The Willing Prey

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The Willing Prey Page 20

by Scarlett Sunday

  “Me too.”

  The after-silence found them lying in each other’s arms kissing with quiet passion. To know someone with so much intimacy was more than friendship. It was closer to love, and they both knew it. Kathy, the first to speak, said, “I have never enjoyed a night so much or come so much in my life before Tanis. Maybe soon, when I feel strong again. We will act out our fantasy drama in my flat. Making it last until Hilary comes home after her night shift. I’ll make use of her riding crop too. I can’t go on any more Tanis. I don’t have your stamina for sex. It’s a nice feeling though. You’re worth every penny of your client’s money.”

  Tanis gave Kathy another love bite on her throat to revive her. Her dark skin would not show the marks of her venom infusion “We’ll do it again Kathy, I promise. I can’t wait to be your captive lover again. Next time we will include Hilary’s riding crop. Be sure you’re in a nice tight police uniform when you arrest me and take me home. Wear one of Hilary’s riding outfits for realism. Rest now, while I bring you down.”

  Her suggestion sown in silence, Tanis rubbed a soothing cream into Kathy’s shattered body. Not forgetting her breasts and the two holes she had explored. She let Kathy sleep until noon. Where after an intimate lunch together. They said their goodbyes with a long passionate kiss.

  As she kissed Tanis goodbye, Kathy said. “Last night was better than the night I lost my virginity, Tanis, a thousand times better. I’ll envy Welland next Wednesday night. He doesn’t know what he’s in for. Knowing you’ve been with me will be a big turn on for him too. It’s his bag to imagine two women having sex together. As he will have had sex with both of us, it will be the icing on his fantasy cake. He won’t disappoint you. I can promise you that. You have my permission to tell him what we did here together last night.”

  “We’ll see. So, Welland did fuck you, Kathy?”

  Kathy smiled. “Yes, Tanis. I hadn’t come out then. He can fuck me again too, whenever he wants to.”

  “You’re a hussy Kathy Wade.” She laughed and gave Kathy a quick hug.

  “You are too Tanis Napier. I’ll see you again soon. As my prisoner, next time?” She mounted her Harley, and about to roar off, she said, “That is a definite date, Tanis?”

  Tanis smiled, “It is Kathy. I’ll look forward to it.” She smiled again as Kathy let the throttle out and roared off into a bright morning.

  The intense erotic thought of Kathy in a tight police uniform fucking her bound body into orgasm. After she’d arrested her and tied her to her bed, sent a sudden rush of warm feeling through her. She hurried into her Starship so Zana could relieve her tension, her thoughts rampant. Kathy will be sore for a while. Yet, it will only reinforce her memory of last night, and she’ll not be so shy the next time. Fantasy dramas are too intense to relinquish. When realised with a compatible partner, they can become as if a drug. I wonder how Jean got on with Helga. We’ll have a lot to talk about when she returns.

  Tanis sensed Helen’s voice within, ‘Thank you, Tanis, for a wonderful experience and for another one yet to come. I forgive you with all my heart my darling. As you promised. I do have my life back now. I feel more alive now than when you took my physical body. And I love you for it.’

  Tanis smiled. “I’m glad for you my dear Helen. Even so, I am still sorry for Paul’s demise. I will be more careful with my choice of men in the future.”

  ‘You were a different woman then Tanis my love. Ruthless and a predator no less. Now, you have matured.’



  Jean’s Return


  Tanis’s date with Welland would continue. Not only for her sexual pleasure, but also for her assessment of his genes. She didn’t want him falling in love with her, which would only complicate things. She planned to mate Welland with someone who could continue his superb genetic line.

  Her prey wasn’t ready to accept her genetic breeding program yet. They fell in love with the wrong people, and the legacy of mixing corrupt genes was too well known. The slaves of old had no choice. As their masters always mated them with the most robust and attractive physical specimens. Although their masters were ignorant of modern genetics. Breeding strong, good-looking, healthy adult men and women was a start in the right direction? Good breeding didn’t mean the mating of aristocrats, where inbreeding was rife. It lay in matching healthy intelligent genes with other healthy genes.

