Scholomance 6: The Devil's Academy

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Scholomance 6: The Devil's Academy Page 8

by Logan Jacobs

  “That was an incredible amount of power to use, master,” Morgana added in a faint voice. “Even if it was well overdue.”

  “I know,” I panted.

  I turned around and snatched the precious Defero stone before I shoved it deep inside my cloak pocket. As I did so, my legs felt weak like jelly, and my head was throbbing with an unbearable kind of pain like someone was repeatedly stabbing my skull with a sharpened blade. It was even difficult to breathe normally, but still, I knew my work was not yet finished.

  “We need to get to the roof,” I whispered.

  “What?” Beatrix asked with wide, dark eyes. “No, we should leave… surely there must be more guards on their way--”

  “What did we say about questioning our master?” Akira hissed.

  “But--” the light-haired brunette protested, but I already had my wand aimed at them.

  “Hos parere imperio,” I muttered, and in seconds, we were wrapped in a cloud of shimmering purple smoke.

  As we tumbled through space, I envisioned the castle’s rooftop and willed our bodies to stand on top of the palace safely. Then, in mere moments, we found ourselves exactly where I wanted us to be.

  I gazed down, and we must have been thousands of feet up in the air. The people below us were no bigger than ants, and we were so high up that birds were flying under us. The wispy, white clouds passed by us like a veil of smoke as we stood there, like deadly gods, gazing down upon our mortal slaves.

  “Cole,” Faye whispered as she stood by my side, “so, are you going to do it? Are you going to kill them all?”

  “Yes,” I affirmed. “Every… single… last… one.”

  “Unholy shittttt,” Akira snickered in an exaggerated and excited voice. “This is going to be fucking epic.”

  “Shall we help you, Cole?” Circe asked in a demure voice. “Your body has already taken a great toll… perhaps we should recite the incantation together.”

  “Is it the same one you used earlier?” Beatrix asked in a small, embarrassed voice. “When you stopped the rain?”

  “Yes,” I replied without looking at her. “Everyone, pull out your wands and aim them at the sky. Picture the most chaotic forces of nature obeying your will and bring hell down upon these holy-worshipping motherfuckers.”

  The women did as they were told, and I took a deep, sharp breath as I stared into the open sky and willed the elements to obey my silent commands. I pictured a blood-filled storm, and I imagined the ocean with fire for waves consuming the streets and burning everything in its path.

  When my heart was filled with hate and vengeance, I briefly looked at the others and then nodded.

  “Now,” I commanded as I gazed back down at the holy kingdom of Ved Havet. “Kill them all.”

  “Yes, master,” my coven echoed obediently before they cut their palms open with the secare spell.

  Beatrix and Circe also split their skin open as I cut into my flesh, and when we were all bleeding, I was ready to destroy every last mortal.

  “Interficiam carne mea, mutata tempestate,” we chanted in unison.

  In seconds, the sky darkened to crimson, and soon, the sound of thunder rang through the air. Thick, fat droplets of blood began to pour down onto the kingdom, and the sound of confused and terrified screams echoed up from the ground. As the rain grew heavier, I looked out toward their beloved ocean, and with all my willpower, I beckoned the water to boil enough to melt the skin off people’s bones.

  Soon, the waves grew as tall as buildings and came crashing down upon the streets of Ved Havet. More and more petrified screams reverberated through the blood-filled air, and I watched as the scorching water began to drown and burn people alive.

  No one was safe from our wrath as the scalding water began to bring houses down and crush everyone inside. Churches, inns, taverns, and all forms of livelihood crumbled into the water, and the rancid, overwhelming smell of burned skin filled the air. When the screams slowly died down, and we were left staring out at a flooded, dead city, my heart was filled with peace. Even those who sought refuge in this damn castle would soon have nowhere to go. The entire kingdom was flooded with steaming water, and it would stay that way for all eternity.

  Before anyone could remark on the glorious anarchy we had summoned, I heard a voice inside my head as we were wrapped up in a cloud of familiar purple smoke.

  Well done, Cole, the woman from my dreams echoed. You gave them what they deserved.

