The Willing Prey

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The Willing Prey Page 22

by Scarlett Sunday

  “By killing its host of course. Why only two eggs in a world so large Tanis?”

  “Because only the Queen can mate with success Jean. Because of the predator’s long-life span, or there will be too many of them. Those fungus balls you saw could be Starships giving the Mantis access to the stars and other worlds. Should it become necessary? The Queen may take decades to ovulate. Which fact could explain the predator’s small numbers.” It still does not tell me if a common Mantis can become a Queen. Are they born a Queen or are they made a Queen? If they are born a Queen, my species is destined to end when I die?

  “I’m glad the human Mantis Vampire is not in this world Tanis. For dominant human beings to breed weaker human beings. Slaughtered in their prime for food, is a frightening prospect. Why sexual intercourse though? If only the Queen can bear offspring, why bother?”

  “Sex can be a powerful hunting technique if used with cunning Jean. It’s pleasurable also. If the common preys have evolved to a monthly ovulation period. As we have on Earth, then conceive again after only nine months of pregnancy have passed. There’ll always be a constant supply of fresh young prey victims for the Mantis to hunt. Have pleasurable sex with, then consume when their prey comes of age. Also, decrepit old age is never a problem for the prey. No need for slaughter, cooking pots, or freezers. There’s always a good supply of fresh raw meat available on the hoof when needed. So, why not have the enjoyment of a seductive capture. Plus, a little sexual pleasure too, before the attractive young human victim becomes the meal.”

  “Ohhh how horrible. Stop it, Tanis! You’re making me dizzy. It’s a good explanation, and it fits. Even so, it’s only a dream, after all, an erotic dream I grant you; still, only a dream.”

  “Sometimes dreams have a habit of coming true Jean.”

  “I wish this one would Tanis. To be a sexual predator and live forever as an attractive woman or man. To have so much fun while you’re hunting your prospective prey or host must be exhilarating. However, life would only be good for the chosen host and not for the unfortunate prey, unless of the same gender mind?”

  “Yes. As you and I are Jean.” She took Jean’s face into her hands and gazing into her deep, dark, beautiful brown eyes. She placed a lingering kiss her on her lips and throat.

  “Well, I’m not a predatory Vampire. You make it sound so convincing Tanis. I’m half-serious though. I’d like to live forever if I fell in love with the right person. Someone like you for instance?”

  Tanis laughed at the irony of what Jean was saying. “Who knows Jean? You might just get what you wish for.” She ran her hands down Jean’s trembling body to her swollen clit. Feeling her respond in an instant to her touch. Jean’s breaths came in short, sharp gasps. She said. “If I should stop doing what I’m doing to you now Jean, what would you feel?”

  Her misty eyes on Tanis’s face, Jean sighed. “Don’t ever stop doing what you’re doing to me, Tanis. Not now, not ever. I would feel frustrated, disappointed, and rejected if you did.”

  “Do you love me then, Jean?”

  “Yes. Without any doubt.”

  “Okay. It means you trust me too. Now you’re relaxed let’s try something. Call it an experiment if you like. I’ll continue to do to your beautiful body what I’m doing plus a little more. When you’re near to coming. I’ll do to you what the young predators did to their victims in your dream. I’ll kiss your throat and make believe I’m a beautiful Vampire about to drink your blood. Which will make it easier for me to assimilate your body. We’ll see when you climax, whether you care if you live or die.” Tanis took her hands from Jean’s body. “Promise me you’ll tell me what you feel Jean. Promise me before I continue. Then, when I do, think only of your dream and what my lips, fingers, teeth, and body are doing to you.” I must know what my prey feels before the end. She knew she was taking a significant risk.

  “I promise Tanis. Why can’t I play the beautiful ravenous Vampire?”

  For the second time, Tanis took the dominant role. She mounted Jean and began to fuck her into submission. “Because you can’t, I thought of it first.” She could see Jean was enjoying her drama.

  Breathless Jean sighed. “Go on Tanis! Oh, please go on. Keep doing what you’re doing. I can’t stop you now. I…I feel all shivery and submissive inside. Does it mean I’m a goner?”

  “No. I haven’t injected my venom yet. Even so, remember always, our gender means your mind will survive in me as your body goes to feed my host.” She still thinks this is a game. “Could you die happy Jean, if I were the hungry Vampire and you my prey. Your self-consciousness surviving in my mind. That you would feel every tingling sensation, I would feel with all my future lovers. Well, would you?”

