The Willing Prey

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The Willing Prey Page 56

by Scarlett Sunday

  Her mind drifted onto her Viking life, where she had asked Viking Welland after a battle once. ‘How did you fare in the Jomburg training camp. Where women were not allowed Welland?’

  He’d answered. ‘I didn’t, the thought was always present. I was young with the sap always rising. Even with a vow to abstain, nature always proved stronger. When the need became great, I approached a man who was attractive to me. If he agreed, we slept in the same bed together. It was common for men to take their relief from each other’s bodies. Why waste an opportunity when you could be dead the next day?’

  If Welland had answered, ‘No.’ she would have lost her respect for him as a man, for he would have been lying. Gender identities became blurred in same-gender groups and boundaries merged. Viking Welland had confirmed this as normal behaviour. Having admitted homosexual contact with other attractive men was a common occurrence in the Jomburg Vikings’ training camps? She thought I wonder what would happen if two gay men. Brought together by two open-minded bisexual women? Would they pair off? She felt she had the answer. Delicately built males and strong-minded masculine females, if attractive. Were always admired by their own gender, whatever the circumstances. She would play tonight’s exciting game to the end. It could end in another Kathy-Hilary episode, this time male on male. She could feel the excitement of her planned adventure course through her body and gave a sigh of impatient expectation.

  As a powerful Viking chieftain, she’d always found it easier to seduce her own gender. Attractive body-slaves had to obey her sexual wishes, risk punishment or worse. She never allowed them a man, on pain of death. Their constant physical contact with her attractive body having broken down any sexual feeling her body slaves might have felt for men. When she felt their frustrated touch on her body. It had only been a short step to order them into her bed on a cold night. Where her caresses, pheromones, and ownership of their bodies had shattered any refusal. She enjoyed it too. The internal physical inspection of a new attractive body-slave she was about to buy. Kept apart from men for a time her female slaves, by their delicate actions and innuendo. Had always become more intimate with her. Knowing they couldn’t ask her outright for her favours. After a few days of constant sex with their willing bodies, she had taken them as prey. They were cattle then, only used by their masters and mistresses unto death anyway. Holy Shit! Was I so cruel and heartless then?

  She continued to dress. The pleasure this evening would be of a different kind. Where true love played no part in the proceedings, only secret desires. She wondered in which direction the drama would lead and what sensual delights it would hold. For her two male companions. She and Diana had already discussed theirs. It would be a night of drama. Played out to the wanton pleasures of the flesh with no holds barred. Where four people would come together to explore each other’s fantasies. In an environment, which catered only to them. Where the guiltless were not welcome. Four attractive people lusting after their partners’ bodies. Not caring, within reason, what they did to them. The vision became too much for her. She had to please her growing need for Diana’s body with hungry fingertips.


  Tanis left for the town around four. With butterflies in her stomach and two love balls clicking inside her cunt. The thought of what two men and two women could get up to in a foursome of homosexual fantasies. Made her body wet with desire. She’d placed a large absorbent pad on the seat to take care of any excess moisture. Knowing she would head for every small bump in the road. The drive into town proved one of her more enjoyable journeys. Her body still reeling from her self-inflicted ordeal. Plus, the prospect of an even better evening ahead. She entered the restroom, removed her soiled panties and the love balls. Washing them, she left her panties off. With a smile on her face, she walked into the main bar. Knowing Diana was on her way. She made straight for cubicle ten and seated herself in the corner facing the door.

  In short order Steve joined her, excitement clear on his face. Dressed in suggestive casual wear geared to attract another man. The open leather jacket assailed her nostrils with its subtle aroma. Underneath the coat, Steve had covered his whipcord upper body. With a tight, white, fine-knit “V” neck sweater without a shirt. Attire which had become popular with Gay men of his sexuality to show muscular throats and top chest hair. The jersey embraced his chest and his narrow waist with fidelity. Leaving nothing to the imagination. On his lower half, he sported a pair of tight-belted faded jeans. Which hugged his muscular thighs. Showing the bulge of his big cock off to advantage. His feet. Covered with expensive casual leather shoes slipped over white cotton socks.

