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Shade Page 4

by Daun, Cassa

  “Baking too, huh?” I asked, leaning away for a better view of him and lifting my own eyebrows.

  “All things food.” He popped the other half of muffin into his mouth and closed his eyes. The sight of him was so hot I thought I’d melt to the seat. His longer-on-top wave of hair had strays escaping, angling down to his forehead. With his full lips moving together, he worked his jaw slowly, savoring the flavor. I pictured him in an apron in the kitchen, nothing else covering his skin except a light dusting of powdered sugar. Mmm.

  I flushed and a rush of coolness followed.

  The Yukon jerked suddenly, shoving my face down into Shade’s lap as he grunted and braced himself, one hand grabbing onto the handle above the window, the other pressed to my back, bracing me.

  “Sorry. Shit,” Blood said, clearing his throat. “That’s just … um. Powerful when you aren’t expecting it.”

  Shade laughed above me.

  Meanwhile, I was still looking directly at his lap and the bulge in his jeans. Even though I could tell he wasn’t fully erect, the sight still turned me on. Remaining in the same position, I tipped my face up to see him.

  He was staring down at me with a wide smile still pushing his cheeks high, his humor still plain to see. But then those eyes flashed, the view of me looking up at him changing his mood instantly.

  Ah. There it was. Desire. I licked my lips, still peeking up through my lashes.

  “Misha, you shouldn’t look at me like that.”

  “What if I want to?” I asked. I wasn’t ashamed at how I was feeling, or what I was thinking about doing to him. I was almost positive I’d have no problem taking him in my mouth with Blood driving.

  “As much as I like your eyes on me, if your soul sends out another one of those fucking delicious calls, Blood might wreck the Yukon.”

  I smirked, knowing he was right but still considering it. “I can’t explain it but I’m so drawn to all of you like you are to me. I’ve never been this … horny before. I love it. I want more.”

  “Fuck,” Shade said. “You probably shouldn’t talk like that right now either.”

  “Hmm,” Blood’s voice hummed an agreement from the front of the SUV.

  I chuckled, sitting up. His scent was tempting me even more. I kept my body angled toward him, pressed my palm to his chest and ran it down lower.

  He sucked in a breath. I leaned my face closer, and he tilted his down to meet mine. I brushed my cheek against his jaw in a circular motion, reveling in the scratchiness from his scruffy hairs. Then, wasting no more time, I unbuttoned his jeans.

  One of his hands was on the seat back again, clenched tightly into a ball, the other still held the handle above his window, his grip liable to break it off. “Misha.” It was almost a plea.

  “Yes?” I wiggled my hand into his jeans as he shifted his ass, reclining back, allowing me better access. Oh, yes. I moved my lips to his cheek and pressed a few soft kisses there. And as I grabbed hold of his cock, happy to find it hard and ready, I lightly licked along his scruffy jaw, enjoying how the hairs tickled the tip of my tongue.

  He inhaled deeply, and I plunged my tongue inside his mouth as I pushed a long stroke down his shaft.

  Somewhere in the depths of my mind, I couldn’t believe what I was doing—taking control, wanting to pleasure him. I wasn’t even concerned with Blood being so close, seeing, maybe even watching in the rear-view. I wasn’t concerned with much at that moment. I just needed a release, something to ease my mind and soul, and I knew taking care of him would satisfy that … at least until later when we could fuck again.

  “Holy shit!” Blood called from the front, interrupting my assault on Shade’s mouth and dick.

  “What is it?” Shade asked, hesitantly breaking our connection with a groan, his eyes refocusing on our surroundings.

  “Wraiths,” Blood said, his usually calm, soft voice hard. “At least a couple dozen above us. Bone and Ash are out there too. Christ. There are so many off course.”

  I looked at Shade, lifting my hand from his pants. He stared hard into my eyes and kissed me once before leaning forward between the gap in the front seats to look out the windshield.

  I scooted to the side seat and looked out the window too.

  Blood wasn’t exaggerating.

