Small Town King: A Single Dad Romance (Carlisle Cellars Book 3)

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Small Town King: A Single Dad Romance (Carlisle Cellars Book 3) Page 19

by Fabiola Francisco

  Her eyes move away from mine and toward the river. I cup her face, brushing her cheek with my thumb. “Look at me,” I whisper.

  After a deep breath, she does what I ask. “I don’t expect you to either. It’s true that I was married and built a family.” I nod, searching her eyes. “Unexpected things happened, things I still can’t wrap my head around, but I’m ready to open myself up again to you. This date isn’t about me taking a step toward dating again. This is because I met someone I want to date. It’s not about the act but about the person, about you.”

  She smiles softly. “Magnolia, I like you. At some point, you stirred something inside of me. I told you I’d always love my wife. She was…” I trail off unsure of how to continue.

  Magnolia places her hand over mine. “I get it,” she says quietly.

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t have space in my life for another woman. It took me a bit to grasp that understanding. I was reluctant and scared. I appreciate you being honest and patient with me, but I want you to know that I want this.”

  I wrap our linked hands around her back and bring her closer to me. Magnolia releases that hand and moves her arm around my waist, smiling.

  “If you ever want to talk about her, you can. I don’t want you to hold back because you’re afraid it’ll hurt me or create distance.”

  I nod, moving my hand holding her cheek to the back of her neck and through her hair. Wordlessly, I bring my lips to hers, kissing her softly. Magnolia leans into me, gripping the back of my shirt. My hand in her hair tightens, tugging her roots, and she releases out a small moan. I take the opportunity to stroke my tongue against the open seam of her lips, and she meets me there, tentative at first before our tongues tangle and we deepen the kiss.

  Holding her close to my body, I explore her lips while my hand at her back roams up and down her body in its own exploration. Her curves melt against my body and my hands can’t get enough of them. Magnolia angles her head and I kiss her even deeper, taking everything I can.

  My body reacts to her. Feelings that have been asleep for a long time stir, and I know she can feel my erection pressed against her. It’s been so fucking long since I’ve had a woman, not wanting anyone. Then, this stranger comes into my life, my daughters’ lives, and she slowly peels away the veils I’ve been hiding behind. I’m not even sure when it happened, or if she was even aware of her power to do so.

  “Brett,” Magnolia moans, and I kiss down her jaw. She shivers, and I smile against her skin, trailing to the base of her throat where I can feel her pounding heart against my lips. Her hands tug my hair, pushing and pulling, as her body rubs against mine.

  I kiss back up to her lips, our heavy breathing mingling in the night air. After a a few pecks, I lean my head back and look at her. I smile as I take in her swollen lips and messy hair.

  “Wow…” she breathes out, and I chuckle.

  “Yeah,” I nod, moving my hands to her hips.

  “I guess I can check off good kisser from my list,” she giggles.

  “You’ve got a list?” I raise my eyebrows and grin.

  “Maybe… Maybe not,” she shrugs. “A girl never tells.”

  I pull her to me so our bodies are flush again. I press a bruising kiss to her lips, leaving her breathless.

  “In case you had any doubts, I wanted to make sure you had plenty of material to cast a proper vote. Go ahead and check it off. If there’s anything else on that list you need help with, let me know.” I wink.

  When Magnolia moans, I chuckle in victory.

  “Geez, Louise,” she mumbles.

  We head back toward the restaurant, my arm around her body, and Magnolia leaning her head against my shoulder. I expected to feel some amount of guilt, an awkwardness holding another woman that wasn’t Ella, but I don’t. Magnolia feels right in my arms. Ella’s words before she passed come to mind, telling me how she’d want me to be happy if anything ever happened to her. I glance up at the twinkling stars and smile. She was always wiser than me, as if she knew I’d one day need that reminder to feel okay moving on.

  I look over at Magnolia, and she must sense me because she lifts her head and smiles at me.

  “What?” she asks.

  “Nothin’,” I shake my head. “Just taking you in.” The smile that lights up her face is priceless.

  Kissing her temple, we walk through the parking lot and climb in my car. As I drive her back, I’m already planning our second date. She’s everything I need, and I plan on holding on tight to that.

