Angelina's Secret

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Angelina's Secret Page 10

by Diane Merill Wigginton

  “What a lovely gown, Lady Barrett. That shade of yellow plays well with your eyes.” I tried to sound as sincere as possible without choking on my lie. Truth is, the color of her gown only added to her already yellowed complexion.

  “Thank you so very much, Lady Stewart. You are too kind,” she said as she kept touching Jude’s arm possessively. “Jude has been so kind introducing me around to all of his friends.”

  My eyes meeting his as she spoke, her voice—a culmination of a whine and nasal—grated on my nerves. I made note of his placid demeanor and wondered at the root cause of it.

  “And how long have you known the Duke, Lady Barrett?” I asked with curiosity burning inside of me. Or was it something else that had me seeing red? The simpering pawing creature and her whiny irritating voice drove me to distraction.

  “My husband, the late Lord Barrett and Jude’s parents were very old friends,” she said.

  I bet they were, I thought to myself.

  “We spent many a holidays with the Deveraux’s on their estate in France. Jude has always been such a delight to be around,” she cooed, turning to look at him and press her breasts against his arm as she squealed like a young girl.

  If you ask me, she was trying too hard and I, for one, was getting ill standing this close to her.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you, Lady Barrett. So nice to see you again, Honore, Lord Deveraux, but if you would excuse us now Sarah was just saying how terribly famished she was,” I announced, slightly rushed as I smiled brilliantly at Honore and avoided Jude’s eyes all together. I couldn’t stand watching Lady Barrett drape herself across Jude one moment longer. With that I took Sarah’s arm and headed for the farthest refreshment table I could find.

  I could hear Jonathan saying something to Jude and Honore behind me as I chanced a look back. Jude had a rakish smile on his face as those piercing blue eyes of his followed my retreat.

  “What was that about, Angelina? I never said that I was hungry,” Sarah inquired as I pulled her across the lawn headed for the other side and as far away from Jude’s probing eyes.

  “I think I have been in the sun too long without an umbrella. I am getting light headed and I need something to drink,” I said in hopes that my veiled lie would do the trick.

  “Your cheeks do look a bit flushed. Here, drink this.” Handing me a glass of sparkling wine she took off the table as we passed by. “Let’s get you inside and some food in your stomach,” she said, fussing over me all the way to the main house.

  Jonathan caught up to us as we entered the house through wide opened doors. “Angelina, what was that all about? Don’t you think you were being a bit rude?” Jonathan asked as he lowered his voice next to my ear.

  “Wait here while I get some food. Jonathan don’t leave her alone, Angelina got too much sun and feels light headed,” Sarah sweetly told me as she left the table to rest.

  “I couldn’t look at that woman’s over abundance spilling out of her gown like a cheap tramp one second longer, Jonathan. Did you see her? Better yet did you hear that grating voice? I thought I would be ill,” I nearly screamed at him between my teeth as I tried not to cause a scene.

  “Was that the problem?” he said speculatively, “or was it that she was hanging all over Jude?” As his face lit up with a large grin I was transported back in time when I was eight years old again. Jonathan had always been a terrible tease and right now was not the time, nor was I in the mood.

  “Did you not hear Sarah? I was getting light headed and slightly nauseous,” I insisted. “Besides if I had to listen to Lady Barrett squeal again I might have slapped her.”

  “Someone has a jealous streak. I must say you have always worn green well, my dear.” Jonathan laughed at me with enough distance between us that I couldn’t punch his arm like I did when we were children.

  “Stop teasing me so, Jonathan. It’s unbecoming. I just need some food in my stomach. You really should be fussing over Sarah and leave me be for now,” I sweetly said.

  “I think I will go help Sarah with the food. Don’t move and I will be right back.” And with that, Jonathan was off to find Sarah.

  Oh, thank heavens. I don’t think that I could take anymore of his teasing just now. The quiet was nice and so was the parade of people passing by.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I felt a prickling feeling go up my spine as if someone was watching me. Turning my head slowly to the right then to the left, I couldn’t see anyone leering sinisterly at me.