  Then we were tossed and turned through realms, and in minutes, we found ourselves back in Theodora’s office, where a warm fire was crackling and soft music was playing. My entire body felt weak, hollow, and exhausted, but I still managed to pull myself up from Theodora’s floor and look around the room.

  “You were successful,” Theodora stated as she sat at her desk.

  She was wearing a deep blue velvet dress, and her dark hair was up in a neat bun. She quickly stepped away from her chair and strolled over to me, with her eyes locked onto my pocket.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “If you’d please, Cole,” she said as she opened her hand.

  “Err, right,” I said as I remembered the stone.

  I reached into my pocket and wrapped my fingers around the cold, rough exterior. Despite its somewhat generous size, the Defero felt light as a feather when I retrieved it from my cloak. For a moment, I studied its extraordinary, exotic beauty, and the small, diamond clusters ebbed within its ebony core. The light refracted off the stone and shone along the wall like starlight, and I found myself unable to look away.

  “Beautiful, is it not?” Theodora chuckled.

  “Yes.” I nodded before I quickly placed it into the palm of her hand.

  “A Defero can have a strange effect on those it comes into contact with,” Headmistress Theodora commented as she twirled the stone in her hand. “The effects are like an intoxicating drug… but alas, you are strong in mind and spirit, and therefore, it does not possess the same power over you, Cole.”

  “Good to know,” I answered with a sigh.

  Theodora glanced at each of us, and a small smile broke across her face.

  “You all must be terribly exhausted,” she remarked.

  “Yes, Headmistress,” Nyx muttered as she rubbed at her temples. “I’m completely drained… I can’t even begin to imagine how Cole must feel.”

  “Pretty wiped,” I chuckled.

  “Then, off with you all.” Theodora smiled and pointed to the door. “Get a good night’s rest… tomorrow will be your first class since the attack.”

  “Yes, Headmistress,” the women responded before we headed toward the door.

  I began to follow the witches out of the office, but then Theodora’s soft voice stopped me in my tracks.

  “Well done, Cole,” she repeated. “I truly mean that.”

  “Of course, Headmistress,” I responded before I turned to flash her a tired but genuine smile. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” she replied before I left her office and closed the door.

  “Can you guys believe how fucking awesome we are?” Akira squealed in delight as we headed down the empty corridors. “I mean… we took out an entire kingdom.”

  “Your powers are extraordinary for Wiccas your age,” Circe said in a soft voice. “I must admit… I was taken aback. Now, if you don’t mind, I will be heading up to my quarters. Goodnight.”

  Before she turned around, her vibrant, blue, serpentine eyes bored into mine, and then she graced me with an almost seductive smile. My entire body coursed with electricity as I watched her stroll around a corner and then disappear from view.

  “She’s a little weird and quiet,” Nyx said once she was gone, “but I think she’s cool.”

  “She’s more advanced than us,” Morgana said with wide, blue eyes. “I think that’s certainly a benefit… imagine what we can learn from her? Especially in the classroom.”

  “Speaking of classrooms,” Beatrix yawned. “I’d better retire for the ni
ght as well… see you all in the morning.”

  We bade the light-haired brunette goodbye before she disappeared down the hall, and when it was just my coven and me, we continued to make our way to the common room.

  As soon as we stepped into our private quarters, Alexander flew by my side and then nipped fiercely at my earlobe.

  “Ouch!” I exclaimed. “Man, what the hell was that for?”

  For disappearing, he yelled. You inconsiderate prick! You had Silvia and I worried sick.

  “Satan, sorry,” I groaned as I rubbed at my throbbing ear. “Next time, a small lecture will do. No need to get physical.

  I should slap you with my wing, he continued, but this time, I’ll let you off with a warning.

  “How considerate,” I muttered.

  Unlike you, he huffed. Well, now that I know you’re alive… we’ll be going back to sleep.

  “Goodnight, asshole.” I smirked as he flew to a corner to snuggle next to Silvia.

  The room was empty aside for the two lovebirds, so I imagined the other familiars were all in their rooms.

