Only Her

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Only Her Page 10

by Lucy Darling

  “You’re the only woman I’ve ever truly wanted Kennedy. The only one I’ll ever want.” I don’t want her to be jealous. Not even for a moment. I know how that shit felt when the shoe was on the other foot. It eats at me when fuckers stare too long at her. I know it’s something I’ll have to get used to. It’s hard not to stare at Kennedy. I get it, but it doesn’t mean I have to fucking like it.

  “I love you.” She wraps her arms around me.

  “I love you too.” I pull her to me for a kiss. “I think I’ve loved you from the start. It’s why I started calling you love. It just rolled off my tongue.” I’ve never used the word before as an endearment, but with her it felt right. Once I started calling her that I couldn’t stop.

  “You’re so damn sweet. You know that?” She wiggles on my lap. I clench my jaw trying to get my dick under control. It’s been a long day. I’ve been hard for most of it, and now I’m minutes away from being inside of her. “So are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  There is a knock at the door signaling that we’ve arrived. The driver’s not going to open the door not knowing what we might be doing. I knew if I started anything with Kennedy in the limo that I wouldn't be able to stop. I need us on that plane and in the air as soon as possible. I open the door, holding my hand out for her to take.

  “Oh. I didn't pack anything,” she says right before I lift her into my arms.

  “I handled it, and anything you might need you can always buy, but I think you’ll be naked or in a swimsuit for the most part.” I jog up the steps with her.

  “I hope we’re going somewhere warm.” She looks up like she’s thinking. I cross the threshold of the plane before putting her down on her feet.

  “I got us a yacht.” Her face lights up.

  “You really are trying to get me all to yourself.” She lets out a sweet giggle that goes straight to my cock.

  “I am. We’re going to the French Riviera.” She lets out a small scream before throwing herself at me and kissing me all over my face. I laugh.

  “I love when you make that sound.”

  She sighs, looking up at me.

  “Sir. We have the luggage on board. We are ready for takeoff. Would you and your wife like a drink first?”

  “No,” we both say at the same time.

  “Get us in the air, Mack.”

  He smiles, giving us a nod. The flight attendant follows him to the front.

  “This is fancy,” Kennedy says when I lead her over to a seat so we can buckle in. She gives me a wicked smile. “I’m guessing there is a bedroom?”

  “You’re going to find out in about ten minutes.” She throws her head back, letting out another one of those laughs.

  “The perks to being married to a rich man,” she teases me. I’m not teasing. I’m going to shower her with everything I can if it keeps getting me those smiles and laughs. I am going to make sure my wife never regrets the day she agreed to marry me.



  My body hums with anticipation. How long does it take for a plane to get into the air? I swear this is taking forever. Gerrit slides his hand into mine, our fingers tangling together. I run my finger across the platinum band on his finger. The one that lets everyone know that he’s taken. A thrill runs through me at that thought.

  “Does it feel strange wearing a ring?” I ask him.

  “Feels right.” I’ve noticed he keeps touching it. I love seeing my mark on him.

  “Are my parents okay?” I finally ask now that we’re alone.

  “They are whatever you want them to be.”

  I let out a sigh. “I don’t care anymore. Now that Kinley is going to Europe and then coming back to stay with us it doesn’t matter. You know you’re the best husband to agree to that for them.”

  “I’d do anything for you. It was never for them. Everything I’ve done has been for you.”

  “If you leave them, will they sink?”

  “That would be in your father's hands. I don’t have to pull his loans.”

  “Then just let it go. They can sink or swim on their own.” I don’t hate my parents, but I also don’t want them tangled in my life. They’ll have to change if they want to be a part of this family Gerrit and I are about to make. There is no way in hell I will put up with their shit toward my children. I am free now and Gerrit gave me that freedom.

  “You have a giant heart. You know that?”

