His Plain Jane (Happy Endings Book 3)

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His Plain Jane (Happy Endings Book 3) Page 4

by L. Nicole

  “You need to relax, Jane,” I order her, my voice softer, as I kiss the top of her head. I feel her body shudder in my arms, and I smile.

  “I should get back to my date.” Her voice is muffled against my chest.

  “I think you’re right where you belong,” I tell her, feeling those words down to my bones.

  There’s something about this girl. Something that I can’t seem to stay away from and something that has me mesmerized. I tilt my head downward and breathe in her scent.

  Vanilla sugar.

  For the first time since my run-in with Jane, my mind calms and I relax. I cradle her close, and everything seems to disappear but her. Suddenly there is only me and her and no one else.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on here, Casper.”

  “I don’t either, Jane. Not truly.”

  She slowly looks up, our gazes locked.

  “What does that mean?”

  “I think it just means that I like you.”

  I watch as her forehead develops this little wrinkle right in the center. It’s kind of cute. She reaches up between us and adjusts her glasses her eyes downcast.

  “It didn’t feel like you did earlier today.”

  Her voice is thick with emotion and I know I’ve done that to her. I bring my finger up and let the pad of it rest under her chin. I bring her face up so that I can see her. She’s really quite beautiful. I’m not sure why I didn’t notice it before, maybe because I didn’t allow myself to. It wouldn’t matter what she looked like, though. There’s just something about her that shines through. She’s awkward and adorably shy, and I love the way she tugs on her glasses when she’s nervous. It’s cute, but I find it unbelievably sexy, too. Even now, my cock is hard.

  “I thought we were starting over, Angel?”


  “What? Tell me,” I urge her when she doesn’t say anything else.

  “My name’s not Angel. It’s Jane,” she says, and she’s honestly confused. I do my best to keep the laughter I feel from showing on my face. I’ve hurt her feelings enough today. I don’t want to hurt her more.

  “I meant you’re like an angel, Jane. Just that you remind me of one.”

  “You don’t know me, Casper. I’m not an angel,” she replies, color blooming over her face so deeply that I can see it despite the lighting.

  “I see you two have made up,” Brad says coming in behind Jane. She starts to pull away, but I keep my arm wrapped around her, resting against her back.

  “Brad,” I tell him, daring him without words to say anything to me.

  “Casper,” he says grinning like an idiot and taking a swig of his beer. “Here’s your drink, Jane. Sorry it took me a little to get back to you. Seems the bartender had no idea what your drink was.”

  “What is your drink?”

  “A Shirley Temple,” Jane answers and I laugh. “What?” she asks.

  “You go to a bar and order a drink without alcohol?”

  “I don’t really drink,” she says, her fingers worrying against the eyeglass frame again.


  “Yeah?” she asks.

  “The angel nickname I gave you stands.”

  She crinkles her nose and it moves her glasses on her face and I grin.

  There’s definitely something about her…



  “How about a game of pool?” Brad suggests.

  “We’ll need another player,” Casper says. “Jane and I will play against you and whatever sucker you find to play with you.”

  “Uh… I don’t know how to play,” I speak up. I immediately wish I hadn’t when Casper and Brad both turn and look at me like I’m insane.

  “Angel,” Casper says, grinning. I really try not to see how good he looks when he grins. I honestly haven’t seen anything more beautiful.

  “Pure as the driven snow.”

  I gasp at Brad’s words. Casper’s face goes hard, reminiscent of the way he looked when he was mad at me earlier today. I take a step away from him, the memory harsh and hard to handle. Casper punches Brad in the face. Brad stumbles back, immediately rubbing his jaw.

  “You need to show respect when you talk about Jane,” Casper orders. His voice is dark, his face so hard that I shiver at the intensity.

  Brad looks up at Casper, rubbing his jaw.

  “You’re awfully protective over my date, Casp,” Brad says, his gaze narrowed as he looks at Casper. I watch him, confused. It’s like he’s someone else. He’s not the same guy who was playful and joking with me. He doesn’t seem like the same guy who invited me out to explain how I could get Casper’s attention.

