Shelter of Sighs

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Shelter of Sighs Page 8

by Bethan Johns

  He nodded

  I continued “We could, of course, say we are your standing army, but we do not work for any in that manner. If I get an offer for a better contract in the meantime, I am obligated to take it, even if it is against your forces. Do you see my predicament?”

  He nodded again. “I do.”

  Sylek spoke up “One solution could be to give us a quoted number now, then once you get word to gather your armies you send us word. We would be willing to stand for perhaps, a year?” He looked to me for confirmation.

  I nodded a year was reasonable for a contract hiring my entire army.

  He continued “You send us word, we are on your doorstep; however, if, in the meantime we are offered something better for the specific war of which we all speak, we will notify you about remediating that initial quote.”

  I mulled over Sylek’s words, that would leave my army open to whichever contracts we wanted to take in the meantime, and we would still have a standing offer of employment during the war which we all knew was inevitable if these bills passed. It also left room for renegotiating the terms.

  I looked to Reves. He caught my eyes.

  “That solution sounds satisfactory.” He smiled. “Though, I do not think there are any issues with a higher bidder coming into play. Not many can outbid the Queen.”

  I strode over to him quickly putting both hands on the table and leaning down to look him in the eyes, Eris and Tayurn bristled slightly.

  “I don’t care where you get your money Reves, it is you I am entering into this agreement with. Not the Queen. It is to you alone I will answer Commander.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  A wry smirk crept onto his face. “I have to say Si,” He drawled my name “though you are certainly not what I expected, I can see why they follow you”

  Rislin laughed from behind me.

  “It is not my problem what you do or do not see, this is what is. Do you accept my terms Reves?” I stood

  He stood also, grabbing my hand lightly he lifted it to his lips lightly.

  “I do.”

  I scoffed and turned away to leave, waving a hand behind me “Give your offer to Rislin. I will review it when I see fit. Sylek, with me.”

  I heard Sylek get up behind me and follow me from the tent.

  We walked across the camp in silence, my soldiers staying well out of my way as I passed them. I assumed my face showed my train of thought.

  When we arrived in my tent I turned to Sylek. “What do you think?”

  He stood for a moment. “I have heard nothing but good things about Reves, he is supposed to be an honourable and loyal Nephilim.”

  I nodded.

  He continued “I came up with the solution you needed, but I need to be honest with you Sierade.”

  I stopped my pacing and looked to him, he did not often call me by my full name.

  He looked concerned. “I would never have thought this of myself, but I may have to agree with Rislin. I am not sure I want to fight for a Queen who is trying to take away my people’s rights.”

  I stared at him for a moment before moving over to him. I put my hands on his chest. “Sylek, my love. Do not think I require you to fight with me to maintain my love for you. I know this is a difficult term, I would give every mercenary the option to leave or to fight with me.”

  His eyes locked with mine. “I hate the thought of being separated from you again.”

  I shrugged, “I do too, but Sylek it is only war. It will not last forever, I will come back to you.”

  He smiled “I promise not to kill you if we meet on the battlefield.”

  I wiggled my eyebrows at him. “Will you promise me other things?”

  He laughed quietly “I will promise you your life and nothing more.”

  I watched him for a moment “I’ll take it.”

  Pacing again, I spoke “How many warriors do you think I will lose if we take this contract.”

  He shook his head. “I honestly don’t think you will take much of a hit. This is what every single one of those mercenaries out there has worked decades or longer towards. They want to fight, as mercenaries, not in the army. These Howelltie believe might makes right. They do not have room for honour. It is as you said.”

  I smiled. “There is no place like Rustlavayne.” I sung softly. The words to a raucous tavern song the mercs liked to sing when they became especially rowdy in the hours before dawn.

  He laughed. “The Queen wants you, and your response was that you would take her money but tell her to go screw herself.”

  I scoffed “I am sure she is pretentious, and quite obviously mad. I will work with Reves because I, like you, have heard of his intelligence and honour on the killing field, but I have no intentions of following the whims of a madwoman.”

  He moved up to me then grabbing me by the hair pulling my head back to look up at him as he dragged me close to him with a hand on my waist

  “You would be amazed how much fun following the whims of a madwoman can be.” He covered my burst of surprised laughter with a kiss.

  Chapter 7 – Hello and Goodbye

  Year 10,307 AC


  I walked through the stone hallways of the Nephilim Keep some thirty years later. Reves’ basecamp had now become my own.

  I looked out the window to see my mercenaries streaming into a camp far below.

  “We have been working to create comfortable quarters for as many soldiers as possible over the past few decades; sewage systems, water pipes, cookhouses, mess halls.” Reves informed me as we walked down the hallway.

