The Willing Prey

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The Willing Prey Page 68

by Scarlett Sunday


  It was past midnight when Tanis left Diana. She could hear the bed next door creaking to Darius’s thrusts. Knowing Steve and Nigel to be in safe hands, she exited the hotel for the streets. The night sultry. She had on a light-tight red cardigan which buttoned to the throat. With three quarter length sleeves, the three top buttons left undone. To emphasise her long beautiful throat. The white flared skirt, and a black patent leather belt. Enough to pull the cardigan in snug to her waist, which emphasised her firm bra-less breasts. Her sweater mode. With its flared skirt, light chiffon choker around her throat. Her golden hair, done up in a fifties style ponytail with a fringe. Altogether, making her look almost a teenager. Her outfit designed to give her the look of a naive young woman of the mid nineteen fifties. Her only jewellery. A thin gold chain with a small red diamond nestling in the hollow of her throat. Matched by a ruby ring on the middle finger of her left hand. On her feet, a pair of comfortable low-heeled red jiving pumps. Together with white bobby socks, which completed her dress. Although not quite a teenager. Tanis gave the impression she was younger than her years and dressed for a good time out. On leaving, she draped a light overcoat over her shoulders to hide her dress.

  Tanis found a small nightclub called Le Chat Noir in one of the side streets. The shape of the blue flashing neon sign above the door needed no translation. Like Welland’s club, every table had a phone on it with numbered cubicles in the rear. She thought it a great innovation. As it generated excitement and anticipation in those, who were looking for sex. As she entered the club, she glanced around in the half-light. A young Japanese pole dancer. Caressing her pole between muscular thighs and small breasts on a rickety stage at one end of the room. Gave her a bored look.

  It’s clear she’s looking for a male cock or arse. The girl gave Tanis a smile and a wave. She had noticed the bulge between the girl's beautiful legs. Also, the look of love in the eyes of the young man gazing up at her bulge. She thought. She’s safe. Silicon nor a Shemale are on my menu tonight.

  Tanis smiled and sat down at a table in the corner, ordered a soft drink, and waited for her phone to ring. She could have taken one of the twins as prey. But, needed all her stasis victims for her next long journey. The excitement of a new hunt was hard to resist. As each new hunt always brought with it an exciting fresh sexual experience... The phone rang making her feel like an angler with a bite. She picked it up. “Hello.”

  The husky female voice at the other end said. “You look alone tonight Sugar. Perhaps I can give you what you need?”

  The fire of the whip on Freyja’s skin and good, rough sex would energise Tanis’s weakened body. With a good meal to end, it would bring her back to her former self. Maybe she can give me what I need. If I expect to provide Darius with any sort of a mating dance. I’d better be at my full strength, which means a willing prey tonight. In preference, an attractive female. The light on her phone flashed seven. She looked around. On table seven watching her. Sat a tall Westernized Japanese woman of about thirty-five. Dressed in a black leather jacket and tight black trousers. Her hair fell to her shoulders in a shiny black curtain of inward turning brashness. Which framed a face, which was more handsome than beautiful. Across her forehead, the woman wore a crimson band of silk tied at the side. Which reminded her of an Apache Indian. Attractive in a masculine way, she would do. But only if she qualified.

  The phone crackled, breaking into her thoughts again. “Well, do you want company or not? I can’t wait all night.” There was a hard, cruel edge to the voice.

  Tanis smiled. She needed to find out more. “It all depends on what you have to offer me in the way of entertainment. I was hoping for a man.”

  “So, a woman won’t do then?”

  “She might. It all depends on what she’s offering. I have never had sex with a woman before.”

  “You don’t know what you’re missing. Oh well, nice talking to you.” The phone went dead…. Tanis dialled table number seven. “Yes.”

  “You give up too soon number seven. It’s me again, the young girl on table five. Do you sell drugs?”

  “I sell everything. It depends on what you want. Hard drugs, a boy, a girl, bondage and discipline, straight sex. Or something more exotic or erotic. I can give you your heart’s desire, then much, much more.”

  “Does the fantasy sex include a little pain?”

  Tanis could hear the woman’s breaths quicken as she answered. “It depends on what your fantasy is. You look a little innocent to me to be into discipline. Plus, would bondage feel the same coming from a woman who knows what she is doing?”

