Bounty Hunter- Logan

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Bounty Hunter- Logan Page 5

by Kim Fox

  Logan couldn’t take his eyes off of her as she ran to her cabin. She came back out a few seconds later with a laptop.

  “Don’t be mad,” she said when she sat back down.


  She took a deep breath and then opened the laptop. Logan watched as she clicked over to YouTube.

  “You didn’t…”

  His stomach dropped as dread filled every inch of his body. He was on the screen.

  It took him a few seconds to recognize himself, but he was there. His hair was a mess over his eyes and he looked pathetic and broken as he plucked the smashed bass on his lap, singing a ridiculous song that his mother used to sing to him before she died.

  The embarrassment turned to anger, and Logan could barely spit out the next words. “You, filmed me?”

  “It’s a gorgeous song,” she said with her voice racing. “And you sing so beaut—”

  “You put it on the internet?!?”

  He rose to his feet as she quickly closed the laptop and backed up. “It’s got two million views in less than four days. Two million views!”

  Logan wasn’t impressed with that. He had seen lots of internet videos of people acting like idiots that went viral. And here was one more.

  “I can’t believe you did that!”

  His hard eyes narrowed on her as she took another step back.

  “I was so moved by the song.” It was clear that she was caught off guard by his reaction. Did she actually think he’d be happy to be embarrassed so publicly like that?

  It was his most vulnerable moment and not only had she filmed it, but she put it on the internet for the world to see.

  “Read the comments before you get mad,” she said as she desperately scrambled. “People love it.”

  “People always love a disaster,” Logan said as he squeezed his hand into a fist. “Don’t come near me again.”

  He stormed off and slammed the door of his cabin, cursing the girl, cursing the world, cursing himself.

  William Reyes could have this ranch for all he cared. He was done with it all.

  Chapter Six


  “Ah, shit.”

  Logan let out a grimace when he looked out the window and saw the old blue pickup truck as it pulled into the ranch. The sound of a baseball game on the radio was leading the way.

  “…Matthews had luck with his curveball in the last inning, but now he can’t seem to…”

  It was Caleb in that old truck. The radio had been stuck for years on that one station that only played baseball games.

  Logan got a sour taste in his mouth as he watched Caleb and Dane climb out of the truck. He had been dreading this all week.

  It was time for band practice, for a band that he no longer wanted to be in. For a band that he could no longer be in.

  At least Jordy isn’t here yet. Thank God for small miracles.

  He took a deep breath and walked outside on heavy footsteps.

  “Hey, Logan,” Dane said with a nervous quiver in his voice. His eyes immediately darted to Logan’s missing arm.

  Without thinking, Logan subtly shifted his body so his stub was behind him and out of view.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t come earlier,” Dane said as he dropped his eyes to Logan’s feet. “It killed me when I heard, I just…”

  “It’s okay.” They met eyes and Logan nodded. “Don’t worry, it’s all good, buddy. I probably wouldn’t have answered the door anyway.”

  Dane let out a breath, looking relieved. “How are you holding up?”

  “Hanging in there. What are you guys doing here?”

  Caleb walked to the back of the pickup truck and pulled his guitar out. “Band practice. You know that.”

  Logan let out a frustrated sigh. When were these guys going to get it through their thick skulls that he wasn’t in the band anymore? Did he have to lose both arms for them to see that it was hopeless?

  “Where are we going to practice?” Dane asked as he lifted his drum kit out of the back. “In your cabin?”

  “I don’t think you want to go in there,” Logan said, reaching behind him and closing the door. His place was a disaster with dirty clothes, garbage, and dishes that seemed to be spawning a new species of mold that looked like it could become sentient any day now.

  “Then storefront it is.” Caleb turned and walked to the main storefront that was only slightly better than Logan’s cabin.

  “Wait, guys,” Logan said, racing after them. Caleb and Dane just ignored him as they walked up the creaky steps to the front door.

