Rule: The Finale (Black Hearts Still Beat Book 3)

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Rule: The Finale (Black Hearts Still Beat Book 3) Page 3

by L A Cotton

  “Your mom’s right, sweetheart.” Dad’s eyes were glassy as he levelled me with a hard look. “I won’t hesitate to drive out to wherever you are and teach those black hearted boys some manners.”


  “What?” His serious façade cracked a little. “You’re precious goods, Eva. Besides, it’s a father’s prerogative.”

  “Your dad isn’t wrong.” I’d felt Rafe before I heard him. Slowly, I untangled myself from my parents and went to his side. He hooked his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. “I’ll take good care of her, Mr. and Mrs. Walker. I promise.”

  “I don’t doubt it, son, because if you don’t...” Dad let his warning hang in the air.

  “I gave you my word, Mr. Walker.” Rafe’s grip on me tightened, his silent promise seeping into me.

  We both knew we were walking into a storm. Rafe had told me he’d walked away from Levi after the fight and come straight here. He hadn’t spoken to him since, although Hudson and Damon were constantly blowing up his cell phone. Part of me wondered if he had hoped I would refuse to go back. If Rafe wanted to stay here.

  I’d only had a slice of fame. A couple of weeks of being on tour and performing night after night. Rafe had lived it for the last three years. I couldn’t imagine what that must be like. The band were so close, like brothers really. But there was no space or place to catch your breath. There was always someone around, someone who needed or wanted something.

  “Are you sure about this?” I asked him quietly.

  He frowned. “Are you having second thoughts?”

  My parents watched on as I turned into Rafe, curling my hands into his jacket. “I’m not, I promise. But do you need more time? We can stay here for another day or two. I can speak to Alistair and see if he’ll—”

  “You’re amazing. You know that, right?” A wide smile split Rafe’s lips.

  “I just want you to be okay with this too. If you need more time...”

  “I have everything I need.”

  We’d moved closer, like two lovers lost in their own little bubble.

  Rafe tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “Your dad is throwing me daggers right now, isn’t he?”

  I peeked over at my dad and smothered a giggle. “He’s dealin’.”

  Dad cleared his throat. “He’d deal a lot more if you put a little distance between you and my daughter, son.”

  “Sorry, Mr. Walker.”

  “Tell me I’m not makin’ a huge mistake, Jesse.” He looked at my mom, who unsurprisingly had tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Oh, Gavin,” she patted his chest, “I think we can trust Rafe.” My jaw almost fell open at that. “Oh don’t give me that look, Evangeline Star Walker. I am allowed to have a change of heart, and now that I’ve met Rafe in person—”

  “Okay, Mom.” I pursed my lips. “We really need to get on the road. I’ll call you when we reach Denver.” Slipping out of Rafe’s hold, I gave my parents one last hug. “Thank you, for trustin’ me on this,” I whispered to my dad. He nodded, swallowing thickly.

  “Give ‘em hell, sweetheart. And maybe I’ll get your mom out to a show soon.”

  “I would love that.”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Walker.” Rafe gave them a lingering look before guiding me toward the SUV.

  “Ready?” Travis asked me, opening the door.

  I could have told him my heart was like a runaway train and my palms were clammy, but instead, I held my head high, looked him straight in the eye and channeled my best inner Molly.

  “I was born ready.”


  * * *

  “We’re almost there,” Travis said from upfront. “You might want to wake her.”

  Eva was passed out, her head nestled in my lap. My hand was stroking her hair, her back. Anywhere I could reach. The ride to Denver had been long. So. Fucking. Long. But it had been uneventful enough. Travis and Fenton kept their conversations to a minimum, and I was content sitting next to Eva, soaking up her presence. She calmed me. Had ever since the first time we'd met, at the talent showdown regional in Ploughton. Of course, I hadn’t realized then how important she would become to me. But by the end of our weekend together in Camdena, I knew she was special.

  I knew Evangeline Star Walker had the power to make me want more.

  To be more.

