spillage, reflecting that this might just have been the most perfect way I’d ever woken up in my entire life.

  “Don’t forget your tea,” Matt said, indicating the second tray, where four mugs waited.

  Yep. Perfect.

  * * *


  After breakfast, things got even more perfect. Matt and Ben cleared the bed of anything food related.

  “Take off your nightie and lie down on your front,” Andy told me. I slid my peach Eeyore nightie over my head, immediately exposing my entire body, and I lay down, wondering what they were going to do with me.

  “Give me your wrists.” Matt’s words shocked me a little, even though I’d known this was on the table. I offered them to him. He pulled them both above my head and fastened them to the wooden headboard with something silky.

  “I’m tying you up with scarves. Remember your safeword?”

  We’d talked about this. I nodded.

  “Speak to me, Bex, do you remember your safeword?”


  “Yes sir.” Matt’s voice took on an edge that gave me chills.

  “Yes... sir.” Saying that to him was difficult. It made me feel something I couldn’t put into words. It was like that one word suddenly made this real. Matt, Ben and Andy were in control, here. Not me.

  What were they planning to do with me? The uncertainty turned into a ball of energy.

  Cold drips of liquid surprised me as they moved down my back, then stopped. I squeaked when more drips landed on the soles of my feet. Whatever I’d expected, it wasn’t this. What was the liquid? Why were they dripping it on me? I wanted to look over my shoulder but it was difficult because of the way my wrists were tied.

  Someone’s calloused and strong hands began kneading my shoulders. I sighed in response as gentle tingles grew into warm radiance.

  “I learned how to do massage a year or two ago,” Andy said softly. My face was buried in a pillow, so I didn’t try to reply.

  A moment later, I felt Ben and Matt pick up one of my feet each and they began swirling their thumbs over my fleshy pads. Triple massage at the same time? This was heavenly.

  The lads worked my body slowly, thoroughly, and I gave myself over completely to the sensations they were eliciting. Occasionally, I let out a deeply satisfied groan, then I returned to the near-delirium of simply being.

  As though they’d planned it, Matt and Ben each took a big toe, and rubbed in circular motions, easing away the ache I often got from wearing my tight office shoes. At the same moment, they moved to my next toe, and then they carefully worked their way across to my pinkies. Andy had gotten the pads of his thumbs into my neck, either side of my spine, and was melting my tension away. The oil made the movement of his skin over mine more easily, and all I had to do was lie here while Andy, Ben and Matt took care of me.

  “How would you feel about sex?” Andy asked, when I was nothing more than a puddle of floppy goo lying on the bed.

  “Yeah, I like that,” I murmured through the pillow. All three of them burst out laughing.

  “I didn’t catch a word of that,” Ben remarked.

  “Nope,” Matt added.

  “Me neither,” Andy chuckled, “And I’m closer to her head.”

  “Bex, we want to fuck you. Yes or no.” Ben’s words were so direct. Heat flashed in my core. I knew I didn’t need to be tied up for the three of them to be able to do whatever they wanted to me, if they chose to overpower me, but the addition of being bound really brought it home how powerless I was at this moment.

  “Bex? Thumbs up if you like the idea of sexy time. Thumbs down if you don’t.” Matt’s clear, authoritative tone guided me. Twisting my hand in the scarf, I put my thumb up. I was an adult. I knew my own mind. Anyway, I’d been sharing a house with these three for the past twelve weeks, so I knew them pretty well by now. Sex would potentially complicate things, of course, but there was also the slim chance this might turn out well. Anyway, sucking their cocks in the shower had basically pushed our relationship past the point of no return. If we called things off now, things would be awkward whether we had sex or not.

  That’s what my logical, rational side said. The rest of me was still melting and shouting “Sex! Sex! Sex!”

  The lads murmured to themselves for a minute or two, obviously making a plan, before Matt or Ben parted my legs. Andy continued rubbing my back while the other two moved slowly up my calves with long, sweeping strokes. I felt completely calm and relaxed, except for the fact they’d suggested we were going to have sex together for the first time.

