Broken Wings

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Broken Wings Page 27

by Sweet, Izzy

  Whitey and Graveyard are standing around the chair, and some fucker I don’t recognize is hanging out by the wall. He looks shaken and a bit green to the gills.

  “You Brian?” I ask as I head over to him, ignoring Diamond for the time being.

  Diamond is strapped to the chair with duct tape strapped across his mouth, he ain’t going anywhere.

  “Ye… yeah,” the tall, thin guy says to me.

  He offers his hand out to me before Grem steps up next to me, slapping it away.

  “Pres don’t shake snitch’s hands,” Grem says before asking him, “Why you still wearin’ a shit-stain kutte, boy?”

  Looking down at his body, Brian shrugs off the kutte and stands there like he’s fucking lost or something. “What… ah… What should I do with it?”

  Snatching it from his hand, Grem looks down at the kutte before he makes a huge effort of pulling up all the phlegm he can from his lungs. Then he hocks it right onto the back patch. The whole time I watch Brian. He winces at seeing his colors disrespected.

  Grem and I grin at him before we walk over to where Diamond’s kutte is lying on the ground like a piece of trash.

  Dropping Brian’s kutte right next to Diamond’s, Grem looks down at them for a moment. “God above, those are ugly as shit.”

  Reaching down to the zipper of my pants, I pull my dick out and shrug my shoulders while saying, “Not everyone has good taste or intelligence, brother.”

  “True enough, I’m guessin’,” Grem says before he unzips and yanks his dick out as well. “You want first honors on this?”

  “Yeah, bein’ a Pres does have its privileges,” I say before I let out a good heavy stream of piss right onto the back patch of the kutte.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Grem says with a grunt as he lets loose as well.

  Giving my dick a shake mid-piss, I yell, “Don’t cross the streams, Ray!”

  “Ah, for shit’s sake!” Grem laughs.

  Not quite finished, I stop mid-stream, turn toward Diamond, and walk up to him.

  Releasing the last of my piss on him, I ask, “What’s up, bitch?”

  “Jesus wept, Coy. Do you gotta piss on him?” Grem asks as he comes up behind me.

  “What the fuck does it matter to you?” I ask and point to the naked fucker sitting there. “It’s not like he’s gonna care or something. This motherfucker here probably thinks we’re gonna let him walk or somethin’ after all this.”

  Diamond’s head snaps up to stare at me with rage and he starts thrashing about in the chair, his naked, sweaty flesh trying hard to escape his bonds. But it won’t work. That chair’s been bolted to the fucking floor. It ain’t going anywhere and neither is he.

  Well, I guess he will when we’re done with him.

  Zipping up my pants, I look at the dirty, sweaty fuck in front of me. I know this motherfucker’s been through a lot over the last ten hours or so, but he’s just fuckin’ greasy and nasty looking. Fat and short, his hairy body has dirt smeared all over it from being dragged about. He’s bruised a bit around the belly, but that’s it.

  I’m bettin’ the brothers didn’t really touch him yet, they want me to get first licks in.

  Jabbing out my fist, his head snaps back as I connect hard with his teeth.

  “Well, Coy, I’m guessin’ this makes it official,” Whitey says from across from the room. “We’re at war.”

  Nodding my head, I look at Whitey and ask, “Did you bring that sheet metal hammer like I wanted?”

  “Sure did, got it over there in my tool bag,” he says.

  “Awesome!” I say with a laugh. “I’ve been wantin’ to try somethin’ out for a while now.”

  Heading over to the bag, I say to Brian, “Get over there and let Diamond take a good look at ya, boy. He needs to know who ratted on him.”

  “He… He knows it was me,” Brian says with a whine.

  For fuck’s sake, this snitch is a whiney bitch. Gonna have to deal with that shit soon, like today I’m guessin’.

  Grem is on it before I can say anything. “What the fuck did that sound like? Was the Pres asking you to do something?”

  “No!” Brian says as he moves quickly to stand in front of Diamond.

  Diamond’s eyes widen as he begins to snarl and scream at Brian from behind the tape covering his mouth.

