Only Her

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by Lucy Darling

  Only Her

  Lucy Darling

  Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you."

  - Ruth Bader Ginsburg



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Also by Lucy Darling



  A business transaction. One that will keep the beautiful Kennedy in my bed. That’s all this is. I’ve never been the marrying type until she walked into my life. In that moment I knew I wanted her for myself. That I’d do anything and everything to have her. Even if that included putting a ring on her and making her mine. Forever.

  Lucky for me her father needs my help to save his business. I’ll give him the money he needs... but my help comes at a price. One that he’s all too happy to pay.

  I always get what I want, and after seeing Kennedy, I know that I want her forever. This was supposed to be a simple business deal. Nothing more. That is until I get closer to her. Learn her. Taste her. Find out more and more until I realize I am falling in love with my soon to be wife. Now all I have to do is make her fall for me too.

  Her love is the only thing I can’t buy. I could own every other part of her, but only she can give me her heart.



  “Do you know what you’re doing?” I look up from my cell phone to my lawyer. I fight the urge to lash out at him for questioning my decision. It’s something I’m not familiar with. I take a breath knowing I’m more on edge than normal. This is what I pay him for, after all. I just need him to do his job.

  “I know what I’m doing.” I go back to scrolling through my emails as we make our way across town toward the Cole house. I am formally going to meet my bride tonight. The clock has begun the countdown to when she will officially be mine. Finally. The wait has been unbearable.

  “You’ve never once mentioned you wanted to get married. In fact, when I got married you told me to make sure I had an ironclad prenup.” He holds up my prenup in his hands. “This is not an ironclad prenup.” It’s also none of his damn business.

  “It is for the first year.” I pull at the collar of my dress shirt. I am still wondering if I should revise that detail. I guess I don’t have to make any decisions tonight. I have a week before we walk down the aisle.

  I was already a bastard. I’d pushed for this marriage. I’d made a deal with her father. I wanted her to be mine, but I also wanted her to not have to worry. That’s what the prenup was going to do. It would give her security in a situation that is out of her control. But now I wonder if I’ve given her an out. A reason to leave me. I can’t have that.

  “Yeah, but then what happens after the first year? She will have millions of reasons to leave you then.” He holds up the papers. He’s right, but that wasn't my only plan to get my hooks into sweet Kennedy.

  I need her. The first time I saw her had been at her father's office. I’d been there to talk business with him. She came strolling in like a breath of fresh air. Her blonde shiny hair made her look as though she was wearing a halo. My angel.

  The smell of lavender trailed her. When she saw me sitting there she turned and gave me her beautiful smile. The two deep dimples that were in her cheeks were an added bonus that went straight to my dick.

  I knew in that instant that I had to have her. That I needed to wake up to her every day for the rest of my life. I also knew that there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make that my reality.

  I’d looked away from her. She probably thought I was silently dismissing her. When in reality I didn't trust myself with all the crazy thoughts I was having about William’s daughter. When I’d left his office I told myself I was going to leave it alone. That I needed to leave her alone. Someone so innocent shouldn’t be sullied by me. Yet, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to help myself.

  As if I was a junkie needing their next fix I wanted to know more about her, so I began to dig. It didn’t take a man with my means too long to get information on her. Which included that she has a sister that is eleven months younger than her. The two are connected at the hip, it seems.

  They’ve done everything together from going to college, to both of them majoring in liberal arts, and now they both sit on very prominent boards for different charities. That means they must be good at what they do because they are young.

  I’m sure my future wife is very good at getting what she wants. If she smiled up at me with those dimples I’d cut her a check in a second. I grit my jaw thinking of other men having done the same shit.

  “Toss the prenup.”

  “Thank fuck. I’ll get started on another one first thing tomorrow.” I shake my head no. If you have a prenup, divorce will be fast. Not having one with the kind of money I make would be messy as hell and take years to resolve if I wanted to be a bastard and I would definitely be one of those if she tried to leave me.

  “What are you saying?”

  I pocket my phone as we pull up outside the Coles’ house. “Our meeting is over. Connor will take you wherever you need to go.” I open the door, stepping out. He tries to say something else, but I slam it in his face, done with this conversation.

  What does it matter? She could take half of what I have and I’d still never burn through what was left. Not to mention the exorbitant amount of money I make in a day already.

  I stare up at the giant mansion. Who needs all of this for four people? No wonder William is bleeding money. He cares more about his image than he does being financially sound. He can keep his image, and I’ll easily save his ass.

  If you ask me, I think I’m getting the better part of the deal. When I brought the idea to him of me marrying his daughter in exchange for me saving him from financial ruin, he jumped all over it. He’d offered her up like a piece of cattle.

  I was undeniably pissed off about it. Someone else could have swooped in and taken my beautiful angel before I even knew she existed. I tell myself that I’m not forcing her into this marriage. That I’m doing this to save her. I lie to myself.

