Two Witches and a Whiskey (The Guild Codex: Spellbound Book 3)

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Two Witches and a Whiskey (The Guild Codex: Spellbound Book 3) Page 14

by Annette Marie

  My chest constricted. That was exactly how I felt now.

  “Then …” His hand clenched around the guitar neck. “I hurt Aaron.”

  I’d never heard such a rough rasp come from his butter-smooth voice before.

  “I lost control … really lost it … and I hurt him badly.” He paused, the silence throbbing with pain and regret. “I knew that was it, that I should’ve left a long time ago. While Kai rushed Aaron to a healer, I packed my things.”

  My eyes widened. When he’d said “hurt,” I thought he’d meant feelings, not that he’d wounded Aaron. What had Ezra done that would require an emergency magical healing?

  Kai’s voice, words he’d gasped weeks ago, echoed in my ears. Stop them before Ezra kills Aaron.

  Ezra stared at nothing for a long minute. “Kai caught up to me at the bus station. He dragged me back, shoved me into a chair at the healer’s house, and sat beside me. He said there was no way in hell he was letting me ditch them. He said …”

  When he didn’t continue, I dared to whisper, “What did he say?”

  “He …” Ezra drew in a slow breath, then shook his head. “We sat there all night. After the healer discharged him, Aaron never said a word about what I’d done. He’s never mentioned it, not once.”

  His gaze flicked to mine, too quick for me to hide my horrified disbelief. Just how badly had he injured Aaron? The guys had warned me about Ezra’s temper, but I couldn’t imagine him lashing out at his friends with that degree of violence.

  Weariness and bleak humor blended in his expression. “Second worst night of my life.”

  “You’ve had a worse night?” I asked incredulously.

  He nodded and touched the bottom of the scar that cut down his face.

  “Oh. Right.”

  “So, you see, Tori? An MPD investigation is nothing to them. Aaron and Kai will stick by you through everything—through the worst of anything. They’ll never let you down.”

  I nodded, comforted if not convinced. Aaron and Kai’s loyalty to Ezra didn’t necessarily extend to me, but a girl could hope.

  Ezra’s eyes slid away from mine. “Tori, nobody knows I’m the one who hurt Aaron.”

  My breath hitched. I swallowed soundlessly, understanding what he was asking. “I’ll never tell a soul.”

  He started to play again, a soft, soothing melody that verged on a lullaby. My eyes drifted closed. For the first time, Ezra had revealed one of his secrets—a frightening one, but I suspected all his secrets were scary. I wished I could ask more about those early days of his friendship with Aaron and Kai.

  My fatigue had grown unbearable. The world grew fuzzy, and dark dreams, woven through with sweet notes, overtook my mind.

  I didn’t stir until the music stopped. Rustling movements, footsteps retreating, then returning. Careful hands slid under me, then Ezra lifted me off the sofa and into his arms. I tucked my face against his warm neck, sleepily inhaling.

  His swaying steps moved across the room, heading for the stairs, but the clatter of the back door opening brought him to a halt. More footsteps approached, but caught on the edge of sleep, I was too weary to open my eyes.

  “How is she?” Aaron whispered.

  “Tired. She fell asleep on the sofa.”

  “We got the grimoire,” Kai said in a low voice. “I’m almost positive it has the ritual. Now we need someone who can figure out a counter spell.”

  “One step closer,” Aaron murmured. “We’ll get her through this.”

  Ezra adjusted his hold on me. “I’ll put her to bed.”

  My senses whirled as he climbed the stairs. A door creaked open. He shifted me into one arm, bearing my weight like I was no more cumbersome than a doll. He leaned over the bed, blankets rustling, then laid me down.

  I sank into the mattress, my head on the pillow and my nose clouded with his delicious scent. He pulled the blankets over me and tucked them up to my chin.

  Silence fell over the room, and I sleepily wondered if I’d missed the sound of him leaving.

  The slight creak of a floorboard beside the bed. A whisper-soft touch on my hair, his thumb brushing my cheek. Then quick, quiet footsteps, followed by the snick of the door latch.