  But, don’t I have Casper’s attention? Even now Casper has his hand on the small of my back as if he’s protecting me. His touch is warm, and it feels like my skin is being branded where his fingers rest on my skin.

  Was this what Brad had in mind the whole time?

  It’s really the only logical explanation, but admittedly I don’t know him enough to really decide. I don’t know Casper that well either, but it feels like it matters that Brad might have hurt my feelings. It feels like he’s upset for me.

  The question is why?

  What caused such a huge change from this afternoon?

  I feel like I’m in the freaking Twilight Zone.

  “Jane isn’t your date,” Casper growls, his fingers flexing against my back. I can’t explain it, but I can feel his body tightening, hear the anger in his voice as if it’s a living thing.

  “What is she then?” Brad asks, and in contrast he seems rather relaxed.

  “Mine,” Casper responds, and my knees practically buckle. Brad grins and I swear I hear this snarl leak out under Casper’s breath.

  “I actually think I might have had too much to drink. It might be best I call it a night,” Brad says. “You’d make sure that Jane gets home, right?”

  “I’ll take care of Jane,” Casper agrees. The two men stare at each other and I’m more confused than ever. I know Brad has only had two beers. I’m not a drinker, but I know there’s no way that would make him drunk. Plus, he’s not acting drunk. I don’t understand any of this, but maybe it’s better if I excuse myself from the situation until I do.

  “I can just grab a taxi and we can all call it a night,” I suggest, already pulling away from the two of them.

  Casper’s hand slides deeper on my back, his fingers stretching and curling into my side and he forcefully pulls me to him, plastering my side into his and holding me there. I have to bring my hand up to rest on his chest to steady myself. I look up at him in shock.

  “I’ll take you home, Angel. I’m not ready to let you go, yet.”

  My throat feels tight, I tremble at his words.

  “Right, I think I’m done here,” Brad says. He turns to look at me and smiles.

  “Jane, I’m sorry if you’re upset with me, but I have to tell you this has been a great night for me, sore jaw and all.”

  “Uh…Bye, Brad,” I reply, not sure of what else to say.

  “Yes, bye Brad,” Casper says, and for some reason that makes Brad laugh.

  “I’m going, I’m going,” he says walking away.

  “Asshole,” Casper says, turning us to watch Brad walk away.

  “I have no idea what just happened,” I tell Casper.

  “Doesn’t matter, Angel. How about that game of pool?”

  “But I don’t know how to play, remember?”

  “I’m going to teach you,” Casper says. “I’m going to teach you everything,” he says, his voice going softer, hotter. His eyes are intense as he looks down at me and suddenly it feels like we’re not talking about pool anymore.



  Brad…that damn asshole. He knew what he was doing, saw through me like a damn glass wall. He somehow knew that I was attracted to Jane. Hell, I’ve been attracted to her from the beginning, even if I didn’t want to be. It’s too late now to go back. I someh
ow fell into the trap that Brad laid without even realizing it.

  I walk Jane over to the pool table. I can feel the way her body keeps reacting to my touch, her innocence practically oozing out of her damn pores. I didn’t realize there were women like her still around. I have no fucking idea what I’m doing here, but at the same time the thought of taking her virginity, of making her completely mine and only mine, has had me hard all night.

  “I really have no idea what I’m doing here,” Jane says, laughing nervously.

  I take the pool cue and before I can stop myself, I lean down and kiss her on the forehead. “I got you, Angel. You’ll enjoy everything I teach you. I promise. I’ll make sure of it.”

  Her beautiful blue eyes dilate, and I watch as the tip of her tongue comes out to nervously lap against her lips, wetting them, moistening them…torturing me.

  Fuck it.