  Steve’s emerald eyes flashed a smile when he noticed Tanis’s eyes studying his flies. “Hi Tanis, I hope my date appreciates what I’ve got for him.”

  Tanis laughed. “If he doesn’t you can always join Diana and me.” She could feel wetness below. What Diana had told her about him was true. Christ I’d love to have his fat cock coming into my mouth. She glanced up into Steve’s eyes.

  Although conscious of her thoughtful attention, Steve wasn’t blushing. His thoughts were on what his blind date might have hanging between his legs. “I’ve been looking forward to tonight Tanis. There’s nothing more exciting than a blind date.”

  She invited him to sit down. “I think you’ll like him, Steve. Sit and make yourself comfortable.” She pointed to the seat opposite, her hungry eyes still fixed on his swollen bulge. “Or as comfortable as you can be Steve. Diana should be here soon, and afterwards your blind date.”

  “You look attractive tonight Tanis. I hope my date looks just as attractive.”

  “We’ll see. It all depends on how you define beauty. It should prove to be a good night for all Steve. I think I’ve made a good choice for you tonight.”

  “I hope so Tanis.”

  She watched him and said. “Sex is a funny thing sometimes. Big bust; nice bum, beautiful eyes, tight clothes, colour, bulges in trousers. All personal preferences and all-important to everyone’s imaginative thought processes. When it comes down to sexual attraction. Wait and see is all I ask.”

  “Okay.” Steve blushed at the mention of bulges in trousers and changed the subject. “I’ve set a date for Japan Tanis.” He could see the excitement in her eyes. “I’ve decided to close the dojo for the duration of my trip. I've asked John my second instructor and his wife to come with me. They’re going to treat it as a holiday. I told John I’m going to stand the bill. It’s my treat for his loyalty over the years. If I like Japan, I might sell the dojo here and open one up over there. What do you think?”

  “Oh, I think you’ll like Japan Steve. When you meet Darius, you two will have a lot in common.”

  “His eyes gleamed with unsuppressed joy. “I can’t wait, Tanis. Darius is the main man on my list to meet. I’ve heard he’s unbeatable and wonderful to watch when he fights. When in kata with the Samurai sword he’s superb. He’s giving a demo of his Kata in the main arena on the last night.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing you two together Steve. When are you going over?”

  “Oh, not for another three weeks yet. The tournament doesn’t start until the end of this month.”

  “Diana and I are going over too. She needs a holiday. So, I thought what the fuck, let’s go over, and watch you fight.”

  “That’s great news, Tanis. You’ve made my day. Diana will love the sights. Maybe she can enter the competition too. It’s not too late. She’s good enough to stand an excellent chance of winning.”

  “Enter her Steve. I know she’d love to compete. Ah, here she is now. Hello sweetheart, come and sit here next to me.”

  “Hello, Diana.”

  “Hello, Steve, it’s nice to see you again. Has it been a whole week since we last met?”

  “Don’t worry about it Diana, you needed the rest. Tanis will tell you later what I’m planning. Let’s concentrate on enjoying ourselves tonight. Where’s dinner Tanis?” He looked a little apprehensive; even so, his excitement preva

  “The Three Bells at Hatton.” He’s wondering about his date. Before she could finish Nigel entered. Still in his police uniform.

  Nigel glanced at her, then at Steve. His eyes never leaving Steve’s face he said. “Err. Hello Tanis, I’ve come straight from work and need to change.”

  “It’s okay Nigel. This is Steve, and we’re going for dinner in Hatton tonight.” She stopped. Nigel stood there staring at Steve’s face, and Steve sat there his eyes glued on Nigel’s bulge. Their instant allure evident, she finished. “I’ll take it as a yes for both of you then?”

  “Err what, oh, I’m sorry Tanis. Of course, yes, I’ll come. Give me half an hour to be ready. No. Make it an hour and have a drink or something. I need to dress for the occasion.” He put his hand out to Steve and smiled. “I’m pleased to meet you, Steve.”

