Mountain Mayhem

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by Ivy Banks

  Mountain Mayhem

  Royal Vampire Kingdom

  Ivy Banks

  Copyright © 2019 by Ivy Banks

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. For permission requests, email [email protected]

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events, businesses, companies, institutions, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  You never know when you’ll find someone to save you from a cold and lonely ski lift…


  Royal Vampire Kingdom Prologue

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Also By Ivy Banks

  About the Author

  Royal Vampire Kingdom Prologue

  Many eons ago, the first vampire came into existence when a great warrior named Atticus was given the gift of immortality from an almighty warlock. But with the gift of eternal life came great responsibility. As Atticus developed a thirst for blood, he knew he had to leverage his powers wisely.

  Over time, immortality became lonely, and Atticus embarked on a quest to form his own family. Choosing his “children” based on strength of character, fortitude and the ability to navigate an ever changing world for millennia upon millennia, Atticus created a clan that would be able to rule over all other vampires, creating order and hierarchy among them.

  The Vampire King gave sixteen worthy humans the gift of everlasting life. The chosen soon became the fifteen princes and sole princess of the vampire world. Together they became the Hanover family.

  From these original sixteen individuals, all vampires in the world were created. Though vampires now cover the Earth as rampantly as man and beast, the original Hanover clan remains the most powerful among them.

  This is the love story of Alejandro Hanover.

  Chapter 1

  The phone on his desk buzzed again and the CEO of Hanover Resorts and Spa smashed his fist into to intercom in frustration.

  “Please, hold my calls!” Alejandro barked into the phone. “I am in the middle of an emergency here!”

  It was the third time he had told the temp those same words, but the girl did not seem to understand the most basic instructions.

  He disconnected the phone and turned back to the man standing before him.

  “What is the problem, Ryan?” he asked, drumming his fingers impatiently on the teak desk. He knew exactly what the problem was, but he was just buying time.

  It should not have taken more than fifteen minutes for the lift to carry the passengers up the mountain, but of course, nothing was ever so simple. He ski lift had been suspended half-way up Mount Carpenter and Alejandro Hanover was speaking with the engineer, Ryan.

  Calling him out on his transparent act, Ryan snapped furiously.

  “What do you mean, what is the problem? You know exactly what is happening. The same thing I have warned you about for months, Alex!”

  “Come now,” Alejandro coaxed cajolingly, trying a fresh tactic. “This happens a dozen times a season. Why is this any different?”

  Ryan was not an easy man to win over, and, thankfully, it was not often that the CEO was stuck with the job of placating the safety engineer.

  Ryan Masters glared at him and narrowed his eyes. “Because, Alex, I told you the last time—this particular lift needed to be replaced last season and you ignored me.”

  Alejandro’s blue-grey eyes sparked dangerously and he felt his incisors throbbing at the gum line.

  How dare he speak to me in such a way, you insolent troll. I will end your career and your life if you are not careful.

  He checked his tone and forced a smile. Ryan was also the best in the business. There was no need to create an enemy in the man.

  “How many people are on the lift?”

  “Three. Two men and a woman. It’s been over an hour. If not for the heated seats, they would be near freezing by now.”

  The owner of the Aspen resort thought carefully. It was the first time that anyone had been trapped on the wire for such an extended period of time. It was true, Ryan had warned him of the impending danger of that particular ski lift the previous year, but there was a reason the billionaire delegated; he had far too many other problems to manage.

  When Ashley returns from Athens, her ass is going to be mine…and not the way I usually take it either. I asked her to deal with this months ago. How does this manage to become my issue while she is on vacation?

  He refocused his attention on Ryan, who continued to glare optic daggers in his direction.

  “Surely there must be some way to get the riders off safely.”

  “Of course there is a way,” Ryan retorted. “Under normal circumstances. Unfortunately, the snow-storm is making it impossible to see out there. The winds make a helicopter useless. No pilot in his right mind is going to make that trip.”

  Alejandro lost his good humor and in seconds, his face was inches from the engineer’s.

  “Well, perhaps you should find another way. That is what I pay you for, is it not?”

  Ryan balked at Alejandro’s tone and he swallowed quickly.

  “Yes, Mr. Hanover,” he muttered. “I’ll figure something out.”

  Alejandro inhaled sharply as the engineer scurried from the room and turned to stare out into the blizzard that had darkened the Colorado horizon without warning.

  I cannot simply stand here and do nothing while those people are trapped up there. There will be a lawsuit…three lawsuits at least.

  Immediately, he turned to his stationary desk and punched the intercom button.

  “Get me the front desk,” he barked into the speaker.

  “Right away, Mr. Hanover,” the monotonous temp replied. A second later, his call was answered.

  “Hanover Resort and Spa, Braylin speaking, how may I help you?”