  Her policy of selecting mating pairs must continue. If she was to give her species its best chance of survival in perfect host bodies. Love didn’t come into it. Matching well-suited attractive pairs always ignited the spark though. The strongest must survive. Homosexual tendencies didn’t affect physical perfection or intelligence either and occurred throughout Nature. Good selective parenting and not sexual persuasion being the issue. Her input of genes into a selected union was a bonus also, as it guaranteed her subjects long healthy lives.

  Kathy had superb genes, but being a preferred lesbian, would she mate with Welland to conceive a child? She’d already had sex with Welland, by her own admission, and if given a chance, would again. Some lesbians yearned to become mothers. Kathy and Hilary’s planned liaison would be an interesting line to pursue.

  The significant amount of fluids she sucked from her lovers’ willing bodies while having sex, gave her new energy and was enough to sustain her and her host until her next major meal. She needed the intense sexual episodes she enjoyed with her prey. Whether they were male or female. They kept her host body fresh and acted as a catalyst to her strong predatory instincts. It was the orgasmic essence of her prey and the interaction of her assimilated minds. Which gave her the sexual satisfaction she craved. This, and her prey’s genetic health, should they survive the hunt, were the main driving forces of her life. Without them, she couldn’t survive. Without the fulfilment of successful seductive manipulation of her prey’s DNA towards exceptional future hosts for her species, she wouldn’t want to. It was all about the good genetic breeding of her human hosts and her human prey.

  Since Kathy left, Tanis had spent her time enveloped in her pilot’s chair while she waited for Jean. Like her personal stasis chamber. The chair not only gave her pleasure but it also kept her sleeping mind up to date on current events. It was an integral part of her organic makeup and the original bond between her body and Zana’s heart. If she died, the Starship would die from loneliness. They both found their existence in each other. She’d been born within Zana’s embrace. When Zana had formed around her first host and her host’s first victim body on her mother’s Starship, millennia ago. Her knowledge had grown with her Starship. She gave Zana her reason for living and Zana was as much a part of her alien consciousness as her host body was.

  Tanis sensed Zana’s voice. ‘One-day my Tanis, I hope you’ll love another for yourself with the same deep love I hold for you.’ Which puzzled her.

  She whispered. “There’s no one to love Zana. I’m not a Queen. I can’t fall in love with my prey. Besides, our home world Mantis is no more. I’m the only common Mantis left.”

  Zana kept her silence.


  Two days later Jean arrived home in the early evening. Tanis was in the library and glanced up as Jean entered. She could see from Jean’s face she felt exhausted. “I’ve been waiting for you, Jean. How was it?”

  “Thanks for having the car left at the office, Tanis. If I could’ve had the last two nights over again, I would’ve spent them with you. Helga’s demands are sometimes excessive.”

  “I took Kathy home with me after the fight, then fucked her in the cellar.”

  “She’s a good tight fuck. You must have enjoyed a good night?”

  “I did. I had Kathy tied to the rack in the cellar at first. Afterwards, she had me tied in my bed acting out her wild fantasies with me.”

  “Christ! It must have been something to see Tanis. She seemed shy with me.”

  “She would’ve been since you were her first woman Jean. She’d n
ever had sex with a woman before, except in her fantasies. After that night with me, she is now a committed dominant lesbian.”

  “I’ll bet she is.”

  “I wouldn’t mind trying Helga out for myself sometime Jean?”

  Jean laughed. “You’d match her energy for sure Tanis. I earned my money in Paris. How are you at body massage? I need to relax some. I’ll shower first. You can tell me about Kathy then.”

  “Hurry back. I’ve missed you so much.”

  Five minutes later they were at it. “It would be so easy to fall in love with you Jean.” Tanis knew it was Freyja speaking.

  “You’re everything to me, Tanis.” Jean stretched and gazed up onto lips soaked in her moisture. “I love it when we feed on each other’s body’s Tanis. It’s as though we’re Vampires sucking each other’s blood.”

  “I enjoy your body’s sexual secretions, Jean, as you do mine. That’s the one constant you can always depend on.”

  “I’ll always treasure these precious moments together Tanis. The business had become boring until I met you. It pays well, so I mustn’t grumble. We’re at the top end of the market, and we have a choice of clients. With the two of us working together, it’ll be much easier for us, not so tiring.”

  Tanis kissed Jean again. “Our lives are fuller now we’ve found each another Jean. Life’s not so lonely.” She took Jean’s willing body into her arms. “I’m hungry again.”