  At first glance, it appeared to be a mass of dark, stormy clouds. Staring harder, I could see the Wraiths shapes and their rolling figures, tumbling over each other. Some circled the mass. Others shot across the sky. All of them traveling in the same direction as us.

  But it was them. Many of them. And by the way Shade and Blood reacted, I knew it was far from normal.


  “Stay on track. Bone and Ash seem to have things covered up there. Most of them are being redirected,” Shade said to Blood as he dipped his head and crouched himself down to move into the front seat. He stared up through the windshield.

  “Think they diverted to follow us?” Blood asked, scanning the road.

  It was midday, and we’d just crossed over a fairly busy highway. No one noticed the black clouds above them appearing to be bringing the end of days. No one saw the two Favored either, their figures also ghostlike, cloaks of smoke and cloud wrapping around them. They were much larger than the Wraiths.

  “Could be,” Shade said, cutting his eyes back to me, his brows narrowed in thought.

  “Me again, right?” I asked, feeling like I was screwing everything up.

  “Could be,” Shade repeated himself. “Could also be … other things. Sudden increase in deaths. Electromagnetic fluctuations.”

  “But that’s doubtful,” I offered, knowing he was thinking the same.

  “Yeah, doubtful,” he finally admitted with a small frown. “We knew we were taking a chance leaving the house with you, but it will be worth it. Tess should be able to see something we can’t.”

  “I hope so.”

  The rest of the ride was quiet, all of us too focused on our own thoughts and the questions none of us could answer. The only thing we could do was wait. I fell asleep for a while, my body finally giving in to the exhaustion from my morning activities with Shade, our soul connection.

  Tess’ place was one of the middle units in an older style, single building shopping center. Her business—Tess’ Readings—looked like a magical portal with vines and plants out front, climbing up over the store window that held a typical neon palm-reading sign as well as shelves of goods for sale, like books, dried herbs, and lots of varied crystals—both loose and set in jewelry. It was almost comical how a place so mystical was smashed between a bland packaging supply place and a sterile looking fitness spot. Their entrances were clear, red brick facades left plain. Hers held potted plants and a small waiting bench and chairs.

  I laughed as we stepped out of the Yukon.

  Shade grinned at me and held out a hand. “Expecting something different? Maybe some creepy old house by the river with animals everywhere?”

  “Yeah, actually.”

  “Well, she had her business in her house years ago but the county rezoned.”

  “Figures. Humans are always messing things up.” I chuckled again as we crossed the parking lot. So many spots were taken up by lunchtime gym rats who were coming and going from the fitness place.

  When we stepped up on the curb, Shade released my hand and said, “Since Bone and Ash had to handle the Wraiths, I’m gonna do a quick perimeter check. Give me a minute, okay?”

  Two girls stepped out of the gym door and stopped short, staring. I tried not to notice them but couldn’t help it. They weren’t exactly being subtle.

  As Shade lifted my palm, he and Blood noticed them too. Tall. Blond. Boobs stacked high and legs for days in their tight workout gear. If it had been a few days before, I would have cringed, knowing any guys I’d been standing beside would have automatically turned their fickle eyes away from me to the sexier options with more than simple curiosity. But not today. Not these guys. For once, I was actually unconcerned. And it f
elt amazing.

  “Can we help you with something?” Blood said coolly as he moved closer to my side, almost protectively. Were they people I needed to worry about? Were they supernaturals?

  The one still holding the door gaped and blinked her big blue eyes a few times. “Oh, I thought you were on your way in …”

  Lame. They were definitely only human, stupefied by the hotness as much as I had been.

  “Nope,” Shade responded, dropping his gaze back to me and lifting my palm the rest of the way before placing his lips to my skin. “I’ll be right back.” He eyed Blood then walked off toward the end of the building.

  Blood slipped an arm around my waist and turned away from the girls to face me, almost blocking my entertaining view of their facial reactions. They stayed there for another moment then made their way out into the parking lot, talking animatedly and loud enough for me to hear “How hot was that?” and “Fucking lucky.”

  I giggled to myself and felt Blood’s fingers grip into my side.

