Dark Kiss: A Reverse Harem Fairy Romance (The Twilight Court Book 12)

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Dark Kiss: A Reverse Harem Fairy Romance (The Twilight Court Book 12) Page 20

by Amy Sumida

  Tiernan was ready for me, stroking his pale length, his stare hot from watching me with Killian. I opened my mouth for him, and he shoved inside, beyond tenderness now. Tiernan's hands bracketed my face, and he began a rapid thrusting that shocked me a little. I tightened my lips around him and rolled my stare up to his. He was driving back into my throat, and I was taking every delicious inch.

  “Fuck, yes,” Daxon growled and sped up, watching Tiernan dominate my mouth. “I'm going to come.”

  Raza wrapped his midnight arms around my middle, crossing his forearms to hold me tightly as he bucked up into me, and Dax slammed wildly. I reached for Killian, but he only held my hand and then kissed it, waiting patiently, content to watch for now. Tiernan released me as Daxon's panting breaths sped up, and I turned toward Daxon, arms outstretched. Dax leaned forward, his indigo bangs sliding over his burning blue gaze, and bared his teeth as he gave one last shove. I stroked his tattooed chest and arms as he emptied into me with a broken cry, then drew him forward for one last kiss before he slipped away.

  Killian took Daxon's place immediately, his cock stretching me gloriously. With those warrior hands, he lifted my legs to his shoulders and started a deep grind. Meanwhile, Daxon moved off the bed to collapse in a chair and watch. I met Daxon's eyes briefly, and he grinned at me—a wicked grin full of a promise to return to me soon. But then I was with Killian, his snake eyes holding me as surely as his hands. Beneath me, Raza was a steady force, though his grip on my waist had eased. Instead, he moved his hands to my breasts, kneading them as Tiernan moved away.

  It was just me and my beasts then, my body pushed back and forth between them. Filled and emptied by their thick flesh, bit by their sharp teeth, and stroked by their powerful hands. Raza's claws scratched my skin gently, without drawing blood—just a teasing graze. He knew the exact amount of pressure to use. I sighed as those dangerous talons tickled the underside of my breasts, then, a second before he gripped me tightly, they vanished. Thick, ebony thumbs brushed my nipples as Raza's fingers kneaded me.

  “Share, Beast Bro,” Killian growled as he leaned forward, shifting my legs to wrap around his waist.

  Raza moved his thumb away from one of my nipples but tightened his grip on my breast so the nipple lifted toward Killian. Kill groaned and sucked that pink nub into his mouth. His body moved faster against me. Inside me. Raza growled against the sensitive skin of my throat and kept his pace steady.

  “Mo shíorghrá,” Raza whispered into my ear, “you feel like heaven.”

  “You too, baby,” I murmured. “Don't stop.”

  “I've wanted to be inside you since I heard you say that the image of my eyes broke the spell,” he rumbled.

  “Your eyes and your body,” I purred. I shifted my stare to Killian. “All of you were with me. Your eyes, your bodies, the memory of the way you smell. It was all I needed to break free.”

  “Fuck, Twilight,” Killian flicked his gaze up from my breast to groan. “Keep looking at me like that, and I'm going to come.”

  “That's the point, sweetheart,” I teased and drew my hand through his hair.

  Killian braced his arms on the bed to either side of Raza and me, then began a violent thrusting. The bed jostled and even Raza grunted in surprise. I angled my head to kiss Killian, our tongues twining as he gave one last shove, groaning into my mouth as he emptied into my body.

  “Fuck,” Killian panted as he set his forehead on mine. “I had hoped to last longer.”

  “We've got all night,” I whispered and nudged his head up to give him a quick kiss.

  Killian grinned as he slid out of me, bending to give my sex a kiss before easing off the foot of the bed. Tiernan started to move into place, but Raza growled, wrapped his arms around me, and sat up. He bent me forward, setting me on my hands and knees, and grabbed my hips. With a primal snarl, Raza slammed into me savagely. My whole body jerked with every thrust, and when I looked up, I found Daxon leaning forward in his seat, his expression amazed, aroused, and fascinated. He licked his lips, his stare hot as he began to work his cock.

  The bed shook as a whooshing sound announced the return of Raza's wings. They beat the air, giving him more leverage as he shoved as deep as he could go. All I could do was brace myself and enjoy the ride. Claws wrapped around my hips, but even in his savagery, Raza didn't cut me. He gave three last pumps, the slaps of his hips echoing, and roared loud enough to wake the entire planet as he pulled out and came across my back. I screamed with him, the pleasure finally culminating in a burst of light behind my closed eyelids. My body trembled as Raza's hot seed striped my skin and then shivered as his heat moved away. I crumpled onto the bed.

  As the aftershocks rode me, Tiernan came to me at last and rolled me onto my back gently. I shook uncontrollably as he slipped into my sex and started a tender thrusting. After Raza's wild ride, Tiernan's soft touches and slow delving were just what I needed. I wrapped my arms around my husband, fingers tangling in the ends of his hair, and twined my legs over his calves. Pressed together, he kissed me, our bodies writhing. Hard against soft. Hard into soft. Skin hot and slick. Breath mingling. Tiernan ground his pelvis against that perfect place and moved his lips away from mine to trail them down my jaw.

