The Willing Prey

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The Willing Prey Page 65

by Scarlett Sunday

  Sensing Tanis’s keen interest, the object of her attention glanced towards her. When their eyes met, the singer’s breasts rose with a sharp intake of breath. Which had nothing to do with her singing?

  Tanis smiled. In that moment. She knew she’d made her capture. She released her hair with her right hand to fall in a golden cascade onto her broad shoulders. She shook it into place with a toss of her head and stood up. The game starts, the seductive drama begins.

  With the singer’s eyes in full focus on her body. Tanis removed her short jacket and placed it with care on the back of her chair. Turning, she breathed in to tighten her breasts against her tight sweater and sat down again. Her body, her eyes, and her jewellery had telegraphed their message. All she had to do now was wait.

  It would’ve been a naive fool. Or a person not interested in her gender for sex who would have missed Tanis’s clear signals. Their eyes met again. Her victim’s tongue danced across wet swollen lips. In anticipation of a fascinating evening ahead, she bit her bottom lip. Her white teeth flashing her acceptance, she nodded. The trap sprung, the bait was taken, Tanis waited in patient turmoil for her prey to make the next move.

  The young black woman finished her song, then as though drawn by a magnet, she came over to Tanis’s table. Gazing down at her, her dark eyes flashing, their message clear, she said. “May I sit down for a moment, please?”

  Tanis’s stomach turned over in exhilaration. At the seductive sight and beautiful smell coming off her prey’s stunning body. Her prey’s nostrils opened to her pheromones, and at that moment, she surrendered. “Of course, you may. I must congratulate you on your superb voice and body.”

  The singer smiled and made herself comfortable. Her eyes never leaving Tanis’s she continued. “Thank you, I could see you liked my singing. By the way, you looked at me, I thought you would be interesting to meet.”

  “I can’t wait for another song. You have a strong, sexy voice, and you are an attractive young woman. I couldn’t help but notice you. You reminded me of someone I was in love with once long ago.”

  The young beauty glanced at Tanis’s right hand and smiled. “What was her name?”


  “What a beautiful name, it sounds Indian. Mine’s Elizabeth”

  “Mine’s Tanis.”

  “Were you in love with her Tanis? I mean… I’m sorry I shouldn’t ask such a personal question?”

  Tanis took Elizabeth’s hand in hers. “Yes, I loved her with a deep passion. I’m here to meet a business client, but she hasn’t shown.”

  “Forgive me for being rude Tanis. Tonight is unfortunate. I am here with someone else, or I would fill in for your date.” Her face showing her concern Elizabeth glanced around and whispered. “I don’t think he would take no for an answer.” She finished in nervous haste. “I hate the bastard’s fucking guts.”

  “Perhaps another time Elizabeth. I only live in Hatton, and we could make a date to meet at my home later, or tomorrow?”

  Elizabeth smiled. “Which is a definite yes. Thank you for your compliment earlier Tanis. Coming from a beautiful woman, it’s much appreciated.”

  Elizabeth was rummaging in her bag for her card when another voice broke in. “Introduce us bitch!” It was a soft, dangerous voice. “You’re with me tonight remember. I don’t want you fucked by another woman unless I’m there. We must meet someone in a moment who’s interested in your black arse. I don’t want you picking up clients until he’s seen you first. Crystal!” He looked down at Tanis his eyes undressing her. “Above all, women who look like her.”

  The fear showed on Elizabeth’s face. She glanced at Tanis and with a shrug of her shoulders, sighed in resignation. “Tanis, this is Wallace. He’s not my friend and never will be. He’s my pimp, if I go against his fucking wishes and don’t give him my money, I’ll lose my face.”

  “Too right Tanis, Elizabeth’s a wise woman. She can’t get enough of my black cock in her. Even if she does prefer white dildos for sex sometimes.”

  The man who stood before Tanis. Studying her cleavage was a tall handsome and well-built black man of about thirty. Dressed in black leather and covered with silver chains from head to toe. He was angry.