  The door opens, revealing my sweet Kennedy. Her eyes go wide when she sees me as if she’s frightened. She should be with all the things I want to do to her. In time, I remind myself. I must be patient. One week and I’ll know every inch of her body.

  She’ll belong to me in every way soon.



  I swallow when I see Gerrit standing outside my front door. I open my mouth, but no words come out. What is wrong with me? He stares at me with his emotionless face never giving anything away. When I first met him I was almost positive he disliked me. It was a shock when Dad said we’d be getting married.

  Not only because I didn't think Gerrit liked me but because this isn't the 1800s. I thought the family tradition of arranged marriages would end with my parents’ generation. Why would our parents do this to us? Haven't they learned anything? My parents can’t stand each other, and neither could my grandparents. Out of all of the arranged marriages I’ve seen, none have turned out in a love match.

  “Don’t stand there. Invite your fiancé in,” Mom hisses at me with a glare before she turns a sweet smile on to Gerrit. “Come in, come in. She can be a little daft sometimes.” Mom shakes her head, sending her blond locks that match mine f

  “It’s fine.” He steps into the house, his eyes still on me. I take a step back, my heel catching on the rug. I start to fall but two strong arms wrap around me letting me know I’m not going anywhere. His touch makes my body feel something I know it shouldn’t. I push that feeling aside remembering what I’m here for.

  “Thank you.”

  He puts me back on my feet.

  “Why don’t you go get yourself together and check on your sister.” It’s not a question but an order. I nod my head. I release my hold on Gerrit’s biceps. I hadn't realized I’d grabbed them. I must have done it when he caught me. I turn around, leaving the entryway as fast as I can without running.

  When I round the corner, my sister grabs me, pulling me into a closet. I let out a small scream of surprise. She covers my mouth with her hand. She lets out a giggle before dropping her hand. I instantly feel better with her around. The two of us are thick as thieves and do everything together.

  “Why are we in the closet?”

  “Why were you staring at your future husband like he’d come here to murder you?”

  “I was shocked is all.” I tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear.

  “Come on.” She grabs my hand, leading me back toward her bedroom. I am technically the older sister. A few days shy of eleven months apart. This past week, though, it’s been her that I’ve been leaning on. “He is handsome.” She points to the vanity chair. I drop down, letting her play with my hair and makeup. It’s one of her favorite things to do.

  “Too handsome. But not in that pretty boy way.” Kinley rolls her eyes, knowing what I’m talking about. Before this whole arranged marriage thing she’d set us up on dates. They’d been the worst. I’d rather have my whole body waxed than sit with one of those trust fund entitled men. Men that think you should fall at their feet and cater to their every whim.

  “The wedding isn't for a week. We've got time. You can feel your new man out.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

  “I’m guessing I won't see him much. This next week is going to be crazy getting everything done for this wedding. You know that Mom probably has a thousand things that she wants me to do. I’m still shocked how fast this all came together.”

  “Looks as though someone didn't want to wait to make you his wife.” She gets a dreamy look in her eyes. I poke her.

  “This isn't a fairy tale.” My dreams of a happily ever after went out the window the day my parents sat me down to tell me about this arrangement. I sigh inwardly, knowing that there is nothing I can do to change this. This is my fate, and I have to make the best of it.

  “Right.” She drops the mascara down on the table.

  “Let’s do this. The sooner you have dinner, the sooner this will be done for tonight.” My stomach tightens. I stop looking at myself in the mirror. To be honest, I was a little surprised that Gerrit hadn’t asked for Kinley’s hand in marriage.

  Not that I’m not pretty, but she’s breathtaking. She could be one of those Victoria’s Secret angels. On more than one occasion I’ve watched grown men turn into stuttering messes in front of her. That was always rather entertaining. Maybe because I’m the oldest? Though I’m sure my dad would have offered either of us. I wonder what he’s getting out of this deal. Because I know my dad doesn’t do anything unless it somehow benefits him.

  Kinley locks her arm with mine as we head into the kitchen, taking our time. We’re in no rush to hang out with everyone in the sitting room while the men drink scotch and talk of stocks and other things that are snooze-worthy.

  “Go ahead, girls.” Fia winks at us and we both steal a fried cheese ball. I’m going to miss her cooking so much. Who am I kidding? I’m going to miss her. Oftentimes Fia was more of a mom to us than ours. Giving us advice on boys or helping us with homework. She heads out of the kitchen with a tray in hand. I steal another cheese ball, knowing that my mom will be watching every morsel of food that I put in my mouth at dinner. Might as well fill up now.

  “There are worse men you could be marrying and losing your virginity to.” The cheese ball stops almost to my mouth. That is true, going by the men Mom tried to make us date. “Or we could have a wild night out and you pick who you lose it to. A small act of rebellion.”