  “I just needed to be sure that you were feeling all right,” Jude’s un-mistakable voice said from behind me.

  Visibly jumping from the start he gave me, I turned around to find Jude standing behind me and he was missing his lap dog. I had no way of knowing just how long he had been there. But there he stood.

  “May I?” Jude asked gesturing with his hand toward the chair next to me. “I was concerned and wanted to see for myself that nothing was wrong. You looked a little flushed when you left so suddenly,” he said, pulling out the chair next to mine.

  “Yes, thank you for your concern, but I’m fine, just too much sun. I hope you didn’t leave your special friend alone on my account,” I said so innocently with sweetness dripping from my lips not daring to look at him.

  “As delightful as Lady Barrett can be, I didn’t come today to tarry with her.”

  Looking up to read his face and gauge his true meaning, my eyes strayed to his lips a moment too long before meeting his eyes. A slow grin played on his mouth and I felt my cheeks color slightly.

  “What happened to Honore? Surely you didn’t desert him to check on me,” I said, trying to hide my embarrassment.

  “I am sure Lady Barrett can find someone else to entertain her. As for Honore, he is always able to find companionship to entertain himself.” Jude reached over taking my hand in his and checking my pulse. “You do feel a bit warm and your pulse is racing.” Gauging my response as I suddenly looked down. I tried to pull my hand free of his grip as he tightened his grasp.

  “I would ask you to please return my hand to me, sir.” Trying to remain civil as my heart raced from his probing touch, I felt my face flush crimson.

  Moving his chair closer, he maintained his grasp on my hand and his intense eye contact. “I only wish to gauge the severity of your heart, I mean your condition.” He flashed me a wry half-smile, and narrowed his eyes as he leaned in closer. “I believe, my lady, that you are getting worse.” Using his free hand, he reached up to touch my cheek and forehead.

  I nibbled on my bottom lip to hide the pleasure that his touch brought as his fingers trailed across my cheek and his thumb played with my swollen lip where I had chewed it. Using my fan to cool the heat I felt, I prayed he would stop before I was completely undone by his touch.

  Reaching hesitantly to take his hand from my face, I was fascinated by the long tapered fingers. They had been well groomed but were somehow still manly, not the hands of one who had never labored with them, but strong, masculine hands.

  “You truly can return to your festivities without further concern over my welfare. I am in excellent hands,” I said as breathing suddenly became difficult.

  “Yes, madam, you are truly in good hands, of that I can assure you.” I was pondering his meaning, which seemed to have more than just one implication, as Jonathan and Sarah returned with an assortment of delectable delights for us all to consume.

  “So good of you to join us, old man,” Jonathan exclaimed, reaching out his hand to Jude as he instructed the two gentlemen following him where to set down the trays of food and drinks. “What happened to Lady Barrett and Honore?” Jonathan asked as he attentively focused on Sarah.

  “They found their own means of entertainment. I was worried about Lady Stewart and I thought I might come and check on her.” Sitting back down, Jude turned his full attention back to me. “I found her in quite a state. It seems she got quite over heated,” Jude stated, taking one of the glasses off the re
freshment tray and handing it to me, which I took from him gratefully and drank deeply.

  “Are we intending to talk all day and night of my condition, or is someone going to pass me some food?” I complained, finding my voice again. And yet the tingling of my lip where he had touched them lingered.

  Sarah passed me a fork and knife as Jonathan passed a plate to me. The conversation flowed and the camaraderie was sincere as we ate and made merry. An hour later, I felt that strange sensation once again. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, and I felt a prickling up my spine causing me to shiver slightly. I had a strong feeling that I was being watched as I looked around to see who it might be. But evening had begun to descend and the shadows held their own secrets.

  “Are you cold, Lady Stewart? Do you want me to fetch your wrap?” Jude inquired as he leaned over, placing his hand on my arm.

