Small Town King: A Single Dad Romance (Carlisle Cellars Book 3)

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Small Town King: A Single Dad Romance (Carlisle Cellars Book 3) Page 15

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Would you like to stand outside? Right by the car?” I ask her.

  She looks at me, then out of the window again as if assessing her safety from this distance. “Okay.”

  “You don’t have to,” I tell Chloe. You can stay here and look from the car.

  I slide out of the car behind Charlie and close the door. Brett stays with Chloe, and I hear his faint voice talking to her.

  “How do you feel?” I ask Charlie.

  “It’s okay. It looks different.” She leans into me. “Daddy told us it’s not gonna be exactly the same as the other restaurant.”

  “I know,” I nod. “Does that make you feel better?”


  We’re quiet again.

  “It’s cool,” Charlie breaks up the silence. “Look at that big thing.” She points ahead.

  “That’s called a crane. They use it to carry heavy things in construction.”

  The opening and closing of car doors draw my attention, and I see Brett walking around carrying Chloe. She holds on tightly to her dad, but she’s breathing easy.

  “How are you feeling, Chloe?”


  “Chloe, that’s a crane,” Charlie tells her, taking on her big sister role.

  “It’s used to…” She looks up at me out of the corner of her eye, and I giggle.

  I whisper, “To move heavy things.”

  She repeats after me, and Chloe takes in the view, analyzing it.

  This is such an amazing breakthrough for the girls. I can’t help but smile proudly at them. Someone walks out of the winery from the other side. They head in our direction, and the person becomes clear.

  “How are my brave girls?” Miles smiles as he approaches us in the parking lot.

  Charlie takes off. “Uncle Miles!”

  Brett steps forward, but I place my hand on his arm. “This is good.”

  His eyebrows furrow as he looks at me and then where his daughter met Miles halfway. He picks her up and carries her as her giggles resonate around us.

  “She feels safe enough to approach him without fear,” I tell Brett.

  “You’re right,” he sighs. Then, he smiles. He breathes out heavily, and his body relaxes.

  “Do you wanna say hi to Uncle Miles?” he asks Chloe. She nods, and Brett takes a few steps closer, still carrying her.

  I watch their interaction from my standing point a few feet away and also release a deep breath. This is working. Charlie is telling Miles what we’re doing. He looks up and waves with a smile. I wave back, watching the girls. Eventually, Chloe lands on her feet and hugs her uncle.

  Miles squats down to talk to the girls. They tell them how they feel about seeing the winery again, how they were scared. Brett gives them space, leaning against the car beside me.

  “I was scared at first too, but I have to go to work, so I went. The first day I was nervous, but then I realized nothing bad happened, and I started to remember everything I love about this place. I’m not scared anymore.” Miles smiles, the same single dimple popping out like Brett.

  “Thank you,” Brett whispers next to me, his head lowered to my ear and his breath causing me to tremble when it tickles my neck.

  I turn my head to look at him. “You don’t have to thank me.”

  “You have no idea how much I have to. I never thought I’d see this day.” He scratches his stubbled jaw.

  “I’m just glad they’re so receptive.” I look over at the girls.

  “Yeah.” He nods.

  “Did Miles know we were coming?”

  Brett looks at me again. “He did.”

  “I think it’s great he came, too. The girls will relate to his story.”

  Brett lets out a stressed breath. “I should’ve been here that day, too.”

  I turn my body to him. “Brett, you were working. No one knew this would happen. You had to be out of the office. It happened. Don’t kill yourself over this.”

  His eyes fall shut, but guilt lines his face. “I know.”

  I place my hand on his arm. “It’s okay. You’re there for them, helping them. We can’t control the events that happen, only how we show up after them.”

  “You have no idea how much I understand that. I haven’t always shown up the way I should’ve, but I’m trying my best.”

  “You’re not trying,” I shake my head. “You’re doing. Those are two very different things. Try is the lazy man’s way out of any situation. Doing is the brave man facing life and making it what he wants.”

