A Very Beary Christmas (The Ornamental Match Maker Book 22)

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A Very Beary Christmas (The Ornamental Match Maker Book 22) Page 1

by Danni Roan

  Danni Roan

  A Very Beary Christmas

  Ornamental Match Maker Series

  Danni Roan


  The Jimenez family has had a difficult relationship with Christmas ever since their parents were lost in a terrible accident. Now years later, the youngest tries to capture the essence of the holiday through her inspired winter landscapes. Traveling almost as far north as is possible, a single night under the stars will change everything. With nothing but her keen eyes and paint smeared easel can Anita capture the spirit of Christmas in time for a miracle? Devon Willshire has never worked so hard in his life. As a new intern at the local hospital, he's sleep-deprived, anxious and impatient to become an uncle for the first time. He has no time for love, romance, or silly Christmas traditions. Can a little magic from Mrs. Claus show him that everything he ever wanted or needs is right around the corner? Find out if a precious ornament and dash of magic can help two people find true love.

  Copyright © 2019 by Danni Roan All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. FIRST EDITION https://authordanniroan.com


  Chapter 1 5

  Chapter 2 13

  Chapter 3 19

  Chapter 4 27

  Chapter 5 32

  Chapter 6 40

  Chapter 7 45

  Chapter 8 50

  Chapter 9 58

  Chapter 10 63

  Chapter 11 70

  Chapter 12 77

  Chapter 13 88

  Chapter 14 99

  Chapter 15 107

  Chapter 16 121

  Chapter 17 125

  Chapter 1

  “And you’re sure you’re feeling all right?” Anita Jimenez asked over the phone as she rolled to her back and gazed up at the glass ceiling above.

  “I feel fine,” the woman’s voice on the other end of the phone fluttered in a sweet laugh. “I think you worry more about when this baby is coming than I do.”

  “Jamie, you and Carlos have been trying for years to have a baby, and now that you are just about to pop, I’m thousands of miles away, and you don’t think I should worry? SIL you are crazy.”

  “No I’m not,” Jamie chuckled again. Being pregnant seemed to agree with her, and even now with swollen feet, and a girth like an elephant, she was happy. “How’s the painting coming along?” she asked changing the subject. “I can’t have the next world famous landscape artist slow down because of me. Are you enjoying Alaska? Are the Northern Lights everything they say?”

  Anita smiled brushing her black hair off of one shoulder and exposing her red and white snowflake sweater as stars twinkled above through the roof of her glass igloo.

  “They are amazing. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to capture the colors and truly do them justice. I’ll be watching them again tonight and taking more pictures. My aurora borealis app says they should start soon.”

  “The pictures you sent earlier have been fantastic,” Jamie gushed on the other end of the phone. Carlos is so proud, and Pablo has been showing them to everyone.”

  Anita shook her head rolling her eyes at her two older brothers. She, Carlos and Pablo had been on their own for several years before her oldest brother, Carlos, met Jamilynn Walton a little over six years ago. They contracted Carlos to paint Jamie’s entire slew of holiday cottages along Lake Michigan, and the rest became history.

  Joining Jamie Walton’s family, especially the spritely Grandma Walton, had brought a joy for Christmas back to the whole Jimenez family that had been missing since their parents were lost in a terrible car accident one Christmas Eve.

  Now six years later a new joy was being added to the family. Jamie was due any day now, and Anita was anxious to finish up her commission work here at a holiday resort in Alaska then hurry home before the baby arrived.

  “It’s getting late here ‘Nita,” Jamie said with a yawn. “I’d better let you get to work. Love ya.”

  “Love you too Jamie,” Anita said with a grin. “See you soon.”

  Closing her eyes and clicking off the phone Anita counted her blessings. She had been fifteen when Carlos married Jamie, and the three of them had all moved into the living quarters of the Old Inn. The beautiful Victorian home that Jamie’s family had owned and run as a restaurant slash bed and breakfast for decades was like living in a fairy tale. Well a fairy tale with hard work and sometimes grumbling guests.

  Opening her dark eyes, Anita let her hands brush the soft blue and white fleece bedspread, watching the first flickers of the green-gold light as it flashed across the night sky. Beside her on a tripod her camera sat silently recording high resolution images on a time lapse run for her to examine later.

  Anita had almost refused the paid internship over the holidays, wanting to be home to help Jamie as the big day approached. Jamie, of course, had thrown a fit when Anita even suggested it. As an art student at one of the major universities in Michigan, Anita had been given the chance of a lifetime to stay at the big resort and paint the landscapes and buildings of the place.

  Each painting was commissioned, and along with the work, she had free room and board for a month while she worked. It would take weeks to finish the images the resort wanted, but she could ship the finished product to them after the big Christmas rush.

  Only two more days and Anita would wrap up her time in Alaska. It was a remarkable opportunity, but she missed her family and couldn’t wait to be home in her own room, selling little holiday arts and crafts from her tiny studio on the property of the Old Inn.

  Above, the eerily amazing lights danced like joyful couples over a dark ballroom floor, making Anita sigh. As stunning as the light show was, it made her sad to have no one to watch it with.