  “Please, I think we have moved beyond such formalities, call me Angelina. And I think I will be fine for now, maybe later,” attempting what I hoped was a sincere smile while trying to push the eerie feeling aside.

  The guests had begun to show their true colors as some had indulged far too much and fallen asleep on tables and benches, their makeup smeared and beauty marks no longer in their original placements. Others had to be helped to carriages and sent home.

  Tables were cleared off of the huge veranda and the orchestra began to play. King George and Princess Charlotte danced the first waltz, and halfway through, lords, dukes and ladies alike joined in as the true essence of the Venetian Breakfast party began.

  The four of us enjoyed ourselves as Honore and his latest conquest, a Miss Elizabeth Gray, joined us. She was very lovely dressed in a white gown trimmed in pale blue satin ribbons with a delicate floral design around the bodice and sleeves. She stood only three inches shorter than Honore who was very taken with Miss Gray at the moment. Her heart-shaped face turned upward as he whispered something to her which left a smile lingering on both of their lips.

  “Honore seems to be very content at the moment,” I said, turning to Jude, noting that he had been staring at me.

  “He is until he isn’t any longer,” he replied very noncommittal.

  “Would you say your friend is fickle?” I asked, trying to make conversation.

  “Not fickle, particular would be a better word,” Jude answered as he turned his eyes to his dear friend. “Honore says that he will know the right one when he meets her. But until then he must talk to as many lovely maidens as he can,” Jude finished, then turned his full attention back to me.

  “I see. So he feels inclined to sample from all the lovely cakes and pastries on display to find out which flavor suits him best,” I stated.

  “Yes, that would probably be right. And what of you, Lady Angelina, how would you go about conducting your affairs?” He asked directly while studying my reaction to his personal question.

  “I suppose that would depend on what exactly is meant by conducting my affairs? I answered, turning the question back on him.

  “I saw you earlier with Lord Darcy Montgomery and it looked very intimate.”

  “Things are not always as they seem. Sometimes one’s eyes deceive them, Lord Deveraux,” I quipped, as I could feel my blood beginning to boil when I recalled my earlier conversation with Darcy.

  “Please call me Jude. As you pointed out earlier, we have moved beyond such formalities. So you don’t know Lord Montgomery well?”

  “Oh, but I do know Lord Montgomery well, sir, and I take exception to the sincerity of your questioning,” I said as my agitations began to show.

  “I see,” Jude said pensively.

  “No, I don’t think you do see, and I would thank you to speak of someone else. Anyone else would do.” Turning my head to look for Sarah and Jonathan on the dance floor as tears began to sparkle in my eyes. Tears of sadness for what Darcy had done to my friend. Tears of anger for what he had said to me earlier and the fear his words stirred in me. I dabbed at the corners of my eyes with a finger.

  “Would you care to dance then?” Turning to face Jude with my mask of society firmly in place, he was standing by my chair offering me his hand. Placing my hand in his, I let him lead me to the dance floor as a new waltz began to play.

  The tension was thick between us as we began to dance.

  “Lovely weather we are having, don’t you think?” Jude commented, as we turned around the floor. Looking up slowly to see if I heard him correctly, a half smile played across his lips, so I figured I would play along.

  “Yes. I was just telling the ladies at our last sewing circle how incredible the weather has been. Right after I told them about the latest needlepoint I had been working on. You forgot to compliment me on my dress, Mr. Deveraux,” I said mockingly, trying not to laugh as the corners of his mouth turned up further.

  “Angelina, my dear, do you truly think that any man gives a whit about a lady’s gown and whether or not it was tailor made? It is not the stitch that turns the blood to boil.” His eyes suddenly turning a deeper shade of blue as the full meaning of his words hit home. Suddenly I felt very warm and the tension between us was different.

  Tightening his grip about my waist as he held me so close it was nearly scandalous. “Extraordinary,” is all he said as we continued around the dance floor.

  The song finally ended and I moved to leave the floor but was hindered by his hand still around my waist. Looking to his face for an answer, a shadow moved across it and his lips worked to form words that never were said out loud.