  I lean down and take her mouth, my tongue thrusting inside her sweet depths. Jesus, her mouth is as delicious as the rest of her. I take over her mouth, ravaging it, searching out her tongue and coaxing it to play with me, teaching her exactly how I want her to kiss me. Her nails bite into my skin on my back as she holds onto me, our kiss intensifying. I grab her thighs and pull her up my body, my hands moving up so my fingers can press into her luscious ass. I move until we’re in front of the pool table and I lower her down on it, kissing her until we are forced to break apart to drag air into our lungs. Even then, I kiss along the side of her neck, tasting her skin, needing contact with her. I cup her breast, squeezing it, quickly losing control as I let my teeth rake against her neck.

  “Casper…” she murmurs, tilting her head, submitting to me.

  Fuck she’s perfect.

  “Yeah, Angel?” I groan, my thumb brushing against her nipple, which is hard and pushing through the fabric of her clothes.

  “We have to stop,” she says.

  “I don’t want to stop,” I murmur against her ear and when I bite against the lobe, sucking it into my mouth, to ease the sting of pain, I’m rewarded with her body shuddering against me.

  “We have to.”

  “No, we don’t. You want me, Jane. Don’t bother to deny it.”

  “Casper, people are here,” she says as my hand slides under her shirt, desperate to have her naked.

  Her words have the effect of cold water being thrown on me. I break apart from her, while the outside world begins to intrude on the cocoon I had built around us. The music in the bar, the talking, filters into my head, drowning out the roaring of my blood, the beating of my heart.

  “Fuck,” I murmur, taking a step back. My gaze looking down at Jane. Her glasses slightly crooked, her hair disheveled, her breath coming in harsh gasps, she looks fucking gorgeous—especially her lips, swollen from my kiss, her neck slightly red from my attentions. “You make me forget where I am, Angel. I forget everything but you.”

  “It… uh doesn’t sound like…” She adjusts her clothes and slides off the table, although I notice she leans on it with one hand for support, as if her legs are weak. They probably are. Hell, my damn legs are weak after that. I watch as she adjusts her glasses. Her gaze centered on me, but her eyelids lowered so that she’s not looking me in the eye. “It doesn’t sound like you like that, Casper.”

  “I don’t,” I complain, my voice a low rumble filled with frustration.

  My cock is so hard I could slap it against a cinder block and not feel a fucking thing. It’d probably shatter the block into rubble.

  “Oh.” Her body physically retreats. I see it and curse myself under my breath. I’m a hard man. When a man hasn’t had much softness in his life, he doesn’t know how to give it. Jane makes me want to learn.

  “I like control, Jane—in all things. You make me lose my head. When I’m around you, I don’t have any control.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I know, Angel, and trust me when I tell you, that just makes it worse,” I murmur, leaning down to kiss her forehead and give her a gentle hug. That’s all I can manage, if I do anything more, I’m going to take her virginity right here against the wall and not give a damn who is watching. “How about I teach you how to play pool and try to get control of myself?”

  “We don’t have to,” she murmurs. “You could take me home.”

  “If I take you home, Jane. I’m going to fuck you. Are you ready for that right now?”

  She stares at me, doesn’t look away, even though her face blooms a deep red.

  “Maybe we could play pool,” she suggests, adjusting those cute as fuck glasses again. It’s going to be a long night…

  “Yeah, Angel. Maybe we could,” I laugh.



  The ride to Jane’s apartment was quiet. The air charged with hunger. I know I need to move slow. I don’t have proof, but I would bet my life that Jane is a virgin. I’m going to be her first man—and I’ll definitely be her last. When I finally claim her, I’m not letting her go. We make it to her front door without words. Jane is nervous, darting glances in my direction, but her face is full of need. She’s too innocent to hide it from me, and I fucking love that.

  “Jane, baby. We need to slow down….”

  I no sooner get the words out and she’s on the tips of her toes, reaching for something she shouldn’t be asking for, but fuck it makes me feel like a damn king.

  “Maybe I don’t want to go slow,” she breathes out.

