The Willing Prey

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The Willing Prey Page 16

by Scarlett Sunday

  Welland stood legs apart looking at Tanis with a grin on his face and a glint in his eye. “Thanks, Tanis. Sweet Jesus! Where did you learn to fight like that?” He laughed. “You’ve ruined my new carpet, and from the look on your face, I’d say you enjoyed doing it. I’ve never seen a woman fight like you do Tanis. If I were any judge, I would say you’ve done it all before. Why did you kill them though?”

  The madness still in her eyes Tanis said. “Stop the brain, and you stop the man Welland. If I didn’t kill them, their brains would be alive to plot again. Now they are gone from this life. I don’t want to talk about it, they had to die… It was my judgment. The strong always survive the weak. They were pathetic in battle. It’s a natural law, my friend. My law.” Her look of command silenced him. “It’s over now, so forget it. The sentence carried out. One day soon, you more than most will understand all.” The madness faded from her eyes, and she changed back into the beautiful Tanis he’d met earlier. What he didn’t know, she was hungry now, but not for food.

  “You had better cover up Tanis, everything’s hanging out.” He took his blazer off and placed it on her bloodstained shoulders with tenderness. “Here, take this for now Tanis. Later we’ll find something more appropriate for you to wear.”

  “Thanks, Welland, you’re a gentleman.”

  The fight had lasted no more than two minutes. To Tanis, it had been one of many battles. One or two prominent figures with something to hide had already fled the scene. There were enough credible witnesses around though to prove the fact. The fight had been in self-defence. The five thugs had come with a purpose, which all had heard declared. For them, things had gone pear-shaped when Tanis had entered the fray. Five dead and four of them killed in quick succession. By a woman who’d turned into something from their worst nightmares.

  The room filled with a low hum from the stunned audience. The people had never seen anything like it before and didn’t want to see anything like it again. All, except for the self-styled Japanese Samurai, Yakuza, and dangerous psychopath. Who sat in the corner watching her with keen interest? He’d seen it all before. Now he studied her with renewed curiosity. She fights like a demon?

  The police arrived, a middle-aged Sergeant and a young WPC. They checked with the beetle-like doctor first. Welland’s two doormen were dead. Their throats slit with quiet efficiency. The law looked towards Tanis and Welland as the doctor pointed them out. They now, with Jean, sat in quiet solitude at Welland’s table sipping orange juice.

  Jean had stayed as a witness. Her client waited at her table for reasons of her own. The young WPC came over and nodded to Jean in recognition. She unfastened her stab-proof vest. Took a small notebook from beneath her tight uniform jumper. Then began to question them, looking at Tanis with more than casual interest.

  Tanis looked back. Jean seems to know her. I’ll bet she’s the one who’s come out of the closet. Boy! Is she attractive in that uniform! She reminds me of Aysher? Tanis sensed Helen’s thoughts and smiled. The berserk light gone from her eyes but still covered in the blood of her victims, she said, “Excuse me for a moment please Constable, I must go and wash up. I’m a bloody mess.”

  “I’ll come with you, Madam. Until I’ve questioned you, I must keep you in sight.”

  “Please yourself.” Tanis rose and went towards the women’s restroom accompanied by the young police officer. Entering, she hung Welland’s jacket from a hook. In silence, she took her blood-soaked blouse off. Which left her in only her panties. She threw the bloodstained cloth into the bin and started to wash her breasts and face with a hand towel. She would have done the same at any nearby beck after a battle and thought nothing of it. When she had finished, she put Welland’s coat back on and turned to face the young police officer.

  Who, watching her with interest, said. “You look in a bit of a mess Madam. You must have been close to the fight.”

  Tanis answered, “I was. I’m afraid I’ve nothing to wear but this coat and towel Constable.” Christ! She looks attractive in that tight uniform. She could feel the wings of emotion in her stomach start the moisture of want in her velvet. She sensed Helen’s thoughts.

  ‘It looks like Welland’s missed out tonight Tanis?’

  The young officer smiled. “I might be able to help.” She took her jumper off and handed it to Tanis. “Here, borrow this, it will keep you warm. I still have my stab-proof vest and topcoat in the car.”