  Grabbing the sheet metal hammer from the bag, I grin. Fuck, I’ve been wanting to try this out really fucking bad. This is gonna be fucking cool as shit.

  Heading back over to Diamond, I feel my grin growing.

  “I know this probably isn’t a normal request at a time like this, but do you think you could hold your legs still?” I ask.

  I’m pretty sure from the way he starts thrashing his fat legs about and screaming, he’s telling me to go fuck myself.

  “Damn,” I say and motion to Brian. “Hold that fat fuck’s leg still.”

  Brian bends over and grabs a leg, but he isn’t having much luck with it. Every time I get ready to swing the claw part of the hammer down at the knee, the leg moves erratically.

  “Goddammit, boy,” I say to Brian, who’s probably got at least five years on me. “Fuckin’ hold him still.”

  Grem comes over and asks, “You want some help, Pres?”

  “Nah,” I say with a smile. “I’ve got an idea.”

  “Oh?” Grem asks.

  “Yup,” I say and motion to Brian. “Quit fuckin’ about and sit on his leg for me like you would Santy Claus.”

  “What?” Brian asks in disbelief.

  Graveyard walks over and slaps the ever-loving-shit out of the back of Brian’s head, yelling at him in a deep, country accent, “The Pres said sit on his fuckin’ lap, you stupid fuck.”

  “But… but he’s naked!” Brian protests.

  “Brian, what did I tell you?!” Whitey finally snaps in a thunderous roar.

  “Okay, okay,” Brian says as he tries to find a way to sit on Diamond’s leg that doesn’t look like he’s giving him a lap dance.

  “Just fuckin’ straddle that leg for shit’s sake,” I say as I stand back and rub my eyes.

  The fucking shit I have to go through to get my job done sometimes is fucking scary.

  Muttering the whole time, Brian finally straddles the leg and gets it in a somewhat secure position.

  “Thank fucking Christ,” I say before lifting up the hammer and bringing it down swiftly right behind the kneecap.

  A loud, piercing wail comes from Diamond the moment the claw of the hammer tears through the flesh. But when I start yanking backwards on the hammer to rip the kneecap out, he really begins to scream.

  Working hard to make sure I’ve got it completely separated from the leg, I pull the bone out and toss it over my shoulder.

  “Well, fuck me,” I say as I look over to Grem. “That actually worked! How fucking cool is that shit?”

  Tilting his head to the side as he looks at Diamond, Grem sticks his hand out. “Can I have the second one?”

  Grumbling, I frown at him for a moment. “Dude, that…”

  “What?” he asks.

  “It was fun, man, but yeah, you get the second one. I want to get the torch out,” I say.

  “Sounds good,” Grem says and then motions for Brian to move. “Hop over to the other leg.”

  Digging around in the giant tool bag, I find a small butane blow torch.

  Excellent. I wanna roast some nuts over an open fire.

  Before I even get out all the stuff I need, I hear the cleaving of flesh as Grem does the other kneecap.

  Fuck. I kinda wish I got to do that one, too.

  Standing up, I motion to Graveyard. “Do me a favor. You hold one leg open, and Grem, can you hold the other leg? Brian, you need to pull this dude’s small balls out.”

  The guys all go about doing what I ask them to do except for Brian.

  Fucking Brian.

  “Grab his balls, bitch,” I say and start up the torch.

  When the gas starts coming out,
I hit the igniter and adjust the flame to bright blue. I want this shit hot. Normally, I’d take longer for shit like this, but I got an ol’ lady at home to get back to tonight.

  Looking with disgust at the fat guy’s small, wrinkly sack, Brian reaches down and starts pulling it out from between the legs. When he finally has it and the dick all situated, he yanks his hands out of the way as I bring the bright blue flame right up to the ballsack.

  Somewhere after I melt through the skin and start actually getting to the testicles, I hear Diamond’s wails cut off as he passes out.


  Finishing up both testicles, I turn off the blow torch and head back to the tool bag.

  Grabbing a big pair of scissors from the bag, I toss them to Graveyard and say, “I want that fucking ballsack removed and packaged up. We’re gonna snail mail a gift to them.”

  Fuck, torturing is a thirsty ass job.