  “What’s funny?” he asked softly, tipping his face down to look at me.

  I inhaled a breath of him and sighed. He still smelled of leather even though he wasn’t wearing his jacket, only a T-shirt and jeans. “The girls. Their reactions to you and Shade … I thought it was a little funny since a few days ago I was gawking at both of you the same way.” Either he was oblivious or messing with me.

  “Pretty sure you’re still gawking at us,” he teased with a coy smile.

  Oh, he noticed it all. I chuckled again. “It’s because you all are too damn sexy. I already admitted that my attraction is strong. There’s no fighting it.”

  “Good. You shouldn’t fight it. For you, it isn’t just a simple human attraction. A good portion of that feeling is your soul wanting us, to connect with us. And ours want you even more.”

  I bit my bottom lip and stared at him as he lifted his eyes to check our surroundings. Others were coming and going from the gym, passing us by, guys and girls looking at him, at me. They blurred into the background. I only saw him. His decision to face me, to be closer, was absolutely protective and maybe something more. He’d had no hesitation when he rushed Tucker the night before, and it had gotten him shot. Yet, there he was, holding me, shielding me without concern, as if he’d known me forever, as if I meant the world to him.

  It was then I realized that I had never specifically thanked him. He had thanked me for saving him, for touching my soul and healing. But I had been an idiot and hadn’t expressed my gratitude for him battling Tucker, for helping to save me.

  “Blood,” I said, staring at his golden blond hair—the thick coating at his jaw and lip, and the long locks falling to his neck in curled ends.

  His eyes dropped back down to mine. “Hmm?”

  “Thank you. For Tucker. I’m sorry I didn’t say it last night. I was just scared and overwhelmed, I guess. And I’m also so sorry that you got shot. I’m sorry—”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he said, lifting his other hand to my jaw and tucking my hair behind my ear. I lifted one hand to his bicep, and with the other, I gripped his waist. He smiled. “And I would say you’re welcome, but I’m not the one who killed him. You did that.”

  I bit my lip again. “True. But still … Thank you.”

  His eyes blinked slowly then his face dipped lower and his lips brushed against mine. “You’re welcome,” he whispered before pressing our mouths together fully. His facial hair rubbed along my skin, adding even more feeling, even more pleasure. When his tongue pushed into my mouth, I greeted him eagerly, meeting his languid strokes with my own, massaging and tasting him. It was as sensual as when our souls had touched, when he healed from our connection. He tasted a little of cinnamon, not sweet but spicy, like the fire hot candy or the whiskey that fueled bad decisions. Kissing him would never be a bad decision, though. And the hot taste only reminded me of his warmth, of his scent and his touch.

  He broke the kiss but rested his forehead on mine. “Even better the second time.”

  “Yes,” I admitted, opening my eyes to a gorgeous up-close view of his. To be playful, I added, “It’s because you’re fully conscious.”

  The air from his light chuckle caressed my lips.

  “Hey,” Shade called from somewhere behind me. “All is clear as far as I can see. No sight of the others either. Wraith wrangling must have been heavy.”

  Blood didn’t pull away from me right away. He was at ease with our connection, like Shade and Bone were. I smiled at that, overjoyed by how it all worked, how we all fit. How they needed me and I needed them. I wasn’t holding my breath for Ash, but I was content to know he at least tolerated me.

  I supposed everything could change after the psychic meeting, though. What would we find out about me? Would their issues only get worse with me around?

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Shade said as he stepped closer. “We should get in there. We don’t know how long this might take.”

  “Right,” Blood said, releasing his hold of me and backing up.

  Before he could get too far, I lunged forward and kissed his lips once more, lingering only a moment. Smiling, I backed away and looked at Shade. His eyes were tranquil, watching me seductively. I braced my hand on his arm and got onto my tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his lips too. His palm touched my cheek as I pulled away.

  “I needed those for strength and luck. Okay, I think I’m ready.”

