Darwin's Sword: Savannah - Book Two

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Darwin's Sword: Savannah - Book Two Page 13

by C. P. McClennan

  They ignored her question.

  Pulling out her silenced pistol, she put a bullet in each of their heads just to make sure. She rolled her eyes. “He’d be in the back. Three full-grown adults aren’t going to sit in the front.”

  Walking around to the back, she found no signs of the boy there either. Popping the trunk open, she saw only a single suitcase.

  “Dammit! He wasn’t with them.” She slammed it closed again, but the mangled car rejected the attempt and sent it back up.

  In the distance, the first sirens could be heard.

  “Fuck,” Jasper whispered and shoved the pistol back in her pocket. Leaving the trunk in its rebellious open position, she moved away from the crash before flashing away.


  Winnipeg, Manitoba

  June 9, 2013

  Amy, seeing the flash, covered her eyes and screamed at the pain.

  “Fuck!” the female voice yelled. “Where is he?”

  Amy’s eyes adjusted and saw the Asian woman looking at her. “Where is who?”

  Jasper pulled her pistol from her pocket. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.”

  Crawling from the bed, Amy backed towards the window. “How was it supposed to go?”

  “He was supposed to be here.”


  “Well, duh. These flashes only have a limited number of uses, you know.”

  “No,” Amy answered with a cry, “I really don’t know.”

  Jasper pulled the trigger.


  Vacki Seventeen

  March 17, 2018

  The breeze added a chill to the already crisp air as it blew the long green grass nearly flat. As though adding insult, snow began to fall from clouds above.

  This isn’t even winter, Jasper thought as the first flakes fell past her black hair to land on her nose. At five-foot-three, in heels, with black tights and a sleeveless T-shirt, Jasper was hardly in uniform. Her long black hair was wavy and framed the smooth olive skin of her face where round brown eyes peered out. Jessica Rabbit was right, she thought, I was just drawn this way. Spinning on her boot heels, she stepped up into her trailer.

  That’s really all it was.

  A major on an important mission and all they would give her was a glorified RV to live in. She lifted the coffee pot off the tiny stove and poured a cup to take over to her screen.

  For three days, the screen had not changed. The advert text read: “Fun in London” and mocked her. Jasper wanted fun in London. She missed the taboo of finding places to hide and filling that fetish of public frolics whenever she could do what she wanted to whatever partner that she wanted to. What concerned her was that the screen had not changed, and she was no longer getting uploads from Earth.

  In spite of her failed mission to Earth, perhaps eviction had happened.

  A jet rocketed overhead on patrol causing the RV to shake. Glistening in the light from two suns hidden behind clouds, an icicle fell from the overhang outside the tiny window beside her. Then the snow became heavier.

  A glance outside and her mind drifted back to the streets of London. It rarely snowed as heavily as what she was currently seeing, but she did recall one time, in particular…



  June 23, 2015

  “Is this where the Ripper struck her down?” Jasper stretched back, feeling the snow land on the dark skin of her bare breasts. The warmth of Jasper’s body melted all the flakes. A glance over at her clothes made her wonder how normal she would look heading home soaked.

  Of course, she was busy. The cock she was sitting on wasn’t going to fuck itself.

  “No, but we’re close. A couple of blocks away. The actual scenes have become much too public for us to do this.”

  “You’ll show me the spot before I send you home then.” Reaching between her legs with her left hand, she lifted the erection. Her right hand rested on his right thigh. Her eyes darted in search of an answer. “What’s your name again?”


  She nodded. “Right, Corporal Brandt.” Of course, she knew his name, but with the chain of command as it was she had to keep him feeling unimportant. Lowering her pussy onto his cock, her left hand moved to caress his testicles. “You fucked a major before?”

  He laughed. “Not until today, no ma’am.”

  Jasper grinned at feeling him grab a handful of her black hair and tug. “A newly promoted major, at that.”