  “Why don’t you join me and find out. We’ll talk about it.”

  “First, how old are you?”


  “You look younger. Where? At your table or in a cubicle?”

  “In a cubicle. I’m a little shy. But, I’m not as naive as I look, or as my mother thinks I am.” Her heart thumping Tanis waited for number seven’s answer.

  “You could have fooled me. Okay, I’ll see you in number three cubicle. By the light on the board, it’s free. Stay seated until I have gone past you. Afterwards, follow me.”

  Tanis watched the woman rise from her chair and move towards her. She was tall for a Japanese. She guessed with some European blood in her. Her broad black leather belt had a silver buckle constructed to look like an elaborate reef knot. On her feet, she wore close-fitting black calf length high-heeled boots. Under her short leather jacket. She sported a clean red tee shirt with a large black spider motif printed on its front. The tee shirt too small for her. Hugged her firm nubile breasts, and long succulent nipples with fidelity. The latter matching the spider fangs on her motif with exactness. Her nipples joined on the outside of her tee shirt by a heavy silver chain and two nipple clamps. Which hung taut between them. Around her long gorgeous throat. The woman wore a choker chain of finely worked reef knots in silver, which matched her belt buckle. As she passed her table, the woman glanced down at her through eyes as black as obsidian. From the aroma of her pheromones, she was in high arousal. Her almond shaped eyes reminded Tanis of Diana’s Asian parentage. Her dilated pupils made the woman attractive rather than beautiful. Something about her feline movements made her eye-catching in the extreme sense.

  Tanis’s heart began to hammer, and she could feel familiar wetness between her thighs. Which coupled with the sharp sense of eagerness in her stomach. Told her, her potential victim had roused intimate sexual feelings in her. I hope she can give me what I crave. No! She will give me what I need.

  The woman disappeared through the doorway, and Tanis followed close behind. The woman was waiting for her with her arms crossed in front of her on the table. Beautiful, strong limbs with long artistic fingers. On the middle and forefinger of her right hand, the woman wore two heavy silver rings made to look like spiders. Their bodies mounted as single blood rubies, their eyes set with smaller rubies. She felt intrigued enough to ask. “What do all your rings mean? I’ve never seen their like before?”

  The woman looked up at her and answered, reminding her of Erin Connor. “They represent who I am.”

  Tanis shrugged, noticing the spider tattoo on the woman’s throat feeding at a vein. “The fingers your rings are on, and the design of your belt buckle gives me a hint about your fantasy persuasion. Am I right?”

  “You are not so naive after all.”

  “No. The tattoo and choker on your attractive throat turn me on. How do I know I can trust you not to hurt me too much if I agree to have sex with you?”

  The woman answered, “You can’t. You have my word I won’t hurt you too much. Unless you want me to? I have always found your type of young woman attractive. I was about to leave when you walked in. Tell me what you want. Don’t be shy. I’m used to anything from my clients. You don’t look like a druggie or a prostitute. You look more like a Western student who’s escaped her mother dressed as you are. You’re not a police officer either. Young innocent-looking women like you ha
ve strong sexual fantasies. I hope they are not religious ones.”

  Tanis laughed and answered, “No. Would you sell me hard drugs if I wanted some?”

  “I would sell hard drugs to anyone if they wanted some. Let’s get back to us. I picked you up because I want to have sex with you in a certain manner. You don’t have to pay me anything, as I picked you up. I like to fuck young blond Western women. I want to make use of your body for a while. I too have my fantasies... One of mine is on the extreme side.”

  Tanis felt she could trust her dark companion. She couldn’t hurt her unless she wanted her to. All she wants is a kinky fuck. Her eyes are telling me the truth. She thinks I’m a little frightened of her and feels secure in the knowledge she holds the whip hand. She smiled. “Okay, I find you attractive in the extreme. My bag is tall, dark dominant strangers like you. Even though you are a woman, I am attracted to what you can offer me. There’s always a first time. We’ve decided the fucking part. We must decide on the method. How would you like to fuck me?”

  The woman’s hands left the table, and she smiled. She took Tanis’s trembling hands in hers. “Don’t worry. You’ll be safe with me. Now tell me your name.”

  “First tell me yours.”

