A Date with an Admirer

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A Date with an Admirer Page 3

by Dover, L. P.


  With a cup of coffee in each hand, I make my way toward Sophie’s door. It would make sense for me to leave my cup in the Wrangler, especially considering the new initiative of no Styrofoam allowed and the hot liquid is burning my hand. Not to mention, the lids barely fit over the thin paper product.

  “Son of a bitch,” I mutter. With each step I climb or with any sudden movements, coffee splashes on my hand and it hurts. Guess that’s why the word hot is printed on the cup. As soon as I let out my verbal displeasure, one of Sophie’s neighbors steps out of her apartment. I smile as I pass by.

  Carefully, I set one cup on top of the other and knock on Sophie’s door. It swings open immediately and for a second I’m transported back to my horny teenage days and imagine us in the middle of some Aerosmith video, with Sophie’s hair being blown away from her face, and she’s standing there in nothing more than a bra and panties, making the come fuck me face.

  My reality is, Sophie is holding the door open for me while dressed in a pair of running shorts and a tank top, with a ballcap on. Still sexy as fuck, and I’d still take the opportunity to fuck her, but not today.

  “Here ya go,” I say as I extend the hand holding two cups of coffee toward her. “Careful, they’re hot and these cups are meant to send you into coffee bean rehab.”

  “They’re ridiculous.” She takes her cup and closes the door behind me. “I get why, but do you realize how much plastic and Styrofoam we still use?”

  “It’s everywhere.” We stand there awkwardly for a moment until she sighs and turns away. I’m curious about her sigh. Is it a good one? As in she’s content and happy I’m here. Or one where she wishes she never volunteered to help me? I’m going with the former because yesterday, when I came to visit, the sexual tension between us was so thick, a knife wouldn’t have been able to slice through it. Which is going to be important for this party thing we’re going to. I want her ex to be jealous and realize how much of an idiot he is.

  “Is a black tux okay for this dance?”

  She giggles and the sound goes right to my dick. I drop my hands and let the cup from hell block my growing erection.

  “It’s not a dance.”

  “But we’re going to dance?” I say, hoping I don’t sound too hopeful.

  “Well, yes,” she says. “But it’s so much more. We’ll mingle, eat and, drink. And then there will be dancing.”

  I don’t care as long as I get to hold her against my body.

  “So, back to my question, is a black tux okay?” I ask. I’m fucking clueless on these kinds of things. Who the hell plans a Valentine’s Day ball? Not that I’m complaining since it works to my advantage.

  “Yes,” she replies.

  “Do I need to get you a corsage or something?”

  She laughs again. “No, silly.”

  “Limo?” The thought of a limo is very appealing, especially at the end of the night, when we’re tipsy and hopefully heading back to my place to christen every inch of it.

  “Only if you want, but seriously.” Sophie comes over to me and places her hand on my chest. Not exactly where I’d like her to touch right now, but the effect is the same, nonetheless. “I appreciate you doing this for me, Tanner.”

  “It’s my pleasure, Sophie.” My voice is quiet. I step closer to her, wishing like hell I had set this fucking cup down. I swallow hard as I stare into her beautiful brown eyes. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t give for a chance to be with her, even after all these years. “We should go,” I say reluctantly. Leaving now is the last thing I want, but it’s the only option because if we don’t, I’m sliding my hands over her ass, picking her up and carrying her to her bedroom.

  “Okay . . . yeah let me get my purse.” She doesn’t move immediately, and I swear she feels the same magnetism I do. After what feels like five or ten minutes, when in actuality it is probably fifteen seconds, she brushes past me. I look to the ceiling, to get my bearings and inhale and exhale a few times to control the stirring in my shorts.

  I can sense her behind me, but I don’t turn around. For all I know, she’s checking me out. I’m not the same lanky kid who used to follow her around the house when she’d spend the night. I remember knocking on Ellie’s door with some excuse just so I could be in the same room as Sophie. My time away from Raleigh in college, and living in California has changed me, and for the better. I grew up, filled out, and became a man.

