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Cash Page 6

by O'Brien, Megan

  “You look amazing. In and out of the gym,” I told her, meaning every word. Her lithe form moved so gracefully when she was running, as though it was effortless.

  She snorted. “Yeah well, that was the first time I’d tried it in years. But it did feel good. I’m thinking about getting a trainer.”

  Every protective instinct in me roared to life as I fought to control my response. “I’ll train you.”

  She looked at me in surprise. “You’re a trainer?”

  “Not officially. But I’ll train you.” The truth was, another man getting that close to her made my blood boil. And more importantly, there wasn’t anyone better experienced to train her. A fact I hadn’t truly relished until now.

  “You sound pretty confident,” she hedged.

  “I know what I’m doing as far as the gym goes.” I shrugged nonchalantly. “I own the place and practically live there.” I leaned closer. “Well, before I had a better way to spend my time.”

  Her cheeks turned a beautiful pink, and she looked down at her beer.

  “But nothing set me up physically more than the Army Rangers,” I continued.

  Her eyes shot back to mine. “Wow, I don’t much about the military, but I’ve heard the Rangers are…”

  “Bad motherfuckers,” I finished for her. “I didn’t have much in the way of family either,” I continued, sharing something I rarely spoke about. “Enlisting after high school felt like the best possible choice. I found my brothers in war with the Rangers. I found the same in the Knights. I may not have blood ties that many do, but I have a family around me that most could never dream of.”

  “Where are your parents?” she asked.

  I snorted. “Hell if I know. My mom dumped me in foster care when she couldn’t deal with being a parent. What about yours?”

  “Car crash,” she murmured.

  My gut churned at her reply. “I’m sorry, chief.”

  She looked puzzled. “Why? You suffered the same as I did.”

  I chuckled without humor. “No, I really didn’t. I lost parents I never had to begin with. But it wasn’t like that for you, was it?”

  She visibly swallowed back emotion as she shook her head. “No, they were wonderful parents.”

  “Well then, I’m fucking sorry,” I repeated emphatically, my hand going to the back of her neck, unable to hold myself back from touching her. “We both lost something, but like I said, I never really had it to begin with. And something tells me I was probably better off.”

  She looked over at me, her eyes luminous with regret. “It’s still loss all the same.”

  I took in what she said, letting myself feel something I’d long since buried. “I guess you’re right. But what I know for sure is, you may feel like you’re fumbling your way through, but from what I can tell? You’re doing a hell of a job with that girl up there.” My eyes briefly swept toward the second level where Riley slept. “Give yourself credit. And take the help you need, when you need it. There’s no shame in it.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured. “I should probably turn in. Riley’s been getting up at the crack of dawn and I haven’t been sleeping well.”

  I searched her face, seeing nothing but truth in her words, with a bit of longing I’d use to my advantage when the time was right. This was a marathon, not a sprint, and I was content to bide my time. “All right, baby. You have those blankets I used the other night?”

  She looked over at me in surprise. “You’re staying?”

  “Every damn night till we know this shit is wrapped up. And by then I’m hoping I’ll be upstairs with you.” At the look of shock on her face, I continued, “When you’re ready, chief.”

  “I just, um, with Riley I want to be really careful she doesn’t get attached or confused…,” she stammered, her cheeks flushed.

  I squeezed the back of her neck gently, pulling her lips to mine. “That’s why I said, when you’re ready,” I breathed against her mouth, taking her lips in a kiss that made my cock swell in my jeans.

  The woman undid me like nothing else. Just a touch of her lips and I could think of little else.

  “Ooookay.” Her dreamy sigh gave me the most satisfaction I’d had in years, and all I’d done was kiss her. “I’ll just go find your blankets and my legs.”

  I chuckled, charmed by her honestly. She was so damn cute, I could barely stand it.

  “I don’t think I have any frozen waffles,” she muttered, more to herself than me in mock horror as she rose from the couch.

  I watched her with an ear-to-ear grin. “Did you not see the eggs and bacon I slipped into the fridge when I came over?”

  She looked down at me. “You didn’t.”