  “Yes. If you were the hungry attractive Vampire Tanis. I don’t think I’d be able to help myself.” Her breaths quickened as Tanis thrust deeper. She sighed. “As…as I can’t help myself now. Ohhh Myyy Goddd Tanissssss. I’m coming! And it's a big oneeee.”

  “Come then, my beloved.” She took hold of Jean’s wrists. Forcing them up behind her back she pulled her shaking victim’s body in towards her body.

  Jean’s legs closed tighter about the warm dildo buried deep between her thighs. With her legs crossed over Tanis’s waist, holding her in. Her eyes looking up into her beautiful lover’s pools of ocean blue. She turned her throat for Tanis’s infusion. Immediately she found herself in a world of rainbows and stars. “Oh My God Tanisss! What bliss.”

  Tanis continued to drive with constant force into Jean’s willing, moist, and welcoming body. Feeling her prey’s swollen cunt, suck on her dildo with strength as Jean came into her second series of violent contractions with a scream. She drove in harder. Jean’s breaths became faster as she began to moan in ecstasy.

  Her own tension mounting, Tanis lowered her lips onto Jean’s throbbing throat. Her needle-sharp teeth centred over her willing victim’s swollen vein as she started into her lethal love-bite. I hope I can control myself. To know how my human prey feels at their end is vital.

  Her willing victim stretched her head back to give her more access to her throbbing arteries. In silence, her lips holding one swollen artery between her teeth she injected a little venom.

  With a deep sigh of feeling Jean’s body tensed into another long climax. Her eyes closed in rapture she found she could not speak only think. ‘Ohhh My God Tanissssss! What’s happening to me? What have you done to my body? I’ve never felt so much pleasure, or been this alive in my life before?

  Tanis felt the flood tide of Jean’s coming and pumped harder. Her savage instincts took over and she only just managed to control her predatory hunger and her fatal bite. Jean opened her eyes and looked up into hers, her surrender complete. Her body satisfied, she drifted off into a sublime semi-consciousness.

  Tanis arched her back in her own climax and screamed her pleasure. “Ahhhhh. Holy Shit Jeannn!” She withdrew. Holding Jean’s wrists tight behind her back, she pulled her onto her hips. Bending her body and head backwards. Her dildo finding more depth. Her teeth in search of more blood, Tanis thrust into Jean’s body with constant force.

  Jean gasped, then opened her eyes. She felt Tanis sucking at her throat again and screamed in silence. ‘Ohhh Tanisss, what are you doing to me?’ She felt Tanis start into another love-bite. She screamed, again in silence. ‘Ohhh Jesus, God Tanisss!’ In a fit of ecstasy. She emptied herself over Tanis’s thighs with a rush of liquid. This time in a powerful squirt. ‘Take me now my darling, for I can’t stop you, my love. What better end than this to such exquisite torment?’

  At that moment, Tanis injected more venom. But, only enough to make her best friend sleep. To go on would be dangerous. Oh My God! I almost killed her.

  Concerned she had taken too much from Jean’s exhausted body, she let Jean fall back on the bed in a light slumber. Her willing prey hers. She drank her final draught from between Jean’s semi-conscious thighs. Before releasing her body to fall back onto the bed in complete exhaustion. H
er beautiful body, empty of any sexual fluid.


  When Jean, at last, opened her eyes, she found herself looking up into the concerned eyes of Tanis. “I remember everything, Tanis. If you were a beautiful Vampire. I would not have stood a chance. Not when you made me come into my final state of ecstasy. I would have given myself up to you with a willing heart. I couldn’t have helped myself or even spoke. I was paralysed with pleasure. I was yours to have and to eat.” Her beautiful brown eyes, now full of love, she studied her savage lover’s face for a moment. “You look worried Tanis. That dildo you put into me at the end seemed to have a life of its own. Boy! It was something else.” God! She’s so beautiful and deadly when she looks at me like that. If she were the predator of my dream, man or woman, they wouldn’t be able to resist her fatal charm. “I have fallen in love with you Tanis, and I think you know that.”

  Tanis smiled, bent over Jean, and kissed her on her forehead. “You were semi-conscious at the end Jean. I felt you come. Yet, you did not scream out.”