  “Eva.” I brushed her cheek and she murmured. “Starshine, we’re almost here.” Her eyes flickered open and I was pinned to the spot with two ocean blues that saw right inside me.

  “I fell asleep?”

  “Somewhere around St. Louis.”

  She sat up, taming unruly curls off her face. “I’m sorry.”

  “Never be sorry.”

  “Did you sleep at all?” The words were a muffled yawn.

  “I got a few hours.” I had a kink in my neck to prove it.

  “Are the guys here?”

  “Damon texted an hour ago. They’re holed up in the hotel. Alistair wants us to head straight there. Well, after we grab some breakfast. I’m starving.”

  “Okay,” she sounded cool, but I saw a flash of uncertainty in her eyes.

  “I wish I could tell you that everything will be okay, but—”

  “You don’t want to lie to me?” Eva gave me a weak smile.

  “As long as we have each other, we’ll get through it, okay? You and me, Eva. I mean it. Alistair, the band, even Letty, no matter what they say or do, it’s you and me.” I needed her to know that.

  “You think it’ll be that bad?”

  “I don’t know what to expect, but we really fucked the tour and the label over.”

  She dropped her gaze, but I slid my finger under her jaw, tilting her face back to me. “Together, remember? What’s done is done. We can only move forward now.”

  “You’re right.” Eva let out a weary sigh. “I can do this.”

  “We can do this. I’m right here.”

  “We’re here.” Travis called, his announcement dousing us with an icy blast of reality. “There’s a small group of Die Hearts out front, so we’re heading around back to the underground lot.”

  “Die Hearts,” Eva grumbled. “I sure didn’t miss them.”

  “Hey.” I curled my hand around the back of her neck. “I know they can be a lot, but you can’t let them get to you, okay?”

  “Easy for you to say. You didn’t just tear their beloved Black Hearts apart.”

  “Eva, you didn’t...” I stopped myself. I didn’t want to lie to her, and I didn’t know what damage was done yet where the band was concerned.

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  It was fast becoming our motto, but it was the best I could offer her right now. Our relationship had started off based on secrets and lies. I didn’t want it to continue that way. Even if the truth hurt.

  We took longer than we should eating breakfast. I don’t think either of us were in any rush to face the music, but eventually, Travis had suggested we make a move.

  The SUV came to an abrupt halt and Travis and Fenton jumped into action, climbing out and coming around to open our doors. I was used to the routine by now, but I knew Eva still found it overwhelming.

  A pinch of guilt stabbed at my chest. Maybe I should have talked her out of coming back, fought harder for her to stay in Lyme. Eva was small-town, too pure and good for this life. But she deserved to shine. After everything she’d been through, she deserved to fulfil her dreams.

  “What?” she asked as she slid her hand into mine and climbed out of the SUV.

  “Nothing,” I said. “Come on. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get some sleep.”

  “We?” Hope lit up her face, a warm smile playing on her lips.

  “Maybe… if you’re lucky.”

  “If you can tear me away from Letty, you mean.”

  “Something like that,” I mumbled, guiding her into the elevator. Travis entered last, giving us his back. The guy was a mean looking sonofabitch, but he was o
n our side, and I was fucking relieved Eva had him in her corner. I wasn’t always going to be around to shield her from the inevitable storms that would blow our way.

  We rode up to the penthouse in thick silence. Eva was nervous. It was in the way she tapped her finger against her thigh and chewed her lip. I snagged her hand and threaded our fingers together. Her eyes lifted to mine and pulled me under. She didn’t release me until the doors pinged open and Fenton ushered us out.

  Travis brought his wrist to his mouth, whispering something, and then said, “They’re waiting for you.” He flicked his head to where Johnson stood outside the door.

  “Thank you, Travis, for everythin’.”

  “Just don’t run out on me again, okay?” He winked at Eva before nodding sharply at me.


  Eva smiled. “As I’ll ever be.” She took a deep breath and grabbed the door handle. It opened with ease, the low rumble of voices falling silent.

  “Eva?” Letty was first to reach us. “Thank God.” She pulled my girl into her arms and hugged the ever-loving shit out of her.