  I opened my eyes and stared at the closed door, my skin tingling in the wake of Ezra’s gentle touch.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Face buried in the pillow, I wondered if it was possible to be alive while this exhausted. Maybe I’d died at some point and was now a zombie.

  I’d slept through the night and gotten up for breakfast like a normal person, then fallen asleep on the sofa. I’d woken up in Ezra’s bed again with no clue which guy had carried me upstairs. It was now—I squinted at the alarm clock on Ezra’s nightstand—eight o’clock in the evening. I’d done nothing but nap all day, and I didn’t feel any less tired. Clearly, Zak’s fancy potion had already worn off.

  Anxiety rolled through me. I’d texted Zak every time I’d been awake enough to pilot my phone, but he hadn’t responded. What a jerk. I might literally be dying here and he didn’t care.

  Voices rumbled from the lower level—Aaron and Ezra, and it sounded like Kai was home now too. He and Aaron had been in and out all day, carting their newly acquired black-magic grimoire to various guild members, hoping someone could decipher it.

  Sighing wearily, I checked my phone for notifications. No responses from Zak, but my battery was at twenty-six percent. Great. I flopped toward the bed’s edge and leaned over it, scanning the floor. Aha, my purse. Stretching out an arm, I grabbed the bag, heaved it onto the bed, and dug in, searching for a phone charger. I didn’t think I had one, but the contents of my oversized handbag had surprised me before.

  Wallet, sunglasses, crumpled receipts. I pulled out a knitted winter hat—why was I carrying that around in the summer?—and froze at the gleam of something pale.

  A silvery-blue orb was nestled in the bottom of my bag. Hadn’t I left the dormant fae at home? I had no recollection of putting it in my purse. I lifted it out and weighed its smooth warmth in my palms.

  The ridged texture heated under my skin—then the whole thing moved. It unraveled and expanded, spiky wings lifting off its back, a sinuous neck uncoiling, pink eyes shining. My empty hands hung in place.

  A fae hovered in front of me: the silvery creature that had saved me last night.

  Its serpentine body undulated like a Chinese dragon, weightless and immune to gravity. More aquamarine-blue than silver, its reptilian face was shaped like a gecko’s, with giant pink eyes and a matching crystal in the center of its wide forehead. It had two small front arms but no hind legs, and its body morphed into a thick tail at least five feet long. Small wings, like a cross between bat wings and butterfly wings, rose off its back.

  Two pairs of long antennae protruded from its head, ending in glowing blue crystals. They bobbed as the creature brought its blunt muzzle close to my nose, those huge eyes fixed on mine expectantly.

  “Um.” I swallowed repeatedly. “Hello?”

  Its tail snaked back and forth through the air, filling half the room. Wings flicking open and closed like a folding fan, the creature drifted backward. Its jaw opened, displaying needle-sharp teeth in a wide yawn. Ducking its head, it rapidly curled its body inward. Its long tail wound into the ball, the whole shape tightened and shrank, then the bluish-silver sphere dropped into my lap.

  I gawked like a simpleton. How dense was I? I should have recognized the fae’s color scheme last night. Rubbing a bewildered hand over my face, I hesitantly patted the fae orb. It didn’t react to my touch.

  “You’re supposed to be dormant,” I muttered.

  Not that I was unhappy the fae had woken up—and saved my ass—but it was one more thing I’d have to deal with. Why had Zak given it to me? He still hadn’t replied to my messages, and now I really wanted to talk to him.

  Setting the fae aside, I minced to the door and cracked it open. The guys’ muffled voices carried up the stairs, and I waited
until I’d picked out all three before closing the door and dialing Zak’s number.

  Once again, it rang for half an eternity before he answered with a friendly, “I’m busy.”

  “I’m half dead,” I retorted with a growl. “I can hardly stay awake. I need more of that potion.”

  “Already?” he muttered. The distinct sound of many voices in low conversation trickled through the phone. “That was fast.”

  “The fae lord had to make an appearance last night to obliterate some Red Rum assholes, so that probably contributed. Where are you? It sounds like a conference hall.” Or a wedding before everyone got drunk.

  “The art gallery.”

  “You’re not answering my messages because you’re at an art gallery?”