  Since arriving at the mega holiday destination, every night in her little glass igloo had been a wonder. Bright stars, fluttering snow, or the miraculous light show had surrounded her filling her heart with joy and delight and a hint of sorrow.

  Moving around the room studying the night show from various angles and checking her camera a few times, Anita began to grow sleepy and popped into the cozy enclosed bathroom to brush her teeth and prepare for bed. She had been out almost all day taking pictures and working on a few paintings that were nearly finished.

  Switching off the lights Anita crawled into the warm bed and watched the last of the light show, picking out specific stars and constellations in the midnight sky.

  One particular star seemed to flicker and pulse, outshining the others twinkling softly above as Anita’s eyes grew heavy, and she began to dream of jingling bells, peppermint sticks, and hot chocolate.


  Soft flakes of sparkling snow drifted from the heavens, each unique crystalline structure brushing the glass capsule on the sloping rise, like a reverse snow globe.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” a man’s deep voice whispered as he leaned over in a sleigh to speak to a white haired woman in a deep red coat.

  “It’s time,” the woman replied lifting the tiny box carefully from the seat of the sleigh and stepping into the crisp snow as she approached the glass hut.

  “What if she sees you?” the portly man asked walking to the front of the sleigh and taking a carrot from his pocket, offering it to the two reindeer hitched to the bent wood conveyance.

  “Chris, it’s not like I’ve never done this before,” the woman hissed with a soft grin as her dark eyes flashed.

  “Yes, but this is different.”

��I’ll be careful.”

  The door of the little glass hut opened on silent hinges, and the woman moved noiselessly across the polished wood floor. An electric fireplace was the only light in the room, and she couldn’t help but gaze around her with a smile at the eccentric structure.

  “This is perfect,” the woman whispered creeping to the night stand and carefully avoiding the camera and tripod still sitting on the floor. “It’s time for you to have someone all your own sweetheart,” she spoke, brushing a strand of long white hair over one shoulder, her fingers itching to brush a lock from the beautiful young woman’s olive skin.

  “She’s grown into a beautiful young woman,” the man whispered in the older woman’s ear, almost making her drop the box in her hands.

  “I wish you wouldn’t do that,” she hissed, but her bright smile showed she wasn’t upset.

  “Put it down.” The man offered, his white gloves brushing her shoulder affectionately. “We have to go.”

  Mrs. Claus placed the elegantly wrapped gift box on the table top, taking one last glance at the sleeping girl then walked back to the sleigh, her hand clasped tightly in Chris’s.

  “I hope this works,” she said looking over at her Chris Kringle, who leaned in kissing her brow.

  “We’ll just have to wait and see. I know this one is extra special,” he finished brushing a sparkling tear from her cheek and dashing the reins at the reindeer who raced along in a jingle of bells and the shush of smooth sleigh runners.

  Chapter 2

  Anita sat upright in bed blinking as she tried to understand the persistent ringing on her phone. She hadn’t set an alarm, but the thing was buzzing off the table.

  Grabbing for her phone her knuckles brushed a shimmering package tumbling it toward the floor and she lunged. Still groggy with sleep, Anita stretched to catch the box before it crashed to the floor only to follow it with a heavy thud as she hit the hardwood planking with an ‘Uff’.

  “Hello,” she grumbled into her phone pushing herself upright against the night stand and cradling the beautifully gift wrapped item on her trim stomach.

  “Nina’, it’s time,” Carlos’s voice echoed over the phone. “We are on the way to the hospital now, come home, please, come home.”

  Anita gasped. “But Jamie was fine last night?”

  “Come!” Carlos clicked off and Anita scrambled to her feet at the panic in his voice. Her big brother had been so strong for so long, and now, he needed her. He needed his family close as he worried silently for his beloved wife.

  Fully awake after the tumble and the call, Anita pulled up her travel app punching in her needs and selecting the next flight for home then dialed the main office of the resort to tell them she had to go.

  “We’ll send an overland shuttle to you right away,” the cheery voice of the coordinator reverberated over the phone, “and congratulations on the new niece or nephew,” she finished with a sweet laugh as the phone went dead.

  Within fifteen minutes the shuttle, a jacked up, big tired, four-wheel drive van, pulled up to the front of the tiny snow globe cottage with a crunch of toothy tires on snow, and Anita raced to pull her luggage to the door. At the last possible moment remembering the package on the nightstand, she wheeled around snatching it in one hand and shoving it in her oversized handbag while the driver loaded her gear.

  “Sorry you have to go so soon,” the tall, dark and handsome man behind the wheel grinned, eyeing her shapely figure up and down like a delectable dessert. “I hope you’ve had a nice visit.”

  Anita raised an eyebrow at the bold look but didn’t say anything. She was on her way to the airport and didn’t need a flirtatious driver. She didn’t have time in her life for any man at the moment, and not one who was used to charming his guests so easily.

  “I’m on the way home for the birth of my first niece or nephew,” Anita said slipping into the warm leather seat beside him, as the man shifted into gear and sped down the drive.