  “I love you,” he whispered in my ear.

  Pleasure burst downward from my ear as if his words had created an avalanche of it. It sizzled across my breasts, over my stomach, and slammed between my legs.

  “Tiernan!” I screamed as I came again.

  “Well, fuck,” Daxon growled as he prowled back to bed. “Slow and steady wins the race.”

  “I warmed her up for him,” Raza grumbled.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  “Change of plans,” Wayne said as my husbands and I strode into the dining room the next morning.

  Drostan sat at the head of the table, eating steak and eggs. Both he and the food looked mouthwatering. He looked up and nodded at me, his gaze lingering a little too long. A memory flashed through my mind—Drostan staring at me at the dinner feast in Seelie Castle. I'd forgotten that look in light of everything that had happened. I was worried to see it now, but then Drostan returned to his meal as if nothing had happened, and I realized that it was just an innocent attraction—a man appreciating a woman without the intent to do anything beyond that, just as I'd been admiring him mere seconds earlier. It was meaningless and harmless—a huge relief after what I'd been through with his impostor.

  I took a chair a few down from Drostan and looked away from him, letting his look go without concern. It was a nice change, let me tell you what. Killian and Raza took the seats to either side of me as I started filling a plate from the wide selection of food before us.

  “What's the new plan?” I asked Wayne.

  “We've had several Gancanagh reported as missing,” it was Nightblade who answered. He leaned back in his chair with a cup of coffee in hand, looking genteel despite his hunter leathers. “We need to investigate.”

  “Who filed the reports?” Killian asked in surprise as I cursed.

  “More missing fairies,” I muttered.

  “We'll get Varcan and his men,” Raza assured me as he took my hand.

  “One man filed all the reports. He's their employer,” Nightblade said. “He owns a strip club.”

  “Are the missing fairies male or female Gancanagh?” Daxon asked. He wasn't being a creep; he owned a fairy strip club, so he knew you couldn't assume.

  “Males,” Nightblade said. “Four of them haven't shown up for work in over three weeks. Their employer finally went looking for them and found their homes in shambles.”

  “Three weeks.” I leaned forward. “That would be around the time I was taken.”

  “Yes, and yet we didn't find any trace of them where you were kept,” Wayne said. “So, he must have them in another location.”

  “And you want to interview the employer instead of searching Drostan's properties?” Raza asked. “I would think it would be wiser to go with
our original plan.”

  “We don't need to interview the employer.” Nightblade waved it away. “We need Killian to go over the Gancanaghs' homes for evidence. We're hoping he'll find something that will lead us straight to their location and bypass the need to search fifteen properties.”

  “Or I can go to the Gancanaghs' homes while Seren starts on the locations,” Killian suggested. “We're not joined at the hip.”

  Nightblade nodded, then looked at Wayne and Lance for their opinions. Although Wayne often organized everything, Lance was technically the team leader.

  “I'm good with that,” Lance said.

  “Shouldn't we investigate their place of employment?” Conri, who was eating breakfast with Gradh at the other end of the table, called over.

  “Did you not catch the part where it was a male strip club?” Gradh asked him.

  “Won't they have both men and women?” Conri asked. “Daxon's club does.”

  “My club has it all.” Daxon grinned at Nightblade's lifted brow. “Let me know if you're ever in L.A., and I'll give you a tour.”

  Nightblade cleared his throat and said, “Thank you, Your Majesty, I'll do that.”

  “I don't think it will be necessary to search the club,” Wayne said with a smirk directed at Conri. “They weren't taken from there.”

  Conri pouted, and Gradh rolled her eyes.

  Plan in place, we finished breakfast, some of us grumpier than others. Just as I was sitting back to enjoy my coffee, my scry phone chimed. I had an old pair of my extinguisher pants on with my sweater, mainly because they had a lot of pockets so I wouldn't have to carry a purse. I pulled my scry phone out of one of the big pockets down the side, flipped it open, and swiped a finger across the crystal. My Uncle Dylan's face came into view.

  “Uncle Dylan,” I said in surprise. “How are you?”

  “The question is, how are you?” Dylan shot back. “I'm told you were a prisoner until very recently.”

  “I was. Yes. But I'm fine, thank you.”

  “Good. I'm relieved.”

  Uncle Dylan may act as if he doesn't like me, but he does love me, so I didn't doubt his words.

  “Thank you.”

  “I have analyzed the samples I was sent,” he went on, back to business.

  “Did you get anything?” I asked eagerly.

  “They are similar to the samples I had of the Newt victims. I was able to separate them into several components. It appears the foundation of the formula is the same, but from there, it differs greatly from the original.”

  “I'm not too surprised by that,” I grimaced.

  “Neither am I,” Dylan said. “What did surprise me was that one of the components in this new version is unrecognizable.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that I can't find it in any of our databases.” Uncle Dylan looked extremely annoyed by that.