  “I did.” I grinned up at her. “You girls are in for a treat tomorrow.”

  She eyed me thoughtfully for a moment, all trace of teasing gone from her expression. “Yeah, maybe we are.”


  “He’s here again!” Riley’s whisper-shriek had me biting back a smile the next morning as her tiny feet came bounding down the stairs. I’d heard her clomping around upstairs since the crack of dawn. For such a small thing, she made a fucking racket.

  I kept my eyes closed from my position on the couch where I’d managed to sleep for a bit. The couch was as uncomfortable as shit, but it was worth it to lose a bit of sleep if it meant being close to my girls.

  “Yes, baby.” Layla’s sweet voice had my heart pounding in answer. “Remember how we said we were going to super quiet?” she reminded her daughter patiently.

  For a few minutes more I feigned sleep, relishing the sounds of their quiet giggles from the kitchen. I’d never woken to anything so sweet, and I wanted it to last. Forever would do.

  When the smell of coffee filtered through the air, I sat up, running a hand through my hair and rising on stiff limbs.

  I leaned on the doorframe, watching the two of them as Layla made what looked like pancake mix with Riley more hindering than helping.

  When Layla looked at me, her green eyes lit with a joy at seeing me that I swore to myself I’d keep on her face for the rest of her life. “Hi,” she greeted, her cheeks flushed. “Sorry, I tried to keep her upstairs for as long as I could.”

  “It’s no problem. Don’t change your routine for me,” I assured her as I moved toward her. “What’s for breakfast?” I asked, leaning over Layla’s shoulder to peer into the bowl.

  “I forgot I had some pancake mix,” she replied, shivering a bit as I kissed her neck far more briefly than I wanted to.

  “Sounds good. I’ll make the eggs and bacon.” I checked that Riley was occupied. She was digging around in her toy bin, leaving me a moment alone with Layla. I didn’t waste a second, pulling her back against my front, rocking my hips into her backside, biting gently at her earlobe.

  Her quiet whimper was all the encouragement I needed as I spun her in my arms, taking her mouth in an urgent kiss. “Gonna sneak into your room tonight, baby. I have to know what you taste like,” I rumbled against her mouth.

  Her fingers clutched the front of my tee as though she’d collapse if I wasn’t there to hold her up. “Okay,” she replied in a breathless whisper.

  I dipped down, scenting her neck before pulling back, swatting her ass as I headed for the fridge.

  It was gonna be a long fucking day.

  Chapter 11


  Riley’s shrieks of glee pierced the air as she chased Rosie the pig that afternoon. Cash had taken off that morning, something to do with the club. I hadn’t asked for details. When Wren had invited us over, I’d welcomed the distraction.

  “So, you and Cash, hm?” Wren asked with a twinkle of mischief in her eye.

  “I may not have known you long but even so, I think I should be impressed that it took you,” I paused to look at my watch, “thirty-four minutes to bring him up.”

  She threw back her head and laughed. “You are so right, girl. You should be impressed. I’m practically sweating with the effort.�

  I grinned, enjoying my new friend. “And yeah, me and Cash,” I confirmed. It felt a bit surreal for me to say it out loud. “It’s still new. I want to take things slow for Riley’s sake,” I explained, my eyes on my daughter who was currently quite literally in hog heaven. “It’s been so much change for her in a short amount of time. And though I’m glad she likes him so much, I’m a bit worried with how quickly she’s taken to him. I don’t want to break her heart if things don’t work out.”

  Or mine.

  “You have to do what you feel is best.” Wren nodded supportively. “I’m not a mom yet so I can’t imagine how protective you feel of Riley. But I also know Cash, and I guarantee he wouldn’t go there with you if he wasn’t serious about you and Riley.”

  “I know,” I replied. And I did. Just as I knew that since Cash had come into my life, I’d been living at warp speed. “What’s Max up to?” I asked, wanting to change the subject.

  “He’s at the club, probably with Cash,” she said. “I’m gonna go meet him there soon. You guys should come.”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” The idea of going to the clubhouse was intimidating. “We aren’t really invited, and I’m not sure about bringing Riley. I was just going to take her home soon and start on dinner.”

