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From Ashes

Page 18

by Amanda Perry

  About the Author

  My name is Amanda Perry, and I have a writing problem. Really, it's true. I've been writing stories for as long as I can remember thanks to my Grandmother who is a scriptwriter.

  When I married the love of my life things got a little crazy and I took a step back from writing for a while. We had our first baby and I became a stay-at-home mama.

  Time flew and my baby became my big kid! While my Big started school, I decided to take up writing again. We became pregnant with our angel baby boy a while later. God decided he needed our baby boy more, but a few months later blessed us with our youngest child. My Little has become very active lately and keeps us all on our toes.

  While my spare time is minimal, I do enjoy dancing with strangers in casinos, googling odd facts, and drinking my weight in Diet Coke. My family means everything to me, and in that, I include a few close friends.

  Writing is my passion and as long as I'm able, I'll continue to pursue my dream.

  Also by Amanda Perry

  Chosen Storm

  Hidden Embers

  Burning Roses

  From Ashes

  Silver Lining

  Fostering Hope

  Finding Serenity

  Co-Authored with AJ Anders

  * * *

  Fangers, Furries, and Fruit Flies, Oh My! Book

  On the Edge of Forever

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