  “Paralyzed with ecstasy. I couldn’t move or speak Tanis. Even so, I was coming and screaming in my mind and how. I can’t explain it. I have never felt so alive before or come so much. I would like more of that little drama coming from you in the future.”

  “Not too often Jean. Sleep now, you look a little worn out. I’ll wake you with a cup of tea later. If I were the predator Jean, you’d be in love with my host not with me. For how can a ghost predator love its fleshy human prey, if the prey doesn’t know of its existence.”

  “Oh Tanis, how beautiful you put that. I feel so refreshed now.”

  “Sleep and dream my darling Jean. I promise I’ll wake you later with the kiss of a Vampire…and a cup of tea.”


  The next morning Tanis sat up in bed, stretched, and looked down at Jean. “Well Jean, I’d say, on the few nights we’ve spent together, we have got to know each other rather well. We have a strong bond now and one on which we can build.” Freyja is in love with her. I only wish it were I. “Come on let’s get up. I must dress for a date with Welland tonight. I don’t know what you have planned.”

  “Nothing. I’m going to rest until you come home to me Tanis.” She giggled. “Let’s have a shower together now. After it, you can get ready for Welland.”

  In the shower, Tanis made love to Jean, then kissed her on her throat. After which she carried Jean’s semi-conscious body into her bedroom saying. “You fainted again, Jean. I want you to rest. Dream a little too. I’ll see you tomorrow. You look shagged out.”

  Tanis, a little worried about her species future. Also, why she had acquired a conscience towards her human prey. Began to dress for her date in melancholic silence. Maybe Welland will cheer me up…



  The Invitation


  Excited at the prospect of her date with Welland Taggart. Tanis stood before her mirror. She wondered if Welland Taggart would match up to Viking Welland’s libido in bed. Her mind drifted back to the times when every day was a good day to die. It was a brutal time where warriors lived for the day and took what they wanted from the bodies of their captives after every battle. Modern Welland, as strong as her Viking Welland. Yet, would he be as durable as she in bed, for he was only human? Always under threat of death, Viking Welland had made love like there was no tomorrow. Only she, Shani, and Freyja could please his sexual lust after a battle. I can’t expect it of Welland Taggart for he has a tomorrow.

  ‘Shani and I are with you, Tanis.’

  Tanis smiled. “I know. Even so, I can’t tell him that.”

  ‘Then we’ll let him feel our hunger together.’

  She laughed. “We must be careful not to tire Welland out Freyja.”

  Tanis dressed with care in tight narrow bottomed faded blue jeans. A plain buckled brown leather belt, a tight black cashmere sweater without bras. She finished with a faded blue jean jacket cut to the waist. She slipped on brown high-heeled ankle boots. Which would bring her close to Welland’s height, then glanced at her figure in her mirror? Pleased, she completed her dress with a knotted chiffon bandanna. Tied around her attractive throat as a choker. The latter item now a favoured combination with her tight fine-knit ‘V’ neck sweaters. In this modern sexual world. Worn together, they brought emphasis to her breasts and throat. Her tight stretchy jeans and high-heeled boots would give a hint at the rest. She could feel her excited nipples. Brushing against the stretched fabric of her woollen top in swollen anticipation of what Welland Taggart would do to her in bed.

  Viking Welland had liked tall strong-minded women to dominate him in sex. As his chieftain, she in Shani’s host body, together with Freyja, her captain of archers. Had been more than a match for him in bed, even without the allure of tight modern clothes. If Welland Taggart’s anything like his distant ancestor. Dressed as I am, I’m in for a night of shameless shagging.

  Her mind focused on Kathy Wade. She’d enjoyed the interlude with the young police officer. And promised herself another steamy session. Which would end in a promised pain/pleasure conclusion as Kathy’s prisoner? She smiled at her fantastic thoughts. As the only one who could dominate Shani’s dominant warrior personality. She as Viking Tanis had dominated Aysher, Freyja, Erin, and Viking Welland. Sometimes with cruelty, in bed after a battle. Being the weaker, all had wanted submissive sex coming from her strong host Shani. Not even a vigorous man like her huge Viking could compete with Shani’s dominance after a battle. Not with my pheromones inside her. She ran her hands over the beautiful body of Freyja. And sensed Shani’s ghost-like touch in her fingertips. Could she, Shani, and Freyja do the same to Welland Taggart with equal ferocity? She could detect her aroused minds in agreement.

