The Purchased Peer

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The Purchased Peer Page 3

by Giselle Marks

  Jeffreys had taken one glance at the stable rooms provided for grooms and decided that he would rather not attempt to sleep there. As the new Countess had concluded that, without inspecting the stable quarters, Hodges and Hector had already prepared another guest room for him. Xavier had hoped that eating would mean at least the removal of his wife’s veil, but although she readjusted it, all he could see was a very kissable mouth and a heart shaped jaw. Her dress was not exactly fashionable and was very plain even if it was made from expensive materials. He regretted that it was all covering, with a very high neckline which was decorated with a small frill of some exquisite hand-made lace. Beneath that frill was a large emerald brooch edged with gold and pearls which clearly indicated this was a woman of some substance.

  There was very little conversation while they ate and although Xavier tried to talk politely with his new Countess, she replied mostly with a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, sometimes but not always adding my lord to the answer. He considered suggesting she use his given name, but felt intimidated by Hector’s looming presence. Still the food was good, reminding him that it had been some days since he had eaten a meal that had been anything near that size.

  Xavier was not complacent about her giving into his demand and wondered if she would find some way to avoid his bed. He really could not understand what she expected from him or why he had been chosen. He tried telling himself that he should not look a gift horse in the mouth, while noticing that Celestina’s teeth were as beautiful as the pearls on her brooch. From what he could see of the lower part of her face, she looked extremely attractive which made the presence of her veil very confusing. He could not help but imagine what she looked like without the veil. She had very white skin, but he could not see even one tendril of hair, so she could be blonde or brunette. He did not think she had very dark hair, but it could be a light brown.

  For all his imaginings, Xavier could not picture in his mind this woman who was now his wife. He had been too long without a woman, so he had no problem imagining making love to her, even though he had not seen her face, and certainly the figure was trim enough for any man’s lust to be slaked. If she did not renege on their deal, he was looking forward to making love to her. Perhaps after they had made love, she might be a bit less distant with him. It did not augur for a happy marriage, but he had given his word and he would abide by it. However unpleasant the marriage was, it was better than being without a roof over his and Hodges’ heads.

  At the end of the meal, his wife stood and declared she was going to prepare for bed. Hodges accompanied her to show her which room had been got ready. Hector followed without comment. Sometime later Hodges returned to inform him, “Her ladyship is ready for you now, my lord.”

  Xavier feigned disinterest; slowly climbing the stair with Hodges three steps behind. Hodges directed him to another room where his night things had been laid out. He allowed Hodges to help him undress, but did not don the nightgown prepared for him, only throwing a robe over his nakedness.

  Outside Xavier’s own bedroom Hector stood sentry, and as Xavier turned the door knob to enter, Hector blew out the candle he had been carrying.

  “She insists on the dark, my lord,” he said somewhat apologetically, before stepping aside and letting him enter, then shutting the door firmly behind him. The only light was that of a small fire burning in the grate, Xavier could make out a shadowy form within the curtained bed covers.

  “Celestina…” he said, trying to think of something suitable to say in the circumstances.

  “My Lord Kittleton, I had best inform you that I lost my virginity when I was sixteen. I was seduced by a charming rogue, who broke his promises. There has been no other man since, but I prefer to be honest with you.”

  “Under the circumstances it is not of much importance,” he said sitting on the side of the bed. “We are now married and it is my wish that we try to make the best of our unusual marriage. I will try to be a good husband, I am aware that bailing out my debts will be very expensive.”

  “I can afford it. Can we get this over with?”

  Xavier slipped off his robe and pulled back the covers, he could see little in the dim light, but he could feel that she wore no nightdress.

  He leant over the form in the bed beside him, intending to claim the kiss she had refused him after they had married. She turned away again.

  “I don’t want your kisses.”

  “Why ever not? They are a normal part of love-making between man and wife. It makes it more pleasant for both bride and groom.”

  “Whores don’t get kisses.”

  “I would never call you a whore, because of one youthful indiscretion. You must not disparage yourself, it does not matter.”

  “I was not calling myself a whore, my lord,” she said with just a hint of a sneer.

  Xavier sucked in a gasp as he understood her meaning. Yes he was purchased, for the purposes of copulation so she could legitimately have an heir. His wife was not offering him affection or desiring his sensual skills, she saw him only as an unnecessary evil, who she would submit to only to beget a child. She might be determined to treat him coldly, but that was not how he intended to behave with her. Perhaps if he tried hard to please her, he could eventually win her liking or affection. If not then, no matter how much money she had, their marriage would be hell on earth for him. He had promised fidelity and he would keep his word, but the thought of putting a pistol in his mouth and pulling the trigger became once more attractive to him.

  Still Xavier was not having it said that he had failed to consummate this strange marriage. And she clearly expected him to couple with her. Even her cruel words had not lessened his desire, so he positioned himself carefully over her body and pushed gently within. She made no sound and as he could not see her face, he did not know whether she was gritting her teeth or whether his intrusion into her body was pleasing her. Xavier nuzzled at her neck, kissing gently her soft skin while he set up a slow and subtle rhythm. His wife lay like a plank, not even embracing him, but acting as if she wished to ignore his love-making.