  Steve took his hand. “I’ll say one thing, Nigel. You’re attractive in your uniform.” Realising what he had said, Steve blushed. Nigel laughed it off and was gone, his excitement clear. “I’m sorry Tanis. Diana knows where my feelings lie. But you...?”

  “Well, let’s say I suspected it, Steve. Anyway, we’re all close friends here or will be after tonight.” She reached across and took Diana’s hand. “We keep no secrets from each other do we Angel?”

  “Not one.”

  Tanis phoned the bar and ordered the drinks. When they arrived, she was about to speak when Steve cut her off.

  “Tanis, can I tell you my story first. You could have an interest since you’re a keen student of human nature. Nigel will be at least an hour, so I’ve time. I want our friendship to start out crisp and clean. I don’t seem to be shy about you Tanis. Besides, I’ll value your input.”

  “I’m interested Steve, please go on.” Feeling Diana’s hand on her thigh, her fingers found Diana’s.

  Steve began. “When I was thirteen, I remember my age because it was my birthday. I was at a boarding school for boys in Surrey. An only child I had no friends to speak of. I found it hard to make friends. I was never bullied at school because I could fight.” He looked at Diana. “I had an experience at the birthday party, which was to change my whole outlook on life. My relationships with women too.”

  Her interest intense Tanis listened. Her face in her hand, her eyes on Steve. Single-gender boarding schools again! Why am I not surprised? Adolescence and non-segregation of the genders is a risky time. When the young are trying to find their sexual identities. It takes courage for Steve to tell two women about himself. Before Steve began, she said. “Steve, most of our sexual preferences are born in our early adolescence years. With people, our own age. It’s where we find out who we are and what we want in our physical relationships with other people. When we become adults. I believe our sexuality to be determined then. Hormones, genes, single-sex schools, and what we see as intense sexual pleasure. Come into it too.”

  “Thank you, Tanis. As I said, it was an all boys’ school and the only woman was a Matron Rand. She was more of a mother to us kids than a sex object. There was a good-looking boy there of fourteen who made it plain to me he fancied me for sex. I was discovering my body at the time and became a little anxious about his intentions toward me. Because I found him attractive too. I sensed what he wanted from me and noticed the hard bulge in his trousers. I could tell he felt thrilled at the prospect of a new sexual conquest. I had started to masturbate then. So, I knew what the hard bulge in his trousers meant.”

  Tanis moved her hand further up Diana’s thigh. Diana sighed but said nothing.

  Steve smiled and continued. “When I came after my first masturbation attempt it frightened me. I was so naive then, I thought I’d injured myself because the feeling of my first ejaculation was painful. Yet, intense and gratifying also. I’d only seen urine coming from my penis. In my innocence, I wondered what this pearly white liquid was. Which had shot out of my body without warning into my hand with such force? Boy! Was I to find out later?” He looked a little embarrassed.

  “Please continue Steve.” Tanis’s finger found Diana’s clit. She began to stroke it.

  “After my first come, I couldn’t leave myself alone. Although, I never had an image to masturbate to. Only vague faces of vague boys my age. On my birthday, I always received a fifty-pound note from my parents. Always, I spent it on buying a few fancy cakes for my friends, hoping for a close relationship. On this occasion, this boy made sure he was among my guests. When we sat down at the table, he sat next to me. I had the seat next to the wall, and he had me trapped in with his body so I could not escape. For a good reason, I became excited about my situation.” Diana sighed her coming. Steve smiled and continued. “Halfway through the party. When everyone was too excited to care what the others were doing. I felt his hand creep up my thigh to my flies. My stomach turned over when he began to undo my fly buttons one by one to excite me.” Steve took a shy glance into Diana’s eyes. “You see Diana, I had wanted it so much coming from another boy my age.”

  Her eyes misty, Diana said. “Believe me I understand Steve.”