  A bell chimed our arrival after Shade opened the door and we filed in. The air was thick with a smoky cedar scent I was pretty sure was sage. It wasn’t overpowering or headache inducing—as I recalled it being in my college dorm hallway—only pleasant and welcoming. And contrary to how I’d imagined the stereotypical psychic shop to look, it was well-lit and open, with just enough decor and merchandise to keep the look clean and uncluttered.

  “Wow,” I whispered as I moved past a few bookshelves toward the register area. Display stands and cases lined the enclosed glass counter. They were filled with colorful bottles of tonics and herbs as well as hanging crystals and jewelry. Dreamcatchers and bright tapestries adorned the wall behind the counter.

  I pinched a few necklaces between my fingers for a better view, one white crystal bound in wire and strung with leather especially. I smiled at it, admiring its beauty but also feeling the energy of the shop strip the remainder of my worry away.

  “Good afternoon! How may I help you?” a woman’s voice called out just before a hanging barn door to a back area was slid open and her body emerged.

  She was a younger woman with long red hair and a pale, freckled complexion. Her eyes widened a smidge as soon as she saw us … well, the guys … as soon as she saw the guys. She held herself together, though, sweeping her long hair back to show off the skin left exposed by her off-the-shoulder shirt. Her hands then slipped down to her sides to touch her flowing floor-length skirt as she moved back behind the glass counter.

  “We’d like to see Tess.” Shade said, stepping closer to my side as she stopped across from us.

  Her eyes shifted from Shade to Blood, who remained by the door, then back to me, lifting up and down in a quick, silent appraisal. “She’s with someone right now. Can I take your name or schedule you an appointment?”

  “No appointment. It’s urgent,” he replied, slipping his arm around my back with a natural and drop-dead gorgeous smile. “Please let her know her favorite Reaper is here … witch.”


  I gaped and looked across the counter at the woman then tipped my face back for a better view of Shade. His smile was gone, his features were stoic, not accusatory or jovial. Flat. He was completely serious. Witch? She was a witch?

  She pinched her lips together and narrowed her eyes. “I don’t … I …” she stammered, shocked by being called out for what she was.

  “I haven’t been here in a while, but I’m fairly certain Tess knows what you are and probably hired you to help keep things in order, keep her safe from others with bad intentions.
Hopefully, you haven’t been taking advantage of that hospitality.”

  “I …” she stuttered again and blinked her eyes several times. “I’ve been helping her, yes. And no, I would never take advantage.”

  Shade’s fingers gripped my waist a little more firmly, then he squinted at her before smiling again. “Glad to see your soul reflects that feeling. Now, would you let her know we need to see her?”

  “Sh-sure,” she said and rushed to the back.

  “What the hell was that?” I asked.

  He looked down and lifted his eyebrows with a smirk. “What?”

  “You can tell that easily?” I asked. It was the first time I was seeing them interact with others in public—aside from the times I was emotionally overloaded when they killed the vampires in my apartment and when I’d met Bone in Purgatory.

  “Her soul isn’t hard to see. Most we don’t have to touch to see enough, especially the basis of their being—human or otherwise,” Blood said as he eyed a book on one of the shelves.

  Shade nodded with a wink. He looked back to Blood and asked, “You catch that blemish though?”

  Blood crossed his arms over his chest. “The vamps? Yeah. You think it has anything to do with last night?”

  “Maybe,” Shade said with a shrug before looking at me again.

  I lifted my eyebrows. “You going to include me in that exchange?”

  “Later,” Shade said and dipped his face down to kiss my lips.

  “No, no, no,” I said, pulling back. “You don’t get to just kiss me and think I’ll drop it—”

  His lips crashed to mine more forcefully, yanking my body closer and shoving his tongue inside my mouth.

  I had half a mind to resist at first because I knew he was toying with me, but I let it go and kissed him back, unwilling to waste a hot kiss on some stupid words. He’d tell me later, and right now I’d enjoy his thorough mouth fuck.

  He chuckled in his throat as soon as he felt my official surrender. I giggled back. When he broke away, he wore a downright sinister smile, one that made my heart leap and my clit tingle. I took a deep breath but couldn’t curb the wave of coolness as it rushed through me.


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