  He stares at me wordlessly, the tension between us crackling. If I thought I could walk away, I was so very wrong.

  Chapter 21


  I stare at Magnolia, her words ringing in my ears, and all I want to do is grab the back of her neck and smash my mouth to hers. Today…what she’s done for my girls and me, it’s priceless. The way she always knows what to say to ease my nerves makes me want to kiss her. Show her what she does to me.

  But I can’t… She made that clear the other day, and I’m out with my girls and my brother. This moment is for them, not for me and my needs. The most I do is place my hand over hers, resting on my arm, and squeeze.

  “Thank you.” My voice is gruff to my own ears.

  “Stop saying that,” she teases, looking away with pink cheeks.

  “We’re making sure that it’s safer than it was…” I hear Miles tell my girls while I have my private moment with Magnolia.

  Seeing the girls standing on this parking lot is making me feel so many different emotions. I listen again to Miles’s conversation with them.

  “The wedding will be in the vineyard, so it’s outside. It will be like standing out here. We’ll be safe. If I didn’t think we would be, Aunt June and I wouldn’t get married here. I promise.” I wait to see how my girls react.

  They look over to me and back at Miles.

  “Can Magnolia go with us?” Charlie asks, and I feel Magnolia tense beside me, dropping her hand from my arm. Her eyes are wide, and she shakes her head.

  “Yeah, please?” Chloe adds. “We’ll go if she does.”

  Miles looks up at us with raised eyebrows and a cocky smile. That son of a… I know that look, and he’s up to something.

  “She can,” he says.

  “I… I…” Magnolia shakes her head while Miles walks over to us with Charlie and Chloe.

  “Girls,” she bends down when they’re standing in front of her. “You’re strong and capable of going. Look how brave you’ve been today. Remember, this,” she points to their hearts, “is stronger than this.” Then, she moves her fingers to their foreheads.

  “We’ll feel better if you’re there,” Charlie says.

  “Come.” Miles smiles.

  “I can’t. I don’t want to intrude. This is your day.”

  “Exactly, so I would like you there. June would be happy, too. You’ve helped these two girls so much.” Miles looks down at each girl holding his hands.

  Magnolia looks at me with wide eyes. I shrug, selfishly not helping her out of this situation.

  “If it’s going to make them feel better, I’m okay with it.”

  Her chest rises with a long breath, and she slowly lets it slip from her lips.

  “You’ll come. It won’t be an intrusion,” Miles reassures her.

  “I won’t take up a seat. I’ll help them, be around if they need me, but in the background like the wedding planner. I’ll leave when they’re okay.”

  “We wanna sit next to you,” Charlie furrows her eyebrows with a pout.

  Magnolia surrenders. “Okay,” she smiles at her. “But remember that you’re braver than you think. The wedding will be outside, like when we meet in the park.” She bends to talk to them.

  “We know,” Charlie nods.

  “Are you okay with this?” she asks Chloe.


  I breathe out in relief. Miles smiles as if he’s also relieved to see this step in a positive direction.r />
  “Aunt June is going to be so happy!” Miles tells them.

  “Can we tell her now?” Charlie looks between him and me.

  “She’s working,” I tell her.

  “We can go to the bookstore.” She’s chatting like her normal self, and I’m so fucking happy. “And ice cream,” she sneaks in. “You’ll come with us?” She looks up at Magnolia with doe eyes and a hopeful smile.

  “Oh, boy,” Magnolia murmurs, and I chuckle.

  “She will. Come on, let’s go see Aunt June,” Miles says with a knowing smirk.

  I’m not gonna hear the end of this.

  “Can we go in Uncle Miles’s car?” Charlie asks.

  It’s like the entire universe is conspiring against me to get me alone with Magnolia and test my patience and self-control.

  “Do you also want to go with Uncle Miles?” Chloe is quieter, which is expected considering the huge step she just took.


  “Well, okay,” I nod. “We’ll meet at the bookstore,” I tell Miles.

  “Sure thing, big bro,” he winks.