  “Then take what you need before we sleep.”

  Finished feeding, they both kissed and slept until the morning.


  Morning found Jean propped up on one elbow looking down at Tanis’s face. She began to trace small circles of desire around one of her nipples and watched in silence as it awoke to her light caress. She kissed, then sucked on it. Her thoughts went back to the events at Welland’s nightclub. With my own eyes, I’ve seen this strong, beautiful woman kill four men in quick succession. Not ordinary men, hard men whose lives revolved around violent action. Men who thought nothing of killing or maiming others. She had watched in surprise as the sleeping woman under her fingertips had killed them with practised ease. Violence and the application of it were not strangers in her life. Where had she come from, the woman who could become so submissive under her hand and enjoyed being so. Yet, so violent when the occasion demanded it? I wonder if I’m falling in love with her.

  With her nipple standing hard between Jean’s fingers, Tanis stirred, stretched, and whispered. “Jean.”

  Jean lowered her head and began to milk Tanis’s nipples with hot lips. “I’m here my love.”

  It was natural for her to feel like this around an attractive woman. They were her choice to love, and she felt fulfilled by them. Tanis was a rarity because she had never met anyone like her. She had positive, charismatic qualities which seemed to attract both genders. She also had the remarkable strength to handle anything should events get out of hand. She continued her quiet stimulation of Tanis’s aroused nipples with soft hungry lips, thinking. I wish I had her awesome attraction.

  Jean sensed Tanis looking up at her. “Keep doing what you’re doing Jean. I’m in another place when you feed on me like that.”

  Embarrassed she whispered. “Your nipple seems to like what I'm doing to it, Tanis. Do you know I feel so relaxed and content in the quiet of the morning lying here with you in my arms? It’s as though your body has tranquillised me. When I touch or taste its juices, I feel complete and satisfied. I love you for the happiness you have brought into my life, Tanis. Open your legs, I want more of it. Especially your tasty bits.”

  Tanis opened her legs to Jean’s tongue and stretched. “What a gentle creature you are Jean. I like lying under your hands because I feel safe there. We have plenty of time if you want to sedate yourself again. I’ll just lie here and let you drink your fill from my body. My bonds will be your arms, the love you bare me, my weakness.” If Jean’s in love, it’s with Freyja, not me.

  Jean lowered her head onto Tanis’s stomach. Where her tongue probed her navel for a fleeting moment. Before moving on to sweeter things. She heard Tanis gasp and held her down in sweet surrender until she had finished drinking. Satisfied, she kissed her there. “I love you Tanis for what you give to me and for who you are.”

  “I’m happy Jean, for what I give is always yours to take.”

  “The club the other night, where did you learn to fight like that? You knew what you were doing and seemed to have the strength of three men. In fact, you made it look so easy. When you could’ve let the last one live, you chose to cut his throat. You frightened the shit out of me because you seemed to enjoy doing it.”

  Tanis sensed this was Jean’s way of bringing her down. “I did enjoy it, Jean. Those men deserved to die. They threatened Welland with his life.” She changed the subject. “Now tell me, do you know who the Japanese man dressed as a Samurai was, with the young Japanese girl beside him. The man who sat in the corner watching us. He didn’t seem worried five men were dying in front of him. Afterwards, he gave me a look as though he knew me. Kathy told me he is a local businessman and warned me to keep away from him. Who is he Jean?”

  “Kathy’s right. He’s a psychopath, and dangerous. I’d keep away from him Tanis. He’s from the same syndicate who wants Welland out. If he’d wanted to kill Welland, he could’ve done so with ease. He’s skilled in the use of the Japanese sword. He believes he’s a reincarnated Samurai. I say again, he’s dangerous and much, much more than a little eccentric. Don’t ever underestimate him.”

  Tanis nodded. “All the same Jean, one day soon I’m going to meet him in single combat, then I’ll have to kill him. I can feel it.”

  “I hope not.” Jean countered shocked. “When I said he’s good with the sword I meant exceptional. He performs katas and demos at national championships. I’ve seen what he can do with a sword.”

  “I too, consider myself exceptional in the use of the sword Jean, and I don’t mean a dildo.”

  Jean glanced at Tanis to see if she was joking. She wasn’t smiling. She knew Tanis enough to recognise she never joked about life or death. “Just you be careful, Tanis.”