  “And it’s all yours.” He leans over, kissing me. His hands tangle in my hair. I feel the seatbelt click off as he lifts me into his arms. I don’t break my mouth from his until he puts me down on my feet in the bedroom. It’s bigger than I thought it would be. I forget how wealthy he is sometimes. My parents were rich but never on this level.

  I turn around, giving him my back. He undoes a few buttons, his fingers trailing down my skin, causing goosebumps to erupt all over. The dress drops to the floor, pooling at my feet. I turn back around to face him.

  “Recognize this?“

  “Love, I’ll never forget the way you looked in that dressing room. Or the first taste of your pussy. I was obsessed with you before, but after that I was addicted. I knew I would never get enough of you.” He leans back against the door. “I want you to take it off for me. Wouldn’t want to ruin it.”

  I bite my lip, suddenly feeling shy. I know we’ve done other stuff before, but I don’t think I’ve ever stood in front of him completely naked. He reaches down and adjusts his cock. The hunger he has for me in his eyes pushes me past my shyness. The man is my husband. My forever. Not to mention he’s a little obsessed with me. Well, maybe a lot obsessed considering the extreme measures he went through to make me his wife.

  I reach behind me, unsnapping the bra and letting it hit the floor with my dress. Gerrit sucks in a breath. I slowly turn around, giving him my back as I slip my fingers into my panties to bend down and free them from my body.

  Gerrit is on me before I can turn back around. He spins me around to face him, his mouth crashing down on mine in a wild, intoxicating mess. He lifts me off my feet, and I wrap them around him. He growls into my mouth, the sounds rumbling through my body going straight to my clit.

  My back hits the bed, and Gerrit releases my mouth to kiss my neck and anywhere he can. We are desperate for each other.

  “Fuck, you always taste so good.” He nips my neck, making my body jerk in response. “I love the way you respond to me,” I whimper. He could light my body up in ways I didn't know were possible. I wasn’t aware that someone could get this turned on. I already feel myself getting soaked between my thighs.

  He trails kisses down my body, stopping at my breast to suck on one nipple then the other. “You know I’m not wearing protection,” he says. I figured as much. I hoped that he wouldn’t, but I didn’t want to assume it. I want to feel every part of him. For us to be one with no barriers.

  “Don’t want you to. You’re my husband. I don’t want anything between us.”

  Gerrit closes his eyes. “You’re going to make this be over before it begins with that mouth of yours.” He pushes off the bed, leaving me naked in the center of it. I come up to my knees. Gerrit starts undoing the buttons of his shirt. I watch, getting more excited by the second. I can feel my arousal coating my thighs.

  I go for his belt, wanting to be helpful. “Lie back, love. I can’t have your hands on me yet.”

  I huff a pretend pout before I let myself fall back onto the bed. I watch as he strips off the rest of his clothes. He stands in front of me looking like male perfection. “This isn't fair.” I motion my hand towards his body. He really is using that gym he has at the house.

  “No, this isn't fair.” His hands slide up my legs. He parts them as he goes. “All soft and sweet.” He lifts his fingertips that are now coated with my arousal to his mouth. “If you haven't noticed, I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  “I’ve noticed.” I let out a small moan when he reaches my sex. My clit is begging for attentio

  “So fucking wet for me.”

  “Please.” I lift my hips, unable to stop wiggling around.

  “I’ve got you.” He leans down, making room for himself, spreading my legs wider with his broad shoulders. I feel his warm breath against me before he takes one long lick of me then teases my clit. “I’ve got to get you ready.” He pushes a finger into me as his tongue works my clit. I swear I black out for a brief second as the pleasure courses through my body.

  When he hooks his finger hitting the right spot inside of me, I come, crying out his name. Gerrit doesn't stop. He pushes another finger inside of me. This time he sucks my clit into his mouth, his tongue driving me wild. My body locks up as I come again.

  He leaves me breathless. I feel him start to slide up my body. I wrap my arms around him. “You’re so damn beautiful. I don’t know how I got so lucky to get you to fall in love with me.”