  Slowly, I glance over my shoulder, and sure enough, she’s staring. I think about every stupid thing I could say right now, but let the moment sit there until her eyes meet mine. “Like what you see?”

  Trying to hide her smile, she looks at me with playful eyes and shrugs. “Life in the west has been good to you.”

  Not as good as life in the east is about to be. “I think you’d like it out there. We’ll go visit sometime.”

  Sophie smiles, it’s bright and infectious. “I love that idea, but first, we gotta get you moved into your new place. Come on, let’s go.” I follow Sophie out the door and close it behind me, knowing right then and there, I’d follow her anywhere.

  We walk down the stairs, side by side, and I use this opportunity to rest my hand on her back. I expect her to walk a bit faster or move the side, but she does the exact opposite and moves slightly closer to me. When we get to my Wrangler, I set my stupid coffee down and open the door for her, watching as she climbs in like a pro.

  “I want one of these,” she says when I get in.

  “I have to say, it’s one of my favorite purchases. I’ll let you drive it sometime.” This is saying a lot because I refuse to let my own sister anywhere near my car.

  As soon as I pull out of the parking lot, I turn toward my new house. “Wait,” she says. “I thought we had to get boxes from your parents.”

  I point toward the back and she turns. Her hand goes to her face. All of my boxes are there. “I’m such an idiot. I never pay attention to my surroundings.”

  “That’s not good,” I laugh.

  She shakes her head. “It’s not. I’ve been so caught up with the drama in my life, I’m not focused on what’s around me. It’s dangerous. The other day, I walked into my office, right past a patient and never said good morning or hi, which is incredibly rude of me.”

  I have no idea what spurs me to do this, but I take her hand and bring it to my lips. “I’m declaring this a drama free zone. You have nothing to worry about with me, I’ll protect you.” Sophie keeps her hand in mine, even after I set it down on my lap.

  When I moved back home, I never thought the person sitting beside me, helping me move, would be Sophie Peterson. As happy as I am, I’m torn. I’d love to make her my fuck buddy, my stress reliever, but she’s so much more than either of those things. She’s a relationship. The woman you bring home to mom, even though my mother knows her already. Sophie is the woman you schedule lunches with, the one you have flowers delivered to because she washed and folded your laundry. She’s the one you wife up because you’ve been in love with her from the first moment you laid eyes on her. Yet, a relationship is the last thing I need right now. Starting a new position, with new to me employees is going to be stressful. Add a relationship into the mix and one of the two is going to suffer, and it can’t be my job. But the joke’s on me because I want to be with the woman sitting next to me.

  Every so often, I glance at Sophie. Her eyes are hidden behind her sunglasses and her face is titled toward the sun. You would think, after living in a place where it’s mostly sunny, you’d get tired of it, but there’s something about driving down the road, with the top down and having the sun shining on you. It’s refreshing, invigorating.

  I turn down another road, and another, to where the trees are taller, and the sun isn’t beating down on us so much. “Wow, the trees really make a difference. The temperature has dropped considerably.” She rubs her arms against the chill.

  “We are almost there,” I tell her. I signal to turn even though no one is behind u
s and drive down a dirt path. My driveway is scheduled for paving next week as long as we don’t get a rainstorm or anything. The moving truck is already there, backed up to the garage and I can see workers moving around. As soon as I park, my hand is on the door handle. “What do you want to see first?”

  Her eyes widen. “Your house, definitely.”

  We get out and I motion for her to follow me to the front door. I want her to get the full experience of seeing the inside of my home for the first time. What Sophie doesn’t know is I’ve already been here this morning to meet the movers. I didn’t want my meeting with them to interrupt my time with her.

  I point toward the yard. “The landscaping isn’t finished yet, but this part of the driveway will have a circular brick layout, with trees and shrubs blocking the view from the road.” I open the door and step in first because I want to see her expression.

  “Wow,” she says as she looks around. We’re in the entry way, where the staircase leading to the second floor is. The walls are an off white, with white wainscoting and black cherry flooring. She looks up at the ceiling. “That chandelier is amazing.”

