Broken Wings

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Broken Wings Page 5

by Sweet, Izzy

  I have to remain strong and vigilant.

  For myself, but most importantly for Levi.

  Robert has taken so many backroads and done so many double-backs though, I don’t even know what road we’re on anymore, or where we are. Two hours have passed since we left Miami. I assume we’re headed north and not south, but with how cautious Robert is being, who knows.

  Levi glances up from his iPad and catches my gaze in the mirror. Face lit up by the device clutched in his little hands, he gives me a smile. And like they always do when my son smiles at me, my lips stretch to smile back.

  Immediately my face throbs and aches with pain, and holding the smile until Levi looks back down at his iPad is pure torture.

  Once I’m sure he’s no longer focused on me, I let my face relax, but even that hurts.

  My heart hurts even more though to see my little boy sitting quietly in the backseat. Levi hasn’t said a word since we left. He hasn’t complained, hasn’t asked what we’re doing or where we’re going. Hasn’t squirmed or asked if we’re there yet.

  Hasn’t been acting like a normal four-year-old boy.

  No, he’s just been staring down at his iPad, silent.

  And I fear that this time… this time what he saw has broken him in some way.

  Mikhail did a number on me in front of him tonight. I’ve caked on almost an entire bottle of foundation and concealer, but it’s still not enough to cover the bruises and marks his fists left. Usually my bastard of a husband doesn’t beat me in front of my son, and usually he avoids my face, but ever since my parents passed away, he’s grown more careless.

  Careless and dangerous.

  He’s gone from giving me the occasional slap or shove, to treating me like his personal punching bag.

  I can’t even remember what set him off tonight, everything seems to set him off lately.

  All I remember is that one minute I was setting the table for dinner and the next I was on the floor with him standing over me, yelling.

  I may or may not have said something back to him, something that pissed him off even more, and that’s when the real beating began.

  He punched me and kicked me so many times, I lost count.

  Fearing for my life, fearing that he was actually going to kill me this time because he was screaming he was going to do just that, I called the police.

  The one thing you never do as the wife of one of the most powerful men in Miami’s Bratva is call the police. And if you do call the police, you sure as fuck don’t let them take your husband away in handcuffs. You also don’t agree to press charges and beg them to hold him for twenty-four hours so you can get the hell out of dodge.

  But that’s exactly what I did because at the time I had no other choice. It was either give up and die or try to live another day for Levi.

  If it wasn’t for Robert helping me make my escape, I’d probably be buried in an unmarked grave somewhere.

  Instead, I’m still living and breathing.

  At least for the time being.

  Robert hits his blinker as we approach a four-way intersection. Taking a right, we drive for ten more minutes in silence, the thick foliage around us gradually thinning until we come up on what looks like a little town out here in the middle of nowhere.

  Before we actually reach the town though, Robert hits his blinker again, making another right turn into the parking lot of a run-down little motel.

  The name of the place is long gone, the letters on the sign eaten away by the Florida elements. The building itself is so dilapidated it looks like it could cave in on itself at any second. Only one other car is the parking lot, an older model blue minivan parked in front of what was once the office.

  Robert pulls up beside the van and parks.

  Then he looks over at me.

  Looking back at him and knowing this is where we part ways, my heart starts to race. I squeeze my clenched hands tighter, trying to get a grip on myself.

  The past two years of my life have been a living nightmare, but the idea of trying to get free of it is just as terrifying.

  I don’t know if I can do this.

  I don’t know if I have the tools, the means, or the capabilities to fucking survive on my own.

  Pathetic, right?

  But I’ve never had to take care of myself before.

  At the age of twenty, I went straight from the care of my over-protective parents into the controlling arms of my husband.

  Unlike other women my age, I don’t know how to function in the real world.

  In some ways, I’m stunted.

  And just the idea of what I’m about to do is daunting as hell.

  “It’s going to be okay, Allison,” Robert says and reaches for me.

  Covering my hands with his, he gives me a reassuring squeeze.

  I stare into his face, a face I’ve watched grow older but more sophisticated over the years, and will myself to believe that as much as he does.

  Robert is… was my father’s closest friend. They grew up together, and for as long as I can remember he’s always been around. He was there at my Kindergarten graduation. He’s been at every birthday party I can recall. I think I even remember him dressing up as Santa Claus a couple of times before I figured out Santa wasn’t real.

  He’s not only my lawyer, he’s practically my uncle.

  And currently my only friend in the world.

  “Just breathe,” he encourages me and gives my hands another squeeze. “We’re executing the plan a little early, but everything is in place. You’ll have everything you need.”

  I nod my head and suck in a breath, then another. Breathing in through my nose and out my mouth until I feel calmer.

  He’s right. I don’t know why I’m freaking out about this when we’ve been planning this since my parent’s funeral four months ago. Yes, we’re executing everything a month early, but I knew this day was coming.

  In fact, I’ve been looking forward to it. Looking forward to the day that Levi and I would finally be safe and free from Mikhail.

  Smiling at me, Robert gives my hands one last squeeze before he releases them and opens his door.

  The interior light flashes on, stinging my eyes.