  “All you had to do was be you,” I admit. The head of his cock brushes against me. It doesn’t take much for it to slip right in. I’m so damn wet.

  “Are you sore at all?” I shake my head no. I am glad he took my cherry last night. He ordered me to take some pain relievers and a bath. I woke up just fine. Now we won’t have to worry about it tonight. It’s so like Gerrit to be thinking ahead for us.

  “I do ache.” I lift my hips, and he slides in a little more. Gerrit’s jaw goes tight, and I know he’s trying to keep control. I run my mouth along his neck as he pushes more into me. I kiss him before taking a small bite of him.

  His whole body jerks, and he growls my name. “Sorry. Can’t help myself.” I wrap my legs around him. “Take me. We have all night. The first time can be quick.” I clench around his cock, already feeling like I’m going to come myself.

  He takes my mouth in a deep kiss as he pushes all the way inside of me. I moan at the feeling of being so full of him. My fingers dig into his back. He thrusts in and out of me, his mouth never leaving mine as I cling to him, never wanting to let go.

  I break the kiss, allowing my head to fall back as Gerrit changes his angle and starts to thrust harder and faster. I let out a loud moan.

  “Need you to come for me. Want to feel you lock around me. Give it to me.” His hand slips between us, finding my clit. It’s all too much, and I come. This orgasm is so different from the others. Gerrit comes with me. If I thought I was addicted to my husband before, now I'm never going to let him out of this bed.

  “Kennedy.” He groans my name. His warm release spills deep inside of me. My sex remains locked around him, still milking him. My body wants everything he’s giving it. We ride out the pleasure until we’re both breathless.

  Gerrit rolls, taking me with him so I’m sprawled out on his chest. His cock is still inside me and is still very much hard.

  “You’re still hard.”

  “Yeah, I’m going to need more of you.”

  “It’s a good thing you wifed me then. I’ll all yours.” I push on his chest to sit up. His cock pushes deeper inside of me. We both moan at the sensation. His hands come to my hips, holding me in place.

  “Making you my wife is the best decision I ever made.” My eyes sting. Gerrit has done so many great things in his life, and the fact that he would say that marrying me was his best decision warms my heart.

  “I love you.” I lean down to kiss him. “Thank you for not stopping until I was all yours.”

  He slips his hand into my hair. “I’m a man that gets what he wants, and I’m always going to want you, Kennedy. Rest assured I’ll always fight for you. For our family.”

  Our family. I love the sound of that. Gerrit is going to give me the family I’ve always wanted, and I’m going to give him all of me. I belong to him now, and I know he’ll handle me with care.



  5 years later

  I bite my lip wondering if my husband is going to be mad about this or not. I look up at his building knowing I’m going to do it anyway. I’ve already come this far. After five years of marriage I still can’t get enough of him. I straighten my coat, heading inside.

  Security gives me a nod, letting me bypass and head straight to the elevators. I try not to fidget. I remind myself that there is no way anyone can tell I’m practically naked under here. The elevator stops every few floors and more people get on until it’s almost full from wall to wall.

  I hold my coat tightly even though it's buttoned, making sure to be extra careful. Luckily at the next stop everyone but one man gets off, and I can breathe again. He looks over at me for a moment then starts playing with his phone.

  “Do I know you?” he asks, turning to face me. He’s in a fancy suit that screams of money.

  “I don’t think so.” In my line of work I meet a lot of people, though. His face isn't ringing any bells. His eyes go down me and then back up. I swallow. There is no way he can tell I only have panties on under here.

  “I swear I’ve seen you before.” He takes a step closer to me. I glance to see how many floors are left. Why does Gerrit have to be all the way at the top? I notice the top floor is the only button that’s lit up. So I guess the man is going all the way to the top as well.

  “I do a lot of work for Healing Hearts. You might have seen me at one of their events.”