  “I’m off to bed,” Akira yawned. “That was one hell of a night… or day… or however time works through that fucking realm.”

  “Me, too,” Faye said as she stretched. “Goodnight, master.”

  “Yeah, goodnight, master,” Morgana added. “Sleep well. We have class tomorrow.”

  “He knows, Morgana,” Vesta purred as she played with a shimmering, sage-green lock of hair. “Thank Satan… I’m back to my beautiful form.”

  “Fucking hell,” Penelope muttered as she rolled her eyes. “Goodnight, master.”

  “Goodnight, everyone,” I replied as they slowly clambered up the stairs and into their bedrooms.

  Because of my exhausted state of mind, it took me a moment to realize Nyx was still standing there at the foot of the stairwell and just looking at me.

  “Err, master,” she said before she looked down at her feet. “I don’t have a room yet…”

  “Oh, of course,” I said as I slapped my forehead. “How could I forget? Sorry, it has been a long night. Come along. I’ll make you one.”

  “But master,” she began, “I don’t want to exert you. You already used so much magic back there.”

  “Do not think twice about it.” I smiled. “I’d be more than happy to provide you with a bedroom. You are one of mine, after all, and I want to take care of you.”

  “Thank you, master,” she answered with a small blush.

  “Let’s go,” I said as I made my way up the stairs.

  We both headed into the narrow hallway, where there was a row of bedroom doors, and I glanced at the sapphire blue witch and then flashed her a warm smile.

  “Well?” I chuckled. “Where do you want yours to be? Between Akira and Morgana… or perhaps between Penelope and Faye… or…?”

  “I think I’ll take a space at the end of the line,” the blue-skinned witch answered with a slow shrug. “Doesn’t matter which one.”

  “Very well,” I said before I rolled up my sleeves and then aimed my wand at the bare space on the right. “Here goes nothing.”

  I cleared my throat and narrowed my eyes at the space. I envisioned a room that would match Nyx’s laid-back personality, but also one that would be both comfortable and stylish for the cool and collected Wicca.

  When I felt as if I was ready, I flicked my wrist and recited the incantation.

  “Crescere per voluntatem meam!”

  Instantly, a door appeared among the others, and I could feel my energy draining as all the items I pictured inside my mind became existent behind the closed door. When the spell was complete, I sucked in a sharp breath of air and then turned to look at Nyx.

  “It’s finished.” I grinned. “Do you want to step inside and take a look?”

  “Only if we do it together,” she murmured with a mischievous glint in her indigo eyes.

  I chuckled before I gently pushed the door open and then stared at a sapphire blue bedroom with a queen-sized bed placed in the center. A sheer canopy hung over the deep blue satin sheets, and the bed was decorated with patterned pillows and woven blankets. There were dozens of herbs hanging from the ceiling, and by a small, wooden desk at the end of the room, I noticed a row of variously shaped pipes. Gold pots and jars of exotic flowers littered the floor, and there were rows of candles glowing in each corner of the room.

  The entire bedroom was tinted a deep blue, just like Nyx’s velvety skin, and the warm glow emitting from the candles along with the scent of spiced herbs sent a pleasant thrill through my body.

  “Do you like it?” I asked as I turned to her.

  “I do,” she breathed with wide eyes. “Thank you, master. It’s… it’s wonderful. Better than I could have even dreamed. You know me so well.”

  “Of course,” I answered. “I’ll leave you to it, then--”

  As I turned around, Nyx reached out to snatch my hand and looked at me with half-hooded eyes. Then she bit down on her lip and took a step closer toward me.

  “I want to thank you properly, master,” she whispered into my ear.

  When she stepped back, she was already unfastening her buttons, and in an instant, all my dwindling energy returned to its full strength. Blood rushed to my cock as she slowly began to strip naked for me, and when she was only garbed in a forest-green lace bralette and panties, I smiled in pure satisfaction.

  Tonight was going to be a very long night.

  Chapter 7

  “Fuck,” I growled as I marveled at Nyx’s slender and perfectly sculpted form.

