The Willing Prey

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The Willing Prey Page 37

by Scarlett Sunday

  Withdrawing before he came, his eyes on hers. Hussein placed both his knees astride Tanis’s throat again. This time, he had signed his death warrant. “You’re here only for my Royal pleasure woman. If you try to bite me, it will be my royal duty to execute you by cutting your throat.”

  Tanis laughed, then waited until Hussein was in the middle of his coming. Only then did she send her feeding tube snaking deep into his tight ball bag in a vicious, venomous strike. Her eyes smiled up at him as he toppled backwards in astonished silence. The back of his head coming to rest between her wet open thighs.

  “It’s me who’ll be doing the killing here Your Majesty.” She broke her ankles free of constraints. Then bringing her legs up and over her prey’s paralysed throat in a powerful scissor grip. She bent his body backwards. Drawing her thighs upward to loosen Hussein’s tight cock in her mouth, she sank her immerging fangs deep into its hard, blood-filled muscular shaft. Then drained her surprised victim’s still conscious body, of all its precious nutrients. In silence and with relish, she finished her meal. Taking her time to prolong Hussein’s agony, she said. “One thing is for certain Your Majesty. You’ll never be King.” When she had reduced her victim’s body to a powder, she came again with a scream of triumph. “Holyyy Shittt! What a crazy night.”

  Sated, Tanis stretched and lay back to start Hussein’s quick digestion. While she planned Amanda’s immediate future. Amanda had been right. Hussein was a good lover. Too good for his health. He had filled all three of her holes in quick succession and held his own until the end. Although, he had come only twice he’d kept her coming in continuous rapture. His fucking had been out of this world. All that remained of ‘The Man who would be King,’ was now only a small pile of red dust drifting on the bed sheets.

  Tanis rose from the bed and turned her attention to Amanda. Stripping her of her kinky gear, she hogtied Amanda. Finished, Tanis tossed Amanda’s body onto the bed to waken. In silence, she sat beside her prisoner, her hand combing its lazy way over Amanda’s shaved velvet. At last, with a flicker of eyelids, Amanda awoke.

  Surprised to find herself hogtied up and Tanis’s prisoner, Amanda looked around her. She spotted Tanis. In a confused, frightened voice she said, “Wha…what the fucks happened to me, Tanis? Where the fuck’s Hussein?”

  Tanis smiled. “Never trust Arabs bringing gifts Amanda. In the end, Hussein did not want me. He decided to kill his Daddy in a different way. Something much more painful and in keeping with his true nature. He thanked me for my services, untied me, and left. He was a thorough gentleman. He even thanked me for a good fuck and said I was worth every penny he’d paid for me.”

  “The bloody bastard betrayed me. I knew I should have killed you when I had the chance, Tanis.” She looked up at her beautiful captor. “I suppose you’ll kill me now?”

  “First we have to talk.”

  “Well get on with it. I can’t blame you, Tanis, after what I had planned for you.”

  “You’re not me Amanda. You walked into my trap. I let you capture me on purpose. I was never in any danger from you, or Hussein. In fact, I enjoyed the shagging you gave me so much I’m not going to kill you yet.” Her fingers entered Amanda’s body as her eyes found her breasts. “You do have nice tits, Amanda. Nice enough to eat.”

  “What are you rambling on about Tanis? Come to the point.”

  Tanis moved her mouth onto Amanda’s nipples, sucked at them for a while in silence, then said, “Like this? I lied about Hussein, Amanda. I had to kill and eat him. You and he took too much out of my body. It made me hungry.”

  “Tanis you’re frightening me. Let me go, and I will make you rich. I’ll even cut you in on a piece of the action.” Fuck me! She has flipped. Maybe I can talk her into letting me go.

  “I could buy and sell you many times over Amanda. You heard about the fight in Welland Taggart’s nightclub?”

  “Yes, Tanis! Even so, I did not believe it. No woman on Earth could do what you did without a weapon of some kind. Taggart’s a hard man. You, only a woman, never… Oh My God!”