  “I don’t think so.” He reaches up and fixes his tie. “I have a quick meeting. Do you want to get a drink after?” I hold up my hand showing my wedding ring. He does the same. “I won’t tell if you don’t.” He winks at me, making my stomach turn. “It will be a good time.” He takes another step toward me, but the elevator doors slide open. I dart out, stepping into the ladies’ room, grateful that there is some place that I can dip in and hide and where he couldn’t follow me.

  God, men can be such creeps. I thank the moon and stars that I’ve gotten myself a good one. My husband is beyond loyal. The last thing that man ever wants to do is hurt me. Since the moment he saw me all those years ago, he has done everything in his power to make me happy.

  After a couple minutes, I step out of the ladies’ room, checking to make sure the coast is clear. Once I see the hallway is empty besides Samson, who is sitting at his desk in front of my husband's office, I decide it’s safe. He gives me a warm smile when he sees me.

  “How are you holding up?” he asks.

  “Not too bad. I can’t believe it’s already his first day of school. I know it’s only pre-k and half a day but still.”

  “Just means it’s time for another.”

  “Maybe,” I agree.

  “He’s in there with someone.”

  “I’ll wait.” The door opens a moment later. I watch as the creep from earlier in the elevator steps out of my husband's office.

  “Change your mind, sweetheart? There is a hotel bar right across the street.”

  “The fuck.” My eyes widen at the look on Gerrit’s face. “Was this the woman you were talking about in my office?” His nose flares.

  “Mr. Kane. I didn’t know—"

  “Get the fuck out of my building before I lay you out. It would be worth the lawsuit.”

  I bypass the man, putting my hands on Gerrit’s chest. He glares at the man over my head.

  “Don’t make me repeat myself.” I don’t have to look to know the man has taken off. I push on Gerrit’s chest. He moves but only because he wants to.

  “Hold everything,” I tell Samson before the door falls closed behind us. Gerrit crowds me against the door. He leans in, and I think he’s going to kiss me, but he flips the lock.

  “What are you wearing?”

  I bite my lip. Damn this man. He knows me too well.

  “I wanted to distract you.”

  “You said you had a meeting. I would have stayed home. In fact, where is Kurt?” I know he would have. Gerrit has pulled it way back since we got married. He hired new people who can do his job, and he works from home now too. He’s held to his word that I would always come first.

  “Don’t be mad a
t Kurt. I told him I wanted to surprise you when I got out early.”

  He steps back, going for the buttons on my coat. “You didn’t answer me.” The coat falls open, and he sucks in a breath. “Love.” He grabs me by the hips, pulling me into him. My feet leave the floor. I wrap them around him as he takes me over to the couch in his office, laying me down on it.

  His fingers trail across the small baby bump that is already forming. We haven't told anyone about it. We plan to tonight when everyone comes over to dinner to see how our son’s first day went. Everything in this family is a production, and I love it. Everyone is always looking for a reason to get together.

  Sadly, my parents never really pulled it together and over time have drifted out of our lives. It was their loss. Gerrit’s mom and dad are like parents to me now. I don’t think I could have better ones than them.

  “Why do I get so fucking turned on when you’re pregnant?”

  “You’re always turned on.” I laugh. “But I know the feeling.” I am the same way. He leans down, kissing my stomach before he starts to pull at his own clothes until he’s naked. He comes down over me, his mouth meeting mine. I run my fingers through his short hair.

  “I love you so damn much. Never in a million years did I think I could feel the way you make me feel.”

  “Gerrit.” My stomach flutters. All these years and he can still do that to me. “You’ve done the same for me. We were made for each other. We belong together.”

  “In this life and the next.”

  “I have no doubt you’d follow me into the next life to make sure no men got close to me.” I laugh.

  “Damn straight.” His fingers hook in my panties as he pulls them down my legs. My laughter quickly turns into a moan as my husband pleasures me and then makes love to me. He always gives me what I need. I have no doubt I have the happily ever after I was always meant to. And it’s all because of him.

  My husband wouldn't settle for anything else. What that man wants he gets. Lucky for me, I’m always what he wants and needs.


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