  “Angel, I love your kisses. Fuck, I love having you in my arms, but I know you’re innocent. I can’t control myself around you. If we start something now, I won’t be able to control myself.

  “Control is overrated.”

  Her voice has a husky tone now, and I don’t have it in me to push her away. I’m going to take her. I can’t hold back, and I don’t want to. I kiss her then. Our tongues tangle with one another’s, hers tentative, mine dominant.

  “Unlock the door, Jane,” I order as I pull back.

  She does what I ask, her hands shaky at first, until I place my hand on top of hers to help. As soon as were inside, I slam the door shut with my foot and begin backing her up against the wall, needing to feel her body against mine. Her hands are fist in my hair, as I pick her up by the back of her thighs.


  “Wrap your legs around me,” I grunt.

  When she does as I order, I grind her body against mine, pinning her between my hard erection and the wall. I know that she can feel every damn inch of my hard cock. If our clothes weren’t in the way, I’d slide inside of her right now, taking her virginity, making her mine.

  “I need you,” she moans, as my hand squeezes one of her breasts, my thumb brushing against the pebbled nipple that is straining against her shirt.

  “I know Angel, fuck do I know.”

  “Last door on the left,” she mumbles.

  Jane’s tongue begins lapping against the column of my throat as she sucks the skin tenderly, nibbling on it and driving me crazy. She doesn’t even realize what that tongue is doing to me. Hell, my balls are so heavy, my cock so raging hard that I’m ready to come right now and I haven’t even been inside her yet. The walk to the bedroom is a blur, I’m barely holding on.

  I have to be inside of her.

  I let Jane slide down the length of my body, letting her feel me once again, wanting her to get used to the way she makes me feel.

  “Undress for me, Angel,” I growl, as I take my own shirt off. I can’t drag my gaze away as she undresses for me.

  I watch her slowly take off every article of clothing she has on besides her bra and underwear. Her skin is soft and creamy, golden and purely feminine. I salivate, thinking of licking every inch of her. There’s a fine blush overtaking her body, as my eyes drink her in.

  “Lay down on the bed,” I demand, my voice hoarse with need.

  I finish stripping out of my own clothes, leaving me completely naked, my cock ready to be inside her. Grasping her thighs, I spread her open, taking her
in. Her nipples are hard little peaks pressing through the lace of her bra. My hand follows the slopes and curves of body and slowly lead me down to her sweet little cunt.

  “Fuck, you’re drenched for me, Angel.”

  “Oh God, Casper,” she moans, her hands finding my hair and I do the one thing I’ve been dying to all night. I wrench her panties off of her body, revealing her to me.

  She’s bare, completely and utterly bare. Her pussy is on full display for me and there aren’t words to describe what seeing her does to me. She’s perfection.

  Getting on my knees in front of her, I take a deep breath, taking in her scent, that sweet sugary vanilla aroma that is all her. Tonight, I’m going to tease, lick, bite, and nip at her, letting her scent surround me as our bodies make us one.

  My fingers slowly tease at the lips of her sex, my finger finding her entrance. She didn’t confirm it, but I know this is new for her. I need to take my time, make this good for her. Somehow, I’ve got to manage to keep my control enough to give her everything she deserves. I want to bombard her with pleasure, tie her to me, make her a slave to her passion. She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s not getting away from me.

  I take my time and tease her until her body is shuddering and I know she needs more.

  She needs what only I can give her.

  Latching onto her clit, my finger pets the opening of where my cock so badly wants to be. Her hands grab my shoulders, the tips of her fingers digging in, her nails bringing a sting of pain that makes me smile.

  I know she’s about to come for me. Jane is so open, so beautifully responsive, I can’t even believe I’m lucky enough to be her first man—her only man.

  My finger delves deeper, but not so deep that it hurts her. I suck on her clit, twisting it in my mouth while reaching up to pinch her nipple with my other hand.

  Jane’s entire body quakes, and her sweet juices flood against my mouth as she comes for me.

  “Casper,” her voice soft, like a melody.


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