Triple Duty

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Triple Duty Page 11

by Douglas, Katie

  I held it in check for her. I didn’t want to scare her. She must have known all three of us had a temper, we were fighters after all, we weren’t trained to back down and let people walk all over us, but she didn’t ever need to see that side of us.

  The lads were going out for drinks, and I wanted a pint more than anything, but I knew it wasn’t what Becky needed right then, to be dragged out to the boozer and surrounded by rowdy blokes. I made our excuses.

  Andy drove us home and I made a special effort to keep the conversation going. I think he did, too. Ben chimed in occasionally, and with every contribution it became more obvious that he was in a strange mood.

  What the fuck had happened between them?

  As soon as Andy turned off the engine, Becky got out, let herself in and went straight upstairs. I walked around to where Ben had just got out of the Land Rover and I rounded on him.

  “What the fuck did you do to her?” I demanded.

  “It’s nothing to do with you.” He wouldn’t look at me. Why wouldn’t he look at me? What had they...?

  “Oh, God, Ben, not there,” Andy groaned.

  I saw red. “You fucked her?”

  I slammed him against the side of Andy’s car and shoved my face up close to his. I was two inches shorter than him, but I didn’t let that stop me from threatening him with everything I had.

  “Yeah. So what?”

  “So what? Have you seen the state you left her in?” I was furious. My chest swelled with an energy that I needed to let out. I was going to start hitting him soon and I knew it.

  Andy pulled me off him.

  “All right. Leave it out, Matt,” Andy said. “Why is Bex upset, Ben?”

  “I don’t know. Why is it automatically my fault?”

  “Because you had her last,” I growled. “You know the score. You break her, you fix her.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ben grumbled.

  “Aftercare you fucking sockmuppet,” Andy explained.

  “Bit bloody hard to give someone hugs and reassurances when they run off straight after sex and refuse to talk to you,” he retorted.

  “And why do you think that happened?” I demanded. “Think hard. What the fuck did you say or do that caused it? People don’t just suddenly go from being up for it to being on a massive downer.”

  “Maybe she was crying with joy because she finally got fucked properly.”

  I lost it. Somehow, I broke free of Andy and I lamped Ben with a fury I’d never unleased on a friend before. I forgot my promise to myself, to never let Becky see that side of me. I didn’t care if she was nearby. Ben needed the stupid punching out of him. For some reason, he didn’t seem to agree, and he started punching me back, smacking me in the face so hard I felt my teeth rattle. I got three good hits in before Andy dragged me off him and I heard Becky screaming in the background. I guessed the noise of our argument had caused her to come back outside.

  “STOP IT! STOP IT, BOTH OF YOU!” she bellowed.

  Her shrill voice snapped me out of it and I finally stopped resisting as Andy separated me and Ben.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” she demanded, looking from Ben to me and back again.

  “He upset you. And he won’t tell me what he did.” The surge of anger inside me was still trying to get out.

  “What the fuck business is it of yours?” Ben demanded from where I’d floored him. He wiped some blood away from his mouth with his fist.

  “I don’t know how to fix it. And you don’t seem to give a crap about sorting this out. Which really pisses me off.”

  “It’s between Bex and me so just fuck off out of it and go wash your car again. It’s about all you’re good at,” Ben snapped.

  “ATTEEENNNNN-HUT!” Andy bellowed. I turned to face him. Ben got to his feet giving me a mutinous glance. “Everyone in the kitchen. Ben, put the kettle on. Matt, get out four mugs and put teabags in them. Becky, you’re on milk retrieval duty. Move, move, MOVE!” Andy clapped his hands as he said the last part, and we all found our feet following his command.

  Damn pseudo-officer with his bossiness.

  We got the tea made and sat around the kitchen table waiting for four steaming brown drinks to cool enough to drink them. The mindless task had defused the tension a little, especially because we’d had to work together to get it done. As time passed, the lion inside me backed down and I no longer wanted to mash Ben’s face into the pavement.

