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Deviant Betrayal

Page 6

by L. V. Lane

  No, not wholly noiseless; as my ears adjusted, I could hear the high anxious drone of conversation. Words spilled rapidly…a pause…more rapid words.

  Jordan stopped at an open cell door.

  Yes, it really was a cell. Inside were a couple of Betas and my man, Sanders.

  Sanders’s head swung around as I stepped in braced by the two hulking Deltas.

  “You again?” He shrank back, nervous eyes darting from me to the Deltas, and back again. “What am I doing here?”

  Then Ryker pushed in like an avenging action movie hero and Sanders’s ruddy face turned pale.

  The room had an ambiance, and it suggested grave happenings were about to unfold.

  Jordan nudged his head toward the exit, and the two Betas left, closing the door behind them.

  “Why am I here?” Sanders demanded again, but this time, uncertainty crept into his voice.

  I wasn’t here to answer his questions, he was here to answer mine. I didn’t claim to be the master of body language, but I knew enough. “You want to say anything before we start.”

  “To you? A bunch of thugs who stole our shipment.”

  I huffed out a breath. “Stole? I prefer to think of it as intercepting a dangerous shipment before it fell into the wrong hands.”

  “Bullshit,” he muttered, but his eyes did a wild rolling thing.

  “Is this you saying you want to talk?” I asked.

  “I’m not a fucking snitch.” He tried to put on a show of bravado, which was impressive given he was locked in a cell with two of the deadliest dynamics.

  “Good,” I said. “I was hoping you’d pick that option.”

  “Can I question him?” Ryker asked—he was giving off an edgy kind of energy.

  I shook my head. “Not today.” I glanced over my shoulder to where the two Deltas loomed. “Would you mind? I don’t want to—accidentally kill him.”

  Jordan’s smile was all teeth. “Our pleasure.”

  The two men stalked forward together. One to restrain. One to deliver pain.

  I let them because I genuinely didn’t trust myself in my present mood.

  The room was soon filled with the plaintiff cries of pain, and his blood began to spill.

  The scene didn’t move me. I wanted Lilly back. I didn’t care who the fuck I had to destroy to make this happen, and the unfortunate Beta was my one lead.

  By the time Jordan and Kade called it time, Sanders’s cries had turned to screams.

  “You should have put gloves on,” Kade said to Jordan. “You’ve made a mess of your knuckles, and we have an appointment today.”

  “Fuck. You’re right,” Jordan replied, scowling at his bloody knuckles. “They’re not split, just a bit of bruising. Maybe she won’t notice.”


  “She’ll notice,” Ryker interjected—which really fucking threw me.

  Both Deltas scowled at Ryker before turning back to each other. “Maybe I should attend on my own this time,” Kade said.

  Sanders spat out blood between hoarse retches.

  “Like fuck, you’re going on your own,” Jordan growled.

  “She doesn’t like violence,” Ryker offered helpfully. “You won’t do yourself any favors if you turn up like that. She asked me if I wanted to report Ethan for his welcome home gift.”

  What the fuck?!

  Kade grinned. “See?” He gestured at Ryker like he was a verifiable source of truth on the subject. “She doesn’t like violence.”

  “Of course she doesn’t like violence!” Jordan roared, and his stone-gray eyes took on a psychotic gleam. “She’s a fucking therapist and a Gamma! You know how sensitive they are.”

  Okay, this was starting to make sense. “Let’s focus on the job at hand,” I said because I didn’t give a fuck about this Gamma they were clearly pursuing.

  All three heads swung my way before returning to the fallen victim.

  Kade fisted Sanders’s neck and dragged him from the floor. “Ready to talk now, asshole?”

  Sanders was struggling to regain his breath, so talking wasn’t an option, but Kade gave him a couple of slaps to encourage him to try harder.

  In the end, it took us another hour before he finally cracked. Fuck knows how he lasted that long, but once he started talking, the bastard didn’t stop.


  I CLOSED MY communication with Ryker, and what I had heard concerned me—a lot.