  “Whitey?” I ask as I head over to him. “You bring a cooler or some shit?”

  “Shit, knew I forgot something,” he says and sighs. “Fuck, getting old is hell. I forgot where I left my damn wallet last night, and this mornin’ I had to search around the house for twenty minutes before I remembered I left it in my pants.”

  Laughing, I say, “Don’t worry about it, brother. I’ll get a beer from the fridge.”

  Walking out of the room with Whitey following along with me, I hear Graveyard yell, “Yahtzee!”

  Shaking my head, I walk up to the fridge in the break room and pull out a beer for me and Whitey.

  “How you doin’, old timer?” I ask after I hand him the beer.

  He takes a long drink from the bottle before he says, “Alright, got to work on the bike some tonight after this. I picked up a small rattle somewhere.”

  “You need me to have Pappy haul it to the club?” I ask.

  “Nah, I don’t think it’s anything serious. I’ll see what I can do in my garage,” he says.

  I nod and ask, “How’s Jane doin’?”

  “Good as usual, although she’s complaining she doesn’t get to see her grandkids enough, as always,” he says.

  “Well, ya know I got a kid she can love on if she needs one,” I say.

  “I’ll let her know,” he says. “You know her, she ain’t ever met a club kid she didn’t think wasn’t her blood.”

  “Yeah, and she ain’t never not snatched the back of their head if they got caught misbehavin’, either,” I say with a laugh.

  “True enough,” he says. “So, what’s the plan for all this?”

  “We smoke ‘em both,” I say and watch him to see his reaction.

  We don’t deal with fucking rats. There’s no place for a rat in the Bastards and he knows it.

  “Figured as much. Can’t say I won’t be happy to wash my hands of them both. I didn’t realize the boy was such a pussy,” he says with a shake of the head.

  * * *

  While Whitey and I were both gone from the fun, I get the feeling I missed out on some good times. A couple of needles are sticking out of Diamond’s chest.

  Must have put some drugs in him to keep him awake.

  Both arms have been flayed back from the wrist to the shoulder, tendons and joints shattered beyond recognition. I don’t see a single point on his body anywhere that isn’t bloody or hit with a hammer.

  Well, maybe that’s wrong, I think as I walk around the body. His head has been left in pristine condition.

  Just like Snowbird’s.

  “Remove his eyes,” I say to Whitey. “When he gets to the afterlife, I want him blind.”

  “Will do,” he says before heading in to remove the eyeballs with a pocketknife.

  Looking around the room, I take in all the guys kicking back in the chairs, relaxing, “Ya’ll feelin’ better?”

  “Yup,” Graveyard says with a smile.

  Grunting as he stands up, Grem smiles at me. “A little. Still work to do, though.”

  “True enough,” I say,

  We both watch as Whitey delicately removes Diamond’s eyeballs. Whitey is like a fucking surgeon with that knife of his, so fucking careful. When he finally has both pulled out, he walks over to his tool bag and puts them in a Ziploc bag.

  “We sendin’ these with the balls?” Whitey asks me as he holds up the bag.

  “Yup,” I say and snap my fingers at Brian.

  “Get the body up and follow us,” I say.

  “He’s bloody!” Brian says with a whine and I can feel my fucking blood boiling with anger.

  “I don’t give a fuck, bitch,” I say quietly to him. “Get him unshackled and follow us, you stupid fuck.”

  Leaving the room, I head over to the giant cremator and get it set up to run. The guys slowly file in, keeping clear of the dripping, bloody body that Brian’s draggin’ along at a fucking snail’s pace.

  “Hurry the fuck up,” Grem says as he passes him and we both share a deep frown.

  When the body finally gets to us, I motion for Brian to get it on the tray. “Let’s go, we got shit to do.”

  Grunting, Brian heaves and hauls until the fat body finally plops on the tray. Panting and puffing, he looks around and notices us standing around him in a circle.

  Brian rambles at us for a few seconds. “Sorry about all this guys, I just don’t….”

  Shaking his head slowly, Whitey says, “Save it.”

  “Alright, what next?” Brian asks. “Do we kill him before we burn him?”

