Bottomed Out

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Bottomed Out Page 14

by Brooke May

  Grabbing a towel, I wipe myself down. I still need to get myself home, so I take my worn-out ass into the men’s locker room to relieve myself before I start the trip home. I won’t get an opportunity to talk to Len right now, not with Owen prowling about.

  In the ten minutes it takes me to get situated in the handicap stall and able to take a simple leak, I hear the door open and close a few times accompanied by voices until the final shut of the main door ends with a resounding click of the lock.

  Confused, I right myself and leave the stall to wash my hands only to come face-to-face with Len.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Wordlessly, Len crosses the room, closing the distance between the two of us. Her barely-there black gym shorts fall from her hips and slide over her shoes.

  I want to taunt her by asking if she practiced that just for me because they came off as if she were a pro, but I can’t.

  I’m not going to complain either.

  “Where’s Owen?” I nearly swallow my tongue along with the fucking question as her panties follow. A trail of clothes is left behind her as she gets closer to me. Snug electric pink workout top is peeled away. I have no clue if she was able to work up a sweat here or not. I honestly don’t know why she comes with him at times.

  But that doesn’t matter because her sports bra goes next, and I’m greeted with the slight bounce of her chest.

  “Do you really care?” Her small, naked body glides to a halt over me. I’m struggling to meet her eyes as she bends closer. She doesn’t have much bending to do, but it is enough for her perky breasts to swing free from her body and nearer to me.

  Without hesitation, I reach up and cup her. The softest flesh I have ever had the privilege of holding greets me.

  “Fuck, no.” Releasing her, I grab her arm and pull her onto my lap. Fuck me wearing shorts, those can easily be pushed down around my ankles to free my dick. The only thing I’m aware of that will cause an issue is my lack of a condom.

  “Wipe that look off your handsome face.” Cupping my chin, she lifts my face to meet her exotic gaze finally. “I have us covered.” From her other hand, she flicks two fingers up with a condom wrapper between them. “By the way, I really like your haircut.”

  “Thanks. I really like your quick strip.” Even though my arms are exhausted, I still manage to lift both of us in my chair for her to pull my shorts down. Now that I have a little use for my legs, I rarely wear boxers to the gym. That means my ass doesn’t get nearly as sweaty.

  My dick springs from hitting the waistband of my shorts as she tugs them down. I don’t look away from her and resist closing my eyes the moment she wraps a firm hand around my erection.

  “Ffffuuuucccckkkk.” Hissing out, I watch her eyes dilate as she watches her hand pump me. Strong, slow, and steady, she works my dick. Hot and straining, I can feel in my mind the need to thrust up to meet her hand. I long for it to come, like a miracle, but it doesn’t.

  Pumping me, a drop of pre-cum escapes, allowing her to roll the pad of her slightly rough thumb over me.


  I want to beg her to wrap her lips around me and suck me dry, but I’m not going to fight whatever she has in mind.

  Ripping the wrapper open with her teeth, I whimper as I am released only to be sheathed. I don’t know how we are going to manage this, but Len seems to have it all figured out. Moving her short legs to either side of my body, she drapes them over the sides of my chair.

  Glancing down the expanse of her creamy and tattooed body, I come to a halt as I watch her slowly sink onto my lap.

  There are no hungered kisses as she begins to rock against me. A quick, frantic pace is set with her leaning back on my knees before launching herself forward to wrap around my neck. I have no hair for her to tug on now.

  I know I shouldn’t expect her to take her time, to rock against me gently and illicit sweet whimpers from her. But in this bathroom, while her brother is out there somewhere possibly looking for her, is nothing but a quick fuck of urgency.

  Get your head on straight, fucker.

  “Oh.” She finally cries, fingers digging into the back of my shoulders. Thank God, He felt enough pity on me to at least give me feeling in my dick so I could experience Len’s pussy constricting around me, squeezing my release closer and closer to erupting.

  My hands roman her body until I reach the swell of her pert ass, grabbing, slapping, and jerking her body harder against me. I may not be able to thrust as much as I would like, but I sure as fuck can control her body over mine to bring our releases sooner.

  Straining myself, I allow the slaps of our flesh greeting one another to reach a crescendo around the quieted room.

  “Jax.” She whimpers my name. The pitch of her voice is far higher than I thought possible. That along with the tightening of her pussy, and I know her orgasm is about to rip free. “Jax!” Crying out, she comes. Len may still, but I don’t stop moving her, my own release three more thrusts away until I am locking up as well.

  Head thrown back, I rumble a moan mixes with Len’s panting. My breathing comes out in short pants, Len rising and falling against my chest.

  Something I love almost as much as having sex with Len is the moments afterward where there is nothing but pure, satisfied bliss between the two of us. I can hold her in my arms and just be thankful that I have her with me.

  I thank God every day for sending Len to that first meeting rather than Paige. I would have met her eventually, but I’m glad I did then.

  The peace is short-lived when the rattle of the door leading back out to the gym comes and then banging follows.

  “Shit.” Peeling herself off me, Len quickly helps me remove the condom and tosses it while I pull my shorts back up and before she gathers her clothes.