  Eloise had first met Doctor Brach during transit to Quix25. It had been Eloise’s first operation, and an attachment had formed ever since. Eloise was a sensitive psychic; she had tracked the diplomat on Quix25 with ease…then led us to the wrong location because she’s an Omega, and their moral compass can fuck up sometimes…hence they have a Controller.

  So, she was sensitive, but that wasn’t the whole equation, and while I might not know all the nuances of Doctor Brach’s singularity, I thought that she was special in her own way too.

  And now the doctor was missing, and the fallout was affecting Eloise.

  I wasn’t going to tolerate that.

  The link between the two of them could not be undone. Whatever Doctor Brach was experiencing, it was unpleasant, and Eloise was feeling her pain.

  There was nothing we could do to help the missing doctor from here. We were too far away, Eloise was on the cusp of her heat, which might start tomorrow, or even as soon as today.

  A part of me wanted to wait and let her heat happen naturally, but I also didn’t like the implications of her being stressed at this volatile time right before her first non-medicated heat.

  My instincts were in turmoil.

  I’d ignored my instincts with Eloise once before, and we’d both nearly ended up on the run. I would never ignore them again.

  All bonded Alphas instinctively knew what their Omega needed, could read them and feel them through their bond.

  Controllers could read an Omega even without a bond.

  My instincts were telling me that I needed to force her heat. That it was the safest option—the only option.

  I was her Controller, her Alpha, and I fully intended to put my mark on her during her heat. It wasn’t open to discussion, and she knew it was going to happen. She was my responsibility, and I took that responsibility seriously. I’d rip the fucking world apart if I thought it was necessary to keep her safe. Forcing a heat seemed insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Yes, I wanted to breed her, the thought of putting my child in her to make sure my claim was absolute was a near desperate imperative. But I wanted her safe more.

  There was no sign of her when I entered the apartment but a faint noise of shuffling emanated from the bedroom. Her psychic nature meant she didn’t acquire possessions the way most people might. I kept my combat kit at the base since bringing it home provoked the feisty side of my Omega. I liked her feisty side just fine, but not because she was genuinely stressed. Bringing clothes home that had seen blood—no matter how well I cleaned them—wasn’t an option.

  So, in short, the closet didn’t hold a lot of clothes, and the racks within were spartan and absent of features…but every single item that could be removed had been removed and dumped on the bedroom floor, and the double-closet door lay open.

  I stopped dead at the entrance. She was so preoccupied that she hadn’t noticed me. Another Omega might have smelled my scent, but Eloise was muted in that respect. The report said it was due to the nature of her singularity, that her senses were focused elsewhere. It also suggested that her sense of smell would improve as she neared her heat.

  The closet—empty of clothing—was instead filled with every single piece of nesting material. The soft blankets were deep, and the small space was thick under layers of pillows.

  There, on her hands and knees amid that soft mountain, wearing my shirt from yesterday and nothing else, was the center of my universe. A single spotlight cast diffused lighting over her, illuminating her in an otherworldly glow. Her long ebony hair trailed over her shoulder
, and she was entirely focused on petting the soft, gray pillow she was putting into place.

  I liked seeing her in my things, knowing my scent would be surrounding her skin. The shirt had risen up at the back, revealing a hint of her perfect round ass.

  There was a floor to ceiling mirror opposite the door that gave me the perfect view of her flawless face as she studied the cushion intently—and her tits, which were almost spilling out the open collar of my shirt.

  My dick went from semi to rock-hard in an instant. I was amazed she hadn’t picked up on the dark deluge battering my mind—I was about to force her into heat.

  I let a comforting rumble out of my chest, and her head swung as she glanced over her shoulder, and she froze.

  Her eyes, those gorgeous fucking eyes, shifted from gray to vivid violet.

  I hated their dull color before she opened herself to me, and the tightening between her brows that signified her underlying tension. “You good?”

  She sat back onto her heels and stared at the cushion in her hands. “I’ve not felt anything for a few hours. It was all very numb. And then a little while ago—” she shook her head. “I don’t like what I’m feeling, are you sure it’s her heat?”

