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Empty Net (Madison Howlers Book 3)

Page 10

by Camellia Tate

  Reaching out to find Ryan’s hand, Naomi gave it a squeeze. “Don’t spoil the dog too much,” she advised with a smile.

  Watching Naomi go, Ryan still felt bad. He told himself Naomi hadn’t seemed to mind. The sooner he picked out what he wanted for Dougie, the sooner he could be back with her.

  It didn’t take long. Ryan gave all the beds a good squish with his hands, wanting to pick whichever was the most comfortable. Using the deep tweed bed as a basket, Ryan loaded it up with two bowls, a brush, and a couple of small, quiet toys. It would be good for Dougie to have something to keep him busy when Ryan and Naomi wanted ‘adult time’.

  Right as Ryan was heading up the path to meet Naomi, his cell rang. He paused, having to put everything down so he could tug it out of his pocket. It was his dad. Ryan smiled as he answered the phone.

  He kept the conversation short and sweet. By the time he picked up everything and joined Naomi, he was grinning from ear to ear. “Sorry, my dad called,” he explained, not wanting Naomi to worry that he’d spent all that time picking out dog toys.

  “Work’s bringing him north next week, so he’s going to stay an extra couple of days to watch a match.” It wasn’t often Ryan’s dad got to see him play. It would be exciting for both of them.

  “You sound really happy,” Naomi observed. There was a smile on her lips, too. It struck Ryan that that smile was in direct response to his smile. Him being happy made Naomi happy. It was... novel. There was so much about being in a relationship that Ryan just hadn’t expected. He wondered if it’d ever stop being surprising.

  Dougie bumped his head against Ryan’s knee. “I told him you’re getting him presents,” Naomi said with a grin. Dougie gave a soft little noise, as if he was thanking Ryan for the things. Or at least, that’s what it felt like.

  “I did get him presents,” Ryan agreed. “Not too many. I don’t think.” Ryan had never had a pet, he wasn’t really sure how to tell whether you were spoiling a dog or not. Especially not a service dog who worked as hard as Dougie did. “I want him to feel comfortable at my place, because I want you to feel comfortable having him at my place.”

  Still carrying Dougie’s bed, it was harder to get close enough to press a kiss against Naomi’s cheek. Ryan managed anyway. He was nothing if not persistent.

  “I am really happy that my dad’s coming,” he agreed. “He works so hard, he almost never gets up here and has time to watch a game.”

  “We probably should’ve gotten a shopping cart,” Naomi hummed thoughtfully when she felt the dog bed between them as Ryan leaned in. That was a good suggestion, especially if he also needed to carry a fig bush.

  There were some nearby. Ryan briefly excused himself before returning with one, all the dog-related things already loaded inside it. “So what’s your dad like?” Naomi asked.

  Ryan gave a thoughtful hum. He remembered he’d told Naomi a little about his parents on their first date. He’d brought his mom and sister up since. They came up in conversation because he talked to them a lot more often than his dad. Not because he loved him any less. It was just different.

  “He loves that he has a pro hockey player son,” Ryan answered, grinning. “Mom got him into hockey. When I got picked for my first team, I worried that - well, that it would be hard for him to come watch it without thinking about her, you know?”

  As soon as he’d been old enough, Ryan had wondered what it must feel like to lose someone you love and then have to watch them settle down with their soulmate. It wasn’t something he’d ever planned to do himself.

  He pushed that thought away.

  “Like I said, he works a lot. He didn’t get to travel when we were growing up, so now he takes every chance he’s offered.”

  “That sounds nice,” Naomi commented. “I’m guessing he was alright with coming and watching you play?” She guessed. “I bet seeing you play outweighed any kind of sadness or resentment he might’ve had towards your mom.” It was a nice way to put it.

  Ryan watched her chew on her lower lip. He was pretty sure that meant that Naomi wanted to ask something, so he gave her a moment. “Does it bother you? That I can’t see you play?”

  Ryan honestly hadn’t thought about it in quite that way. Sure, he loved when his family came to watch him. He’d never expected to have a girlfriend in the audience like so many of the other guys did.

  Because he’d never expected to have a girlfriend.