  “Bex, can you tell us what happened between you and Ben?” Andy began.

  Chapter 12


  Becky stared into the steam above her cup as if the answer was in there somewhere.

  “It’s nothing,” she said softly, in that tone of voice that made it bloody obvious it wasn’t nothing.

  “Ben?” Andy asked.

  “She’s right. It was nothing.”

  I shared a glance with Andy. This was bad. We were a four. We weren’t supposed to have secrets from each other. I was so angry with Ben because I didn’t want to lose Becky over something when I hadn’t even done anything wrong. She was everything.

  “Something’s happened between the two of you, hasn’t it?” Andy surmised. Ben shook his head too quickly, at the same time Becky closed her eyes and nodded very slowly. Ben frowned at her but she wouldn’t look at him. Wouldn’t look at any of us.

  “We’re in this together,” Andy said. “What happens between any of us is something that concerns all of us. We can’t have factions or fallings-out or this sharing thing doesn’t work.”

  “Is that what you told yourself when you and Matt fucked her while I was out at airsoft?” Ben demanded. Bex froze and she just watched him carefully. Finally, we were getting at what had happened between them.

  “You weren’t here,” Andy said, “And things happened.”

  “And now things have happened between her and me. So you both know how it feels.”

  “Genuinely I’d be pleased for you both if you hadn’t left Becky in a bad way,” I pointed out.

  “I made her come too hard, that was all,” Ben retorted.

  “Oh for God’s sake, listen to yourselves! I’m not a can of beer you can just pass around and fight over!”

  “Ben, you’ve blatantly got a jealousy problem,” Andy said.

  “Yeah. Sort your shit out or we need to call time on this four-way relationship,” I added.

  “If you had a problem with Bex, Matt and I doing something while you weren’t here, you should have said something at the time so we could make a rule that we only do stuff when all of us are present,” Andy said. “You don’t solve it by having revenge sex and treating her like an object to score points with.”

  “That wasn’t how it went,” Ben said through gritted teeth. “I didn’t take her into the woods and tie her up and switch her and fuck her to try and get my own back on you two. I don’t know where it came from. We were messing around, and suddenly it all got a bit real.”

  Andy and I looked to Becky for confirmation.

  “There was definitely a moment when everything suddenly changed,” she said, sounding a bit more like herself. Maybe she’d needed to hear Ben explain himself, too.

  “Honestly, Bex, you have to believe I didn’t do all that to hurt you. I mean... okay, the switching was supposed to hurt, but only because I thought you’d like it.”

  “I did.” Her voice was soft and when I looked at her, tears were tumbling down her cheeks. “And then... then you changed.”

  “When you brought it up... I dunno, I just got so jealous.” Ben sounded put out, now, and I knew he was calming down. That streak of anger we’d been seeing all afternoon was fading.

  “You made me something bigger than this, then you stamped on it, and tore me down and left me like that.”

  “You ran off,” he countered. “What was I supposed to do, talk to you while five other blokes were there? You shut me out and I would have had to do a lot to get you to talk.”

  “You didn’t even try,” she grumbled.

  It was hard to see them going back and forth like this. Obviously, Ben had hurt Becky deeply, and I didn’t blame her for being prickly right now, but at the same time, Becky had made it too hard for Ben to fix it.

  “What are we going to do about it?” Andy asked.

  I shook my head, at a loss of what to suggest.

  “Spank him,” Becky said.

  I chuckled. It was a fair suggestion.

  “And her,” Ben retorted. “It’s a fair cop but she’s partly to blame, too.”

  “I already got switched today!” she argued.

  “And I got punched at least three times by Matt,” Ben countered.

  I saw Andy trying not to laugh at the bickering.

  “The way I see it,” he began, “I’m the only person in the room who hasn’t done something utterly stupid to someone else in the room today.”

  “There’s still time,” I remarked.

  Ben and Becky both snorted.

  Andy held up a hand. “Shush. There’s been enough nonsense today, so how’s about instead of me spanking everyone in the room, we just have some Marmite on toast and move on with life?”