  “I don’t know what it is, baby. But I spoke to Ryker a short time ago, and he said he was dealing with it. You’re not to worry about it. Ryker and Ethan are experienced Controllers, and they will take good care of the doctor.” At least they better fucking do. Deception by omission did not leave a pleasant taste in my mouth, but there really was nothing we could do to help, and Eloise would freak out if she realized the doctor was missing.

  I ripped my shirt over my head, popped the buckle on my pants as I toed off my shoes, and stripped the rest of my clothes off in seconds. I tossed them out with the rest of the discarded clothes.

  Her eyes widened. “I—I don’t…You’re not supposed to be in here yet! It’s not ready.”

  It looked more than fucking ready to me. The discussion was closed.

  “Door open or closed?”

  She clutched the gray cushion protectively to her chest.


  “Open or closed?” I demanded because she was staring at my jutting dick and I thought she might have gotten distracted.

  “Closed,” she said, her gaze flicking briefly to mine before returning to my cock.

  The act of my closing the double doors snapped her out of her daze. She swallowed and her face lowered, searching the most beautiful nest I had ever seen as if seeking answers or an escape.

  She froze as my feet entered her periphery, and I put my fingers under her chin, tipping her face. “Show me your eyes, baby.”

  Violet, and luminous in the soft light.

  I cupped her cheek. “I don’t think we’re going to be able to wait.” Her chest heaved. “I think we might already be there.” We weren’t there yet, and she wasn’t completely ready, but I was about to force it regardless.

  She shook her head.

  “Do you need me to help you, Eloise?”

  She shook her head again quickly, and my lips twitched; she knew what me helping her meant.

  “Then give me your hand,” I said softly.

  She still didn’t move, so I gently tugged the cushion from her surprisingly fierce grip. I tossed it aside, and taking her empty hand in mine, wrapped it around the base of my cock. Her tentative exploration of the ridge of my burgeoning knot brought a growl to my throat. She had only experienced a small swelling so far, and the full knot was going to be a shock.

  I needed her distracted from what was happening with Lilly, and I had no qualms about using any and every advantage I had.

  Edging a little closer, I wrapped my hand around her hair and drew her lips toward my cock. “Open for me.” Her lips parted. Sinking into the wet heat of her mouth was like sinking into heaven. “Breathe through your nose,” I instructed when she gagged. I still couldn’t fit more than half of it down her throat. “Good girl,” I said, easing back and allowing her to set the pace. “Such a beautiful nest. Ready for me to fuck you in.” She hummed around my cock, eager now, using her tongue and instinctively knowing how to massage the gland just right.

  With every swipe of her tongue, every repetition of her lips sliding up and down my cock, I could feel myself falling. Her scent was still that cusp-of-heat scent, and I needed to tip her over.

  My fist tightened around her hair, and I began to take back control. Her tongue faltered, she gagged around me, and I threw my head back and growled. I didn’t let up, kept on plugging her tight throat until her cheeks turned red and spit and pre-cum trickled down her chin. “Put your fucking hand back,” I growled when she let off milking the gland. “Squeeze me like a good girl, and I will come for you.”

  Her fingers squeezed and massaged, and she tried to use her tongue as best she could. I was being rough with her, it was about to get rougher.

  “Ah, fuck.” I ripped my cock from her hot mouth as the pleasure became near rapturous in intensity. With a handful of her hair, I pressed her backward into the nest, and fisting my cock, pumped cum over her pussy.

  It took me long moments to come down to a semi-lucid state.

  Her wide violet eyes were staring up at me, chest heaving, cheeks flushed and chin glistening…and then she sniffed.

  A smile bloomed on my face, and I pressed over her, my larger body crowding her tiny one back into the soft nest. My mouth crashed over her, and she opened to the kiss, her small hands found the back of my neck as she tried to pull me close. I teased her with my tongue, held her still with a brutal grip on her hair, and kissed down her throat.