  “There’s an event tonight with several attendees who might have useful information related to your fae problem.”

  My fae problem. What a nice way to put it. “I didn’t know black-magic felons appreciated fine art.”

  A quiet snort. “The location makes them feel classy. I’m ruining the mood with my lack of penguin suit and monocle.”

  “Okay, well, I’d tell you to have fun, but I really need that potion.”

  “I have another dose with me, but you’ll have to hang on until morning.”


  “You won’t die, Tori. Just be patient.” The line went dead.

  He had no phone manners. Or any manners, really.

  Gazing at the fae orb—which he hadn’t given me a chance to mention—I considered my options. Sleep another twelve hours and hope I didn’t slip into a coma. Or … I bit my lip. Or go get my potion.

  It wouldn’t be difficult. Pop over to the art gallery and tell him to duck out for a minute to give me the potion. He could return to schmoozing with barely a blip in his night.

  As a yawn cracked my jaw, I gave myself a “wake the hell up” pep talk. The art gallery could only be one place, and I pulled it up on my phone. A thirty-five-minute walk through most of downtown, but by car, it was only ten minutes away. There and back in no time. I tapped my lower lip. One of the guys could take me. I’d make them wait around the corner or something while I met with Zak.

  Ezra didn’t drive, so he was out. Aaron could drive, but he was kind of excitable. I needed someone calm and coolheaded. Someone who wouldn’t get worked up over a strange request.

  Footsteps creaked on the stairs, and I could tell by the sound who it was. Huffing nervously, I opened the door and stuck my head out.

  Kai paused with his hand on his bedroom doorknob, laptop tucked under one arm.

  “Hey Kai!” I said brightly.

  His eyes narrowed immediately.

  “What?” I demanded, wounded by his wariness.

  Faint amusement touched his features. “Tori, if you don’t want to seem suspicious, don’t act so sweet and sugary.”

  “Oh, come on. Why is me being cheerful suspicious?”

  Leaning back against his door, he looked me up and down like I might be carrying concealed weapons. “What do you want?

  I smiled hesitantly. “Wanna take me for a ride on your motorcycle?”

  His guardedness returned in full force. “A ride where?”

  No matter how I answered that, he’d be suspicious, so I batted my eyelashes and chirped with all the sweet sugar I could muster, “It’s a surprise!”

  He stared at me—then threw his head back in a laugh.

  Fifteen minutes later, I was gripping Kai’s leather-jacket-clad waist as his motorcycle rocketed down Dunsmuir Street. Yellow streetlamps and red tail lights flashed past as we weaved through traffic. I pointed over his shoulder and he careened through a left turn, cutting it way too close to an oncoming car.

  Ahead, the skyscrapers opened up. Squatting among the giants was an old-fashioned building with a stone exterior, four-story-tall columns marking the dramatic entrance, and a domed roof. The structure, once a courthouse, was over a hundred years old.

  I looked around for a parking spot, but dozens of sleek cars and SUVs, most of them black with the occasional silver or gunmetal gray, were parallel parked bumper to bumper. Kai slowed the bike, and I gestured helplessly toward the gallery as we passed it.

  “Here?” he shouted in disbelief over the road noise.


  His helmet swiveled as he scanned the street. The engine revved, then he spun a one-eighty into the opposing traffic and shot back down the road. With a squeal of tires, he cut across the pavement and onto the sidewalk. Slowing to trolling speed, we passed a grand three-sided staircase that looked like it had spilled off the second-level terrace. The gallery entrance was tucked into the inner corner of the L-shaped building.

  Stopping the motorcycle beside a row of trees in concrete planters, Kai killed the engine. I loosened my death grip on him and looked around. Yeah, this wasn’t a parking space, but who would complain? The felonious rogue we were about to meet?

  Kai pulled his helmet off to take in the pillared front entrance and even grander next level. When his gaze came back down, his dark eyes squinted with familiar suspicion.

  Tugging off my helmet, I hunched my shoulders guiltily. “Umm …”

  “We’re not meeting Sin to pick up a potion, are we?”

  We were here to get a potion, but not from Sin. I’d had no choice but to lie; revealing the true nature of my errand could trigger the deadly oath spell.