  “Not sure there is a better way to celebrate, ma’am.”

  She nodded. “No bruises, corporal.” Jasper had been on Earth since 1991 with two missions. First was to infiltrate one of the larger military units on the planet, at which she had succeeded easily. The second was to assassinate a writer in one of three attempts, at which she failed in both of her first two attempts.

  “Aye, ma’am.” His other hand landed a solid slap on her ass. Brandt, her final sexual experience before this mission was certainly military, but the man had some serious kink and quirks to him. His cock, though not the biggest she had played with, filled her well.

  The snow was a perfect mix with the warm wet she felt between her legs. Pulling off him, into a crouch, she turned so she could look down at his gorgeous face.

  His body was sculpted in muscle, and he had the face of a Hollywood hunk to go with it.

  Good thing for Jasper that Tom Hanks had not found him first. Her hand went to his throat.

  One thing Jasper would miss from Earth was the sex. This mission would leave her with no one but military personnel, scientists, and politicians to fuck. Political airbags were not her style and unlike Brandt, most military personnel were too conservative for her liking. That it would be seen as a conflict of interest were she caught diddling one of those under her command had also occurred to her, but it seemed less important. Good thing she had a side of sapiosexual kink that made some of the scientists rather appealing.

  Her hand squeezed his throat until he gagged and kicked beneath her.

  She smiled widely as more snow fell on them.

  His hands flailed, trying to get out. His cock enjoyed the action and poured a stream of cum into her folds.

  Jasper enjoyed the warmth of his cum followed by the usual flow of energy an orgasm would throw at her. She put both hands on his drying throat. “I said no bruises, corporal.”

  He stopped kicking.

  “FUCK YES!” Her orgasm rushed through her.

  He stopped breathing as his chest collapsed into dust.

  She dismounted and dressed quickly. Her thigh boots had stiletto heels and slipped on over her jeans. A T-shirt and royal blue scoop-neck sweater were put on before pulling her black trench coat over top. A glance around confirmed that no one had seen. Lowering back to him, she kissed his lifeless lips and picked up her black clutch. “I know I said you could show me the location before I sent you home, but you’re not going home. I’ll give the Ripper your love.” She grinned slyly. “I’ll pay your good deed forward.” She stood and kicked at the body until it was all just dust.

  A car horn sounded down the street.

  Heels clicked on the cobblestones, and she smiled widely on her way to see the location of one of the Ripper’s crimes. Her time there would be short as her mission launch was only a few hours away.


  Vacki Seventeen

  March 17, 2018

  A knock on the metal door ripped her back to the present.

  Jasper’s hands were buried between her legs in the Whitechapel memory. Black pants had been pulled open and slid half down her thighs as she explored and brought a new orgasm with the memory. Her eyes searched the tiny windows either side of her.

  Had she been seen with her pants down? Some of these blokes were tall enough to see easily in the windows of her trailer.

  More warmth was coaxed with the thought of a voyeur that might join her for a quickie. Shaking her head to clear the thought, she stood and did her clothes back up and went t
o the door.

  Davidson, an ensign on this mission, or a pawn, as Jasper liked to think of them, stared up at her.

  Though young and nubile, the man was dumb as a bag of nails and not one Jasper would ever consider copulating with. “What is it?” she hissed.

  He looked nervous.

  The mission had launched in 2015 with almost 1500 souls, military and politicians going to Vacki in hopes of stopping the Emmi/Kettelgian threat against Earth through force or negotiations. With Earthlings never being too expedient about getting into space, getting a secret combat mission into space well beyond the known Earthling space explorations took almost a century of planning. Most humans never would fathom just how early human governments knew about this threat.

  Being only 31 members of Jasper’s original group remained alive and that it was no secret that Earth had stopped responding, it was no wonder Ensign Davidson looked nervous.