  “Hands down,” I growled when she tried to pull me back. Bracing my weight on an elbow, I scooped up cum and smeared it over her lips and around her mouth.

  I smirked seeing her chase it with her tongue, trying to get a hold of the source. Relenting, I gave her my fingers, watching her suck them deep into her mouth. Then I repeated until she had licked up every drop. Her legs pressed together, and the scent of slick permeated the air.

  I let up on her hair long enough to rip the shirt from her body. Then I feasted on her tits.

  Gripping my hair, she pulled me closer, then tried to pull me off, and all the while mewing nonsense. I squeezed her tits roughly, kissed, sucked and bit a trail of marks over them until they were bruised and her nipples engorged pink peaks.

  “Please! God, please, I need to come.”

  I dragged her legs apart and set about driving her arousal higher. I didn’t let her come, but I held her on the edge, and came over her and the once pristine nest whenever I felt the urge.

  After I’d taken her to the brink for the fourth time, she was a writhing, ragged mess. I played in the mess as she came back down from her almost-climax, her pussy lips were pink and engorged, and her clit distended past the hood.

  “If I give you my cock, I’m going to knot you,” I said. “A full knot.” I pumped a single finger in and out of her pussy. It was so hot in there; hot, swollen and insanely tight, and anything more was going to make her come.

  Shivers began to wrack her body. A flush spreading from her cheeks, down her chest, and across the flat plains of her stomach.

  My cock leaked copiously. The small knot hadn’t gone down, and my whole dick ached.

  But her scent still hadn’t changed. And I thought we both might be on the brink of madness if I didn’t finish what I’d started. Crawling over her, I closed my mouth over hers, stealing her breath as I plundered with my tongue. Her legs parted further, her knees lifting around my hips as her arms entwined my neck. I dragged the tip of my cock along her slit until it caught at the entrance to her pussy.

  Pulling my lips from hers, I took a moment to stare down at her beautiful face. “Give me your eyes, baby,” I said, cupping her cheek, and waiting until her lashes lifted.

  Then I gave her my cock.

  She came on the first stroke. Head back, and a cry of pleasure tearing from her throat as the
small knot breached her swollen, slippery entrance. A sharp gasp escaped her lips as I dragged it out and then forced it back in again.

  She tried to close her legs around me, but I caught them under my arms, pinning her wide open and fucked her heedless of the knot—forcing it in and out with every barbarous thrust.

  “Give yourself over to it, Eloise,” I growled close to her ear. “Let go and give me what I need. I’m not going to fucking stop. Let it happen.”

  Her pussy locked down on my cock, and her scent hit me in the same instant. Two more thrusts into that insanely tight slick-drenched channel and my full knot lodged into place. I rocked, coming deep inside her and dimly aware of blood filling my mouth.

  Euphoria consumed me. Her heat had broken, and it dragged me straight after her into a rut.

  My teeth clamped tighter against her throat, and I growled, low, animalistic, and filled with possession.

  I was inside her, but I could also feel her inside me.


  I bit deeper on her throat, feeling savage as she trembled beneath me.

  She tried to move, but I growled low and waited until she stilled before lifting my mouth from her throat.

  “Hush,” I said, closing my fingers over the front of her throat and pinning her with both cock and hand.

  “I’m so hot.”

  That brought a smile to my lips. “Baby, we’ve barely started.” I held her body flush to mine, my hand clamped tightly under her ass to keep her in place, and thinking clearly now that the wave was done while knowing it would not be long before it pulled me under again.

  I rocked slowly, offering the gentle rumble. The mark had calmed me for the first time since entering her nest.

  She tried to bow beneath me, and I growled, squeezing her throat until she settled. Her tiny body held me perfectly, slim thighs forced wide to accommodate me, and her tight pussy stuffed.

  “Oh, god!” She clutched my shoulders, and her pussy began to milk me, encouraging me to start rutting her again.

  “Don’t move,” I growled in her ear when she tied to pull against my knot. Not to be thwarted, she began to claw, and her small teeth nipped, indicating her impatience for me to give her more.


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