  “Make up sex?” I asked.

  Becky looked straight at Ben and I knew she’d only agree if he did. Despite what he’d put her through, there was clearly still a bond between the two of them.

  “I’m game,” he replied.

  Becky nodded. “But not right now. I want it to be special.”

  “You’re not calling the shots here, my girl. You will show up at the bottom of the stairs at ten o’clock on the dot and you will submit to whatever we tell you to,” Ben replied. I tried not to laugh. His tone of voice was so serious.

  “Yes, sir.” The way she whispered the words made blood surge to my cock. Waiting until tonight was going to be hard.

  * * *


  I’d started the day feeling pretty secure about how things were between Ben, Matt, Andy and me. When Ben had acted weird, my trust in the status quo of our four-way relationship had been shaken. I knew I needed something to bring me back into the right state of mind to continue our story together. But somehow, it still scared me that I had to meet them in a few minutes and submit to their control.

  What if this was the time when they pushed me further than I could take?

  We still hadn’t used the mysterious sex dungeon room. Maybe they thought I wasn’t ready for it or something like that. Or perhaps they’d been saving it for a day like today, when we needed something to bring us all together again. Was that why Ben had told me to meet at the bottom of the stairs, specifically, or was I overthinking?

  I ran a brush through my hair and changed into my nicest silky, black underwear. The knickers had ribbons tying them together and the bra unfastened at the front with a sturdy metal clip. I threw a shirt dress over the top to try and make it look casual. I didn’t want them to know how much effort I’d made.

  Deciding I’d done as much as I could, I went downstairs and waited for them.

  A slight draft chilled my skin and made the hairs on the back of my legs stand on end. I wondered if I should have been wearing shoes.

  They didn’t arrive for several minutes, during which time I shifted from foot to foot and worried about whether I should have worn different knickers.

  I was about to go upstairs and change them when the kitchen door opened and I looked around. All three of them were silhouetted in the kitchen light. I gasped. They each wore a pair of leather pants, bare-chested, and all four of them held a different item in their hands. Ben had rope. Andy had what looked like really big cuffs linked with chain. One of his pockets bulged, too. And Matt had what appeared to be a collar with a leash attached.

  My clit throbbed, as if I needed any prompt that this was a really hot situation I’d found myself in.

  “Young lady, you should be on your knees,” Matt growled.

  I dropped down immediately, trying to be graceful but probably looking awkward in my haste.

  “Crawl to us,” Andy told me.

  I hadn’t crawled since I was a child. I hadn’t even pretended to be an animal or baby or whatever the hell else crawled. As soon as I’d been able to walk, that was me done with crawling. I moved forward, very aware that my bottom was in the air. Even in a shirt dress, this was a difficult position to look casual in.

  The palms of my hands drank in the chill of the floor tiles as I moved. I tried not to go too quickly as I didn’t want them to think I was especially eager to be made to crawl on the regular.

  It was too weird. Wasn’t it? Wasn’t it?

  “Stop. Kneel.” Ben’s voice seemed different to Andy’s and Matt’s. Where they were commanding me in a way that made it clear they wanted me to obey them, Ben just expected I would do as he told me. And his brief words made it feel like he’d distanced himself from the incident earlier today.

  I moved into a kneeling position.

  “Not like that,” Matt said. “Open your legs wider, please.”

  “Straighten up,” Ben added.

  “Rest your hands on your thighs. The other way up,” Andy finished.

  When I’d made the adjustments, the three men stepped into the hallway and walked around me, inspecting me. I waited patiently for them to finish, although my ankles felt a little crushed between my bum and the hard floor.

  I wasn’t sure how long I could stay in this position.

  “Whenever you’re told to kneel, this is the exact position we expect you to get into,” Matt told me.

  I didn’t like it. This was too hard. I couldn’t do it. And I didn’t want to let them down.

  “Yes, sir.” My mouth said the words in spite of my misgivings.