  “Braylin, this is Alejandro Hanover,” he boomed.

  There was a slight gasp of recognition on the other end of the phone.

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Hanover. How may I help you?” The adulation in her voice was unmistakable and usually, Alex would have taken the opportunity to be flattered, but there was no time for that.

  Maybe after this disaster is averted, I will look into the receptionist at the front desk.

  He idly hoped she was a blonde.

  “There are three riders caught on the lift traveling up Mount Carpenter. I need to know who they are.”

  Braylin was silent.

  “Sir…I wouldn’t…I mean how would I…?”

  Alejandro checked his infamous temper.

  What he asked of her was difficult perhaps, especially if they had only been on the lift for an hour, but it was not an impossible task.

  Must I do the thinking for everyone in this company? Alejandro growled silently.

  “I am asking you to use your brain. Are you able to do so?” the CEO snarled. “Pick up the phone and call your guests. I want them accounted for. Are you able to do that or should I find someone with more capability?”

  “No, no, sir, I can do it,” she breathed quickly. “I… I will do it. Where… I mean how can I contact you?”

  “I am in the office. I will be waiting for your call.”

  He did not wait for her response before hanging up.

  The snow fell in buckets and Alejandro had a bad feeling.

best work quickly, he thought worriedly. How long will the heated seats do their job?

  Chapter 2

  “Oh, I am so cold! How can this be happening?”

  Veronica glanced at Todd, gritting her perfect white teeth together. They had all been in exactly the same position for the same amount of time and yet the only one incessantly complaining was her fiancé.

  It is not even terrible yet, she thought with annoyance. Wait until the snow begins to pack in around us and we’re weighed down. Then you’ll really be crying.

  “Oh! How much longer do you think they’ll be?” he moaned again.

  Veronica whipped her head to answer him, but to her relief, the stranger on the lift had also had enough of her fiancé’s insipid whining.

  “Dude, they will get here when they get here. Chill the fuck out.”

  Veronica swallowed a smile, turning her face into the storm so Todd would not see her smirk. Even from her peripheral vision, she could see the stung expression on his face, but to her immense relief, he did stop complaining for two minutes.

  I am going to have to buy that guy a drink in the lodge when we get down, she thought, shooting him a glance before looking back at a sulking Todd.

  What do you see in this guy? She asked herself the same question a million times. Are you so impressed by the Cartwright name that you would marry such a vapid, pathetic man?

  The thought filled her with shame because she wondered how much truth was in it. It was easier to think herself a gold-digger than a woman desperate for emotional stability after all.

  Todd Cartwright will never end up in jail or leave me. He will never rob a bank or run a boiler room. He will always be around in his boring, sheltered way. You will never be scared again. Irritated as hell, but not scared and not abandoned. Not ever.

  “You okay miss?” the stranger asked, peering over the now silent Todd and looking at Veronica.

  She nodded quickly and gratefully. Todd had not asked her once if she was all right.

  “Yes, thanks. You?”

  He grinned and it was a hideous expression of yellow teeth, but something was still disarming and boyish about the man on the far end of the lift.

  And disgusting teeth or no, he shut Todd up. How many people can claim to that?

  “Ah yeah. This isn’t my first time being stuck on one of these. They’ll get us down soon enough. I’m Paul.”

  “Veronica,” she replied. “This is Todd.”

  “Sorry I snapped at you, Todd,” Paul offered. “I guess my nerves are on edge.”

  Todd eyed his suspiciously and nodded in half-forgiveness.

  “Okay,” the congressman’s son replied. “I get it. I just wish they’d hurry!”

  Well he shut up for a minute anyway, Veronica thought ruefully, turning her head again.

  Suddenly, the sound of music began piping through the air and the trio stared at one another in confusion.

  “What is that?” Todd demanded, a look of hope painting his face.

  “It’s my cell!” Veronica suddenly realized, patting her red ski suit to locate the phone. She found it in her breast pocket. She had forgotten she had it. People on the parallel lift had gone for help upon discovering them and Todd had filled the past hour and a half with griping. Two staff members had travelled up in the neighbouring car to assure them that they were working on getting them down so there had been no need to reach out to anyone.

  Of course, that had been before the snow had turned torrential, shutting down the mountain access altogether.

  I can’t believe I forgot I had it! She shook her head and retrieved it from her jacket. I could have been drowning Todd out this entire time!

  “Hello?” she breathed happily.

  “Ms. Burnaby?” a woman asked. “This is Braylin from the front desk of the hotel. I hope you don’t mind me calling you on your cell phone, but I wanted to ensure you are safe.”

  “Yes, yes, we’re fine,” Veronica replied. “But how much longer is it going to be before you get us out of here?”

  Braylin gasped. “You are on the lift?”

  Veronica stared at the phone in confusion.

  “Isn’t that why you’re calling?” she demanded.