  “Hello, son, your Poppy and I would be most pleased if you would introduce us to your friend,” came the feminine voice behind Jude, as his mother placed the emphasis on “your friend.”

  Both of us turned around to find a very tall, elegantly dressed woman, with raven-black hair and eyes the color of sapphires, staring directly at me. She was holding the arm of a handsomely dressed older man who chose to give his wife free rein while he remained silent.

  There was no doubt in my mind who she was, and by the tone in her voice I was about to face an inquisition or worse.

  “Mama, Papa, it is so good to see you.” Kissing his mother first on one cheek and then the other, and then repeating the whole thing with his father I stood frozen in place by the chill radiating from the woman’s eyes.

  “Please, where are my manners? Papa, Mama, may I present to you Lady Angelina Marguerite Amelia Stewart. Lady Stewart, if you please, this is my father, Prime Minister of France, Count Philippe Gerard Deveraux, and his beautiful and gracious wife, my mother, Countess Genevieve Sophia Deveraux of Bordeaux.

  I dropped to a proper curtsy and bowed my head. “It is a pleasure to meet you both,” I said with a pleasant smile pasted to my face.

  “We noticed you both made a handsome couple dancing the waltz, so tall and striking,” Jude’s father said as his wife glared at him.

  “How did you come to be introduced to my son, Miss Stewart?” Lady Deveraux asked.

  “Lady Stewart, Mother,” Jude corrected.

  “Yes, of course, please forgive me.”

  “We met a few weeks ago at my family’s home. Lord Deveraux and my brother attended school together,” I answered, turning toward Jude.

  “I do believe we were introduced to your parents earlier today. Your mother is a very lovely woman,” Lady Deveraux said, trying to be polite.

  “Your father is very knowledgeable in regards to importing and exporting. I enjoyed our talk,” his father replied, giving his wife a look that I did not yet understand.

  “Your father and I have been in London for five weeks now and still you have been by to visit me only two times. I will be expecting you to come by this week without fail,” his mother said, giving him such a guilt-filled look he had no choice but to cater to her.

  “Mama, you know that I am here on business and I have been busy. I promise that I will get by to see you and Poppy before the end of the week,” he assured her. His words intended to placate his mother.r />
  “Genevieve, darling, we must be going now. The night is still young, but we are not. I feel we have delayed these two from their fun long enough,” Philippe said to his wife as he tried to lead her away. Looking up I could see unspoken words pass between Jude and his mother. A secret code passed between mother and son before she turned and walked away with her husband, glancing back one last time to give me the once over.

  I turned on my heels and headed in the opposite direction passing our table. I just kept going. I needed some air, which was funny because the enormous dance floor was outdoors.

  The gardens were alight with thousands of lanterns, and I needed distance. I headed toward the topiaries at the other end of the royal gardens and as far away from Jude as I could get. Anger mingled with humiliation fueled my escape. I could hear Jude behind me, but I didn’t slow down.

  Breathing hard at this point because I was nearly running and my tight corset restricted my ability to breathe deeply, I didn’t even know exactly what it was that I was running from. I just knew I needed space.

  When he grabbed my arm, I came to a sudden stop as I gasped for air. Jude grasped my shoulders, shaking me like a rag doll. My wig toppled to the ground and pins flew as copper strands tumbled down, spilling over my shoulders.

  “Why didn’t you stop? Didn’t you hear me calling after you? What is wrong?” Jude’s anger was mixed with frustration as he tried to make sense of his own feelings.

  “Help me, please. I cannot breathe,” my words came out in short gasps for air before I went limp.

  Spinning me around while holding me against his left arm, he proceeded to unlace the top portion of my gown. Reaching into the pocket of my gown, he retrieved the dagger and cut the top laces of my corset. The air flooded into my lungs in one giant gasp as my knees gave out. Placing the dagger between his teeth, he picked me up in his arms, like one would a hurt child, and carried me toward a bench void of light. It was probably extinguished by the bench’s previous occupants.


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