  He was taking his time, hoping that she would start to enjoy his ministrations. He stroked her body, but did not lie upon her, holding himself aloft on one elbow while he caressed her. She fidgeted a little but made no sound. He moved and pushed her legs further apart and wrapped them around his back so he could dive deeper inside her. Her legs stayed where he put them, but did not cling tighter which would have greatly increased his pleasure. He was not used to making love to a woman who was unresponsive and treated him in such a slighting manner.

  Celestina made a noise that sounded a bit like ‘tut.’ Xavier paused, and asked “Am I hurting you?”

  “Does this have to take so long, my lord?”

  “No, my lady, but this is a new experience for me. I have never made love to a woman before who just wanted me to get it over with.”

  “This one does,” she muttered.

  “Very well, ma’am,” he said formally and speeded up, making this thrusts deeper, harder and much faster. Soon he reached his release and then carefully climbed over her so she was beside him. His heart was beating a little faster and she had been deliciously tight, but now he was angry at her treatment of him. He gently pulled her into his arms, so her head and long tousled curls rested against his shoulder and set his arms around her like bands of steel. She pushed against his embrace, but now he could feel that her heart was beating faster, he smiled to himself. So she had not been as unaffected by his love making as she pretended. She pushed against his arms and kicked back at his shins. He ignored her struggles. He kissed the top of her head and breathed in the subtle smell of lavender water with which she washed her hair. He pulled her tighter to him allowing her to feel his increasing erection as she wriggled against his body.

  “Unhand me, my lord. You have consummated our marriage. Now we can go to sleep.”

  “I don’t feel at all sleepy, my lady. And you want an heir, so I should make l
ove to you again and again until you conceive. I would not want to fail to keep my side of our bargain in any way. Now if you lift your leg a little, I can slide back inside you. Perhaps this time you will enjoy it more, I understand that a woman is more likely to conceive, if she enjoys the lovemaking.”

  He lifted her leg and put his words into actions and as she had stopped struggling and kicking at his legs, he presumed he had quietened her objections. But this time he moved the arm he had underneath her body to stroke her breasts, her nipples were hard buds, as aroused as he could wish, while his other hand located her nub within her tight curls and settled into a slow firm rubbing matching his leisurely movements within her. Now he could feel her heart beat rising and he heard a little sigh. Perhaps my lady was not so repulsed by his love making, as she pretended. It might be fun Xavier decided, to wear down her resistance until she wanted his body as much as he desired hers.

  Celestina did not get much sleep because, it seemed no sooner had Xavier finished making love to her, than he was touching and caressing her again, before moving her into a different position, then entering her again. But eventually he slept not long before dawn, satisfied, with her still clutched tightly in his arms.


  Celestina eased herself delicately from his embrace and climbed from the bed, she found her robe and put it on before tiptoeing from the room. Outside Xavier’s bedroom Hector, dozed in a chair. Celestina nudged his foot slightly and he snapped awake.

  “How did it go?”

  “He was hurt and upset, but absolutely determined to keep his side of the bargain. He is very resolved to seduce me. His pride is suffering. But I was mistaken to think he would be that easy to control.”

  “He has married you and you have tied him up with red tape and his indebtedness, so that there is very little he can do to rebel. I think you’ll manage.”

  “I hope so. I don’t think obedience is natural to him. But my attitude hurts him and he deserves to suffer for how he treated me. And believe me I will keep him under my thumb.”

  “Somehow I don’t think his lordship is going to like that. So my orders stay the same? Pay his bills, make sure he doesn’t drink and get this place into a liveable condition?”

  “That is the general idea. Don’t answer too many questions about me either. Let him stay confused a little longer. I will have to tell him who I am eventually, but he should not just get it all handed to him on a plate, just because he is charming and handsome.”

  “Handsome devil, he certainly is. Naturally charming even when he was trying to thump me. But I got the impression he might have some brains, when he is not trying to pickle them into oblivion. He is going to be raging furious, when he finds out how you have tricked him.”

  “Yes, I think that is going to be rather amusing, I think it is time Xavier Falconer learnt he cannot break his promises to women, without there being consequences.”

  “So you are happy with your purchase? He is a very expensive accessory.”

  “I need an heir while I am still young enough to have one. I shall have to hope that gambling, drinking and lying are not heritable faults that might be carried on to my children. I know buying him was not logical, but I still love the bastard and he is a very virile man.”

  Hector laughed. “So you found being cold with him difficult? Yes I could believe his lordship knows how to manipulate women. He must be very confused by how you are treating him. He deserves to suffer for how he treated you, my lady. But you are going to have to rail in your venom, if you want to make a marriage of it.”

  “I have accepted that he will never love me, but I’ll make sure he stays mine alone. He could have chosen to leave, instead of marriage. Now he will dance to my tune.”

  “I suspect you may be pulling the tiger’s tail, my lady. I think my lord may have hidden depths. He has a temper Celeste, you are taking a lot of risks.”