  Tanis put an edge on her voice when she answered him. She didn’t like him, and Wallace sensed it. Even so, he chose to ignore it. “Hi Wallace, sit down and join us, I won’t bite you. Not yet anyway.” To Wallace, all the women were up for grabs, which included her. His eyes caressed her breasts and body, and she felt she could reach out and take him. It was clear Elizabeth feared him and felt uncomfortable in his company. “Come on Wallace, sit here next to me and buy us a drink.” What she couldn’t know Wallace had a deeper reason for wanting to meet her. A far more sinister purpose than sex.

  “Fuck me dead!” Ebony and Ivory. Holy Crap! Rachide would pay top dollar for them both. Some randy Sheik in the Middle East would sell half his wives to have this matched pair in his harem. Although opposite in colour. They have the same build and height. If dressed alike in contrasting outfits they’d be like two expensive chess pieces. I’ve never seen anyone so fucking beautiful before. He said aloud. “Fuck me dead!”

  Tanis smiled. “If you want me to fuck you dead Wallace, I can oblige.”

  “I’m sorry, please excuse me, Tanis. I must make a quick phone call. I’ll be back with some drinks. Elizabeth, let Tanis fuck you in the toilet if you must; but keep her here. I won’t be long.”

  Wallace left with his thoughts. I’ll cancel tonight’s meeting with Rachide and make a new date for two days. After I’ve banged the living daylights out of them both. Who gives a shit whether they’re damaged goods or not? Afterwards, they’ll still be beautiful? My cock wants them and who am I to argue with my cock. When Rachide claps his nasty eyes on Tanis and Elizabeth together. He’ll forget everything except what’s in his pants. Then cough up top dollar. I can guarantee it. He’s bound to want to sample the goods himself to make sure they’re up to scratch. The dirty little bastard has the morals of a camel.

  When Wallace returned with drinks. His phone call made, he settled himself down to his evening’s entertainment. Finding out Tanis’s date hadn’t shown he asked if he could hire her for himself. She nodded. All smiles he moved in and sat down next to her.

  “On one condition Wallace. You hire Elizabeth too. If she wants to make a threesome, it’s okay with me.”

  “You do fancy her Tanis?”

  “Of course, it’s who I am.”

  “Tanis there’s nothing else I would rather do than go home with you. If you agree to be Wallace’s client, I agree to be yours.”

  Tanis noticed Elizabeth’s eyes drop onto her cleavage. “It’s a deal Elizabeth. You’re hired. A threesome is much better.”

  “You could have a few kinks you want ironed out Tanis. I’m just the girl for you.” Elizabeth had Wallace over a barrel, and she knew it. “No more freebees Wallace. This time it’s going to cost you plenty. When we’ve finished with you tonight, I’m bloody well going home with Tanis.”

  Tanis confirmed it. “She’s right Wallace, we don’t come cheap Elizabeth and me. Plus, we’ll be doing the fucking not you. I might let you in at the end. I’ve got what you need in here.” She patted her purse. “I’ve never fucked a man between his buns before.”

  “Whatever it takes, you kinky bitch. Okay, I agree to your terms.” Wallace could not help but agree. For Tanis had his cock in her expert fingers, and it was as hard as a police officer’s truncheon. “I can pay Tanis, so let me enjoy the moment. How about another song Bitch?” It was clear he did not want Elizabeth to see Tanis hand-jobbing him under the table. “I’ve never had a fuck or been fucked by two sexy women before Tanis. Holyyy Shit! I can't wait.”

  “There’s always a first time Wallace.” And a last. With her hand keeping time to the music. Tanis worked Wallace’s cock into the rhythm of Elizabeth’s sultry tones. She continued until he came with a loud gasp over her hand. Which drew the atten
tion of the young couple at the next table. She placed her fingers into her mouth to taste him. Nice, now for Elizabeth’s. When Elizabeth returned. Tanis excused herself and said to a thoughtful, temporary satisfied Wallace. “I won’t be long Wallace. I’m going for a quick leak. Coming Elizabeth?”

  The invitation had its desired effect. “Yes, Tanis. Don’t go away Wallace, I want a piece of your arse myself tonight.”

  “You have to be kidding. I’m not going anywhere until I’ve had a fucking good night with you two. I’ll be the black meat in a black and white club sandwich.” He continued with menace. “You be sure you two come back, or I’ll come after you with a razor.”