  “It is most impressive; my mercs will be comfortable here.” I meant it, the camp my soldiers were streaming into by the thousands had been well planned and built.

  “You of course have chambers up here in the keep. I will show you to them after our meeting.”

  I shook my head “I will stay with my soldiers.”

  He stopped me with a hand on my arm. “We may need you here in an instant, it is better if you are close at hand.”

  I looked down at his hand pointedly. He let go.

  “You have psychics working for you do you not? I will link with one and they can notify me. I will rift if that is required.” I responded. “I stay with my soldiers.” I repeated firmly.

  He started walking again. “As you wish, let us stop before the meeting and have you meet with my Lead Psychic then.”

  We moved into a corridor to the left and after a few minutes of twists and turns we entered a large room with a blazing fire going in the hearth. A tall Fae female stood. Her hair was silver with age and her eyes light blue. I nodded to her.

  Reves spoke up. “Sierade Gwaynten, meet Lady Torcelyn Oris. Torcelyn meet Sierade, commander of the Rustlavayne forces.”

  Torcelyn’s eyes widened as she nodded. “Pleasure to meet you Commander.”

  “Likewise, Lady Torcelyn” I responded. She was very aged indeed if she was a grey haired, pure blooded Fae. She must be absolutely ancient.

  Reves spoke again. “I need you two to create a psychic link so you can be the lead communication between us when needed, Torcelyn.”

  She nodded and stepped towards me holding out her hands. I took them and entered her mind quickly; it was a castle in the sky. Usually psychic fortresses were stone. Grey and dark. Fortresses rather than castles. Hers was a true castle. White adamant stone. Gold trimmings, it was beautiful. She had made it beautiful.

  I felt her calling to me across the white puffy clouds that acted as her terrain. She had a slim tower, separate from the rest of her castle. It had signatures etched into it. I etched mine quickly in the side and pulled back inside to my mind.

  Where hers was light, mine was dark. Deep gorges full of fire and a single massive black tower soaring into the sky. I used my magic to pull a fistful of molten lava from a gorge and my water magic to freeze and douse it. I handed it to her still smoking for her to etch her signature in, I then floated it over to the base of my tower. Re
heating it so it melded into the small hill that was my pile of psychic links.

  We left each others’ minds to find ourselves back in the brightly lit room with the blazing hearth.

  “Thank you Torcelyn.” I said. She nodded.

  We turned and left the room. I glanced back once to see her sit slowly back down on the couch.

  We walked quickly to the meeting room and entered; it was made of the same stone as the rest of the keep seemed to be; there were tapestries lining the walls.

  I looked quickly around the table. This was to be the initial meeting, where the whole of what was now being called the Queen’s Armada were going to meet and discuss numbers and strategies.

  There were five Nephilim males, two of which I recognized as Eris, and Tayurn, Reves’ second and third in command. I assumed each of the other three were a Commander under Reves.

  There were two Fae males and three Fae females, I assumed Commanders under the Queens personal armies. I caught eyes with Faust, my second in command. I had to replace Rislin when she left with Sylek to fight with the Howelltie Governed Armies.

  I sat with Faust. He was intimidating, even among the commanders sitting around this table. Being a Howelltie it was expected that he be larger, but he was large even for a Howelltie standing nearly eight measures tall. Even sitting in his chair, he was notable. He had heavy scarring across his face, no doubt from a battle working his way up the ranks.

  He was loyal, cunning, and ruthless. We made a good team.

  Reves went to sit at the head of table. He looked around. “It seems we are only missing Gaelen, Commander of the prince’s forces. We may have to catch up with him later.”

  We went around the table introducing ourselves and giving details about our numbers. My army was not the largest, nor the most diverse, but when I described our skills there was a lot of surprised faces around the table.

  They had thought we were cannon fodder, strong cannon fodder, but cannon fodder nonetheless.

  It was determined that Reves would assess all the information provided and work with his advisors on a strategy that he would present to us at the next meeting he called.

  “We know that there will be smaller forces gathering and testing our waters. We know that the Elfin and the Howelltie will likely be taunting us to make us show our hands; taking out small villages, finding smaller groups and units to pick off, this is the time when Sidhe begin infiltrating each other’s armies and camps.” Reves spoke to all of us.

  “I propose we each put forth a few small units to act as peacekeepers and to combat this tempestuous time.”

  I nodded, looking to Faust. “My mercs will be happy to be active, Howelltie do not do stagnant well. This way we can switch the units in and out and let none of our soldiers become too restless.”

  He nodded once slowly. “In the meantime, we work on the strategy of putting our armies together to work as one.”