  Magnolia looks like a deer caught in headlights, no fucking clue what just happened. I feel the same way, but I’ll take the opportunity to spend time alone with her. We head back into town, and this time Magnolia is sitting next to me instead of the backseat.

  Her leg bounces in her seat as she plays with the strap on her purse. The more I see her and get to know her, the more I crave to learn more. I don’t want things to be awkward between us. She may have told me nothing could happen between us when she walked away from me last week, but I know she feels this, too. She’s fighting it for a good reason, but I wish there was a way for her to keep her job and to explore this thing growing between us.

  I finally break the silence. “I’m still surprised the girls have come this far. Do you think it will be better to have them visit the vineyard before the wedding?”

  “That’d be a good idea. You can take a walk down the lined vines and show them where the wedding will take place. That will let them know what to expect, and it will prevent any surprises that may trigger them.” I can hear the excitement in her voice as she talks about this.

  “Great,” I glance at her out of the corner of my eye. “I’ll talk to them about doing that this week before the wedding on Saturday.” Proud of myself for coming up with this on my own and her approving it.

  “About that…” she begins.

  “You won’t be intruding,” I cut her off.

  “Of course I will be. I’m not family or friends.” She looks at me with pinched lips.

  “I beg to differ. You and June have become friends.”

  She lifts a brow and glares at me. I can’t help but chuckle. “Not that close of friends. Definitely not, invite-to-my-wedding kinda friendship.”

  “Then, you’ll go as my plus one.” I shrug as if it were no big deal.

  “Brett,” she warns on a sigh.

  “For number’s sake,” I add. I don’t want her to get in trouble at work, but I can’t quite turn off what I feel when I’m near her. It’s like the hairs in the back of my neck stand. My heart beats to a different tempo, one that’s more upbeat and full of life. My hands itch to touch her.

  Magnolia rolls her eyes as I pull into a spot near the bookstore.

  “Come on,” I say as I open the door, not wanting to get into this.

  When we walk into the bookstore, Charlie and Chloe are already telling June about our drive to the winery. Miles stands next to her as he helps share parts of the story. June smiles as she listens intently. When she sees us, she waves. I guide Magnolia toward where they’re standing. She stiffens a moment as my hand moves to her lower back, but then she breathes out, and her body begins to relax.

  “I’m so proud of you girls.” June bends down and hugs both of them.

  “Thanks,” Charlie says, pushing her messy hair away from her face. No ponytail lasts very long on her. “It looks so different. The restaurant doesn’t have a roof yet, but Daddy told us it would soon. He also said it was gonna look different inside. Isn’t that right, Uncle Miles?” She turns her attention at him.

  “That’s right. We’re making some changes.” He nods. “And it will be safer,” he emphasizes what he told them earlier in the parking lot.

  “That’s good,” Charlie nods. “Chloe wasn’t so scared either.” She wraps her arm around Chloe and smiles down at her.

  “I wasn’t,” Chloe adds for good measure.

  “That’s great,” June says.

  “And Ms. Magnolia is gonna come with us so we can go to your wedding,” Charlie adds, and I sense Magnolia tense.

  June looks up at her with a smile. “That’s great.”

  “I, uh… If it’s okay. I don’t want to intrude. The girls asked if I’d go with them, but I explained that they could do this without me, and you’ll all be there.”

  “No way, you should come.” June nods. “It’ll be good for them and fun to have you celebrate with us.”

  “Are you sure?” Magnolia purses her lips, worry deepening the lines between her eyebrows.

  “Of course!” June laughs. “I’m so grateful for how much you’ve helped these cuties.” June then looks at me with a twinkle in her eye, and I shake my head, looking away.

  “Daddy, is it time for ice cream now?” Charlie tugs my hand.

  “Yeah,” I nod.

  “Do you have to work, Aunt June?” She looks over at her.

  “I do. How about you and Uncle Miles bring me a cup of peanut butter cup ice cream?”

  “Okay!” Charlie nods enthusiastically.

  “I’ll stay with you,” Magnolia says.