  “I thought I made it clear,” Logan said as Caleb opened the old screen door that was held up on only one hinge. “I’m not in the band anymore.”

  “I know,” Caleb answered as he walked inside, followed by Dane. “But we need a place to practice and we’re already here, so…”

  The cheap plastic table let out a screech as Dane kicked it to the wall and put down his drums in the middle of the room.

  Caleb strummed a few chords on his guitar as he began to tune it.

  This was always Logan’s favorite time of the week. He loved band practice and always got tingles up his body once he heard the tuning of instruments. It was definitely his happy place.

  But that was then, and now he wasn’t feeling anything but a cold sense of dread as the guys started to play.

  Didn’t they realize they were making it harder for him?

  Logan looked out the front door when the sound of another truck approaching hit his ears. It was Jordy. Cash, another of the town’s firemen, was driving him.

  Jordy hopped out of the truck and immediately went to his van, inspecting it closely as Cash drove away.

  “What the hell?”

  Caleb snorted out a laugh. “What’s his problem?”

  “Do you have two hours?” Dane asked as he shook his head. “I’ll tell you, although we might need more time.”

  Logan gulped. “I think he might have found the knick in the door.”

  “Why is there a fucking knick in the door?” Jordy hollered.

  The three of them walked out onto the porch as Jordy glared at them. “You promised you would bring it back in mint condition.”

  “What the fuck, Jordy?” Caleb said, looking disgusted. “The guy loses an arm and all you care about is your stupid van?”

  Jordy looked confused for a second then his eyes widened when he looked at Logan’s left arm, or lack of left arm.

  “Wha—? What the hell happened?”

  “You didn’t know?” Caleb asked, jerking his head back. “Dane, you didn’t tell him?”

  “I thought you did,” Dane answered.

  Jordy rushed over. “Logan, are you okay?”

  Logan swallowed hard, trying to respond, but he was afraid if he tried to say anything it would come out as a sob so he just stayed silent.

  “I’m so sorry,” Jordy said as he threw his arms around him and pulled him in for a hug. “I’m so sorry.”

  Logan let him hug it out and when Jordy finally released him, he gave a quick recap of what happened, leaving out Mack’s role in the incident.

  “What about your lion?” Jordy asked. “Is your lion missing a leg?”

  Logan’s whole body tightened. “I… I’m not sure.”

  “You haven’t let him out yet?” Caleb asked, looking both shocked and concerned.

  Logan shook his head.

  “It’s been too long,” Dane said, looking just as worried. “You need to let him out.”

  “I will,” Logan answered, although it wouldn’t be anytime soon. As restless as his lion had been, he wasn’t ready to let him out just yet.

  It was getting awkward under the spotlight, so Logan ushered them back into the storefront. “Let’s get this over with,” he said as they followed him inside.

  Dane walked over to the back window and whistled when he saw Elodie laying by the pool. “Who is that?”

  Logan rushed over as a flash of anger and jealousy s
urged through him. Elodie was in a black bikini that she had picked up in town and he didn’t want any of the guys looking at her in it.

  He grabbed the blinds, took one last look at her—swallowing hard when he saw her curvy ass—and then slammed them closed. He nearly ripped them off the wall.

  “Someone has a crush on her,” Jordy said as he tried to get a look over Logan’s shoulder. Logan pushed him away. “But who is she?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Logan snapped. “Let’s just start.”

  “Business first,” Jordy said, pulling a paper from his pocket. “I have a list of managers that we can approach.”

  “Managers?” Caleb said, looking exhausted. “Really, Jordy? Do you really think now is the time to look for a manager?”

  “Well, when?” Jordy snapped back. “It’s been two years with nothing but gigs at The Slurry Rabbit. This band has plateaued. We need to bring Predatone to the next level with a recording contract and that requires a manager.”

  Dane was shaking his head. “Logan just lost… I mean… We might have to restructure the band or figure out a way forward.”