  As Tanis slipped the tight sweater over her head, she became aware of the natural smell of its owner. Sensing the young WPC’s eyes studying her body she smiled. When her head appeared through the sweater’s tight neckline, she considered her young escort’s eyes. “Thank you, Constable. It feels good and tight against my skin.” She took a deep breath and noticed the young woman blushing. “I’m sorry if I embarrass you, I don’t mean to.”

  “Oh! That’s all right. I had to go with you in case you tried to do a runner. Some of the girls would have. I don’t think you would though. We had better go back inside now, or my sergeant will think something is going on between us. He’s quite capable of coming in here if he has to.”

  Tanis smiled. “What’s your name?”

  “Kathy Wade.”

  “Mine’s Helen Tanis Napier. All my friends call me Tanis. Let’s go back in and get on with it. I take it I’m not your prisoner yet?”

  The young police officer blushed and said. “No, I may not have to arrest you. Not with a whole club full of credible witnesses. It looks like a clear case of self-defence to me. Those known hard cases came here to kill Welland Taggart and told him so to his face. It’s plain they picked on the wrong man. He did a job on the five of them. I’ll have to ask him and you a few questions, as you were both closest to the action.” Christ! She’s a cool one. Close to five killings and not turned a hair. Beautiful as well, I’d like to know her better. I must ask Jean about her.

  Still studying her attractive companion, Tanis continued. “Thanks again for the loan of your sweater Kathy. If you give me your address, I’ll have it sent back to you, or better still, I’ll bring it around myself. You seem to know my friend Jean McGregor?”

  Kathy’s beautiful dark eyes fixed on Tanis. She blushed and whispered. “Yes. We met for a moment once across her kitchen table.”

  “You’re Indian aren’t you Kathy? I knew an Indian girl once a long time ago. I live at the same address as Jean. I’m living with her as her housekeeper and lover.” She noticed another blush forming on Kathy’s face. “I’ve embarrassed you again, haven’t I?”

  “Yes. You interest me, Tanis. You’re a friend of Jean’s, and yet I’ve not seen you here before. I’m not prying into your business. All I need are the facts from you. You seem to be the star witness here with so much blood on your body. I knew Welland Taggart was a hard man. I didn’t think he was that hard.”

  “Well, he is. When we go back Kathy, you’ll find I was much nearer to the action than you think.” She’s attractive, beautiful too, and she does remind me of Aysher. I wonder if she has Aysher’s cruel streak. I hope so for Helen’s sake. Mine too, now I share Helen’s fantasies.

  Tall with brown skin and soft brown eyes set in a halo of black hair cut short to just below her ears in a bob. Kathy did remind Tanis of Aysher. Her eyes had swept over Kathy’s firm, high breasts. When Kathy stretched upwards to remove her jumper, she had wanted to touch them then. Under that smart uniform is a figure to match her looks. I’ll bet Jean’s seen it too. I’ll find out more about her when the questions are over. With a sigh, she followed the young constable out the door and into the club. Good tight sexy buns too. Maybe Helen and I will get lucky tonight.

  With her eyes on her prey, her hunger rampant, Tanis followed the attractive young police constable out and sat down next to Welland.

  Welland looked at her. “You’d look attractive in a tight police uniform sweater Tanis. It suits you.”

  Tanis smiled. “Thank you, Welland. Your next fantasy night will see me in a tight
police uniform complete with handcuffs and a tight police sweater. Which I’ll wear only for you.” She noticed Kathy’s blushes and smiled. “I’m ready for you now Constable.”

  “Call me Kathy please Tanis.” Kathy opened her notebook ready to write. Cautioning Welland first, she listened to his statement. Her eyes widened in amazement. As Welland continued, she glanced up at Tanis in surprise. The police sergeant. Had the other witnesses lined up near the bar taking their statements? “Am I to understand Welland Taggart. Miss Helen Tanis Napier, by her actions alone, caused the deaths of four of the five assailants?”

  “Yes, that’s what I’m saying, Kathy. Miss Napier saved my life.”

  Kathy looked back at Tanis. “How…how could a woman...?”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it before Kathy and won’t again. What I’m telling you is the whole truth.”

  Tanis took note of Welland’s familiarity with Kathy. Even so, she kept silent.

  “Jesus!” Kathy looked at Tanis with new eyes. “Here I’m thinking you a poor defenceless woman. Caught up in an argument between five known hard cases and a nightclub owner. Who proved to be harder than they were. Why didn’t you tell me in there Tanis?”