  “Don’t tense up,” Andy murmured. “You need to relax.”

  I nodded, trying to follow the instructions his wise-seeming voice was sending in my direction. It was hard not to stress a little bit, though. I’d tried anal a couple of times with Adam and although I’d wanted to love it, for some reason, I had hated it. His cock had just burned as it tried to enter me, and I had ached badly afterwards. I didn’t want any of them to go there.

  Where else could cock number three go? I had no clue. It sounded like the guys had experience with this stuff, so I decided I would leave working it out in their capable hands. Hands that had made their way up my thighs and were now massaging my glutes. I spent far too much time sitting down in the office job, so my ass was always a little bit stiff.

  The hands were lifted from my bum and one finger trailed down the cleft, past my rear entrance, my pussy, and along my clit until it reached the hair that currently pressed against the duvet.

  “Hhhhhhhh...” I sighed.

  “That’s it, let it go,” Andy murmured, still rubbing the space between my shoulder blades and my spine. A finger swirled around my opening. I wanted it so bad. I imagined it deep inside me, pounding into places that hadn’t seen any action for months.

  “Let us take you there,” Ben breathed, as another finger touched my rear hole.

  “No! Please! Not there!” I yipped, trying to roll over and getting stuck. I remembered my safeword. “Red!”

  Chapter 8


  “It’s okay, Bex, you’re safe.” Three men jumped straight into protective mode. One of them untied me then they all dived on me, and it was like being at the bottom of a rugby scrum. I tapped out and they got off.

  “Sorry, we were trying to be reassuring,” Ben said.

  “I know. I just don’t like my reassurances with an extra helping of broken ribs on the side,” I replied dryly.

  Matt took my hands in his, which were still slightly greasy from the massage oil.

  “Tell us what the problem is,” he said gently. “Why did it bother you when Ben touched your arsehole?”

  I took a deep breath. “I’ve tried it before. I didn’t like it.”

  “And?” Andy prompted.

  And what? It didn’t seem like a complicated issue to grasp.

  “That’s it.”

  “That wasn’t the reaction of someone who didn’t like something. You practically dived off the bed,” Matt remarked.

  “It hurt last time. And ached after. A lot.”

  “Lube,” the three men said i
n unison.

  I didn’t know what they were talking about.

  “Please tell us this wasn’t Adam, he should’ve known better,” Matt said.

  I didn’t want to confirm it, but my face flushed red as I stared at a fixed point on the bed.

  “Right, then we won’t do it if you really don’t want to, but, I think you should give us a chance, let us play with your bum a bit, until you ask us to shag you there,” Andy said.

  I laughed aloud at the idea of ever asking for that.

  “Tell you what,” I laughed. “The day I ask you to bugger me is the day all three of you can do it one after the other with no condoms.”

  The lads all exchanged a glance, their eyes glittering with mischief.

  “All right, love, you’re on,” Matt said, holding out his hand. “I dare you.”

  Never one to back out of a dare, I looked him straight in the eye and shook his hand. I was confident that day would never come.

  “In the meantime, do you object to us playing with your bum as long as none of us stick our cocks in it?” Matt asked.

  “No, but you’ll stop if I ask, won’t you?”

  He nodded. “Of course. You always have your safeword.”

  “Okay then.”

  “Good. Now get back on the bed, lie face down and let us give you what you need,” Andy said.

  “And it’s ‘sir’ from now on,” Ben said.

  “Yes, sir,” I replied breathily, drifting back into the moment.

  I moved into my previous position, even spread my legs the way Matt and Ben had parted them earlier, and I waited for the men to get back on track. They didn’t tie me up, this time, and I wondered if they thought they had gone too far.

  “Here, use this one,” Matt said.

  “Thanks,” Ben replied. I wanted to look around, but Andy was still working on my shoulders. I heard the snap as a bottle opened, then a few seconds later, it clicked closed.

  A finger touched my bottom hole again and I felt it circling, teasing my opening, lighting up my nerves in a new and unusual way, like nothing I’d ever done before. These three were experts. Sexperts, more like. I wondered how they’d learned it all.


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