  “My interior designer found it at a flea market,” I tell her. “It’s an old bird cage.”

  Sophie starts to look around and turns to me. “This is not what I expected at all.”


  She shakes her head. “I expected open concept and stark white.”

  I shrug. “You know, after designing houses for the rich and famous, I realized how much I hated open concepts and loved built-ins.” I point to the wall of built-ins at the top of the stairs where I designed a small sitting space on the landing. “I have so many books, I needed a place to put them.” I guide her into my library room, where the wall of shelves extends over the doorway. “It’s the best use of space.”

  “I completely agree.”

  We go from the library to the formal dining room, through the butler’s pantry, and finally into the kitchen where the color of the walls is now a gray, with white cabinetry, black marble countertops and stainless-steel appliances. From here, you get your first view of the lake.

  “This view is inspiring.”

  I stand next to her and wonder what she’s thinking. What could be so inspiring? “I imagine it could be. Come on, let’s go upstairs.” I take her to the front stairs again so she can see the landing.

  “You have a reading nook?” She says it’s like she’s surprised I like to read. There’s a lot she doesn’t know about me, but I’m ready to remedy that.

  “I do,” I reply.

  “I’m in awe.” I laugh and place my hand on her back and direct her up the next flight where I show her the additional rooms, point out which one will be my office and finally into the master. “How many rooms total?” she asks.

  “Five bedrooms and seven bathrooms.”

  Her mouth drops. “What do you need all this space for?”

  I shrug. “I want to get married and have kids,” I tell her honestly. I point toward the last room and let her enter my oasis by herself.

  “Holy shit.” She turns and looks at me. “This view, Tanner.”

  “I know.” I enter the room and open the French doors. Outside, the pool installers are putting their finishing touches on the inground pool, but it’s the dock, with the small sailboat tied down that gets my attention. “Did I go overboard?”

  She shakes her head rapidly. “My God, no. This place is beautiful. I’m so jealous.”

  I rest against the railing and tug on a strand of her hair. “Don’t be, Sophie. It’s just a house, waiting for someone to fill it with love.” I don’t know what spurs me on, maybe it’s being in my dream house with my dream girl, but I finally have a moment too good to pass up. My hand cups her cheek and I guide her to my lips and kiss her for the first time.



  The second his lips touch mine, it’s like every nerve ending in my body lights on fire. It’s been so long since someone other than Warren kissed me. It feels right, but I know I shouldn’t get close to Tanner like this. He’s my best friend’s brother. Which means too many complications.

  Tanner deepens the kiss and a moan slips out of my mouth, spurring him on more. His grip around my waist tightens, pulling me into his body. I can feel his cock, hard and at attention. From what I can tell, he’s definitely not your average size male. He’s much bigger. The thought sends shivers all over my skin.

  Tanner kisses a path down my neck, and I suck in a breath. “We have to stop,” I beg, stepping away from him. All I want to do is fist my hands in his blond hair and let him ravage me. My breaths come out as rapid pants and Tanner smiles at me with that wicked grin of his. He knows exactly what he’s done to me.

  “Figured we should get some practice in,” he says teasingly.

  Clearing my throat, I nod toward the door. I’m just glad his bed hasn’t been moved in yet. I could see myself getting into some serious trouble. “And we will,” I reply, trying to catch my breath. “But right now, we have to get you moved in. Let’s go get your boxes.”

  Turning on my heel, I hurry out the door and I can feel him right behind me as we walk down the stairs. “I’m assuming Warren never kissed you like that?”

  That makes me laugh. “Not at all.” Warren wasn’t what you call passionate. Yeah, he was romantic in the beginning, always buying me flowers and gifts, but when it came to the physical stuff, he didn’t know the first thing about what a woman wants or needs. It was all about him.

  “Then why were you with the toolbag then?” he asks.

  I make it down the stairs and face him. “Because there’s more to relationships than sex, Tanner.” But it sure was a good starting point. Guess I just got used to Warren only thinking about himself when it came to the bedroom.