  “Mommy?” Levi says from the backseat, his voice pitched with fear.

  And god, how I hate that fear.

  I hate that he’s gone through things no child should have to go through. As his mother, I’m supposed to protect him and shield him from all the bad things in the world.

  Up until this point, I haven’t been able to do that. But I swear, from this point on, even if it’s the last thing I do, I’ll protect him.

  I’ll be the mother he deserves.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” I say and hope I come off as comforting as Robert did a moment ago. “We’re just switching cars.”

  “Oh… okay,” he says, but a touch of that fear still lingers.

  One day, I’ll eradicate that fear, I promise myself and open my door.

  Warm, humid air washes over me, and my bones are so cold I find myself shivering as I help Levi out of the car.

  “The funds are where we discussed,” Robert says over my shoulder as I buckle Levi into his booster seat in the back of the minivan.

  I kiss the top of Levi’s head and he tips his face up, giving me a smile before I hit the button that closes the sliding back door.

  “The renters have vacated the house, but the cleaning crew I hired won’t be available until next week.”

  I turn to face Robert. “I’m sure it will be fine.”

  I’d give him a reassuring smile to wipe that look of worry off his face, but it would hurt too damn much.

  Robert opens the driver’s side door for me, and once I’ve settled myself behind the wheel, he points to the screen in the dashboard displaying our route.

  “I’ve programmed three different routes into the GPS for you. Don’t try to make the entire trip in one day. Once you’re out of the state, stop to rest as often as

you need to.”

  I nod my head again as if I’m agreeing, but it’s not likely. I’ll stop for food and bathroom breaks for Levi, but that’s about it. I won’t feel at ease until there are a few hundred miles between us and Mikhail.

  And even then…

  Robert’s frown of worry turns into a full-blown scowl. “I’m serious, Allison. You’ve been through a lot tonight, don’t push yourself too hard.”

  I can’t promise to stop. I can’t.

  But I can promise, “I’ll be safe, Robert. I won’t do anything that will endanger Levi.”

  Robert stares at me for a long moment, his scowl not budging.

  “Is there anything else I should know?” I ask, growing impatient.

  I’m not trying to be rude or ungrateful. Lord knows I feel guilty as fuck for getting Robert involved in this mess and putting him in danger, but the longer we sit here, the more likely it is that someone will catch up to us.

  Time is of the essence. Our lives are literally on the line.

  Robert sighs. “No. Everything is set up just as we originally planned.”

  Forcing a smile that hurts like a total bitch, I open my mouth, ready to thank him and say my goodbye, when he adds abruptly, “Wait… Yes, there’s something you should know. Something your parents didn’t tell you…”

  He trails off and my entire body goes stiff at the mention of my parents.

  “What didn’t they tell me?” I ask when he doesn’t continue.

  Robert looks over my shoulder. Sadness then regret washes over his face.

  “What didn’t they tell me?” I repeat, my anxiety growing by the second.

  Robert jerks his attention back to me. “They didn’t tell you…”

  He trails off again and my hands squeeze around the steering wheel.

  Then he clears his throat and quickly corrects himself. “I mean, if they were here, they would tell you that they’re proud of you.”

  I close my eyes to hold back tears as my throat closes up with sudden emotion.

  The pain of their loss is still raw and I haven’t had time to deal with it.

  I waste several precious seconds trying to get my emotions back under control.

  As much as I want to, now is not the time to break down. Now is the time to get the hell out of this hell.

  “Thank you, Robert. I hope you’re right,” I manage to squeeze out of my throat after taking a couple of deep breaths.

  Robert nods his head and then he gives me a pat on the shoulder. “Be careful. I’ll check in at our designated time. If I don’t hear from you…”

  The words left unspoken settle heavy in my chest, but I give another nod of my head in acknowledgement.

  Robert looks over my shoulder. “Be good for your mom, Levi.” Then he looks back to me. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

  He shuts my door for me then takes a step back and smiles.

  I take one last look at his face and hope this isn’t the last time I see him. I’ve got this terrible feeling though that things aren’t going to work out like we planned.

  “Is Uncle Robert not coming with us?” Levi asks.

  “No, sweetheart. He’s not coming with us,” I say and turn my attention to the dashboard in front of me.

  God, it’s been like two years since I’ve been behind the wheel and I’m a little nervous. Mikhail never let me drive anywhere. If he wasn’t doing the driving, one of his men was doing it for me, even when I did small errands like running to the grocery store.

  It’s just like riding a bike, though, right?

  I grab the gearshift beside the steering wheel and put the van in reverse. Releasing the brake, I push down on the gas.

  The pedal ends being a little more sensitive than I anticipated and we reverse a little too fast. The van jerks as I immediately slam down on the brake again to stop us.


  Squeezing my hands around the steering wheel, I suck in a deep breath before I try again.

  Goddammit, I hope I don’t get us killed…

  “Where are we going?” Levi asks, completely unperturbed my little fuckup just now.

  “To our new home in Kentucky,” I answer.

  If I can get us out of this parking lot.

  “What’s in Kentucky?”