  “Would you say it was not of Earth?” Killian leaned over to get in on the scry.

  Dylan frowned. “I suppose you could say that. Our databases are extensive; if it's found on either Earth or Fairy, we know about it.”

  “Fucking aliens!” Killian exclaimed.

  “Excuse me?” Dylan lifted a brow.

  “We think these people who are creating the drugs are from another planet,” I said, wincing a little under my Uncle's sharp stare.

  “Another planet?” Dylan mused in a surprisingly accepting manner. “Like Fairy.”

  “Yes!” Killian exclaimed. “Because fairies are technically aliens.”

  Dylan grimaced but also nodded. “Technically, yes. If these people are from another world, it would explain why their formula includes components I can't recognize.” He cocked his head thoughtfully. “When you kill them, Niece, I would like one of their bodies to autopsy.”

  “Uh. I . . .” I looked at Nightblade, and he nodded. “You got it, Uncle Dylan.”

  “Thank you. And good luck, Seren.” Then he was gone.

  “Why does he never say goodbye?” I grumbled.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Tiernan and Raza left their guards behind since we had mine and with the extinguisher team, it would be too massive a group if we brought them. I kissed Killian goodbye at the front door.

  “What? No one wants to come with me?” Killian asked when my other husbands followed me.

  “This isn't a game of dodge ball; we're not picking sides,” Daxon drawled. “We're here to watch over Seren. You are on your own, snake-man.”

  “Fine.” Killian sighed dramatically and trudged off toward a sports car with Nightblade.

  “Felix and Ainsley, you're with me,” I said. “The rest of you go with Killian.” Conri started to complain, but I glared at him. “I've got seven extinguishers and a councilman with me already. Unless you want to wait here, go with Killian.”

  “Way to make me feel special, Con,” Killian huffed.

  “I'll join you,” Drostan offered.

  Killian perked up. “Don't you want to see your new properties?”

  “Oh.” Drostan frowned. “Yes, maybe you're right. I have the keys and all the information on them too.” He lifted one of those large, business envelopes. “Sorry, I forgot.”

  Killian grimaced as Drostan changed direction to go with us.

  “Should have kept your mouth shut,” Tiernan teased Kill. “But then, you've never been good at that.”

  “Ha-ha,” Kill huffed. “At least I've got the hunters with me.” Tiernan opened his mouth but before he could say anything, Killian cut him off, “And don't say that you're a Lord of the Wild Hunt, Tiernan. You're not anymore. You're a king, not a LOTW or one of Seren's guards. Get the fuck over it; it's getting annoying.”

  Tiernan gaped and glared after Killian until Daxon had to nudge him to get in the car.

  “I am a Lord of the Wild Hunt,” Tiernan muttered as he climbed in and took the window seat beside me.

  “Once a lord hunter, always a lord hunter,” I said as I patted his knee.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” Tiernan said as he took my hand.

  “Everyone stay alert for tails,” I advised as we pulled away from the house. “I think Varcan followed us to the club last night.”

  “That would explain why he was there without his drugs,” Lance muttered as he pulled out a two-way radio. He clicked it on to speak to the team in the SUV behind us. “Keep an eye out for tails.”

  “Copy that,” a male voice said.

  We drove out of the Huntleigh neighborhood, following the GPS to the first location on Drostan's list. We didn't appear to have anyone tailing us, but who knows what kind of technology aliens had. And yes, I'm being serious. The more I thought about Killian's theory, the more likely it seemed.

  The first address belonged to an empty warehouse, the second to an empty lot, and neither gave me tingles. When we drove to the third address I'd expected more of the same—either a warehouse or an abandoned building where Varcan could have manufactured his magical narcotics—but we pulled up before a high-rise apartment building.

  “He bought an apartment building?” Lance asked as he peered out the window.

  “I believe it's only one apartment in the building,” Drostan murmured as he looked over the paperwork. “I have the key and there's a code as well. There should be an underground parking lot with an entrance around that corner.” He waved a hand forward and to the right.

  “Gotcha.” Wayne drove us around the corner, then into the parking structure. “What's the apartment number? It's assigned parking.”

  “Sixteen-sixteen,” Drostan said, his attention still on the paperwork.

  “Park on the street and come down into the underground parking,” Sloane spoke into the radio.

  “Copy that.”

  We parked, climbed out, and headed to an enclosed entrance—a glass box with an elevator bay. The rest of our team arrived a few minutes later. Drostan had to enter the code to get us in the box, then had to use a key to call the elevator—thre
e times since there were so many of us. I rode up to the sixteenth floor in the last car, exchanging curious looks with my husbands and Drostan.

  “This could be one of his safe houses,” I said. “Be prepared for an attack, and don't bother with fire magic.”

  Drostan grimaced; lightning was classified as fire magic.

  “Actually, yours might work,” I said to his look. “Electricity burns but not in the same way as fire. Try it and see.”

  Drostan's grimace shifted into a grin. “Very well, I shall.”


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