  His grin widens. “Yeah, but if you don’t have passion, what’s the point?”

  As much as I try to think of a reason, nothing comes to mind. Tanner flashes a triumphant grin and I roll my eyes. “Come on, let’s get your crap out of the Jeep.”

  Chuckling, Tanner follows me outside to his Jeep. The weather is perfect for February in North Carolina. Then again, it’s always finicky in the winter. One day it can be seventy degrees, and the next it could snow five inches. Today, however, is one of the warm ones. I’m taking full advantage of it.

  “What’d you see in him anyway?” Tanner asks as he grabs one of his boxes.

  Reaching in, I grab one as well and hold it to my chest. The words living room are written on the outside of it. “I guess we had a lot in common. We spent a lot of time together and it just made sense to see where it could go.”

  I meet his gaze and he nods. “I can understand that.”

  We take the boxes inside and I set mine down in the living room while he disappears upstairs. Everything has already been brought into the living room; all brand new by the looks of it. There’s a couch, a recliner and loveseat, all in dark gray leather along with a unique wooden coffee table with live edge sides. Tanner has really done well for himself. I’m impressed. His house is absolutely gorgeous.

  Tanner makes his way downstairs as the movers walk in and out of the house, carrying things in left and right. I start for the door and we walk out together. “So, tell me about all your women in California? You’re a hot guy. I’m sure you had plenty of them.”

  He laughs and reaches in his Jeep to grab a box. “Sure, there were plenty. Nothing serious though.”

  I grab one of the boxes that has kitchen written on it. “No special someone you left to come here?”

  “Nope,” he says, shaking his head, but then winks. “Can’t say I didn’t break a few hearts when I left though.” I can totally see that.

  “I bet,” I laugh. We carry the boxes inside to the kitchen and finish up bringing in the others. While I start unpacking the kitchen contents, the movers take Tanner away so they can show him everything they’ve done. I can’t wait to see what all the rooms look like once they�
��re set up. As long as I stay away from Tanner’s bedroom, I’ll be fine.

  Tanner walks into the kitchen and smiles. “Everything looks good. There’s really not much I have to unpack. Most of my stuff I had brought in brand new.” He nods down at the box of kitchen utensils. “Well, other than that. My mom was adamant that I take it.” The box was full of spatulas, serving spoons, and about a dozen whisks.

  Giggling, I hold up one of the pink whisks. “Yeah, she did the same thing to me and Ellie when we went to college. I love your mom.”

  He laughs along with me. “Why she packed me a pink whisk, I don’t know. I’m not going to use that shit.”

  I shrug. “I love whisks.”

  His eyes twinkle. “Then you can use it when you visit me.”

  Pulling out all the different whisks, I find them a place in one of his drawers, making sure to keep from looking in his hypnotic blue eyes. I’m going to get myself in a shit ton of trouble if I do. “Now that you’re back, what do you think you’ll do with your time besides work?” I ask, meeting his gaze quickly before starting on the spatulas. “I know you like to surf, but you can’t really do that here in Raleigh.”

  Letting out a deep sigh, he turns to the window, overlooking the lake. “No, which sucks ass, but the beach isn’t too far away. I plan on buying a couple of jet skis to sit out there with my boat. I’m sure I’ll find other hobbies to occupy my time.”

  He glances at me over his shoulder. “What about you? I’m sure drilling and pulling out teeth isn’t all you do.”

  “God, no,” I reply with a laugh. “Although I do love teeth. It was either that or a doctor, but I can’t handle blood spurting out of a body or anything like that. A little blood in the mouth is perfectly fine.”

  Looking disgusted, Tanner shakes his head. “Don’t see how you do it.”

  I shrug. “It’s fun.”

  He walks over and grabs my wrist before I can pull out the serving spoons. “What’s fun is not unpacking this mess right here. Come on, let’s go out to the dock. We’re probably not going to have another seventy-degree day like this in a while, especially in February.”


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