  Feeling bolstered by Levi’s newfound curiosity and absolutely determined to get us out of this state, I twist around and ease my foot down on the gas again.

  We reverse much more smoothly this time, and I feel it all coming back to me.

  All the little muscle memories I feared were gone kick back in, and I twist back around to put the van in drive.

  Robert lifts his hand, giving us a wave, as I pull us up to the street.

  “What’s in Kentucky, Mommy?” Levi asks again because I didn’t answer him the first time.

  I hit the blinker and feel pretty damn proud of myself for remembering that.

  It’s a little victory, but a victory nonetheless.

  And if we’re going to make it through this, I need every victory I can get.

  “I don’t know, sweetheart,” I admit as I peek up at the rearview mirror to check on him. “I’ve never been there before, but Uncle Robert says it’s great.”

  Chapter Five


  Louisville, Kentucky

  There’s a lot to be said for the hills of Kentucky. It’s got all the beauty and charm that big cities don’t have.

  It’s also got some long-ass gravel backroads.

  “Fifty says he screams like a bitch for the first sixty feet then passes out,” Grem says from beside me as we watch two prospects attach a naked, squirming man to the back of a pickup truck by a long chain.

  “I’ll take that action. I say he lasts until about seventy-five.” I grin at him.

  “Hey prospects!” Grem shouts to the guys chaining this douchebag up.

  “Mark the spot where you start, we got a bet goin’ on,” I say, pushing the hair from my eyes.

  “Alright,” the one they call Hammy shouts back. “Anything else we need to do?”

  “You got a measuring tape?” Grem asks me.

  I smirk. “The twelve inches in my pants.”

  “I’ve seen that pencil you call a dick,” he laughs and then yells to the prospect, “One of you find a way to measure how far he gets dragged till he passes out.”

  Hammy looks up at us after finally getting the guy’s wrists locked into the chain. “How we supposed to do that?”

  “Fuck if I know, boy,” Grem growls at him. “Figure it the fuck out.”

  “Jesus, are they all this fucking stupid?” I ask, and again I have to push my sweaty hair out of my eyes.

  “Probably,” Grem says then looks at me. “What do you want us to do with the body after we’re done here, Pres?”

  That’s me now—Pres.

  Five years in the Royal Bastards and I’m the head of the Louisville Chapter. The transition five months ago lost us a couple of the guys who weren’t ready for a young prick like me to take over, but it wasn’t too much of an issue. To most, I’m just a carryover from what my old man started. I haven’t tried to reinvent the wheel. I just keep the profits moving and the guys out of prison as much as I can.

  “Drop his body on their fucking doorstep,” I say and stare at the naked fucker rolling around on the gravel.

  “You ready for the blowback, Coy?” Grem asks me quietly enough that I know he’s not trying to question me as much as he’s makin’ sure I’m ready for what will happen.

  Gremlin has been with the club for ten years now. He’s a hardened veteran of quite a few wars with rival factions. I don’t doubt his loyalties or his convictions to the brotherhood, and I don’t doubt his faith in me.

  “It’s why you brothers put me in this role. We all got a part to play,” I say and point to the guy on the ground. “His is to die and send a message to the Bloody Scorpions—don’t fucking sling heroin on our highways.”

  “Alright,” Grem says and th
en motions to the saddlebag on his bike. “I’ll make sure to shove every fucking ounce of it down his throat.”

  “Make sure you put the needles in his eyes,” I say. “That should be a nice touch.”

  “Will do.” Grem grins.

  “Can we get this fuckin’ show on the road?” I yell to the prospects. “Church is in forty-five minutes.”

  “You know, your VP and the enforcers could have handled this,” Grem points out.

  I shrug him off. “Nah, I need to make sure some things get done properly.”

  Hammy and Steve finally get the fucker chained up to the truck.

  Fuck, was I that fucking useless as a prospect? Fumbling and fucking about like I had all the time in the world?

  Hammy runs to the truck and pulls out an old wood stick from the bed. Staking it down in the ground, close to where the body is, he looks at us for a moment.

  “Ain’t got anything to measure with, Pres,” he says.

  “Well then ya’ll figure it out,” Grem growls at him.

  Nodding his head, Hammy walks back to the truck and hops in on the driver’s side. Starting up the engine, he looks out to Steve and says, “Get in the back and thump the roof when he stops screaming.”

  “Gonna need to get us some extra hardware soon,” Grem says.

  Sittin’ here on our bikes, watching this pile of pig shit about to be exterminated, reminds me of how far we’ve come, and how far the upcoming war this is sure to start will take us.

  The old man warned me that we’d be tested as soon as I took the throne. He wasn’t fuckin’ around. Good thing he knew I have the fucking spine and mind for this shit.

  “I got a call from Rain the other day, it’s why I called Church,” I say.

  “Ain’t going to like whatever I’m going to hear, am I?” he asks.

  Rain… Fuck. That dude lives up to his name. He’s bad news half the time for us.

  Someone always gets shot when Rain’s around. Whether it’s from an accident or a fight, Rain just brings fucking bad juju with him when he comes to Kentucky.

  But thankfully this call wasn’t bad. No, it might be just what we fucking need.


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