  “I need to pick something up, and I swear it’s important,” I told him, pleading for forgiveness with my eyes.

  Hooking my helmet on the saddlebag behind me, I dug my phone out of my pocket. Zak hadn’t answered my message warning him that I was on my way. I shot off another text telling him I was waiting outside and that I had a friend with me. If he wanted to meet in private, he could tell me where.

  Kai rolled his shoulders. “The art gallery,” he muttered. Judging by his growling undertone, he was immensely displeased that I’d tricked him. “Looks like there’s an event tonight. I wonder what it is?”

  He shot me a pointed look, and I shrank in my seat. “I don’t know. That’s not why I’m here.”

  Grumbling something I was glad I couldn’t make out, he surveyed our surroundings like a scout searching for enemy soldiers. Jiggling my phone impatiently, I stifled another yawn and fought the urge to slump. Zero energy. It was ridiculous.

  “You okay, Tori?” Kai asked, his tone gentling.

  “Yeah.” Silence fell between us. Giving in, I leaned against his back and pillowed my cheek on his cold leather shoulder blade. “This sucks.”

  “Philip warned us the link with the fae would tire you, but I didn’t expect it to be this extreme.”

  “I can survive being tired.” Probably. I shot off three back-to-back messages, hoping to catch the distracted druid’s attention. “How’s it going with the grimoire?”

  “We’ve gone from ninety-five percent sure it contains the correct ritual to ninety-nine percent sure. If it’s not the exact ritual they used, it’s very close. We gave copies to several witches and sorcerers. They’re working on a counter spell that could break the link.”

  “How long will it take?”

  “No way to know. This isn’t a common area of expertise.”

  I considered that. “Do you have any extra copies?”

  “Not on me,” he replied cautiously.

  “Never mind then.”

  “Tori …” His back shifted under my cheek as he tried to look at me. “You know we’ll keep your secrets, right?”

  “I know,” I whispered.

  I felt him nod. Quiet settled over us.

  After a minute, he asked, “So why did you ask me to drive you and not Aaron?”

  Squirming from the question, I muttered, “No reason.”


  A hundred thoughts crowded my head at once, including the memory of the conversation I’d overheard between Aaron and Ramsey. But no, that had nothing to do with my choice of chauffeur. Kai was t
he better option for a covert mission. Way more suited to it. Definitely.

  Okay, fine. I’d been avoiding Aaron, and not very subtly either, since Kai had noticed. Meaning Aaron had probably noticed too.

  “I don’t think I can date Aaron anymore,” I blurted.

  Kai twitched like I’d poked him. “Oh?”

  “Great.” My shoulders hunched. “If it surprises you, how will Aaron react?”

  “I’m not surprised by what you said,” Kai corrected, his tone dry. “I’m surprised you admitted it.”


  “It’s not really a shock.” He shifted on the bike seat. “You’ve shown none of the classic ‘falling in love’ signs.”

  “But why not?” I pressed my forehead against his back. “I really like Aaron. We get along great. We always have fun, and we have amazing chemistry. It’s been three months. Why am I not in love with him already?”

  “Maybe you’re trying too hard.”

  “Eh? What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know.” He huffed. “Why are you asking me?”

  I rubbed my temples as though I could massage some sense into my brain. “I don’t understand what’s wrong with me.”

  “Maybe nothing is wrong. Maybe he isn’t right for you. Just because a man asks you out doesn’t mean he’s destined to be your one true love.” He shrugged, jostling me. “Two fiery personalities probably aren’t a good match anyway. You two never relax when you’re together.”

  “But …” My backbone shriveled, feeling as sturdy as a stalk of grass. “How do I tell Aaron?”

  “Just tell him. He already suspects, Tori. He won’t hate you.”

  “But it’ll be awkward.”

  “He’ll get over it.” Kai patted my knee—the only part of me he could easily reach. “Trust me, Tori. Aaron is …” He paused thoughtfully. “Adaptation is one of Aaron’s defining strengths. He doesn’t hold grudges or dwell on the past. He’s always moving forward, searching for the next adventure.”


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