  Now that he had Naomi, he didn’t wish for her to be any different than she was.

  “No,” Ryan answered, shaking his head. “I mean, I want you to think I’m brilliant at hockey, obviously.” Ryan had always wanted that to be the first thing people thought of. The fact that Naomi couldn’t see him play meant that it wasn’t the first thing for her. It never would be.

  “I guess there must be something else you like about me than just my hockey skills,” he pointed out. “That’s pretty nice to know.”

  “Yeah,” Naomi nodded. “You’ve got a great cock.” It was said so deadpan that it took Ryan a moment to realize that she was joking.

  Ryan laughed so suddenly it startled Dougie. His stomach muscles clenched as he tried to keep it quiet, but it was no good. The chuckles just kept coming. Ryan pulled Naomi against him, kissing her mouth and trying to pour the surge of unexpected emotions into the kiss.

  “You’re fucking great, you know that?” he asked her, once he’d kissed her hard enough for his lips to tingle.

  Naomi grinned at Ryan and gave a confident nod. “I know,” she confirmed. That just made Ryan smile wider. He liked it a lot that Naomi knew she was great, that he didn’t have to reassure her.

  “So,” Naomi said taking a step back after a moment. “Do I get to meet your dad?” she asked. “I mean, it’s fine if not. I don’t know if maybe that’s too soon? But I’d like to, if you want that.”

  Ryan didn’t think it was too soon. Especially not when they didn’t know when his dad might be in the area next. “I’d like that,” he answered. “I’ve told him a bit about you. I think he’s curious to find out more.” Ryan could hardly blame him for that. He was still enjoying getting to know more and more about Naomi.

  “Does this mean I get to meet your dad, too?” Ryan asked. He’d wondered whether Naomi’s dad and his might like to come to the game together. It did seem a little soon for that. Especially as Ryan had yet to meet Naomi’s dad himself.

  “I’d love you to,” Naomi nodded. “I’ve told him about you, of course, but he definitely wants to meet you. Not just because you’re a hockey player, but that’s probably at least seventy percent of the reason,” she joked.

  From what Naomi had told him about her dad, Ryan knew that her dad was a fan of Howlers. At least it took some pressure off him about making a good impression - which he’d still try to do, of course. The idea of meeting Naomi’s dad was a little intimidating. That was mostly because Ryan had never met the parents of someone he was dating.

  “We could go out for dinner after the game?” Naomi suggested. “With your dad. And then maybe next week you can meet my dad?”

  “Yeah,” Ryan agreed. “It’ll be a good celebratory dinner.” There was, of course, the very small chance that the Howlers might not win their match. Ryan wouldn’t let that thought past his lips. It would be bad luck. Any anyway, even if they did, dinner with his dad and Naomi was sure to pick his spirits up.

  Setting his hands on the handle of the cart, Ryan glanced around them at the various plants. “Right,” he said. “Which of these would you like?”

  “That one,” she pointed at a plant with no hesitation. Ryan had no idea how Naomi knew. She seemed to read his mind. “It’s not too big for its pot, so it isn’t going to urgently need repotting,” she explained.

  “And then we need to get some tomato seeds so you can plant yourself a tomato,” she added. “Afterward, though, the fig bush can stay in your car if you want to set up whatever you’ve bought for Dougie? See how he likes it?” Her words wer
e accompanied by a smile. Dougie barked loudly with approval of this plan.

  It sounded so domestic. Somehow, in one trip to the garden center not only had they agreed to meet one another’s parents, but they were each working towards making space for the other in their homes.

  As unexpected as it was, Ryan couldn’t help but grin. He wanted this. He liked the idea that he and Naomi were planning for a future together. Even if it was only the future of however long it took to grow a tomato plant.

  By the time they’d done that, who knew what else they might be ready for?

  Chapter Six

  In the end, their well-laid plans hadn’t quite worked out. Naomi had been supposed to meet Ryan’s dad just before the game so they could watch it together. Instead, one of the other player’s girlfriends had come to tell Naomi that Ryan’s dad couldn’t make it. Doe was very sweet and since she was staying for the game she had offered to stand with Naomi.