  Tanis smiled. “Would you have believed me, Kathy?”

  “No! It would have been unbelievable.” Kathy looked at Jean. “Do you confirm Mr Taggart’s statement, Jean?”

  “Yes, everything Welland has said is the truth, Kathy.”

  “Holy Shit! Sergeant, join me here, will you please? I need your help on this one.”

  The sergeant came over and began to talk to Welland. “From what I have here Mr Taggart. Those five men in Batman suits started everything by first cutting your doormen’s throats. Then trying their best to cut yours and one of your customer’s throats next.” He paused and glanced at Tanis. “By her actions, she saved your life, while she terminated the lives of four known dangerous thugs.

  “There’s an MP over there, a young lawyer, and a priest dressed as a saint. Plus, a few more prominent pillars of the community, who’ll swear you acted in defence of your lives. The lawyer has offered to take your case without payment. He asked me to give you his card, should it come to court.” Shaking his head in disbelief, he continued. “It is difficult to believe five, armed and well-known hard men were killed with ease by a nightclub owner and one of his women customers. Harder still because the woman mentioned sorted four of them in quick succession.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “I would estimate this entire episode took place in the space of two...” He consulted his notebook. “Fuck me dead! Excuse me please, two minutes. Which is incredible.” He smiled and shook his head again. “It looks to me like the evil Super Heroes picked on the wrong two people.” He grinned and turned to Tanis. “Please don’t leave town Miss Napier? If you do, please let my colleague here have an address where we can reach you. We’ll have to close the club of course until we’re satisfied with our inquiries.”

  Welland agreed. “Of course, Sergeant...”

  “Miss Napier has already given me her address Willie.” Kathy cut in.

  “Good.” He took a deep breath. “That’s all, for now, folks, thank you. Oh! Here’s the lawyer’s card Mr Taggart in case you should need it, which I doubt.” He stood up and shook his head once more in disbelief, then walked towards the door. “When you’ve finished here Kathy, I’ll see you in the car. Walk with me please Mr Taggart.” Welland rose and joined the sergeant, leaving the three women seated at the table.

  After Kathy had taken Jean’s address, which Tanis suspected she knew, she said. “Now you can go, Jean. Please stay in touch won’t you.”

  Jean pressed Tanis’s shoulder. “Of course, I will Kathy. I’ll see you later. You are safe with Kathy, Tanis.”

  Kathy blushed. “I wouldn’t worry too much Tanis, not with the witnesses you have. Don’t forget you must stay available to us in case we need to talk. Oh, by the way, and just for the record, I need to know the sort of work you do. Have you any identification on you?”

  “Yes, Kathy. I work with Jean in the escort business. I have my passport at home. It’s not a good likeness I’m afraid. I do have my driving license on me though. I’ll change it to my new address at Jean’s when I have the chance.”

  “Before I go take my card, Tanis. My flat’s not far from here in case you want to return my sweater in person. If you should need anything else, call me on my mobile, and we’ll arrange to meet.”

  “Thanks, Kathy, I will.”

  Her eyes glued to Tanis’s breasts, Kathy betrayed her desire.

  After she’d taken Kathy’s card. Tanis stretched her arms upwards watching the young constable’s face redden under lowered eyelashes. Tanis’s breasts made prominent by her indrawn breath. Pushed hard against her tight borrowed sweater. Leaving nothing to Kathy’s imagination, except Tanis’s apparent interest in her.

  Conscious of Tanis’s large nipples pushing against the sweater’s soft fabric. Kathy ran her hungry tongue over dry lips. She bit her lower lip in thought. Her mouth dry, she sighed. “I come in here quite often on my time off Tanis. I find it relaxes me. Maybe I’ll bump into you again sometime soon?” Her eyes still on Tanis’s breasts. The vein in her dark throat throbbing in high arousal. She waited for Tanis’s answer.

  “If you’re trying to pick me up Kathy say so. I have sex with women as well as men in my job. Jean’s left me the car. I need not pick it up until tomorrow. I can spend the night with you. Make me your prisoner too if that’s your fantasy. Or you mine. My services for this one night are free.”

  Kathy found Tanis’s eyes. “You fancy me for sex then Tanis?”