  “Girl, you’re Cash’s. You have an open invitation to the club from now on,” she assured me confidently. “And as for Riley, so many babies have been raised in the club. Hell, when our parents started having babies, they used to have a Pack ’n Play standing by. We’ll probably do the same now that we’re all starting to have kids. It’s no big, promise.”

  As if on cue, my phone pinged in my pocket, Cash’s name lighting up the screen.

  You still at Max and Wren’s?

  Yeah. Was thinking I might take Ri home and start dinner

  Boys are putting some steaks on at the club, you girls want to meet me here?

  I stared at my phone, unsure how to respond. Did I want to go? I honestly wasn’t sure.

  Chief? He pressed when I still hesitated.

  Fear kicked in with surprising tenacity. It was one thing for Cash and me to explore being an us under my roof. To put it on display at his club? With everyone that was important to him? I wasn’t sure I was ready.

  I think we’ll just head home. Thanks though. Have fun!

  I winced at the exclamation mark and how forced it looked. I pocketed my cell phone and turned to Wren. “I’ll take a rain check on the club. But thank you for inviting Ri and me over. Obviously, she had a blast.” I gestured to Riley, who hadn’t stopped running or laughing since we’d arrived. I’d have a very tired, albeit blissed out girl on my hands for the rest of the night.

  A look of indecision passed on Wren’s face as though she wanted to push me. Instead she nodded and smiled warmly. “I’m glad she had fun. You two are welcome anytime.”

  “Thanks, lady. Ri, time to go!” I called, turning my attention to my little bundle of overtired.

  Not surprisingly, it was only after a complete meltdown and then falling asleep in the car that I pulled up to our house a short time later. For the first time, I thought our two-story home looked unwelcoming with all the lights off as I hauled a sleeping Riley up into my arms.

  “I’ll take her, chief.”

  Cash’s voice had me shrieking in surprise as he came alongside me as if from thin air, reaching for Riley as though it was second nature. “Quiet, baby, you’ll wake her,” he chided as he took Riley’s weight in his arms and tucked her head against his shoulder with a tenderness that made me ache.

  “I had no idea you were there. I thought you were at the club!” I whisper-yelled as we approached the house.

  “Are you at the club?” he demanded.

  “Well, no,” I sputtered as I let us into the house and turned on the lights, Oscar’s unearthly yowl greeting us.

  “Well then, if I’m not at a meet, don’t see what I’d be doing there without you,” he answered impatiently.

  I bristled at his tone. He was moving so fast and expecting me to keep up.

  But now wasn’t the time to get into it. “We should wake her. She’ll be all screwed up if she keeps sleeping.”

  “Yeah.” He rubbed her back, talking to her softly. “Time to wake up, Riley Bean. I bet Oscar’s ready for dinner. Want to help me feed him?”

  He’d tapped into the one thing that would undoubtedly rouse her interest. She perked up immediately, her head rising from his shoulder as she looked at him with a bleary expression full of hope. “I can help?”

  He grinned at her, his expression warm. “Course you can.”

  “I fed Rosie earlier,” she boasted proudly, and it occurred to me how unsurprised she’d been to wake in Cash’s arms.

  “I bet you were a big help,” he replied, his large hand splayed on her back rubbing in gentle circles, letting her wake up gradually.

  I was in awe of his natural ability with her, while at the same time equally terrified. “I’ll make dinner,” I murmured, trying to buy some time to pull myself together as I pulled pasta out of the pantry.

  Turmoil raged inside me as the conflicting desires to pull him closer and push him away dueled inside me.

  Riley led Cash into the pantry with the cat food, and the two of them tended to our albino before settling on the couch, where Cash proceeded to read Riley her favorite book.

  She was letting him in without any of the reservation I felt. I wished I could enjoy it rather than fear it.

  I dished the pasta, listening to Riley giggle and Cash’s deep baritone. “Dinner’s ready,” I announced, setting the plates on the table.