  It wasn’t the first hockey game Naomi had been to but it was still nice to have someone there with her.

  By the time the first period was over, things weren’t looking great. The Howlers were already two points down. The second period did very little to right that. They came back strong in the third, but no amount of cheering could get them enough points.

  The game finished in a disappointing four-point loss.

  After it, Naomi assured Doe that she’d be fine to find her way. She hadn’t brought Dougie with her, since Naomi had worried the noise would be too much for him. She and Ryan had agreed to meet at one of the exits. One that was far enough back not to attract any fans.

  Naomi figured they could still go out for dinner at the restaurant that Ryan had booked. Or, if he wasn’t up for it, they could just go home. Naomi knew losses were pretty shitty. And Ryan had really been looking forward to his dad being there, so this would be an extra blow.

  Hopefully, she could make it at least a little better.

  Half an hour later, Naomi was pretty sure she should’ve taken Doe up to the offer of help. Ryan was supposed to be done by now, but Naomi was pretty sure she had gotten herself lost. She had followed the instructions Ryan had given her of where the exit was. Somewhere along the way there must’ve been a door she’d missed, or a sign she’d passed by.

  Something - because right now? Naomi had no idea where she was.

  It was... shit, to be perfectly honest.

  Getting lost in a building always made Naomi feel bad. There were, she had no doubt, signs she could’ve followed. If she could see them. The instructions had been clear. Naomi had felt pretty confident she’d figure it out. Then again, she had also kind of relied on Ryan’s dad being there to help her if she couldn’t find the right exit.

  Leaning against a wall, Naomi sighed. Thankfully, someone was coming towards her. She knew it wasn’t Ryan. By now, Naomi recognized his walk. The steps were still heavy, so maybe another player.

  “Excuse me?” Naomi asked and the man paused.


  She didn’t recognize his voice and he didn’t seem to recognize her, so Naomi figured it might’ve been someone from the opposite team. That was slightly less helpful. He wouldn’t know where the exit she was looking for was, but at least he could tell her where they were now.

  “I’m looking for Exit N?” she said somewhat hopefully.

  “I think that’s closed for repairs,” the man said. Naomi frowned. That was... even less helpful. “Do you need me to help you?” he offered and Naomi gave him a smile.

  “No, that’s alright. Can you just tell me where we are? I’ll get my boyfriend to come find me.” It did make Naomi wonder where Ryan was. If the exit he’d told her to meet her by was closed then... where did he expect her to be?

  “We’re in the corridor leading to the away team’s locker rooms,” the guy told her, confirming Naomi’s suspicion that he must’ve played for the other team. “Are you sure you don’t want my help?”

  “I’m sure,” Naomi promised. “Congratulations on your win,” she added and she could almost hear the guy smile.

  “Thanks,” he nodded. “And you’re...”

  “I’m sure,” Naomi cut him off, pulling out her phone so she could wave it about. The guy seemed satisfied enough with her ability to call someone to find her and walked off.

  The phone rang long enough for Naomi to start worrying that Ryan wasn’t actually going to answer it. Finally, there was a somewhat rushed ‘hello’. It didn’t sound like he had looked at the caller ID.

  “Hey, it’s me,” Naomi said. “I tried to get to the exit you told me,” but apparently it doesn’t currently exist “But I couldn’t find it and now I’m a bit lost. I’m in the corridor leading to the away team’s locker room. Will you come find me?” Naomi detested needing help, but it wasn’t like she had a great deal of choice right now.

  “The away team’s locker room?” Ryan asked, managing to sound both confused and annoyed. “What are you doing there?” Naomi had just said she’d gotten lost, so she didn’t immediately answer. Repeating herself made Naomi feel even dumber for having gotten lost.

  “Yeah, yeah, okay,” Ryan thankfully agreed without her needing to say anything else. “I’m coming, just don’t move.”

  Naomi wasn’t planning to move. Instead, she just leaned against a wall. Next time she’d definitely take up someone’s offer to help. Needing to have Ryan come and find her made her feel helpless and Naomi wasn’t that. Or at least, she tried very hard not to be.