  A feeling of worry sparked through her for the first time. What is taking them so long? Did they forget about us?

  For a fleeting moment, she felt like Todd. Get it together. Of course they didn’t forget about you up here.

  “Who is it?” Todd demanded.

  “Is it the hotel?” Paul asked.

  “Hello? Braylin?” Veronica realized that the phone had gone dead, gooseflesh prickling her arms. It had nothing to do with the cold.

  She stared at the men with concern and then back at her phone.

  “I’ll call her back,” she muttered, pulling off her gloves.

  A small fission of panic torpedoed through her.

  Assuming the storm isn’t messing with my service up here.

  “What happened? Who was it?” Todd questioned again. “How much longer is it going to be?”

  Veronica shook her head and suddenly noticed that her blonde tresses were caked in ice. The heated seats had distracted her from the intensifying cold but as she peered at the men, she could see how blotchy their skin had become from the whipping snow.

  Are they coming to get us? Veronica wondered, her heart beginning to thud. What is the problem?

  Before her frozen hands could dial, the phone rang again and Veronica snatched it up.

  “Hello? Braylin?”

  “Is this Ms. Burnaby?” It was a man’s voice, a deep, slightly accented tone which sent inexplicable shivers through Veronica.

  “Yes. Who is this?”

  “My name is Alejandro Hanover. I am the owner of the resort.”

  Veronica exhaled slowly.

  “Can you tell me the names of the two others with you?” Alejandro asked.

  “Uh…Todd Cartwright and um…Paul…Paul, what’s your last name? It’s the owner of the resort.” Veronica turned to the man on the end.


  “Paul Porter.”

  “Thank you, Veronica. That is a lovely name. May I call you Veronica?”

  Despite the potentially perilous situation, Veronica was warmed by his mellifluous tones.

  “Yes,” she replied, glancing guiltily at her fiancé. Both Todd and Paul continued to stare at her curiously.

  “Put him on speaker,” Todd urged, but Veronica pretended she did not hear him. She did not want to share Alejandro Hanover with anyone. The thought was strange and she wondered if the cold was effecting her brain.

  “I am working on getting you out of there,” Alejandro assured her. “It will only take a little bit more time, but I appreciate you keeping it together so well.”

  “Well losing it will not benefit anyone,” she replied. “Anyway, we know these things happen.”

  “How much longer?” Todd screeched and Veronica stifled a sigh.

  “Are you able to keep everyone calm?” Alejandro was asking. “Is there going to be a problem?”

  My fiancé is screaming like a three-year-old, that’s all. She swallowed the response she wanted to give and nodded.

  “Yes, Mr. Hanover,” she replied loudly. “Everyone will remain calm, don’t worry.”

  Veronica looked meaningfully at Todd who seemed embarrassed by the implication he was acting hysterical.

  “I have to go now, Veronica, but keep your phone close, and hold on. I know you can do it.”

  Dread seemed to fill her as she realized he was leaving her.

  No! She wanted to scream. Don’t go!

  The reaction was ridiculous. She had no reason to keep him on the line and yet…

  “Yes,” she choked. “Thank you.”

  There was a long pause as the two listened to one another breathe for a moment.

  “Goodbye, Veronica.”


  The call went dead again and Veronica was filled w
ith a longing so strong, she almost wanted to throw herself from the lift.

  What is wrong with me? She thought, trying to regain her breath.

  “No, sir, it is much too dangerous,” Drew sad flatly. “There is no visibility and the wind is temperamental. There is no guarantee that we will make it—”

  “Drew do it, Now. I will be on the landing pad in five minutes.”

  “Mr. Hanover—”

  “There are three guests trapped on that hill as the storm gets worse. I am not leaving them up there. Make sure the emergency gear is in order. Can you do it, Drew or should I find someone else?”

  “I’ll do it.”

  Begrudgingly, the helicopter pilot turned to hurry from the office, recognizing the time sensitive nature of what he was being asked.

  What are you doing? Alejandro asked himself. You are risking your pilot’s life by doing this, and the lives of the guests.

  Yet, he could not get the thought of getting Veronica Burnaby on the ground. Something in her voice captivated him.

  As if I have known her in another life…

  He forced the ridiculous thought from his mind. Unlike the others, Alejandro did not subscribe to the superstitions of his people.

  What you are worried about is a lawsuit. You must do everything you can to bring them back. That way no one can claim you sat on your hands and did nothing when it goes to court.

  Alex had no doubt that it would get that far. He was, after all, a caterer to the super wealthy and ultra spoiled. If there was an opportunity for a lawsuit, the rich would seize it.

  Sighing, he glanced at the cell in his hand.

  Should I call her one more time? He had no reason to call her again, but the urge was strong. You must go save her and the others…for legal reasons. Nothing else.

  Chapter 3


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