  I pop the cheese ball into my mouth. While it does sound wild and fun, I know myself. When it came down to it, I wouldn't follow through.

  “Or you can be like Mom and Dad. Banging anyone you want and pretending no one knows.”

  “I’m trying to eat here,” I say with a mouth full of food.

  “Your mother is looking for you,” Fia says, coming back into the kitchen.

  “I’ll meet you there. Bathroom.” I snag one more cheese ball, eating as I head toward the hall bathroom. I shut and lock the door behind me. A shyness starts to take over, making me feel a little nauseous. I’m not shy. I can speak in front of large groups and committees. I do it for a living.

  But not in front of a man who is going to own you, my mind whispers to me.

  I suck in a breath, my nipples going hard. I guess I have a thing for possessive men. I don’t think that’s what my soon-to-be husband is. I’m not really sure why he’s in the market for a wife. His family might be pushing him too.

  I wash my hands, knowing if I don’t get out there soon, Mom will come looking for me. I unlock the door, pulling it open only to have it be pushed right back in. Gerrit kicks the bathroom door closed. I swallow at the pissed-off look on his face, shocked that he’d come looking for me.

  From what little I’ve learned about Gerrit from others, it’s a pretty normal look for him. He actually dons two looks: pissed or stoic.

  “Hi,” I get out. It’s only one word, but it's more than the last time. His dark eyes narrow on me. Even pissed off he still looks hot. He towers over me. He makes me feel tiny and delicate. I only come up to his chest, where I could rest my head and hear his heartbeat. The rest of him is big too. If I walked past Gerrit on the street I never would have thought that he was one of the city's most powerful players. He has a more rugged look to him. He’s not your typical handsome pretty boy.

  I’d probably think he was an athlete or something. It's clear he’s hitting the gym. I hope he doesn't expect me to follow in his footsteps. One thing I am looking forward to when I move out of here is I won’t have to do the six am workout routines Mom makes us do. She doesn't come right out and say it, but she thinks I’m on the plump side.

  How many times has she said that? “Don’t you want a waist like your sister’s?” Kinley’s waist is nice, but I enjoy my hips, and I’m not giving up food. It’s not fair that Kinley could out eat me and still never gain a pound. I think she got that from Mom.

  “We’re engaged,” he growls out. The sound goes straight to my sex. I feel myself grow wet. Yep, he’s pissed. I nod my head. “Where is your ring?”

  “My room?”

  “You are not to take it off. Ever.” I nod my head again. The ring is beautiful. Giant but beautiful. It felt wrong to wear it. It felt like a lie. One that I’ll have to look at every day. A reminder that I am in a loveless marriage.

  He steps in close to me. I step back, my ass hitting the bathroom sink. I can feel the heat of his body. I find myself getting more turned on. This cannot be happening. I cannot fall for this man. That would mean so much heartache for me.

  His eyes drop to my mouth. I lick my lips. The look in his eyes isn't one I understand. I go to apologize about the ring, but I’m cut off as his mouth takes mine. I gasp as I’m lifted to sit on the sink as he buries his fingers into my hair. He gets a firm grip on me, tilting my head to get a better angle for him to kiss me the way he wants.

  “Open, wife.”

  I part my lips. His tongue swoops in and I moan, shocking myself. It’s met with a deep groan from him. I shift, needing something else, but he pulls back, leaving me breathless. My hands are still clinging to the front of his dress shirt. I quickly drop them, not even remembering when I’d grabbed a hold of i

  “You’re already mine. No one fucks you, no one touches you,” My face fills with heat. He heard us talking. I nod my head. “Not good enough. I want the words.”

  “No one,” I breathe out. This time it’s him who shakes his head, wanting more from me. “No one fucks me, no one touches me.” My face warms even more as I repeat his words back to him. I can't believe I got those words out.

  He steps back. “Get your ring. Dinner is being served.” With that, he turns, leaving me alone in the bathroom.

  What the hell was that?



  That was a mistake. I don’t know what possessed me to go to her. I glance over at my future wife. Okay, I do know. Everything about her. I’d slipped out to use the bathroom, really needing to get away from Linda. Her voice and forced fake laugh got under my skin. It’s something I’m going to have to get used to. I also wanted to steal another peek at Kennedy. I was growing impatient waiting for my future wife to come back.

  Then I heard them. I’d seen red at the sister’s idea of hooking up with some random man before my beautiful angel was supposed to take my hand in marriage. The rush of anger had surprised me. I fought with myself not to barge into the kitchen.

  I should put a tail on her to be sure. You can never be too safe. Not with something like her. I’ve never wanted anything as bad as I want her.

  “I forgot about that.” Linda breaks into one of her laughs. I notice the sisters don’t join her. I’d missed whatever she said. My mind on other things. My only thoughts are of my beautiful angel.


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