  Riley chattered through dinner while I remained largely silent, lost in my own head.

  I took my time putting Riley to bed, trying to put off having to face Cash when my emotions were still a jumbled mess inside me.

  When I knew I couldn’t put it off any longer and Riley had long since fallen asleep, I made my way downstairs, finding the kitchen spotless and Cash sitting on the couch flipping through the channels. His bright blue eyes found mine, watching me expectantly. The tension crackled between us as the silence stretched.

  “She asleep?” His voice was a deep rasp when he finally spoke.

  I nodded, watching him a bit warily as he stood from the couch and strode toward me intently. He took my hand, his callused one engulfing it as he towed me toward the stairs.

  “What are we doing?” I asked in confusion.

  “I’m taking you to bed. Whatever’s got you all worked up, I’m gonna work it outta you up there. Then we’ll talk,” he stated with sensual authority.

  My breath caught as my heart pounded in response. Apparently my brief hesitation wasn’t fast enough for him, and without warning, he hoisted me up over his shoulder.

  I let out a squeak of surprise that was met with a firm slap on the rear. “Quiet.”

  This was an entirely new level of alpha, and I couldn’t deny that I liked it.

  A lot.

  He carried me up the stairs and down the hall to my room, closing the door behind us and locking it. He stalked toward the edge of the bed before sliding me down his body, allowing me to feel every firm ridge of him as he placed me on my feet, his hands gripping my hips.

  I stared up at him, seeing the lust and need I felt reflected back at me through his gaze.

  In a moment of surprising bravery, I took a step back from him and pulled my shirt over my head. His nostrils flared, pupils dilating as I unbuttoned my jeans, sliding them down and off until I was standing in front of him in nothing but my lavender bra and matching panties.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” he growled, his gaze sweeping over me with raw appreciation that fueled my confidence.

  I slid my hands under his black tee, exploring the smooth skin and firm muscle that I’d ached to touch ever since I first caught sight of him. He reached around to his back and with one hand yanked it off, allowing me the full view of his gorgeous torso. My hands smo
othed over his broad chest greedily, my fingertips tracking down his stomach and in between that delicious V before landing on his belt buckle. His hand came over mine, squeezing, and I looked at him questioningly.

  “I have a very loose hold on my control,” he warned. “And if you touch me right now, this is going to go a hell of a lot faster than I want it to. Lie back for me.” The command was gentle but not to be questioned. My entire body trembled as I gave myself over to him completely, lying back on the bed and awaiting his next move.

  For a few seconds he just stared at me, his hands caressing up and down my legs. With his expression clouded with lust, I’d never felt so desired. Or so turned on. If he didn’t make a move soon, I wouldn’t be able to stop from begging.

  His fingers swept over my breasts, tweaking each nipple with just a bite of pain, something I’d never known I liked or needed. Goose bumps broke out across my skin as he continued his journey down my stomach. “You want me here?” he murmured, his thumb tracing over my panty-covered core.

  I quaked in response, my hips lifting of their own accord. “Yes,” I rasped desperately.

  His hands moved up to my face, his thumb caressing my bottom lip. “How about here?”

  I nodded eagerly, my tongue sweeping out to swirl around his thumb.

  His nostrils flared, his gaze locked on my mouth. “Fuck.” He dropped over me, his body nestled between my thighs. When he pressed himself against me, allowing me to feel just how much he wanted me, we both let out a groan.

  His mouth met mine in a passionate kiss as he reached around, removing my bra. I pressed my heels into his backside, wanting more pressure, needing it. His body over mine, engulfing me, didn’t make me feel small—I felt incredibly powerful. And like this was exactly where and with whom I was supposed to be.

  I let out a small whine that was quickly replaced with a moan when he took my nipple in his mouth, pulling hard. My fingers twisted into his hair, pulling him even closer.

  His tongue swirled over my breasts, moving to my stomach, and then finally, he reached my panties. I nearly cried with relief when he didn’t hesitate in pulling them off, his mouth taking me in a sensual onslaught that had me pressing a hand over my mouth to muffle my cries.


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