  Tanis purred. “We’ll be back, so don't worry Wallace. I’ve your wish to grant remember. Come on Elizabeth I’m busting.”

  In the toilet, Elizabeth opened. “Tanis, I’d give anything to be rid of Wallace. He’s a leech and a bastard. He takes all I earn and has three other girls and a couple of rent boys working for him too. We’re all at the up-market part of the trade, so he does quite well out of us. What I resent, Wallace does nothing to earn his keep and fucks us all rigid into the bargain.”

  “Tonight, we get to fuck him rigid Elizabeth.”

  “What worries me? Now and again one of us disappears. They vanish from sight and are never seen again. I don’t think he kills them, although he threatens us with disfigurement all the time. If I could get out of this business for good, I would.”

  “Maybe I can help you there Elizabeth?”

  “These kids that vanish are about seventeen or eighteen and naive. They always seem to disappear when his friend Rachide is around. It’s starting to frighten me. He won’t take anyone on unless they’re beautiful as you or…” she blushed. “Me.”

  “I’ve already put him down as a bastard Elizabeth.”

  “Can you imagine what we’d fetch on the open sex-slave market. If Wallace decided to sell us as a pair and dressed us to suit? We would look like a positive and negative photograph to the right buyer. The beautiful people would go nuts over us, not forgetting the Arabs. To them, pleasure is everything, money no object, and women only there to fuck. He made a phone call earlier. So, I have a suspicion our days of freedom are few. He’s got his eye on you, Tanis. I admit I’m a little worried about us. I know Wallace too well. He’s cooking something up.”

  “Don’t worry Elizabeth, I can deal with it. Let’s enjoy tonight and each other. He’ll fuck us tonight thinking we’ll be around for a while. Don’t forget he’s got to set the deal up. Afterwards, the buyer will want to sample the merchandise before committing himself. Christ! Why is this world so full of arseholes?”

  “You tell me, Tanis.”

  “There’s a good side to sex though. I had a woman in the Midlands once who hired me to keep her as a sex slave in her own house for six months on full pay. She was beautiful and paid well for the service I gave her. It was like a long holiday for me Elizabeth.”

  “My God Tanis! If she were as attractive as you, I wouldn’t mind being your sex slave either. If I was well cared for and serviced at regular intervals. I’ve been thinking about retirement for a while now. If the right job came up, with plenty of bondage sex. With Wallace, not around, I could go for it? I can cook too?”

  Thoughtful for a moment and with no one else in the restroom. Tanis pushed Elizabeth into one of the closets and closed the door. Forcing her arms higher up her back, she gave her two long kisses on her mouth and throat. Running her teeth over her throbbing jugular. “I’ve wanted to do this ever since I first saw you singing Elizabeth. It won’t only be Wallace fucking you tonight. After he’s had his fun and gone home, I’m going to take you to my place, where we can tie one on. I like my bondage sex too.”

  “I’d like that Tanis. You’ve made me feel better already. You wouldn’t be in the market for a permanent sex slave, would you?”

  “I might.” She dropped her lips onto one of Elizabeth’s hard nipples. With a finger between her thighs, she worked her wet cunt until Elizabeth came with a loud moan. “Just a taste of what’s to come, Elizabeth. Come on let’s go back inside before Wallace misses us.”

  “Oh My God Tanis! You’re something else. I’ve never come so quick before. I like dominant women making love to me.”

  She had plans for Elizabeth, big ideas. Young and with a pleasant personality Elizabeth would be the perfect woman to look after the house. While she and Diana were away in Japan and Jean in stasis. If Elizabeth likes it, she can become Jean’s well-paid sex slave and housekeeper after I’ve gone. Or she can come with me when I leave. Tanis glanced at her dark companion. “I’m glad you do Elizabeth. I can offer you a good position with me as my housekeeper. It would be a complete change of life for you. I’m only here because I’m rich, eccentric and have a sexual thing for beautiful women. I’m not in the game. You would be well paid and want for nothing if you took the job I’m offering. In the morning before I leave, let me know your answer. Your immediate future could depend on it.”

  “Okay Tanis, I will. Thanks for what you did in there. I needed it coming from you.”

  “Don’t mention it Elizabeth. I enjoyed it as much as you. Come on, we mustn’t keep Wallace waiting.”