  ‘We are all with you, Tanis.’

  Fashionable dress designed with seduction in mind. Charged with the flavour of fetishism, had become a provocative hunting tool. In the right atmosphere, with the right props. It made for electrifying liaisons if done with exactitude. Body language had moved into being a skilled art form. The modern techniques used to capture a chosen lover’s attention. Had become stimulating in the extreme to both hunter and unsuspecting quarry.

  The old way of taking what you wanted by force from the innocent body of a slave or prisoner. Had turned into a modern sexual drama of innuendo. Reinforced by subtle manoeuvres to capture those who deserved Tanis’s predatory attention. Domination and the taking of sexual captives had become a game played out with great skill. Between two or more willing adults in the privacy of their bedrooms. Specialist parties, contact magazines, and sexy internet porn-movie sites. All catered to the diverse sexual tastes of their human adherents.

  It was a shame dangerous deviant minds had also tapped into the source. For a natural human predator like Tanis. The hunt had become easier because she had a specialised choice of her victims now. Like a game of chess, the chase for her prey had entered the domain of scheming chess Masters.

  Before she left Tanis looked in on her sleeping lover. Jean could rest in safety now. Tanis brushed throat in a venomous kiss before she went to make sure Jean would sleep the clock around. Then drove towards town. Aware her thinking had changed towards her prey, she wondered. Is it the presence of law and order? Or my relaxed view of thinking, towards my food’s strong sexual emotions? Her new acquired conscience was a change for the better. It suited the modern environment. I only need to take my physical risks with humanity’s human enemies. They’ll be ignorant of what they faced, so I’ll have the advantage. I am not sure about Tanaka Yamoto though.

  Tonight, Welland Taggart’s sexual seduction would be for their pleasure only. Would it involve other women like Viking Welland’s had, or would modern Welland be a free spirit? What was his fantasy, what turned him on? Kathy had hinted at it.

  Tanis arrived at Welland’s, parked the car, then mounted the stairs to his apartment. She rang the doorbell, her heart pounding with anticipation. Welland must ha
ve been waiting to pounce, as he’d put it, for he answered the door almost immediately. “Hello, Tanis. I’ve been expecting you.”

  “Hello, Welland.”

  “Right on time too, it’s good to see you, Tanis. Boy! You look stunning. Come on in. I’ve been looking forward to our date all week. I won’t ask how it went with Kathy. My imagination has answered those heady questions already.”

  “So, there were more questions?” She came into his arms, looked up into his happy eyes, kissed him, and breathed. “I did check for a fly on the wall with a hard-on while I was fucking her Welland. Where were you?”

  “Christ Tanis! You sure know how to turn a man on.”

  “I’m paid to.” With unaccustomed familiarity. She ran her hands under Welland’s sweater and around his muscular waist. Pulling him in hard towards her. She felt his instant response to her deliberate caress against her thighs. She moved her hand onto his hard shaft. “Though I’d love to Welland, not now. Let’s talk awhile and have a drink or two first. We won’t be too long I promise you. You want my body as much as I want yours, I can feel it.” She ran her hand down his shaft again and kissed him. As she took his hand, she smiled and said. “Come, show me around. Your Man-cave interests me.”

  ‘By the feel of him Tanis, he is our Welland come to life.’

  “Holy Shit Tanis! You believe in coming to the point.”

  She laughed. “I’ve been looking forward to your point coming all week Welland.” So, have Shani and Freyja.

  He sighed. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

  The apartment had been an old dockland warehouse in its heyday. At its centre, Welland had built a massive fireplace of Scandinavian design. Which dominated the centre of the large first floor and heated both sides of the room at once. Open plan, the apartment, well insulated from the nightclub below. Sported a beautifully crafted mezzanine floor at one end. Accessed by two massive pine staircases with full balconies which ran down each side. Each suite of furniture on the first floor, centred on its own island of Persian style carpet. Gave the impression of small islands dotted around in a vast sea of varnished pine. In all aspects, the apartment reminded Tanis of a Viking chieftain’s hall. Designed in modern Scandinavian décor, with an added opulent touch of the Middle East.


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