  They spent the day in Dunton shopping. Home again, they retired to their rooms for a rest from each other. If they had slept in the same bed, they would have made love repeatedly.

  “I’m bushed, Jean. I need to sleep.” She brushed Jean’s throat with her lips, “I’ll see you in the morning angel?”

  “Yes, I’m tired too. What a week it’s been.”


  Jean closed her eyes and entered her dream. She seemed to be travelling through time and space with the colossal speed of thought. In the twinkling of an eye, she had left the Earth, passed the Sun, and found herself speeding through the rim of an unknown galaxy. Complete star systems flashed by in an instant. At last, she slowed and drew close to a giant planet the size of Jupiter. The world had an environment much like Earth. One half covered with water. While the other half was made up of thick forest. In the centre of which stood, a vast city patterned on the radiating web of a common garden spider. There were no other cities or any traffic in sight. The domed edifice, which sat at the centre of the web city looked like a giant black spider. It dominated the city around it. Clusters of small black orbs, much like eggs, stood at the end of each leg. The edifice, Jean guessed, was either a temple or a community centre. The eggs remained a mystery until she neared the ground. They looked to be sizable fungus balls of some kind with a smooth surface. With small buds attached to one or two of them, which reminded her of Tanis’s ripe breasts when aroused. There were no roads. Only concentric and radial canals which divided the city into segments. The water-ways fed huge reservoirs on the city’s outskirts. In the centre. The inner concentric channel stopped short of the central edifice. Which made the structure an island on its own except for the bridges? The segments of the city were filled with parks and buildings, divided by the water-ways. Which had small moving o
bjects on them. Which she took to be barges.

  What a beautiful place. Jean thought as she came to rest in front of the edifice beside a massive pair of black metallic doors. Unseen, she watched a procession of people file past her, all naked. She studied them with great interest. One species stood out from the other because of their height. Broad shouldered and attractive, with robust distinguishing features. She singled them out as being different. All had an inherent sex appeal, a magnificent mane of copper-gold hair. Which fell onto their shoulders in soft disarray, and rare bright amber eyes. It became clear to Jean they were the dominant species of human on the planet. Three dominants were leading prisoners of an inferior species on chains of gold. Attached to weighty collars of gold fastened around their necks. The prisoners were more in common with Earth humans. With their usual mix of skin pigmentation, hair, and eye colour. The three common captives looked to be in their middle thirties. Sturdy, attractive, and taken from different ethnic backgrounds. The dominant race seemed to be in their late teens or early twenties.

  Jean became conscious of slippery wetness between her thighs. She could smell a pleasant odour, which was both strange and familiar to her. It reminded her of Tanis and was irresistible. She could see both species were aroused. The dominant woman in the same gender pair had a dildo hanging between her thighs. Conscious of her own excitement at the image in front of her. Jean guessed she was bearing witness to a sacred fertility ritual. I wonder what Doctor Freud would make of this scene.

  The woman at the head of the three mixed pairs. A beautiful young woman from the dominant species. Was leading a huge handsome man of her own species, on a thinner chain of gold who reminded her of Welland. This pair the focus of the whole ceremony. Another dominant couple bringing up the rear comprised an older woman, still attractive. Leading a young girl, much like the leader, on a lighter golden chain.

  When the procession had all entered the temple, Jean slipped in after them. She heard a low hum of hidden machinery as the massive doors closed behind her. Inside the temple, the spacious circular floor took up most of the large hall into which the procession had come. At its centre stood a circular plinth of black marble with three low black marble altars on it. Under a raised platform dominated by a colossal statue of a green praying mantis carved from a single block of what looked to be jade. Stood a huge bed and a low altar carved from the same material under it. The young leader escorted her male captive up to the bed. While the older attractive woman led her beautiful female prisoner to the jade altar. Both women clipped their captive’s golden chains to a marble post between the platform and the bed. The beautiful young woman took her captive’s hard dripping cock into her hand and began to work it as she smiled up into his eyes. The older woman pushed her young attractive prisoner down onto the jade altar. Opened her legs and shackled them with golden cuffs to its sides. Leaving her arms free. The mixed pairs followed their lead. Suddenly, a gong sounded behind the huge jade idol, and the beautiful young woman stretched herself out on the bed.


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