  Her flat stomach glowed purple beneath the red firelight, and the curves of her perky, but voluptuous breasts moved up and down with each quick breath she took. Her eyes were glistening with lust and desire, and I could see a small wet patch already spreading in between her legs.

  “Do you want me, master?” she asked as she bit down on her blue lip. “Do you want to thrust your thick cock inside my tight wet pussy?”

  Her bright indigo eyes trailed down to the bulge inside my pants, and then a small coquettish smile spread across her flushed face. Before I could respond, she quickly got down on her knees and tried to reach for my zipper, but before she could get carried away, I made sure to remind her who was in charge.

  “I do want you, Nyx,” I said as I placed a finger under her chin and then raised her head to meet my eyes, “but if you want a taste of my cock… you’re going to have to beg for it.”

  “Oh, master,” she pouted. “Please… grace me with your unholy cock. I want to feel your throbbing member inside my cunt and have your hot seed fill me up to the brim. I need you more than any drug, and I haven’t stopped thinking about the night you made me yours. Please, take me tonight and fuck me until the sun rises.”

  “Is that so?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “You can’t think about anything else other than my cock deep inside your starving pussy?

  “Yes, master,” she sighed as she rocked her hips forward, and I knew she was eager to undress me. “Please, fuck me again. Fuck me until I scream your name and the entire castle is flooded with jealousy.”

  “Well, since you asked so nicely… I suppose I can give in to your wishes.” I grinned. “After all… you did a marvelous job in Ved Havet. It would be a waste not to give in to your desires, and I consider myself to be a benevolent master.”

  “You are, sir,” she purred, “and your cock is just as benevolent, but I need it inside me… more than anything. Please… but before you enter me… I want to suck your delicious dick and take you deep inside my hungry mouth.”

  The desperation in her eyes filled me with a feral kind of thrill, and the way she moaned and begged for my cock only continued to turn me on. However, I wanted to make her squirm with desire before I gave her my answer, and I knew every passing second was slowly killing her inside.

  “Fine… you may proceed,” I answered after a long moment. “Take me into your mouth but be sure to swallow every fuc
king inch of me. I want to fuck the back of your throat and hear you gag for more.”

  “Oh, yes, master,” Nyx breathed. “I will… I promise you.”

  In seconds, the blue-skinned witch had unzipped my pants while I unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it aside. When my erect cock sprung into view, Nyx’s eyes went as wide as dinner plates, and she licked her lips like there was a five-course meal in front of her and she hadn’t eaten in days.

  “Hmmm, feeling greedy, are we?” I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

  “Ooooh, yessssss, master,” she moaned before she flashed me a small grin. “You’re sooooo hard… and your cock is sooooo beautiful… I need it.”

  Before I could say another word, the horned witch wrapped her soft hands around my shaft, and then, without breaking eye contact with me, she leaned forward and swirled her tongue along my throbbing tip.

  “Hmmmmmm,” she slurped and hummed. “Sooooo delicious.”

  “Shut up and put me into your mouth,” I growled before I grabbed a fistful of her cobalt blue hair.

  “Yes, sir,” she said as her lips curled up into a small smile.

  Then the eager sapphire-skinned witch took me entirely inside her warm, wet mouth and began to bob her head up and down along my length. As she moved in slow motions, her eyes flicked upward to meet mine, and she stared at me with love and devotion as she ran her hot tongue along my underside and then back up to my flared tip. Her eyes were brimming with wild desire as she began to move her head faster, and as she worked her head up and down along my shaft, she took me deeper inside her mouth. When the tip of my cock finally scraped the back of her throat, she gagged, and tears welled up in her eyes.

  “That’s it,” I groaned as I bucked my hips forward and ventured deeper inside her eager throat. “Keep going… that’s it… good girl.”

  The horned witch hummed and glugged along my pulsating shaft, and I continued to guide her head along my cock in faster motions. I didn’t go too quickly, though, because I wanted to savor this moment.

  We had all night long to enjoy ourselves.

  “Hmmmmmmm,” Nyx moaned as I began to move her head in slower motions.


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