  “Why is this fucking door locked?” Owen roars on the other side.

  “That’s the only door out of here,” I whisper as I hurry after her, watching her trying to pull her clothes back on. The grace she had removing them is lost in the rush to put them back on. I find this somewhat funny, but I don’t dare laugh.

  “I’ll hide in a stall,” she whispers.

  I should agree with her, but I find myself asking. “How do I get him to leave?”

  “Tell him the toilets are back flowing. He can’t stand any of that.”

  She chuckles at my look of confusion. “Just go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  The moment I know she is hidden, I wheel over to the door, unlock it, and open it to a fuming Owen.

  “Hey, sorry about that.” I act like I’m adjusting my shorts from just taking a leak.

  “What the fuck were you doing in there?” His nostrils are flaring with his rage.

  “Taking a leak. Is that a crime?”

  “Why lock the door then?” He continues to attempt to set my skin on fire with his glare.

  “Come on, dude.” I run a nervous hand over my head, trying to cover for Len. “It’s embarrassing enough to sometimes have to have help to get on the toilet. I wanted some privacy. You know this.”

  I’m not sure if he’s buying what I’m doing my best to sell. Sweat trickles down the side of my face, and I hope that if he notices, he will play it off as my workout.

  “Whatever.” He snarls, wheeling forward, hitting my chair again like he wants another fight. “Just stay the fuck away from my sister.”

  Not that it has anything to do with me taking a piss, but I can’t keep my mouth shut.

  “Why can’t she make her own choices?”

  He stops, head tilted to one side before he answers. “Because she isn’t a good judge of character. Now, fuck off.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  If I told you being in a relationship with a woman who sees me, who is fun to be around, an incredible lover, and quickly replacing Levi and Axle as my best friend was easy, I would be lying.

  Okay, okay, don’t get me wrong. I am so blissfully happy with Len that I would
honestly go to the highest point in Salt Lake City and scream it out for the entire city to hear. And there is exactly the problem. Aside from my family and friends knowing as well as her friends about our relationship, I can’t say shit to anyone I would like because who fucking knows who knows Owen.

  It fucking sucks.

  I never thought I would feel this twitchy about being in a relationship, but hiding it from the one person who we both know can ruin it is nearly tearing me up inside.

  Time seems to have flown by since the evening in the bathroom when he almost caught us and up to last night when he almost found it all out when Len drunk dialed him while we were at the Blow Out. I have to say; Paige and Parker certainly know how to throw a party. I may need them to give me a tip or four for future events that I plan. It was a fucking riot out there. I’m surprised I haven’t been to one of them before.

  We lost track of everyone except one another. Mainly because she got so drunk that she ended up sitting on my lap half of the time. I ended up taking her phone after she took one too many selfies of us and tried to post them on her Instagram.

  That was the last thing we needed. Owen finding out over drunk calls and selfies posted all over the fucking place.

  I wouldn’t be going to the gym I enjoy so much anymore. It’s already been difficult going there and seeing him with Len and not being able to react or pay attention to the woman who beckons it.

  The party was everything and more that Len was promising to me the weeks leading up to it. But she never gave me many details on the whole thing. Even Axle—who now works at Piston Motor Sports—wasn’t privy to what the Blow Out was about until we got there.

  Len was already three sheets to the wind by the time we arrived, and I took it upon myself to look after her since Paige and Parker were nowhere to be seen. As entertaining as it was last night and for as much fun as it was to party hard with dancing and watching the various events, I am exhausted from keeping Len’s hands in sight at all times.

  I will never be one to turn my girl down, but last night with her far too drunk to know better, I did my best to keep her in line.

  This morning, on the other hand, was an entirely different story.

  I woke with Len acting perfectly sober as she rode me until we both were screaming. And then we made breakfast and I had her again in the living room, seeing as Axle had not returned. I took advantage of every available sport in the house before Len somehow convinced me to introduce her to my family.

  While she ran home to get acceptable clothes, I called Josie to forewarn her. We still haven’t had much luck locating footage of my wreck. Levi has looked through all the videos he had recorded over the years and still hasn’t turned anything up.

  I’ve gone so far as to steal Axle’s phone one night, and ignoring the number of texts he had between him and Paige, I called his mom.

  Joanna Ryan is a force to be reckoned with. It took me nearly an hour to just tell her the reason for my call because she wanted every bit of information on Axle I could give her as well as filling me in on what was going on over there.

  Once I was able to ask her what I needed, I had to rush off the phone before Axle discovered that I had taken it. It isn’t that I’m trying to keep the fact I’m looking for footage from him, but I just understand he has other things on his mind right now and adding my shit on top of his isn’t necessary.

  Joanna promised to look for me.

  That was a handful of days ago, and I’ve been sitting on a pin cushion waiting to hear back. If anyone is going to have video, it’s going to be Axle’s parents. They were both there that day, and like Levi, they always recorded the races.

  I honestly thought they would find something by now.

  I would really like to get this intervention done with sooner rather than later, and I certainly had hoped I could have done it before I introduced Len to my entire family.

  I’m not that lucky.