  “A manager is the last thing we should be discussing,” Caleb said as he twisted a tuning peg on his guitar.

  “This band is at a crisis point,” Jordy said, raising his voice. “We haven’t come up with anything new in what? Six months? I had to beg The Slurry Rabbit to book us. The Slurry Rabbit!”

  “So then maybe we should take some time to figure things out,” Dane said as he stroked his drum stick.

  “We don’t need to slow down.” Jordy was turning red with frustration. “We need to take action. Trust me, I know these things.”

  “You know these things?” Dane said with a roll of his eyes. “Jordy, you’re a fireman. Stop acting like you’re Rick fucking Rubin.”

  “And you’re a forest ranger,” Jordy said with a dismissive wave. “Go arrest some chipmunks.”

  “I can’t listen to this shit anymore,” Caleb said, shaking his head.

  Logan had heard enough. “Guys. Guys! I’m out.”

  Jordy’s face dropped. “You’re what?”

  “I’m out. I mean it. I can’t play anything anymore.”

  “So, what does that mean?” Jordy asked as his face began to turn pale.

  “I think it means that Predatone is pretty much done.” Dane lowered his head like he couldn’t believe those words had just left his mouth.

  They all went silent, knowing that it was true. Their time as a band was up.

  A soft timid voice broke the silence.


  All four of them turned to the front door.

  Elodie was standing there, smiling. She had a colorful sarong around her waist with only her bikini top on. Logan swallowed hard when he took a quick glance at her breasts. She looked spectacular with her wavy blonde hair falling on her bare shoulders that were getting a little too red from the sun.

  “Can you guys play me something?” she asked with an excited smile on her face.

  Logan cleared his throat. “Elodie, I don’t think—”

  “Of course!” Jordy said, leaping for the microphone.

  Dane rushed to the seat behind the drums and grabbed the sticks. “What do you want to hear?”

  Even Caleb was strapping his guitar on, getting ready.

  Logan couldn’t believe these guys. They were a split-second away from breaking up, and one pretty girl shows up and now they were all ready to go? What the hell?

  “Anything, really,” Elodie said with her eyes sparkling. “I just can’t believe I get a private show!”

  “I can’t believe it either,” Logan muttered as he turned back to his bandmates. “I thought we were disbanding?”

  “That was before a smoking hot girl walked into the room,” Jordy whispered.

  Logan looked at Dane for support but the drummer just shrugged.

  “You too, Caleb?”

  Caleb shrugged. “We’re all here. Might as well play.”

  Logan shook his head as Elodie walked in and sat down on a folding chair. She clapped her hands and squealed in excitement as Jordy flicked the mic on.

  Logan was seething as he leaned against the wall with his fist pressed against his tight mouth. He was going to enjoy watching these guys embarrass themselves in front of his girl.

  Jordy turned back to Dane. “Hush on three. Two. Three.”

  The music started and Logan was silently satisfied that they didn’t sound nearly as good without his bass playing. The song sounded thinner without it. It sounded incomplete.

  “Hush, sexy baby, what have you heard?” Jordy was staring directly into Elodie’s eyes as he sung. An image of Logan grabbing the microphone wire and wrapping it around Jordy’s neck flashed into his mind for some reason.

  Elodie listened, bobbing her head as they massacred Predatone’s best song.

  “What do you think?” Jordy asked when they were done.

  Elodie straightened up in her chair. “It was good,” she said, nodding enthusiastically. Jordy puffed his chest out as a satisfied grin appeared on his face.

  “Can I hear another one?” she asked.

  “Anything,” Jordy said, looking pretty damn smug.

  Elodie’s eyes shot to Logan. She had a mischievous grin on her face and Logan’s stomach sunk with dread. He knew what was coming. “But this time I would like to hear Logan sing the song.”

  “Logan?” Jordy said with a snort. “I’m the lead singer.”

  “And you’re good,” she said slowly, “but Logan is great.”