  “You said you were gonna come with us,” Chloe frowns.

  Magnolia’s shoulders slump as she nods. I’m sure she’s worried about her job, but technically she was working today with the work she did. I don’t see how this would be an issue. She’s quiet on the walk to the ice cream shop while Miles and I talk. I can’t help but be aware of her, and Miles must notice.

  “Let’s have a beer tonight and talk about what’s going on,” he whispers.

  “Huh?” I furrow my brows.

  “Don’t act like I’m an idiot. Something’s going on here.” He subtly tilts his head toward Magnolia behind us, walking with Charlie and Chloe.

  I sigh. “Nothing to talk about.”

  “Tough, your little brother is gonna make you.” He smiles, knowing he’s won.

  The only reason I let him get away with it is that I could use a listening ear. This is new territory for me. I was with Ella since college. We got married, had kids, and now… Now I’m starting all over again with a woman that isn’t my wife, and it’s foreign.

  To say I’m confused is an understatement, but I know I feel something. It’s not just because I feel indebted to her for helping Charlie and Chloe. This is more than that, but I’m lost when it comes to actually processing it.

  “Fine. I’ll ask Mom and Dad if they can watch the girls for a bit.”

  “Good.” He claps my back. “I think it’s a good thing,” he adds on a whisper.

  I nod silently. It feels like a good thing, however, I don’t want Magnolia to lose everything she’s worked so hard for. And I definitely don’t want to be the one responsible for that happening.

  I glance back to look at her and see her laughing at something the girls are saying. A soft snort sounds, and I chuckle. She must hear me because she looks up with wide eyes and a blush climbing up her neck. Her parted lips call to me, and it’s selfish to want her, but damn it, I do. She’s the first woman to make me feel something since I lost Ella and thought I’d never sense this again. I’m not willing to lose that.

  Magnolia feels like a second chance. She feels like redemption and healing. I’ve battled with the reality of losing my wife, not being able to say goodbye or have one more day with her, knowing it’d be the last. It’s taught me to appreciate people more. They can be gone without notice. If
I’ve found someone who sparks up my life again, then it must be because we have a chance and will overcome any obstacle. I have to believe that for my own sake.

  Chapter 22


  I sigh as I stare into my coffee, reminiscing about this past weekend. Spending time with Brett is what I’ve been wanting, but not like this, not when his daughters are my clients, and things could get messy. I should’ve turned down the ice cream invitation, but Charlie pouted, and I gave in. She doesn’t understand adult things, so how would I begin to explain that technically me even helping them on Saturday was wrong? It wasn’t wrong, though. Not in my eyes. Look at what they accomplished. I can’t turn a blind eye to that.

  Working with people isn’t black and white. You can’t limit healing to an in-office session set at certain times. In order to help someone, I need to be able to get in touch with the whole person and their surroundings.

  Or I’m wrong and looking for excuses. However, it doesn’t feel that way. Had I not gone with the girls to the winery, they probably would still be at home, hiding. Brett would feel lost on how to help them. It’s a cycle. I don’t regret that, but ice cream afterward might’ve pushed the limit. We live in a small town where everyone knows everyone’s business. People will talk.

  “Why the long face?” My head snaps up to see June standing behind the empty chair at my table in The Grind. I came after work, not wanting to go to my empty apartment yet.

  “Geez, Louise.” My hand lands on my chest over my racing heart. “You scared me.”

  June chuckles. “May I?” I nod, and she takes a seat. “How are you?”

  “Good, how are you? Ready for the big day?” I smile at her. She’ll make a beautiful bride.

  “Yeah. I’m a little nervous,” she leans forward to share her confession.


  “I don’t like being the center of attention. Having everyone looking at me gives me hives.”

  I laugh boastfully at her exaggeration. “You won’t get hives.”

  “I know.” She smiles. “I’ll just focus on Miles and pretend no one else is there.”

  “That’s the best thing to do. It’s y’all’s day.” From the few times I’ve seen them together, it’s obvious how much they love each other.


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