  Snorting to myself, I get back to getting dressed. Len should be back at any moment, and we will leave. I also need to warn her about my family before we get anywhere near the church.

  Running my hands down my slacks, I can’t stop myself from squeezing my thighs. They are still pretty thick considering how long I’ve not used them, but I can feel them growing slightly leaner than I would like.

  “Nothing I can do about it now.” Heading out to the living room, I’m greeted by a vision that is just closing my door.

  Her short legs look longer in the pink and white peek toe pumps. Her tattoos gliding up her legs as if they were leggings lead up to the hem of her matching dress that brushes against the bottom of her knees. The dress is a fifties style halter, leaving her arms exposed, but she has a wrap for them to keep some of her tattoos hidden.

  She’s a sight that I can’t wait to show off at my church.

  Her hair is styled in her typical Mohawk that will probably have my mom’s eyes rolling.

  “Hello, gorgeous.”

  “Ready?” She bites down on her pink lip while clasping her hands together in front of her and giving a little bounce.

  “As I’ll ever be.” I wheel up next to her to collect my keys. “I will give you this final warning; my sister and her family will be amazing, my dad will be okay and likely remain quiet, and my mom … well, if you met her before my accident, she would be the sweetest one, but me losing my ability to walk changed her.”

  “How so?”

  Taking a deep breath, I look up at her. “You’ll see.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  As stellar as Len looks, she is still completely out of place amongst the churchgoers, including myself.

  And I love this.

  Wheeling up the ramp to the church’s front doors, Len’s hands remain on my shoulder as she slowly walks alongside me. I feel proud to have such a beautiful woman next to me, dressed in something I would never have found sexy on any other woman.

  At the same time, I am so beyond nervous that it isn’t even funny. It has nothing to do with being a few minutes late, Josie knows me well enough to know that I’m not going to miss a service unless I am insanely sick—which doesn’t often happen—to be on the lookout for me. It isn’t like I need a seat saved or anything.

  The minister is allowing the choir to finish the hems they have chosen for the day as we go down the right-hand side of the pews and find my sister and her family focused on the front.

  “Uncy!” Ruby happily screeches before she launches herself at me. Josie doesn’t stand a chance of catching or scolding her before Ruby has a firm grip on me and is showering me with her quick little kisses.

  “Hey there, sweet pea.” Picking her up, I wait for her to kick her legs out so she can sit down in her favorite spot. “Let’s be quiet, okay?”

  “Uncy, who your friend?” Her round little face scrunches up in confusion as she looks over my shoulder and up at Len.

  “This is Len, is it okay if she sits next to us instead of Mommy?”

  “O-tay.” Turning around, Ruby has the perfect timing as the minister starts, and Len skirts around us and slides into the seat Josie just scooted down from.

  Halfway through the sermon, Len’s tattooed hand creeps over to rest on me. I don’t even think about it; I wrap my larger one around hers, and then Ruby does the funniest thing by placing hers on top of our connection.

  My heart jumps, soaring higher than ever before. Thoughts take me away from the message the minister is doing his best to give us today. Notions of the future play before me as if I were watching a movie rather than sitting in the church with only some of my family and my girl. I can see it so clearly; Len sitting in this same spot, but instead of her tight bodice styled dress, she is wearing something loose to allow her to sit comfortably with a rounded belly.

  My heart flies a little higher at the thought of having her in my life forever, to have my ring on her finger symbolizing to the world that she is mine, and for us to have children who are the perfect mixture of the two of
us. Maybe even one of them would have dual-colored eyes like hers.

  Two perfectly healthy kids, maybe even more, running around, playing, and laughing.

  A little family of my own who would only ever know me in my chair and love every part of me no matter what.

  It sounds like heaven on earth.

  “Jax?” Fingers snap in my face, reluctantly pulling me from a daydream I now want more than anything to come true. Lennox Austin hasn’t been in my life for long, but she has captivated me completely, and I know without a doubt that I’m falling in love with her.

  “What?” I don’t snap at my sister as she tries to shake me, but I’m none too happy to be back in the real world where I’m about to introduce Len to my family, and I’m still unable to meet hers because of her difficult brother.

  “Are you going to introduce us to your friend?” Josie’s eyes glitter with excitement. She knows damn well who is with me and wants all the details as well as a proper introduction.

  “Sorry.” Shaking the last of my daydream out of my head, at least the front of my mind, I pick up Len’s hand and give it a quick squeeze. Everyone else is clearing out of the pews to head back for coffee and Sunday school, but our little group remains. “Josie, Nolan, Ruby.” I grin down at the little girl with the bouncing brown pigtails. “This is my girlfriend, Lennox Austin. Len, this is my sister, Josie, her husband, Nolan, and their daughter and the apple of my eye, Ruby.”

  “It’s nice to meet all of you finally.” Len beams around our semi-circle group, accepting handshakes from Josie and Nolan and ends up picking up Ruby.

  “You goin’ marry my uncy?”


  Leave it to an innocent child to ask that question.

  “Who knows, maybe if I like him enough someday.” Rubbing her nose with Ruby’s, we finally make our way to the back where Josie leaves us to drop Ruby off, and the rest of us continue as usual.


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