  Tanis said, “Yes, I do Kathy…kinky sex. The latest Policewomen’s uniforms turn me on. In particular the new tight sweaters.” She waved her hand around. “I too, like the rest in here, have my secret desires and fetishes, some include strong women in uniform like you.”

  Kathy blushed with excitement. “Let’s see Tanis, its ten now and I finish work at twelve. The club's closed until further notice while we take the witness statements. I’ll meet you here. After I’ve asked Welland first of course. We can have a quiet drink together and get to know each other better.” Tanis’s last remark still fresh in her mind she finished. “You’re right about me. I like taking prisoners. I have plenty of new uniforms at home, handcuffs too, or ropes should you prefer them?”

  “It’s a date. I find you attractive in the extreme Kathy. The ropes take longer to apply and will add a nice touch. I’ll wait here for you until half-past twelve. You can bet on it.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this date for the world Tanis. You’ll be my prisoner after all?”

  “Or maybe, you’ll be mine Kathy?”

  “We’ll wait and see?” Her excitement plain, Kathy spoke to Welland for a moment, before she headed for the door.

  As Kathy left, Welland came over and handed Tanis a pair of trousers. One of my customers gave me these, Tanis. I can only guess what he went home in. Kathy asked me if she could meet you here at midnight, I said yes.”

  “Thank you, Welland.”

  He took the seat opposite. “I spoke to the Sergeant again. With all the witnesses, he thinks we have nothing to worry about Tanis.”

  “Let’s hope so Welland. It’s a step in the right direction anyway.”

  Welland continued, “Return the clothes whenever Tanis, and thanks again for saving my life. Let’s change the subject. I’d like to see you Wednesday evening. I’ll take you for a short walk first, to show you around the neighbourhood. Afterwards, we can come back to my apartment for dinner, where I can get to know you better. I want to thank you in my own way for saving my life, Tanis. I assume you’ll be going home with Kathy tonight?”

  “Yes, to both questions Welland. You’ll be busy here. After all the excitement, I need to unwind. Kathy has offered me a way out. I’ll look forward to seeing you Wednesday though. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course, not…” His mobile
phone rang. Welland answered it and handed it to her. “It’s for you.”

  Tanis took the phone from him. “Hello.”

  “Tanis, it’s Jean, I rang to tell you not to worry. I won’t be home until Thursday at the earliest. My client is taking me to Paris tomorrow. Leave the car at the office if you can. I’ll pick it up when I return.”

  “Okay Jean, and don’t worry about me. I am hired for the night. Enjoy yourself.”

  “That’s great. Thanks for helping Welland out Tanis. The bastards would have killed him otherwise. Helga and I are having a great time here as I speak. I have her tied up on the bed like I had you last night, and I’m fucking her up the arse, she likes that coming from me. Can you hear the springs going? Ohhh My God Tanis! I must go… I’m cominnngggg…” The phone went dead.

  Tanis laughed and glanced at Welland. “Jean won’t be back until Thursday, so I have the use of her car.” She took his hands in hers. “At least we can talk until Kathy arrives.” She looked into Welland’s eyes. “I’ve disappointed you, haven’t I, Welland?”

  “Of course not, Tanis. I understand. I envy the fly on the wall though. Anyway, it will give me another fantastic memory to excite me on Wednesday. Trying to guess what you and Kathy had been up to tonight.”

  “You, Welland Taggart, are everything I expected you to be. I’m proud of you.”

  Tanis sensed Shani’s voice. ‘He is indeed our Viking warrior in the flesh, my Tanis.’

  Puzzled by her comment, Welland glanced at his watch. “You don’t know what that means to me Tanis coming from you.” After a short silence, he raised his hand for two drinks, his eyes on her face. “Tanis, I’ve never seen a woman fight with such expertise before. It’s as though you’ve done it all your life. You fought as if you were in a fierce battle with foes on all sides and no time to think. No quarter was given, and none asked either.”

  “Don’t try to work it out Welland. As I said, one day you’ll understand all. I’m not as young as you may think and it’s a long story. When I leave town for good, I’ll explain everything to you in a letter. As I said, you deserve to know the story of Tanis more than most.” She leaned over the table, kissed him on his lips, then on his throat. “You’re on a promise for Wednesday Welland Taggart. I’m looking forward to it also. I have just put my brand on you.”


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