  Wallace was waiting with a look of frustrated anger and a little pain on his face. “Let’s go now, my leather pants won’t stretch anymore. We’ll use Elizabeth’s pad tonight. Mine’s all set up for an important meeting tomorrow. How’s that grab you girls?”

  Tanis glanced at Elizabeth and winked. “By the short and curlies Wallace. I hope Elizabeth’s bed is strong enough to take us.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “It is Tanis. My room has an en-suite with a Jacuzzi too.”



  Elizabeth, a little sore and exhausted. After Wallace and Tanis had given her a good rogering for half the night. He with his black truncheon and she with her white dildo. Left for her en-suite at Tanis’s suggestion, to take a long soothing soak.

  “The soak will do you good Elizabeth. Use some of this ointment afterwards. Leave Wallace to me, I haven’t quite had enough of his black cock or his arse yet. Take your time, we have all night.”

  “Okay, Tanis keep him busy for at least another hour won’t you. I need to good soak to keep me in trim for our next marathon session.”

  “I promise. I don’t want to see you before then Elizabeth.”

  “You won’t.”

  With Elizabeth gone, Tanis pulled a flagging Wallace up into a kneeling position. Strapped on her dildo, and with his head resting on a pillow she began to fuck him in the arse doggie fashion.

  He sighed, “Fuck me Tanis, but you’re a randy bitch. You’re sucking me dry.”

  “You’re not quite dry enough to my liking yet Wallace. I’ve only just started to taste what your body has on offer. This is only a foretaste of what’s to come. I thought you wanted me to fuck you dead, or at least until you’re exhausted?”

  “I do Tanis. I’ve never had a sexy fuck like you before.”

  “And you’ll never have one like me again. So, enjoy Wallace.”

  When Tanis had finished fucking him. She threw the dildo onto the side table and then lay on her back, her thighs open inviting Wallace in. She felt his well-oiled cock slide into her and placed her emerging fangs over his jugular. With her legs locked around his waist in a firm scissor grip. Her arms around his back holding him in like a female spider about to eat her doomed mate. Wallace was ripe for eating. The large veins stood out like cords of knotted rope in his throat. His heart pumping his hot blood through the main blood vessel beneath her hungry lips. There wouldn’t be a better time. Her breaths quickening with the excitement of so easy a meal. Tanis continued to suck and fuck Wallace until she felt his spurting warmth filling her tunnel.

  Wallace gave a loud gasp of ecstasy. “Holy Crap Tanis! You’re worth every penny of your large fee.” She joined Wallace with her climax before biting into his throat. Injecting her venom. She
watched his look of ecstasy turn to one of horror as he gazed down into her eyes for the last time. His body liquefying from within he sighed. “Wha…What the fuck’s happening to me, Tanis. I’m starting to feel like mushy peas inside?”

  Tanis laughed and said, “Not as mushy as it’s going to feel in a moment, Wallace. I’m sorry. I knew you planned to sell Elizabeth and me down the river. I couldn’t allow you to do that. I’m taking Elizabeth home with me tonight. She belongs to me now. You…You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I enjoyed your cock in me while it lasted, now it’s time to pay the piper, or should I say the Vampire. You said you wanted me to fuck you dead.” She forced his head back to bare his throat. Then buried her fangs deep into his throbbing vein again. Where she began to drain his terror and his liquefying nutrients from his helpless body. “I’m granting your wish, Wallace.” This time, unlike Joe, she would take her time.


  When Elizabeth returned, she said. “Where’s Wallace?”

  “Wallace had to make another phone call Elizabeth. He’s gone home to do it.”

  “Doesn’t want us to know what he has in store for us Tanis. Thank Christ he’s gone.” She climbed astride Tanis’s willing body. With a thick black dildo strapped to her thighs. “The ointment you gave me is good Tanis. I’m ready for another piece of your arse now. Afterwards, you can give me the length of your gorgeous white tongue again. How do you feel about that?”

  “I seem to have found new energy from somewhere Elizabeth. Let’s get on with it. I intend to fuck you until morning, either here or at home.”

  “Let it be home then Tanis, in case Wallace comes back.”

  “Okay. I’ll order our taxi after you finish me.”


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