  The meeting appeared to be over after a few more details were discussed.

  Reves spoke up “Faust, Eris, Sierade, stay for a moment longer.”

  As all were leaving I stood to pace, passing out a few nods here and there to passing Commanders. I snapped my fingers for drinks to appear before the four remaining in the room. Reves picked his up and also remained standing.

  He held it out. “To alliance.”

  I looked to Faust’s raised brows and I laughed. “No Reves. To war.”

  Eris shook his head muttering to himself and drank deeply.

  “I’d like to know why the Commander of the Prince’s armies decided not to show.” I said

  “Because we were on a human plane enjoying a rather riotous party and the time passed differently there. He is still quite indisposed I’m afraid.” Said an amused voice from behind me.

  Before I turned to the source of the voice I saw Eris and Reves bow.

  “Your Majesty” Reves said quietly

  I turned to see a very tall Fae male, he was tall for a Fae at least. His hair was a blonde like golden sunshine and his dark sapphire eyes sparkled at me. He wore a loose fitting white shirt undone to show his chest with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of comfortable looking brown trousers. His feet were bare.

  Faust was waiting to see how I would react before following suit.

  I burst out laughing. Faust merely decided to sit at the table and ignore most of the proceedings.

  The Prince frowned at me, still with a relatively relaxed look on his face. “Not how I am usually received, but it’s better than being spat at. So, I’ll take it.”

  He walked towards me and when he arrived in front of me he took my hand and raised it to his lips, he hesitated a moment his eyes searching mine before his smile returned and he pressed his lips to my hand.

  He smelled strongly of alcohol. His hair was mussed, and he had a smear of what could have been cosmetic on his cheek.

  “Did you know an Elfin once spat at me?” he asked before turning away.

  He sighed looking back at me over his shoulder “Probably because my mother is a madwoman.”

  Reves sudden intake of breath “Your Majesty…”

  “Call me Elliot!” The prince interrupted, frowning at the reprimand in Reves’ tone.

  “Elliot” I said.

  He turned to me his smile returning to his lips.

  “You are very drunk.” I finished.

  He laughed now. “Gaelen dared me to come to the meeting drunk. It appears I missed it.”

  “I have heard incredible things about human parties. How was it?” I asked him, genuinely curious.

  “I can’t remember most of it to be honest with you. There was a lot of…”

  He thought for a moment “Skin.” He said smiling.

  I burst out laughing again.

  “Elliot, you’re telling me that we are on the brink of war and yourself and your high commander are out getting drunk at human parties?” Reves asked, incredulous.

  Elliot walked over to Reves and took his hands. “Tundra you’re a buzz-kill Reves, yes. We have been in many wars, I am sure this will not be the last. I think I have the right to get a little drunk when I find out my mother is willing to tear the worlds apart because she is a petulant child.”

  Reves looked like he had been slapped. I guffawed.

  He walked over to me. “You though,” He put his hands on my shoulders and inspected me with one eye shut. “I like you.” He frowned. “Who are you?” he asked as he finally noticed Faust and went to stand around the table before him.

  “I am Sierade Gwaynten, Commander of the Rustlavayne” I said.

  His eyes raised from Faust to rest on me, he did a quick re-evaluation of me and nodded. “You are far more beautiful than I expected.” His attention went back to Faust and suddenly Elliot was sitting on the table directly in front of my second in command.

  “And is this your lover? The famous Sylek?” He reached his hand out as though to touch his chest as Faust growled lightly.

  I rifted between them and caught the Prince’s fingers. “Don’t” I whispered.

  He pouted at me, genuinely pouted. “Ah but he is such a male. You are a lucky little Fae.” He winked at me as he scooted off the table.

  “No, this is not Sylek, this is my second in command, Faust. Which reminds me, I need to take my leave. I have a lover to go say goodbye to. I will be gone a few days.”

  Elliot, Eris, and Reves frowned at me “What do you mean?” Elliot asked.

  “Sylek will not be fighting with my legions, but with the Howelltie Governed Forces.” I said. “We will not remain lovers so long as we are on different sides of the battlefield.”

  Elliot looked genuinely distraught. “What happens if you are to face each other on the field?”

  I shrugged. “We battle.”

  Elliot sighed wistfully. “I will never understand Howelltie. Good day Sierade Gwaynten.”

  His drunken tongue struggled with my name.

  “It was nice to meet you E
lliot,” I said as I gripped Faust around the arm and rifted us from the room.

  Dropping him at the camp, I went to see Sylek.



  I watched as Elliot rifted into my bedroom. He looked at me and started giggling.


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