  Tanis’s fingers began to probe her victim’s body again. “It’s because I’m not who you think I am Amanda. I came from space to Earth in Roman times, where I fought like a great Gladiator. This body I am in belonged to a Viking, warrior woman. In Elizabethan times I was a pirate and a Duellist where I fought the Spanish Armada. In Clive’s India, I lived in the host body of an Indian warrior woman Princess. In this modern time, I am a ‘Superhero’. I am immortal, Amanda, and my prey is human. Bad murderous people like Hussein and you are my natural prey. When you picked on Welland Taggart, you interfered in my life. For which, you and the rest of your crazy cartel will pay me with yours.”

  “Pull a nipple Tanis, it has bells on. Come on! You can’t be fucking serious.” Christ! She has lost the plot. “You’re as human as I am. I fucked you remember. You’re only trying to scare the crap out of me before you kill me.” I will play along with her for a while. She felt Tanis’s fingers move further into her body and gasped. “That feels good Tanis.”

  “It won’t feel so nice when I come for your body, Amanda. I was hunting you, and you did not know it. Forget about what you were, forget about the cartel, about your bank balance and your future. They are not relevant anymore. You are my prey now and what you had in this world is gone forever. Accept it, for it is your fate to be my food. It is Nature’s way. Nature’s first law of survival. Predator and prey. Where only the strongest will survive.”

  “Tanis hear me out for fuck’s sake,” Holy Shit! I have pushed her over the edge, “I can help you, I know a good Shrink who…”

  Tanis withdrew her fingers and gazed down at her prey. “It’s too late Amanda. Predators like me cannot let their prey walk free. Else what’s the fucking point of it all?”

  “Tanis please, can’t we figure something out? I’m a rich woman.”

  “You mean you were a rich woman Amanda. Nowhere near as rich as I am. Not anymore. There is nothing more to say. What you had is gone forever. Lie back and enjoy. It’s the first law after all.” In quietness, Tanis worked Amanda’s body with her fingers, tongue, and dildo. Playing with her as if a cat with a mouse, until dawn lit the sky.

  Still not in full belief of Tanis’s story and feeling a little hopeful, Amanda gave in to her desires. “Oh Tanis, I’m so sorry. Please continue what you’re doing.”

  Tanis bent over and turned Amanda’s head to the side. “Too late now. It is time to go aboard my Starship. I am a human Vampire Amanda. My food is human and in a half hour or so you will believe me.”

  “That’s supernatural crap Tanis, and you know it.”

  In the last moment of her coming, Amanda felt her predator’s fangs enter the central vein in her throat. As Tanis’s venom coursed through her bloodstream, she slipped into paralysis. She knew then what Tanis had told her was the truth. I am her prey, and there is nothing I can fucking do about it. All I have made of my life means nothing now. All my hard work is gone forever.

  When Tanis had finished tranquilising her prey, she sat up. “When I come for you Amanda it will be a fitting end for your physical body. But, not your treacherous mind. I can make use of your devious ways to trap others of your ilk in the future. You will live with thousands of others in my mind for as long as I live.” Amanda watched Tanis in astonishment as she wrenched the heavy locked door from her wall safe. Then took from it a small red book, her debit card along with its pin number. “This book information will be useful to the police when I come to deal with your friends Amanda. All your money I’ll give to an animal charity. You will have nothing left Amanda.”

  Able to speak Amanda whispered. “I’m so sorry Tanis.”

  “It’s far too late Amanda. Sleep now and dream in my stasis chamber. I will be back for your body in the by and by. In the meantime, I go to finish what you and your paranoid cartel started.”

  Tanis picked Amanda’s barely conscious body up and tossed it across her shoulders as
if a sack of potatoes. After locking the house, she strapped Amanda in the passenger seat of her car. Driving back to Jake’s club, Tanis transferred Amanda into the passenger seat of Jean’s car. Before leaving Amanda’s car, she wiped the wheel and anywhere else she had touched. Garaged it, then walked the short distance back to Jean’s car.