  All of the smugness suddenly evaporated out of Jordy. His chest sunk in as he looked at her with devastation on his face.

  I think I’m in love with this girl.

  “What do you say, Logan?” she asked, looking at him with wide excited eyes. “Will you sing me a song?”

  Logan hesitated. He really didn’t want to, but how could he turn down this girl when she was looking at him like that?

  “Logan doesn’t sing!” Jordy said with a frantic edge to his voice.

  “He does,” Elodie said as she leaned forward and snatched Dane’s phone off of the table. “I’m sorry, Logan, but I have to show them. It has almost seven million views.”

  “What does?” Caleb leaned forward to look at the phone.

  She clicked around on the phone and then held it up with a big smile on her face. Logan closed his eyes as they all watched his most vulnerable moment playing on the screen.

  Finally, it was over.

  They all turned to him, looking shellshocked. They were speechless.

  “Seven million views,” Elodie said proudly. “In only a few days. He’s a viral hit.”

  “What is that song?” Caleb asked, looking amazed.

  Logan cleared his throat. “My mother used to sing it to me. I modified it a little bit.”

  “Sing it again.” Jordy was holding out the microphone to him.

  Logan nearly fainted in shock. Jordy never shared his microphone with anyone.

  “I don’t think so,” Logan said, shaking his head.

  “Logan,” Dane said, locking eyes with him. “Sing it again. Please.”

  He glanced at Elodie who was encouraging him with a look. “Fine.” He took a deep breath and grabbed the mic.

  “What is it like to have my heart?”

  He jerked his head to the side in surprise when Caleb joined in with a beautiful melody on his guitar that fit the song perfectly. Dane joined in next with the drums as Logan continued singing.

  “When everyone around us needs so much, but you only need me.”

  Jordy clicked on another mic and started singing background vocals. Logan could already tell that it sounded good.

  Elodie had the most gorgeous smile on her face as she stared into his eyes while he sang to her. He sang through the whole song without taking his eyes off her.

  “Yes!” Jordy shouted when they had finished. They all cheered and high-fived, thrilled that thi
ngs were finally coming together.

  “That was amazing,” Caleb said, his voice racing in excitement. “We’re still missing a bass though, and Dane, you should pick up the beat during the chorus.”

  “Yeah,” Dane said, nodding as he thought about it. “Let’s try it again.”

  “Wait!” Jordy sprinted out of the place and ran to his van. He came back a few seconds later with a keyboard. “I can play a bass line on here.” He raced to set it up.

  “You guys really liked it?” Logan asked. The shock he had felt was quickly turning to excitement. He couldn’t help but feed off the energy in the room.

  “It was incredible,” Caleb answered. “I think that’s our first single.”

  Logan was beaming. “Jordy what if you start rapping after the first verse?”

  “Yes!” Dane said, pointing at him. “Like Linkin Park only softer.”

  “That’s exactly what I was thinking,” Logan said, nodding his head up and down like a jackhammer.

  “I could try that,” Jordy said as he rubbed his chin, deep in thought.

  They were vibing and bouncing ideas off of each other like they hadn’t done in years. It was like they had found their love for their music and their band once again.

  “Let’s go again,” Jordy said when everything was plugged in.

  Logan nodded his head to the beat as he waited for his cue. “What is it like to have my heart?”

  Elodie was watching him with a knowing smile on her face. This girl…

  He had underestimated this girl.

  They locked eyes as he sang. Once he finished the first verse, Jordy jumped in, rapping over the fast beat that Dane was laying out on the drums.

  Logan’s whole body was tingling as he listened and stared at Elodie.

  Thank you, he mouthed to her.

  She gave him a knowing smile and then bobbed her head to the phenomenal sound.

  Chapter Seven


  “We’re going to be friends whether you want to or not,” Elodie said, glaring at him.

  The frustrating male turned away, clearly not interested.

  Elodie crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes on him. “Fine. You want to play it like that? I’ll hit you where it hurts. Your food.”


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