  “That’s nice,” the driver commented keeping his eyes on the snow covered roads. It was still dark at this time of the morning, and Anita knew that the golden kiss of the sun was still hours away in this frozen wonderland.

  In no time at all and with a minimum of chitchat, Anita was deposited at the airport and fidgeting in line at the baggage check as she impatiently waited to board her flight. Only six more hours and she would be home. Groaning she zipped off a text to her other brother Pablo asking him to pick her up when her flight landed. Even the iciest of winter roads in Michigan were no challenge to her daring senior sibling.

  The man lived and breathed cars, and she smiled wondering what he would be driving to pick her up in. Perhaps a monster truck, or even one of those six wheeled tracked vehicles if need be.

  “You look happy,” the security officer said with a grin, her brown eyes scanning Anita’s baggage through the X-ray machine.

  “My brother and his wife are on their way to the hospital for the birth of their first child,” Anita grinned. “I can’t wait to get there and meet him or her.”

  “Congratulations!” the other woman said passing the luggage along and glancing at the camera’s open bag. “Have a great trip.”

  Anita’s heart thudded with excitement and impatience as she boarded the plane, wishing she could make it move faster with sheer will power.

  Finally seated and in the air, Anita pulled out her laptop and started going through her photo files, keeping her mind active as her heart longed to be home.

  “Those are fine pictures,” an older man in a white Stetson said glancing at her screen. “You are very talented.”

  “Thank you,” Anita smiled. “I’m actually a landscape artist, and I’m using these to do paintings for a resort here in Alaska. It’s a kind of intern opportunity.”

  “Sounds challenging. Do you have any of your work on there?” he nodded toward the computer.

  Anita blushed but clicked on a file that displayed several of her winter scene paintings of the great lake area with its blues and greens off set by shimmering snow and holiday ribbons.

  “I like that one,” the man said noting the price. “That lamp looks like the light of the world,” he grinned. “Perfect for this time of year. I’ll buy it if you are selling.”

  Anita blinked stunned by his offer. “Are you sure?”

  “It will be the perfect gift for my daughter-in-law,” the man said. “She runs the Broken J Ranch out in Wyoming, if you’re ever in the area you should stop by. There’s plenty of landscape out that way,” he added with a chuckle, pulling out his credit card and going through the process with the young woman next to him.

  “Thank you,” Anita said again her old shyness washing over her even as her heart sang with delight that someone wanted to buy her painting.

  Chapter 3

  “Hey Brat!” Pablo called reaching across the dash of a large pickup truck and flicking the door open for his sister with a grin. “You made good time.” His dark eyes were teasing, and his white smile was a flash of cheer to her travel weary soul.

  Anita rolled her eyes, but shoved her bags in the back seat before using the running board to step into the jacked up truck. “Where’d you get this one?” she asked looking around the deep brown leather interior and drinking in the smell of hand crafted seats.

  “The boss is letting me drive it. He wants my feedback on how to market it, and who’s most likely to buy something like this. We added the lift kit after delivery, and he’s trying to see if mods are going to be a big seller for Christmas.”

  “What’s the word on Jamie?” Anita asked snapping her seatbelt as Pablo took the turn out of the airport and mashed the accelerator.

  “Carlos keeps texting asking if you’re here yet?” Pablo grinned, his narrow features, and aquiline face handsome in the bright glare of a sunny snow covered day.

  “I think everything is normal, but still no baby,” he finished, his eyes falling on the unopened package in his little sister’s big bag. �
�What’s that?”

  Anita looked down at the box and shook her head. “I don’t know,” she admitted pulling it from her bag. “It was on my night stand this morning, and I have no idea where it came from. I thought maybe it was a gift from the resort.”

  “Is there a card or something?”

  “I didn’t see one.”

  “Well open it,” Pablo prompted with a laugh as he took the turn onto the interstate headed to the hospital at top legal speed.

  Anita shrugged, her mind racing as the big truck rumbled over the road. If the gift were from the resort, she might as well do something with it. “Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed making Pablo start as she gasped. “I don’t have a gift for the baby!”

  “Just stop at the gift shop on your way,” Pablo grumbled with a shake of his head. “And stop scaring me.”

  Anita giggled ripping into the box with delight as relief swept over her, knowing that she would be able to get something for the baby at the gift shop, and she whispered a prayer of thanks and hope to God even as she popped the box open.

  “What is it?” Pablo said never taking his eyes off of the road. “Is it expensive?”

  “It’s beautiful,” Anita whispered lifting the hand crafted ornament of a teddy bear in a Santa’s hat from the box. “This is all handmade,” she said holding the little ornament to the light, “and it is perfect for this time of year.”

  “Don’t you have a bunch of ornaments like that hanging on the tree in the Christmas cottage?” Pablo asked, glancing in her direction for a split second.

  “Yes, and they are all my favorites, though I’ve only seen this level of workmanship a few times in any of them.”

  “Doesn’t Jamie have a paint brush ornament or something made similar to that?”

  “That’s right!” Anita said. “Maybe she sent it to me. We were just talking yesterday.”


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