  This time when she heard footsteps approaching, Naomi knew it was Ryan. She turned towards him. “Sorry for needing to call you,” she said truthfully.

  “It’s fine,” Ryan answered. He could hardly have sounded less like it was fine. Now that he was there, in person, Naomi could hear the exhaustion in his voice. She could only imagine how dispiriting it must be to give a match your all only to lose.

  On the other hand, this was Ryan’s job. He should be used to it enough that he didn’t take it out on everyone around him.

  “Exit N’s closed,” he explained, which of course Naomi now knew. “They were sending everyone to Exit J instead.”

  “Yeah, well, I didn’t know that,” Naomi pointed out. If there had been people saying as much, she’d missed it. And if there were signs... it wasn’t exactly as if Naomi could see them. “I’m sorry about the loss,” she offered, feeling a bit awkward. She could feel that Ryan was close by. Unlike he normally would, Ryan hadn’t stepped in to kiss her hello.

  “Obviously you didn’t know that, or you wouldn’t be here.” Ryan huffed out a breath, but he still didn’t come closer. It put Naomi on edge. She needed him to help, to guide her in the right direction, but she didn’t want to have to ask.

  “The loss sucks,” Ryan muttered. “I just want to go home and forget about it.” He scuffed his feet against the floor, then finally reached out to touch Naomi’s arm. “Come on, before I have to bump into any of the other team.”

  “Right, because that’s the priority,” she said, feeling the annoyance build inside her. Naomi hated this. She hated needing help. Usually, Naomi made sure to plan things out so she wouldn’t end up in unknown situations. But she couldn’t have planned out a door being closed when she’d been told it’d be open.

  Almost unwillingly, she took Ryan’s arm. Honestly, Naomi was half tempted to tell him that she’d just use the GPS on her phone or ask someone else. But she knew he wouldn’t agree to that and then the argument that was solidly boiling would spill over.

  He walked quickly, his long legs meaning Naomi had to hustle to keep up. “Would you want to bump into someone you just lost a match to?” Ryan asked, like he genuinely believed that not wanting to meet anyone from the opposing team was a defensible position.

  Naomi must have look annoyed because he muttered. “Whatever, you don’t get it. Let’s just go.”

  “Can you slow down?” Naomi asked. This was... fuck. It was embarrassing. The whole thing was making Naomi feel uncomfo
rtable. She didn’t like the negativity rolling off Ryan. While Naomi knew it wasn’t her fault, it still made her feel shitty.

  When he didn’t immediately slow, Naomi almost tripped. This time, she had to let go of Ryan’s arm. “Shit, Ryan, seriously. You know I can’t fucking see! Yeah, I won’t get how terrible it must be for you to see someone from the opposing team - who by the way were extremely nice to me - but I don’t want to fall flat on my face.”

  It almost made Naomi wish she had taken up that other guy’s offer to help her.

  Ryan turned and though Naomi couldn’t see his face, she could hear how his breathing had quickened. “They were nice to you?” he asked, incredulously. “They were nice to you? What the fuck, Naomi! When did you even speak to them?”

  “When I had to ask someone where the fuck I was? Because I can’t read signs?” Naomi snapped back. Fuck was she going to be having this now. As if she had to excuse herself for asking someone where she was. Like that wasn’t embarrassing enough. Naomi was very, very quickly getting to the limit of her patience capacity with Ryan’s bullshit.

  “And you couldn’t have asked anyone else?” Ryan’s voice was getting louder, echoing off the empty halls around them. “This building is full of Howlers’ staff and Howlers’ supporters! You thought it would be a good idea to ask the guys that just beat us?”

  He paced. The sound of his footsteps coming and going put Naomi even more on edge.

  “Are you fucking serious? Ryan, I can’t see. I asked the person who was walking past.” Hell, Naomi couldn’t even say with any certainty they had been from the opposing team. She wasn’t going to point that out now, though. Naomi didn’t owe Ryan any sort of explanation.

  She really just wanted to go home. Be in a space she knew and felt safe. Ryan was supposed to be that space for her. But right now? Naomi really didn’t think she even wanted to be around him.

  It was one thing to take a loss badly. It was something completely different to take it out on her.


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