  “It’s good to see you too, Let.”

  “Shit, sorry.” Letty stepped back. “I’m supposed to be mad at you. And you...” She levelled me with a hard look. “I could beat you into next week. What the fuck were you thinking?”

  “It’s good to see you too,” I grumbled, pushing past them both and moving into the living room.

  “How nice of you to show up.” Hudson kicked his legs up on the glass coffee table, folding his hands behind his head. “Oh wait, you’re two days too late for that.”

  “Hud,” Damon warned. “We said we wouldn’t—”

  “Fuck that, Damon. He screwed up; they both did. And look where it got us.”

  “I didn’t mean to ruin things.” Eva stepped forward. “I’m sorry.”

  “You think sorry is going to fix this? We had to cancel another show. Levi is... well, off doing whatever the fuck Levi wants. The label wants answers. And you...” His cool gaze landed on me. “You fucking bailed on us.”

  “It wasn’t like that and you know it.”

  He leaped up, anger simmering in his hard gaze. “No. What I know is that nothing has been the same since she came onto the scene. I like you, Eva, I do, but you are the worst fucking thing to ever happen to us.” He stomped off into one of the bedrooms, slamming the door behind him. The sound echoed around us, reverberating deep in my chest. Eva sucked in a harsh breath. She was pale beside me, tears streaming down her face.

  “He’ll come around,” Letty said, as she took her hand and squeezed it. “He’s just...”

  “Concerned,” Alistair finished. “We all are. Why don’t we all sit?” He motioned to the huge sectional. Damon was sitting at one end, so we took the other. I pulled Eva into my side, rubbing her shoulder, wishing I could fix this. Letty perched on the arm on Damon’s side, and Alistair sat on the loveseat opposite.

  “We’re glad you decided to return, Eva, but we need to address the huge elephant in the room. You and Rafe.”

  “We know we messed up, and we’re sorry,” she started. “But I won’t apologize for fallin’ in love with Rafe, Mr... Alistair. I can’t do that.”

  “Jesus,” he let out an exasperated breath. “You should have come to me with this. The second it became serious, I should have been informed.”

  “I’m sorry... we didn’t...”

  “He’s not talking to you,” I said. “He’s talking to me.”

  Our manager cut me with a scathing look. “You messed up, Rafe.”

  “I was trying to do the right thing, for everyone.”

  “Well, you failed. Had I have been informed sooner, we could have spun it to our advantage.”

  “You think I wanted to put Eva through that?”

  He slammed his hand down on the table. “Dammit, Rafe, she’s in it whether you like it or not.”

  “Okay, why doesn’t everyone just cool off?” Damon suggested. “Rafe knows he fucked up and Eva thought she was doing the right thing by leaving. We can’t change any of that, but we do need to figure out what we do next. The fans are already talking, it’s all over social media, the press. It’s only a matter of time before they find out the truth, or a messed-up version of it.”

  “We should run an exclusive,” Letty said.

  “Absolutely not,” Alistair said the same time as I grunted, "Hell, no.”

  “Hear me out, okay? If the two of you come out now, we can control the story. Country’s sweetheart meets one of Rock’s heartthrobs. The younger demographic will eat it up.”

  “And the Die Hearts?” I almost spat the words. We couldn’t go public. It was a sure-fire way to hang Eva out to dry.

  “Bigger picture. Eva has already won most fans over. Young girls relate to her. She’s the perfect role model. Overcoming cancer to rise to fame and win the heart of a rock star.” Pride shone in Letty’s eyes as she looked at Eva. “What teenage girl wouldn’t want to buy into that?”

  “It could work.”

  “I’m not sure, Ali—” My girl wrung her hands in her lap.

  “Consider it damage control.” Alistair narrowed his eyes. “We need to sell you as the victim here or the fans will crucify you. You left to protect Rafe and Levi. You walked away for the greater good.”

  “Exactly.” Letty’s eyes lit up the way they did whenever she was scheming. “And Rafe went after her because he realized how much he needs her. How much the band needs her.”