  “I have a temper too, Hector and I think to use a gambling term that I hold a sequence of huitieme.”

  “In the game of Piquet, a repique still overcomes an unsupported sequence of huitieme, my lady and he was not always an unsuccessful gambler. I just say be careful.”

  “I will, Hector and thank you for helping me with this.”

  “It is my pleasure, especially when I held him under the pump. I struggled not to laugh, my lady.”

  “So did I, Hector, so did I!”

  Chapter Three – Putting things to Rights

  Celeste drove off with Jeffreys, returning to London before Xavier awoke. Xavier realised Celestina was long gone from his bed and rose reluctantly. Feeling disappointed that she had woken first, because he had been hoping he could sneak a peek at her face when dawn broke and possibly make love to her again. Now he suspected she was on the road back to London and he would not see her again until the promised Friday night. Things were going to be very different at Kittleton Place, because the news of his marriage would be going around the district and there would be his creditors hammering on the doors, demanding to be paid. Most of them had pretty well given up, knowing he had no money to give them. He did not like that idea much at all. Having dressed, but not shaved, he went downstairs to his library where Hector was already ensconced and from the pile of bills in front of him. It looked as though he had gone through every drawer and cupboard to find all his bills.

  From the pile of cheques that Hector appeared to have signed and encased in neatly drafted letters, it looked like he had been busy for some hours and was quite capable of dealing with the matter. As he settled each bill, he wrote the details in an accounts book and he had already covered a number of pages with entries.

  “Can you still frank these letters, my lord?”

  “I have not been thrown out of the House of Lords, so yes. Though I don’t think I’ve attended the House for over a year.”

  “Would you know if there are any more bills anywhere? People shove them in the strangest places when they can’t pay them.”

  “There may be a few, but mostly I just shoved them in a drawer. There might be some in the pockets of my clothes, I’ll ask Hodges. Where is he and is there any food to cook for breakfast?”

  “He has headed to the nearest farm, where I gather you’ve been getting provisions until recently. I sent him with a payment on account and a request for an up to date bill. He should be back soon.”

  “In which case I might as well seal and frank these letters, while I am waiting. What exactly is your status in relation to my countess? And what is your surname?”

  “I don’t think my status has been ever clearly defined, your lordship. I am a junior partner, sometime bodyguard and general factotum. I also like to consider myself a friend of the countess. You do understand what will happen to you if you were to treat her badly?”

  Xavier swallowed, considering what Hector would do to him, if he dared to upset Celestina in any way. He did not think he would have an unbroken bone in his body, if Hector really got mad with him.

  “I think I can imagine that, I do not wish to be on bad terms with you or with my wife.”

  “Then we are likely to get on just fine, my lord. My father’s surname was Browne with an e, very boring and most people just call me Hector.”

  The front door was hammered on and Hector went to answer it.

  A large belligerent man stood there somewhat red faced. Pulled up outside was a small gig.

  “I want to see the earl; or this countess of his if there really is one,” the man declared somewhat taken aback by Hector’s size. In one hand the man held his driving whip and in the other a sheet of paper.

  “Certainly sir, what is your name? His lordship is at home although her ladyship had to return to London. Is that an unpaid bill of his lordship’s that you are holding?”

  “Josiah Worsnop, and yes the earl owes me fifty six guineas and I want to be paid.”

  “And that is what I am here to do, to see that you are paid, Mr Worsnop, please come this way.”

shut the door behind them and walked back to the library where Xavier had been looking down the columns of Hector’s ledger and totting up an amount of indebtedness he had not realised he had reached. His face was slightly ashen as he considered it. He felt nervous looking into Mr Worsnop’s angry red face, but Hector seemed to be unconcerned. He moved around the desk and located a large strong box which he lifted onto the table and then produced a key attached to his watch-chain that opened the box. Mr Worsnop’s eyes went wide at seeing so many bags of money within the box. Hector lifted out one and counted 56 guinea pieces onto the desk. Hector took the piece of paper from Mr Worsnop, wrote the details of it in his ledger and wrote paid in full and the date on the bottom of it with his initials. He handed over the guineas and a small bag to put them in and then added the bill to his completed pile.

  “I trust that is satisfactory, Mr Worsnop, please inform any other creditors you are acquainted with, that we are paying his lordship’s bills in full.”

  “Thank you sir, thank you my lord. Sorry that I didn’t believe you would see me right.”

  “Allow me to see you out, Mr Worsnop,” Hector offered and showed him to the front door. But another visitor was at the door, by the time he reached it.

  The young man standing there with his cap in his hand, looked exactly what he was, a farm worker’s son.

  “Excuse me sir, but the vicar said his lordship needed workers and was paying.”

  “That is correct, are you seeking work young man, and what is your name?”

  “John Burland, and yes I am looking for work.”

  “Well come this way and I will add you to the ledger. If you have any friends who are also seeking work, then send them down here.”

  They reached the library where His lord was standing and talking to Hodges. “I will be along shortly to deal with it, Hodges, thank you,” he said as Hodges bowed himself out.


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