  With no warning, Matt reached out and grabbed my long hair, his grip pulling on it, hard. My head had no choice but to tilt backwards until I was gazing up at the ceiling.

  “Collar her,” he told someone, and held out the collar and leash in his other hand. Andy stepped forward and took it. The leather collar encircled my neck, and I felt Andy tightening it. My core spasmed as I understood what was happening.

  I heard the metallic rattle of a buckle fastening, then the clinking of a chain moving. My nipples hardened into two buttons, and if someone touched them right now, I’d come undone. This situation was too sexy.

  Matt released my hair and took the handle of the leash from Andy.

  “Follow, please.” Matt’s voice was still courteous. He tugged on the chain and I began crawling after him, wondering if we were going into the sex dungeon.

  Instead, he led me outside, onto the back patio. The garden was private because there were tall Leylandiis growing all around the property boundary. Still, I felt exposed crawling out onto the smooth flagstones.

  “To the apple tree,” Matt told me. He led the way and I crawled through the grass until I reached the pretty tree. It had leaves but no apples, at this time of year.

  I paused.

  “Put your hands behind your head, legs apart, and don’t move unless instructed,” Matt said.

  I got into the position he had described, feeling very self-conscious. Andy stepped forward and unbuttoned my shirt. From this proximity, I inhaled his aftershave. Something fresh and masculine. Delicious.

  He moved my arms around as he slid the shirt off me, then he folded it and left it on the grass nearby. In my bra and panties, I wanted to cover myself. To hide. The outdoors made my discomfort worse, for some reason, even though we weren’t overlooked by other homes.

  “Cuff her,” Matt said.

  The three men lifted me, between them, and cuffed my wrists above my head, looping the chain over a low, thick branch. I was pulled onto my tiptoes.

  Already, my pussy throbbed. This was hot.

  “If you make a sound, I will have to punish you,” Ben growled.

  I nodded. The neighbours couldn’t see anything, but they would be able to hear if our garden started sound
ing like a porn film was being shot here.

  “This is a team-building exercise.” Matt chuckled grimly. “Ben, would you like to inspect what we’ve found wandering around our property?”

  Ben stepped forward and looked me over. I felt exposed and embarrassed, somehow, even though we had been far more intimate than this at paintball, earlier.

  “Female. About five-foot-four, at a guess. Aged twenty-nine—”

  “How do you know that? We’ve just snared her!” Andy interrupted.

  “I counted the rings around her big toe,” Ben retorted with a smirk. I burst out laughing because it was such a ridiculous excuse.

  “Fair enough,” Matt said. “Continue.”

  “Brown hair, goes past her shoulders. Full lips. Brown eyes. Pale. Could do with getting out in the sun a bit more—”

  “It’s November!” I argued.


  Ben’s hand landed on my bottom from out of nowhere. I squeaked in surprise. His warm hand lingered.

  “Submissives are silent unless asked a direct question.”

  “Sorry, sir.” I decided to hedge my bets and apologize, even though I was supposed to be silent. He ignored my contrition and continued talking about me as if I weren’t there. “She is sassy and has a smart mouth. She’d benefit from something filling it.”

  “I brought the perfect thing,” Andy said, pulling a ball gag out of his pocket. I stared at it in amazement.

  “Keep your mouth open,” Matt told me. I did, and the ball gag was fastened around the back of my head. The large rubber ball forced my mouth open and meant I had to breathe through my nose.

  The excitement of being forcibly silenced was immense. It ramped up when someone grabbed my breasts from behind, rolling my nipples between their thumbs and forefingers. I moaned, but the sound was stifled by the ball gag.

  “You won’t need these.” Ben stepped forward again and fingered the cute ribbons I’d tied when I fastened my panties, earlier. When he pulled on the satin, my panties unfastened and tumbled to my ankles.

  He looked down.

  “Wet.” He looked back up again, his eyes meeting mine. There was no hiding from his piercing gaze. Gagged, I couldn’t respond even if I’d known what to say.


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