  “Set it up,” Alistair said. “I want a guaranteed exclusive with The Rock Report.”

  “A face-to-face interview would work better,” Letty said. “We’re in Kansas City tomorrow, they should be able to send someone.”

  “Do it.”

  “Wait a second,” I rushed out, hyperaware of how Eva was shrinking in on herself. “We haven’t agreed yet.”

  “Consider this your punishment. I think you’re forgetting who owns you, Rafe. The label needs me to handle this, so I’m handling it. You don’t like it? Then perhaps you should have thought about that before you went against the rules.”

  “Alistair’s right,” Eva whispered. I don’t know who was more surprised. Me, Damon, or Alistair. Letty continued to look proud, grinning at Eva as if she expected nothing less from the quiet girl beside me.

  “Eva,” I said, looking at her. “We don’t have to do this. There’s time to figure out another way.”

  Alistair snorted at that. “I have calls to make. Letty, brief Eva on what to expect. Rafe, a word.”

  Reluctantly, I got up and followed him out of the suite. “Have you spoken to Levi?”

  “No.” I rubbed the back of my neck.

  “He’s okay but he’s refusing to play ball. Given the circumstances, I think it’s best you stay away, for now. We have less than thirty-six hours before the next show. Cancelling is not an option.”

  “Fuck,” I breathed.

  “I’m going to send Eva to talk to him.”

  “Like hell you are.”

  “Look, Rafe, I’m going to level with you. Levi is hurting bad right now and that’s on you. I know Eva had a part to play too. But you’re his brother. His family. His anger is all on you, and as difficult as it makes things, we need to keep it there. Eva is on the tour; she’s in this whether you like it or not. I can’t have him lashing out or making life difficult for her.”

  He had a point, but it was hard to think straight over the jealously coursing through me.

  Alistair wanted to send Eva—my Eva—to try and comfort Levi. I didn’t like it.

  I didn’t like it one fucking bit.

  And yet, a part of me knew if anyone could reach him, it was her.

  “Travis goes with her. He doesn’t leave her side. I mean it, Ali. Levi is volatile. If he hurts...” I swallowed the words. I didn’t believe Levi would ever hurt Eva. But I knew he couldn’t always control himself, and I’d witnessed too many near misses where my brother was concerned.

  “We’ll let her settle first, but I’ll let Travis know. We all knew going into this thing that having Eva here would be a complication.” He didn’t need to say anything else. I knew what he was getting at. I’d looked him in the eye and told him she wasn’t going to be a problem.

  “I never planned for it to go down like this, you know? I love my brother more than anything.”

  “More than her?” His eyes darted back to the door. “Women change things; it’s the age-old tale of man.” Ali clapped me on the shoulder, squeezing gently. “Let’s just hope the band can survive this.”


  * * *

  “It’s so good to see you.” Letty came to my side as soon as Rafe stepped into the hall with Alistair. Her slim arms enclosed me, and I hugged her back. “It’s all going to be okay,” she whispered.

  I wanted to believe her, but Damon caught my gaze over her shoulder and the knot in my stomach tightened.

  “You messed up, Walker,” he said, coolly.

  “It’s Walker now?” I asked as Letty released me.

  “I’m not sure they’ll come back from this. I’ve seen Levi all shades of fucked up, but that was something else.”

  “Damon,” Letty chided.

  “It’s okay. He’s only sayin’ what everyone is thinkin’. I messed up.” If I could rewind time, I would have gone back and chosen to stay. To give Rafe time and space to deal with Levi and wait until things blew over. It was too late though. I couldn’t turn back time, and I had no choice but to own my mistakes.

  “You’re only human, Walker.” Damon’s frown melted away. “Just because you messed up doesn’t mean I’m not happy to see you. Something tells me, we’re going to need you over the next few weeks.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that.

  “Damon’s right, we’re glad you’re here. Don’t let anyone tell you any different, okay?”

  Just then, the door swung open and Riley breezed into the room. “Oh, Eva, you’re back.”

  Letty threw me a bemused look.

  “Riley,” I said tightly. She was the last person I wanted to see.


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