  Looking at Diamond, it’s clear he’s close to death, but no, we won’t kill him.

  “Nope, he’s goin’ in alive. Or, well, as alive as he is right now,” Grem says.

  Gulping deeply, Brian just nods his head.

  Grem’s phone starts ringing and he sighs. “Be right back, go ahead without me.”

  Nodding my head, I pull my Glock out of its holster.

  Raising it up, I aim it at Brian’s forehead. “Nothin’ personal. We don’t let fucking rats in the club.”

  The bullet that snaps out of my barrel makes a nice little hole in the front and a big mess in the back. He didn’t even have time to register he was going to die, but whatever.

  Looking to Whitey, I say, “Give one of these guy’s bikes to Hammy. He can use it till he gets a new one or keep it permanently.”

  “Sounds good—” Whitey starts but is cut off when Grem roars for me.

  “Coy, your fuckin’ ringer was turned off again!” Grem bellows out.

  My heart drops to my stomach as I think of the last time my ringer was off and I missed a call. A call Grem came to tell me about.


  Racing over to me, Grem tosses me his phone, “It’s Poster.”

  “What the fuck’s wrong?” I ask into the phone.

  “Allie went out the bedroom window,” Poster Boy says, sounding freaked out.

  “Shit, what the fuck?!” I scream. “Where the hell is she going?”

  “She’s aimed to leave the subdivision in the— Fucking Jude just got in the van,” he says.

  “Get them!” I shout and start running out of the crematorium.

  “I am, but shit!” Poster Boy shouts. “They’re leavin’.”

  “Fucking follow them and figure out what the fuck’s happening!” I shout.

  “On it,” he says.

  “Is Levi with them?” I ask, and I know moments like this are precious, but I need to know where my son is.

  I hear him open a door before he whispers quietly, “No.”

  “Then fucking move,” I snarl.

  Hopping onto my bike, I listen to him running through the house, yelling at Tampon and Hammy to watch Levi.

  Fuck, I don’t know what’s happening and I can’t move until I know anything. I feel like fucking screaming, but that won’t even fucking help me right now.

  All the guys come out of the building and stand around me as I explain the situation.

  “She take Levi?” Grem asks me.

  “No,” I say and that’s what sca
res me the most.

  Allie left Levi home with the guys. She fuckin’ left him. That means wherever the fuck she’s going she can’t take him.


  “Coy,” Poster yells over the wind and rumble of his bike. “I think she’s heading to her parent’s house.”

  “What the fuck?” I ask and then motion for the guys to mount up.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Is Jude fucking serious?

  I eye him up and down, wondering if I can take him. Unfortunately, though, it’s easy to tell that under that black suit of his, he’s packing quite a bit of muscle.

  He starts to frown when I glance down at my gun.

  If I can reach it before he can stop me…

  Face growing more serious, Jude looks me hard in the eyes. “I’ve been hoping for a chance to meet your ex-husband.”

  “Mikhail?” I ask, not bothering to correct him on the ex-husband part.

  Jude’s grin returns as he nods his head.

  Confused now, I scowl at him. “Why do you want to meet him?”

  “Let’s just say…” he drawls out and leans back in his seat, getting more comfortable. “His boss and my boss don’t get along.”

  I roll my eyes and get straight to the point because I don’t have time for this shit. “Do you want to kill him?”

  “Yes,” Jude answers almost gleefully and straightens.

  His eyes light up for a moment with psychotic delight before the look completely disappears when I look at him in horror.

  Clearing his throat, he tugs on his jacket sleeves and then says more seriously, “After I ask him a few questions, of course.”

  Fucking hell, he’s batshit insane.

  But… if he wants to kill Mikhail…

  “Are you packing?” I ask as I finally start the minivan up.

  Jude unbuttons his suit jacket and brushes it aside to show me a gun near his hip. “Always.”

  Nodding my head, I put the minivan in drive and hit the gas. “Alright, I guess you can come along then.”

  “Thank—” Jude starts to say only to cut off when I continue to push down on the gas, flying up the street.

  Throwing me a look of worry, he hastily does his seatbelt up.


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