  Lucky for Jasper, Emmi did not gain weight from feeding on humans. It may have fueled other things such as ego and delusions, but not body mass. It began at a missing body per day pace from the day they launched and, as anticipated, Major Jasper was never suspected by any of them.

  Once attaining the rank of Major, Jasper’s mission was to confirm failure of this offensive once they were away from Earth. A second part, again less successful, was to trace back the leak and find out who did it and when it happened.

  “Ma’am, a vessel has crashed on the Tarpoon Grassland. We’re sending a team to investigate.”

  The instinct to laugh at the word team was quashed in her mind. Her head cocked as she considered this. “What type of vessel?”

  “No info on that as of yet, ma’am.”

  “I’m coming with you.”


  Darwin’s Sword

  March 17, 2018

  Davidson turned and looked back over his shoulder. “Holy fuck! Jasper! They’re human!”

  “That’s Major Jasper,” she corrected.

  “Sorry, ma’am.”

  No one seemed to question the fact of her having a single name. That word Major in front of it lent credibility beyond what artists like Prince, Madonna, or Sting could have ever dreamed.

  “And so they are.” Jasper stood with hands on hips looking down. She recognized Shava, or Savannah as she had been informed later. Considering the second legless human male lay crumpled in the corner, Jasper assumed Savannah’s mission had not gone as planned either.

  Davidson rolled the male body onto its back. “He’s breathing, sir.” Reaching his com on his shoulder, he instructed, “We need a medic, now! Two humans, alive! Repeat, two humans, alive!”

  The announcement over the com unit caused a stir among the twenty soldiers outside the crashed ship.

  Jasper looked from Savannah over to the human male. “Holy shit!” The words were pulled from her on seeing the assassination target she had missed twice.

  “Sir?” Davidson looked up at her with alarm.

  “Sorry, for just a moment I thought I recognized him.”

  Davidson chuckled. “This is weird enough, ma’am. That would be downright scary.”

  Jasper nodded. You’ve no idea, she thought.

  Part Three

  All The King’s Horses

  Chapter One

  Confirming Prophecy

  The Garbage Scow – The Bridge

  March 17, 2018

  “We should be seeing her ship soon. We can rendezvous and discuss strategy.” Graven stood in front of the view screen with arms crossed in front of him.

  Nigel and Sheila stood at the back of the bridge with their escort.

  “Strategy for what? Earth is gone,” Nigel reminded.

  “We’re the only humans left, remember?” Sheila added.

  Graven pointed at a planet on the viewer. “That is Vacki Seventeen. It is a human military and political outpost.”

  “Human?” Nigel straightened up and moved beside Graven.

  Graven offered a brief, sharp gaze at Nigel. “You Earthlings aren’t the galactic bumpkins most of you think you are. Your governments knew about the Emmi and Kettelgians long ago.”

  “But you said you didn’t find out we were space faring until the Lunar landing?” Nigel protested.

  “Okay, not that long ago, then.” Graven shrugged. “The mission was launched in 2001 with the aid of some distraction.”

  “No fuckin’ way!” Nigel screamed.

  “Nine-eleven? A distraction?” Sheila glanced at Nigel and back at Graven.

  Graven turned back to them. “No, not that. Think it was some missile tests in India or Korea or the like that was the distraction.” He turned to a floating Emmi. “Clath? How long until we see them?”

  “Ten minutes, sir.”

  An Emmi escorted another humanoid onto the bridge.

  Graven smiled. “Well hello, Evan. You’re just in time.”

  “Fuck,” Nigel swore under his breath. “That guy looks like Malcolm…”

  Evan glared at him. “Oh do shut up.”

  “Evan, is it?” Graven asked and walked from the screen.

  “Where’s my grandson?”

  “Oh, Lincoln? He’s okay.”

  “I wish to see him?”

  “You mean my son? I’m not sure you’re in a position to wish much.”

  Evan looked away.

  “He’s quite safe. He’s also filled us in on the sins of his grandfather, that being you, of course.”