  At Hatton, she entered Zana. Kissing Amanda on her unfeeling lips, she placed her into stasis. She laughed at her prey’s dumbfounded look. As Amanda glanced around her, Tanis said. “Sleep now, Amanda. As I promised I will be back for your beautiful body later. Look after her for me Zana, I will have need of her scheming mind in the far future.”

  Tanis returned to the house, showered. Then rubbed some ointment into her wounds before she fell onto her bed exhausted. Knowing sleep and further digestion of Hussein’s physical essence would revive her. She slept the clock around letting her battered body heal itself in the silence of her dreaming. When she awoke, refreshed, her mind centred on Helga. So too, will the end come to you Helga Larsen…and soon.





  Her energy levels high because of her recent ingestion of Hussein. Yet, bored, Tanis needed something to do. She had two days before Welland left for Holland. She felt the urge to check out Tanaka’s restaurant and bathhouse. To find out more about his girls’ disappearance, and with luck. Have a sexual encounter too. Her back and bum were still a little sore from Hussein and Amanda’s attention. A soothing internal massage with beautiful young hands. Would go a long way to lighten her mood. If Jean had been there, she could have relieved her sexual tension. But Jean had not shown up, and she was worried about her. Helga had given the impression at the party she liked Jean’s service and may have kept her on for another week. Still, there was the puzzling fact Jean had not phoned her to let her know. She was about to call Helga when Jean rang. Her voice strained as if under duress.

  “Don’t worry about me Tanis, I’m all right. I’ll see you soon.”

  Tanis heard a sound in the background; yet, did not read anything into it. She was to regret it. Her last meeting with Tanaka had not worried her. Though Tanaka knew her secret, he would not talk. His time will come. Her instinct told her Tanaka was the danger. But only if he divulged her identity. Who would believe him anyway? She started to dress for a casual night out with jeans and a sweater. Under a light overcoat. There was no hurry as Tanaka’s bathhouse stayed open past midnight. Before driving off, she brought up the Docklands area on the GPS screen on the dashboard. I will leave the car at the Scandinavian and walk from there.


  An hour later Tanis stood in front of a notice board in the lobby of the bathhouse to see what was on offer. The unique body massage could involve something sexual. Glancing at the attractive young Japanese receptionist behind the counter her mind focused. I could do with a good shag tonight. The way she is looking at me, she wants it too. She let her coat fall open to show her figure, shook her hair to settle it, and released her pheromones. The encouraging looks from the receptionist made her decision to join. She began to fill out an application form. Tanaka will know of my visit. She dismissed him from her mind as the receptionist came around the desk. Handed her a large bath towel, a locker key, and a smile. Taking the girl’s hand, she returned her shy smile with a thank you. Then waited a few seconds with deliberate indecision.

  The receptionist, a girl of about twenty, read the signs. Dressed in a short white pleated skirt. Open-necked polo shirt, white ankle socks, and sneakers she said. “The locker rooms and bath are through the door, Madam.” The receptionist pointed towards a marble archway to make her point clear. Her glance dropped onto Tanis’s firm breasts hidden below the ‘V’ of her sweater, then back up to her eyes. She smiled, her hunger for Tanis’s body unmistakable.

  Tanis studied the twin mounds of the receptionist’s young breasts, and glanced down at her sexy legs, she said, “Thank you,” She looks sexually attractive in that sporty outfit. Tanis passed into the locker room, undressed, then entered the bath space. Her thoughts still on the young receptionist, she glanced around her.

  The baths laid out in the shape of a four-leafed clover and tiled with expensive green and white marble tiles. Looked clean and well filtered. They reminded Tanis of the Roman-style villa on the planet Delphi where she had lived with Tanis, her mistress. From whom she had taken her name. While in the host body of Portia, the black Delphi slave. She could make out the thick bases of the marble columns, which surrounded the baths. She guessed their tops, shrouded in a steamy mist. Supported a circular Roman-style marble balcony and balustrade.

  With the pleasant memories of what she and her mistress had done in Delphi’s baths percolating her mind. Tanis entered the warm water in primary arousal. Faces looked down on her nakedness through the mist. Their forms wrapped in large toga-like towels. She had been in enough Roman orgies to know what they hoped to see. Excited by the muted cries coming from above, what some of them were already up to. Things are perking up.