  “He was eating cake with his left hand while he worked my hard cock out of my trousers with his right. He began to work my tight foreskin on and off its creamy head. No one noticed. They didn’t even notice when I gave a soft sigh and came into his hand. The taste of come appealed to him. He must have masturbated others before me. He took his hand from my cock, changed hands with his cake, then looked at me as he sucked each finger in turn. The other boys still none the wiser of what he had done, or what he was hinting at.”

  Tanis took a deep breath as she felt Diana come.

  Steve smiled again and continued. “It was my first deliberate sexual act with another boy. Afterwards, I became obsessed with wondering how my come, or his would taste. When my desire returned, I couldn’t take my eyes off his hands.” He looked at Diana before continuing. “He knew he’d made a conquest Diana. After the party, he asked me to follow him. I surrendered to his wish, for I couldn’t help myself. I followed him up to his dormitory into what was a large walk-in broom cupboard at the top of the stairs.”

  Tanis could see the excitement on Steve’s face at this, his first powerful sexual memory. She could imagine what his cock was doing in his tight jeans too. Boy, would I like my head between his legs sucking on his cock’s leaking juices? Instead, she satisfied herself with licking her fingers before she returned to Diana’s clit.

  Steve took a breath, “We entered the cupboard. He pushed me against the wall, pulled his school tie from his neck, and tied my hands behind my back. He didn’t need to do it because I was willing anyway. The terrific boost my body received from him making me his captive I’ll never forget. When his hand began to work my belt buckle and flies loose. It made me so hard it surprised him when my cock burst out of my trousers into his hand. I can still hear his words. ‘Holy Shit Steven! What a hard-on… I can see you like me doing this to you?’ I blushed and nodded.”

  Diana flushed, came again.

  Steve smiled again, more comfortable now. “My cock wasn’t big at the time. Yet, my excitement at him tying me up and his dominance over me had made my cock so hard it hurt. It was standing up stiff and shiny against my stomach. With little pearl drops of cum oozing from the small lips at its top in a continuous stream. It's veins bulging with blood fit to burst. He dropped to his knees thinking me about to come. With hunger in his eyes, he held me against the wall with one hand. He took my stiff shaft into his mouth, squeezing my swollen balls as he did so. Boy! Did I detonate then? I had gallons to give him. He kept sucking on my cock and swallowing even after I’d finished. I had to push him away from my stomach, as the exquisite pain became too much to bear. For a short time after I’d come, I found I’d lost all desire to continue. I knew it as a natural reaction to coming by then…” He looked up embarrassed.

  “Please go on Steve, it’s electrifying us,” sighed Tanis.

  “He released his hard cock and started to masturbate himself. Knowing I watched him,
he took his time and waited for my desire to return. I became mesmerised by what he held in his hand and by the sticky drops dripping from its end.” His sentences shorter, his breathing quicker, Steve continued. “The boy untied me, knowing what I would do. He saw how excited and hungry for him I was. He released his cock into my care. I took over with my hand at first, before I finished him with my mouth. I found I liked the taste as he detonated into my throat. Like him, I wanted more.” Steve glanced at Diana. “After our first exciting episode, we had regular sessions in the cupboard every day... Sometimes twice a day. At our young age, our taste for each other’s cocks was extreme.” Tanis stopped molesting Diana. She was about to say something when Steve held up his hand. “Please let me finish Tanis. Before he left school, he introduced me to anal sex. The first time he tied me up, bent me over in the corner of the cupboard, then donned a condom. Holding onto my hips, he fucked me, making it last. The feeling of his erect cock penetrating my body and moving in and out between my buns was intense. There was no need for lubrication. I had enough for both of us. Him fucking me surprised me, it was so unexpected. The feeling of him thrusting inside me, even with a condom, was delicious. I’ll never forget, what to me was my first penetrating sexual memory. When he came, I could feel the warmth of his detonation in my arse through his condom. With thousands of fluttering butterfly wings in my stomach. My body afire, I joined him in my own explosion. The intense feeling lasting for minutes afterwards. Our ejaculations so strong we collapsed against each other. I felt a sense of power in what I had caused in him, then an ecstatic weakness in what he had caused in me.”


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