  “Murmasaki, I’m named for a great Japanese poet of the tenth century.” Impatient, she continued. “Tell me your name and what I can do for you?”

  “I am called Tanis.” Tanis noticed Murmasaki’s arousal from her pupils. “This might surprise you Murmasaki. Yet, I must tell you. Looking at me, would you guess I like to be tied up, so I can’t move, whipped, fucked, and whipped again. And I like it rough.”

  “Such sweet innocence to hide so savage a heart, Tanis.”

  “I’ll bet Murmasaki the poet wrote that.”

  “No. I did.” Murmasaki’s excitement showed on her face. “You have come to the right person Tanis. See this jewellery?”


  “I made it all. I am a master in the Japanese art of ‘Kinbaku’ or Japanese style bondage. These silver knots advertise my wares. I like to tie beautiful people up in the Tsuri way, which means suspension before I fuck them. It’s what I do for a living. My tattoo and rings mean something else too. All relate to my extreme sexual personality. It’s who I am. I also sell hard drugs to the weaklings as a sideline.”

  “Not all druggies are weaklings. Some can’t help themselves. Some led to it by the pushers themselves.”

  “I can believe it, Tanis, for I too am guilty of the same. I have developed my sex into a fine art form. After I’ve caught my willing victim. I suspend them from the ceiling tied up with hundreds of silken knots like spider-prey. While thus suspended, I whip and fuck them until they scream with pleasure-pain.” Murmasaki held Tanis’s eyes. “Then I start to eat them.” She smiled at Tanis’s frown. “Not in the literal sense of course, only in sex. I prefer the taste of a woman to a man because it turns me on; even so, both are acceptable in my business. You though are special to me.”

  Tanis noticed Murmasaki’s eyeteeth were much longer than usual. I wonder if they’re natural or porcelain crowns. Whatever, they’re exciting, attractive, and remind me of myself. “You have beautiful sexy teeth Murmasaki.”

  “All the better to bite you with Tanis. After I’ve fucked and sucked my hanging victims to exhaustion. I untie them and take them into my parlour where I hogtie them up again to feed on their body in quiet solitude. Sometimes for hours, as though I’m feeding on them like a Vampire spider. Sometimes I let them fuck and suck me afterwards also. If they still have the strength. Most of my willing victims are middle-aged Japanese executives. Men and women who like to take their pleasure with a little pain in a setting which turns them on. Some are Europeans like you. What they all have in common, they pay me well for the rare pleasure only I can give them. I’ve never caught prey as young as you before. I hope you don’t disappoint me, Tanis.”

  Tanis sighed, her eyes showing her heightened mood. “I think you are in for a pleasant surprise Murmasaki.”

  “You look younger than you say you are Tanis. Have beautiful green eyes. Eyes which are always changing colour. You’ll pay me with your body. For me to meet a young European girl like you is rare. Your golden hair and eyes play a large part in my fantasy. You are a powerful turn on for me. Girls who are over age, but look younger, are a bonus because they always attract me. Someone who likes what you like about sex is heaven sent. No. I’ll take no money from you, Tanis. It will be my pleasure to give you what you want and take what I crave from your beautiful young body in return.”

  “My pleasure will be to receive it from you and give to you what you ask for in the end Murmasaki. You trust me as I trust you then?”

  “Yes. Come, we’ll leave by the back door. My silken web awaits. I’m aroused at the prospect of tying up so sweet and innocent a fly. I bet you taste good too.”

  “You are not the only one aroused Murmasaki. I’m soaking wet between my legs at the thought of what you’re about to do to me. It is a huge turn on for me.” Tanis’s voice hardened. “One rule, don’t inject me with hard drugs.”

  “I would do nothing to spoil your sense of feeling Tanis, for I want you to feel everything.” Murmasaki’s excitement mounted as she continued. “My drugs are only for the fools who are not worth a damn. Tonight, your body will be the canvas on which I will paint my fantasy.”

  “I look forward to being your captive fly then. You have been well named Murmasaki.” Can I trust her? Her fantasy seems closer to psychosis. Fuck it! This is something new.

  Before leaving the nightclub, Murmasaki tied Tanis’s hands behind her back. Making her, her sexual prisoner. The flat of Murmasaki had a parlour-cum-kitchen with a small bathroom. Leading into what looked like a large bedroom in the rear. This they entered with Murmasaki holding onto her prisoner’s upper arm as if a captive fly.