  One of the segments of the cloverleaf bath served as a Jacuzzi. The other three sectors used for bathing. Judging by what the male couple in the far corner were doing, discreet sexual massage too. The force of the water in the Jacuzzi. Kept the water circulating around the whole bath in a continuous swirl of motion. At the rear of the Roman style columns. Set in a circular pattern around them, were small private rooms faced with green marble. They must be massage rooms and showers.

  Tanis could feel the water swirling around her lower legs and between her thighs. Its erotic embrace filtering through her velvet began to stimulate her. The segment she had entered was of shallow depth. With a low shelf under the water at its circumference and a small round underwater seat in its centre. She sat down on the central bench and glanced around at the other clients who enjoyed the bath with her. If I can find an attractive person with similar thoughts to mine. I will ask them to join me. Her body aroused by her feelings, she sought quick relief with her hand as she glanced around the bath.

  Two fat middle-aged women sat at the other end of the bath chatting. Both having their bulbous melon-like breasts massaged by two young Japanese women. Who stood in front of them with their legs wide open. The two fat women thrusting into their young firm bodies with vibrators. She felt her clit break through its swollen hood as she watched the lively internal massage.

  In the other corner, a blond man was fucking a Japanese Shemale over the rim of the bath. Not taking the slightest bit of notice of her. Or the rough comments coming from the spectators who watched them from the balcony above. The Shemales’s legs were locked around the man’s waist. Pulling him into her body with each thrust as she smiled up at her audience. Tanis smiled at the Shemale and watched the couple in fascination until the blond man jerked into his finish inside his transsexual lover.

  Tanis looked towards the two fat middle-aged women. Both now, dildo-fucked by their attractive attendants, were moaning aloud in ecstasy. The comical scene reminded her of two white Beluga whales on a mating spree. She smiled and closed her eyes in concentration, her fingers working in her velvet. I wonder if Jean comes here. She felt her clit harden. The tension of the last two days began to drain away, and sexual desire took over. On the point of coming, her thoughts centred on Jean, she sensed a presence behind her. She opened her eyes and looked up. It was the young Japanese receptionist standing over her.

  Her moment gone Tanis felt strong fingers on her body and firm thighs on her back. As the girl started to massage her shoulders, throat, and forehead with her hands, then her back with her firm legs. She relaxed under the girl’s expert finger and thigh massage and sighed her pleasure. When the girl’s fingers finished her throat, they worked their way lower. She let them go and leant back into the girl’s firm body. Arching her back to tighten her breasts. She placed her hands up behind the girl’s neck and pulled her mouth down to hers in a deep French kiss. She felt the girl’s hands weigh her swollen bre
asts and cage them within her, nimble fingers. The girl began to milk their hard nipples with pliant fingertips. As her lips worked on Tanis’s mouth and stiffening tongue with passionate force. Tanis’s breaths quickened, spelling out her real desire to the young receptionist.

  The girl glanced down into Tanis’s eyes, smiled, and nodded. She said, “You have a beautiful hard body Mistress and a soft mouth. I could not let you go. When I saw you come in, I wanted you for myself. Later, if you will allow me, I’ll give you the full body treatment.”

  With her body responding to the young girl’s voice and touch, Tanis sighed. “Yes please, keep doing what you’re doing for now.” Her nipples erect, her sighs grew louder. The four women in the other segment stopped what they were doing and glanced at them. She could see faces from the balcony looking down from above and smiled up at them.

  Sensing she had spectators, the young masseuse quickened her pace. Her sighs telling Tanis of her arousal. She brought her hand up between the young girl’s legs and felt them part. She slipped two fingers onto the receptionist’s hard clit forcing a soft sigh from her lips. Before she entered her body. As she came onto her hand, the girl said. “Come mistress let us go somewhere more private where we can be alone, and I can have full sex with you. Your key entitles you to a private room and a full body massage. So, give it to me, please. The rooms are all equipped with a shower, a massage table, and all the other things we will need.”


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