  “Sins?” Evan returned his gaze to Graven.

  “Your mission, Granddad,” Lincoln said as he walked on the bridge. “What was your mission on Earth?” Lincoln, born on Earth, had been fully physically grown by six months old. Now, his hair was as blonde as his father’s and almost as long. His body was muscled, and yet he gave a gentle presence.

  Evan’s face drooped. “I was there to observe and make certain that all happened as it should.”

  Graven nodded. “Most watchers, I agree, but not you.”

  “As it should according to whom?” Lincoln continued in his soft voice, “You were on a special mission directly instructed by Cooper, were you not?”

  “Well, yes, but…”

  “You were there to make certain eviction went forward.” Lincoln stepped in front of his grandfather and stared at him.

  Evan’s green eyes glowed.

  “Do you deny this?” Graven asked. With the click of boot heels, he moved to stand beside his son.

  “I was only following orders,” Evan answered and looked away.

  Graven nodded. “Yes, following orders. And you’re an android. Why do you look afraid?”

  “He’s not an android,” Lincoln answered.

  “No, he’s not,” Graven agreed. “No android could have mated with a human to produce offspring.”

  “We were to remake humanity!” Evan spat at them. “Cooper’s plan was to start over.”

  “You were one of his first clones, weren’t you?” Graven asked. “Or, should I say, one of the first clones he successfully put into a humanoid body.” With a thumb over his shoulder at Clath, Graven continued, “The Emmi were the initial clones that he was unable to make bodies for.”

  Evan glared at him with no answer.

  “Please, stop me if I’m wrong. The Emmi were first, you,” Graven continued pointing at Evan, “were next, and then the Kettelgian?” His left eyebrow raised. “Meaning our history of Kettelgian evolution is backwards.”

  “I might die now, but I suspect you will join me in this fate.”

  “Granddad has been broadcasting all along to Cooper.”

  Graven nodded. “No doubt the fleet is on her way then.”

  “No.” Lincoln shook his head. “There is a delay. He stores up and downloads all the messages of a day at once. We could stop the broadcast.”


  Lincoln slumped and looked away.

  “I see. Killing grandparents is not usually on anyone’s agenda, I get that.”

ir,” Clath barked, “we have the shuttle on screen.”

  Graven spun on his heels. “Well hello, Savannah.”

  “Savannah?” Sheila gasped and could not stop her smile.

  “Finally,” Nigel agreed.

  “Clath, open communications with her.”

  On the screen, the small vessel approached around Vacki Seventeen. It was bullet-shaped with two engine nacelles to either side held on by wings along the top.

  “Sir, communications are not available.”

  “Why not?”

  “Shava’s vessel has no communication abilities.”

  Graven glanced over at Clath. “Why would they build a ship without…”

  “Oh my god!” Sheila shrieked as the tiny vessel on the screen rocked with the explosion on the wing of its right nacelle.

  Spinning back to the screen, Graven watched the ship as it began to tumble towards the planet. “What happened?”

  “We never fired at it. It wasn’t us.” Clath flailed tentacles at the console.

  Evan smiled.

  Graven turned to Evan. “Damn you.” With one swipe he took out Evan’s throat causing a gush of blood.

  The body fell to the floor in convulsions.

  A scream escaped from Sheila before burying her head in Nigel’s shoulder.

  Hugging her tightly, Nigel’s eyes bulged at what had just transpired.

  “The prophecy called for this,” Lincoln said as he stepped closer to look down at the body.

  Graven, with Evan’s blood leaving trails on his face, turned to his son. “What is that?

  Lincoln looked up as though reading a quote from the ceiling. “The cocoon shall open only when two generations are left.” He eyed Graven. “That’s why you killed Mother.”

  “Yes, it is,” Graven whispered. His shoulders slumped. “I didn’t want to.”

  Lincoln nodded. “I know. It was needed.”

  Chapter Two


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