  At first glance, Tanis could not believe her eyes. The bedroom represented an enormous spider’s web, made from plaited silken rope. With beautiful white silk gossamer drapes. Stretched across a dark silk-papered ceiling and dark silk papered walls. The white spider’s web stood out as if contained in a dusty corner of the room. At the web’s centre, stood a white circular bed of epic proportions. Its sheets and drapes made from pure white silk cloth. The entire boudoir. Representing the heart of a spider’s silken parlour.

  Her thoughts on fire, Tanis smiled. What irony. I’m to be her willing prey! The pointed canopy of the bed hung from a double hook in the centre of the webbed ceiling. From the lower hook. Suspended on a white double-purchase block and tackle, reeved with white silk plaited rope. Hung a coil of similar soft silk rope ready for use. Fuck me! This is a new experience.

  Murmasaki pushed Tanis down onto the bed and sat facing her. “Are you sure you want this Tanis?”

  “It’s fantastic Murmasaki.” She thrust her covered breasts out towards her captor in aroused anticipation. “I want this.”

  Murmasaki’s eyes dropped onto Tanis’s swollen nipples beneath her sweater. “It’s what I am and what I want you to be, which is important Tanis. You are beautiful. For one so young, you have a charisma, which shows a great experience. You say you’ve never had sex with a woman before?”

  “Never. I’ve only dreamed of what it would be like.”

  “You must feel something for me, your nipples are as hard as sin?”

  “I feel excited at what all this represents Murmasaki. You, making me your prisoner at the club with my hands tied behind my back. The way you look at my breasts with hunger in your eyes electrifies me. The expectation of what you are about to do to my helpless bound body. I have never experienced physical love or bondage with another woman before. In a way, I feel like a virgin with you. I’ve always preferred men to tie me up and fuck me.” Tanis glanced around finding it hard to contain her excitement. “Is all this a part of your extreme spider fantasy?”

  “This and more. Wait here, Tanis.” Behind a curtain, Murmasaki changed into a short black s
ilk kimono. Held at her waist by a black silk ribbon it finished to just below her thighs. She still had her headband on. She noticed Tanis’s eyes on her hidden breasts and smiled, “I’m ready to begin now Tanis.”

  Tanis could see the hard peaks of Murmasaki’s firm breasts. Where they pressed against the soft silken fabric of her kimono. She said. “Can I touch your nipples with my lips to see what they feel like?”

  “Of course. Afterwards, we can start. Be ready for a surprise.”

  With hesitancy, Murmasaki pulled the ribbon tie free. Which caused the curtain of her kimono to fall open? Tanis gasped. Each breast tattooed to look like a spider’s web. Spread out in both radial and concentric lines to encompass Murmasaki’s lower stomach, thighs, and velvet. Each long nipple formed the head of a tattooed spider. Its legs and body spread out over the whole breast. Another tattooed spider covered her stomach, its fangs buried deep in her navel. Her nipple clamps were gone. Excited at this, a new fantasy. Tanis leaned forward and placed her lips on each side of one of Murmasaki’s long hard nipples.

  Gazing into Murmasaki’s eyes, Tanis squeezed the long nipple with her teeth. She tasted drops of liquid on her tongue. To test further reaction, Tanis pulled the nipple out from Murmasaki’s body with her teeth. Until she could feel the elastic tension in it. She squeezed it once more with her teeth, and more fluid spurted out. Tanis repeated her caress on the other nipple. With her lips sucking on its long length she started to draw off her captor’s milk. Which caused Murmasaki to give a deep sigh of emotion? “Oh, My God Tanis. That feels awesome.”

  Tanis said, “Your nipples are larger than other women’s Murmasaki. Hard as sin and beautiful.” She continued in wonder, her eyes filled with hunger. “Your breasts are full of milk? I would like to suck on them some more?”

  “The weight of the clamps makes my nipples longer, what I feel for you makes them harder. My breasts are full of milk Tanis, and it’s all for you. Tell me what you’re feeling now?”

  “Excited at the prospect of emptying your full breasts. By your response to my caress, I do turn you on Murmasaki. This is a powerful new experience for me.”


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