  Chapter 26


  I walk into The Grind, grateful that the bookstore doesn’t open on Sundays so I can slow down and enjoy the day. The town’s buzzing with people in the warm spring morning. Summer will be here in a month, and the weather is bringing a force of heat already. I can’t believe I’ve been living in Willow Creek for four months already, and in that time I got fired from a job.

  I still haven’t come up with a work plan. I’ve been tossing around Brett’s suggestions from our date on Friday. I don’t have the means to open my own practice, and even if I did, how would I even begin running it. However, his suggestion to offer my services and go to the clients’ homes could work. Maybe I can advertise myself outside of Willow Creek to avoid any further conflicts of interest. It might not give me much at first, but at least I can do that and find another job to make up for the loss of salary.

  I’ve been avoiding my mom as much as possible, deflecting her questions about work and the situation with Brett because I don’t want to disappoint her. I don’t want to tell her I got fired, have no idea what I’m going to do, and may not be able to send her as much money this month. She’s told me before that my dad and her can handle the expenses, but I’m not sure how. I also feel this sense of responsibility. I know I’ll need to tell her soon, but I’d like to be able to say I have another job lined up when I do.

  “Hey,” Lucy beams when it’s my turn in line. “How are you?”

  “Hi,” I smile. “I’m good,” I nod dully.

  Lucy frowns. “You don’t look it. Are things okay at the bookstore?”

  “Of course,” I assure her. The last thing I need is for word to reach Miles and June that something is wrong.

  She leans forward, lowering her voice. “Is it Brett then?”

  I shake my head. “How… Never mind.” I shouldn’t be surprised since the reason I got fired is because the rumor started to spread about us being together and my boss heard about it.

  “It’s not him,” I say flatly.

  “Why don’t I get you a coffee and we talk in a bit?” She smiles kindly, always there for her friends.

  “Thanks, but I’m okay, really.” She waves me off with a raised eyebrow, not buying it.

  I sigh and take a seat. She knows what I want from all the times I’ve come here, which I’m thankful because with my current mood and distraction I’d order a green tea and then spit it out.

  “Talk to me.” Lucy sets my coffee cup on the table and takes a seat.

  I lift my brows. “Don’t you have to work?”

  “I’ll head over if someone walks in.”

  I smile, wrapping my hands around the steaming cup, and look around the coffee shop full of colorful chairs and tables and worn armchairs that create a cozy feel.

  “I’m just frustrated. I need to find a job before June and Miles return, and I haven’t found much. I wish I could work in my field, but that’s proving to be more difficult. My options would be better in a city, but I’d have to relocate and…” I purse my lips.

  “You don’t want to move so far away because you like Brett and want to see how things work out,” Lucy states with confidence.

  My shoulders slump. “Is that bad?” It’s the first time I’ve admitted, albeit with the help of someone else, that I don’t want to move because of a man. It feels selfish considering the situation back home.

  “Not at all.” Lucy stares at me with a serious expression. “Magnoli
a, I think it’s normal that you’d want to stay here and see how things work out with Brett. It’d be weird that you wouldn’t want to. Then, I’d question how you really feel about him, and he’s been through enough to get dragged by someone who doesn’t care. Not that I’m saying you’re that person.”

  The reminder that Brett is from here, popular and part of Willow Creek’s most loved family sits between us. I’m just an outsider, and people that don’t know me might be questioning if I’m good enough for him. I never thought of that so deeply.

  “I wouldn’t do that,” I defend.

  “I know.” She smiles and nods. “It’s why you want to stay, because you care. Could you do therapy in the area?” She leans back on her chair, an easy smile on her face.

  I tell her Brett’s ideas from the other night, and Lucy listens intently. She’s quiet when I finish, and I wait impatiently for her to say something.

  Finally, she speaks up. “It sounds to me like he doesn’t want you to leave either.”

  I tilt my head and breathe deeply. “I know, but I still need a solution.”

  “I think your best route would be to offer in-home sessions. It’d give you more freedom, you won’t have to worry about a boss, and you can expand outside of Willow Creek. You could create a website and social media accounts to advertise yourself.” I see the wheels turning in her mind.

  “I could,” I nod. “I’d still need a job in the meantime. I need a steady salary.”

  “I’ll ask around town to see if anyone is hiring. Maybe a summer camp since you have experience with children?” She raises her eyebrows in excitement as if she came up with the best idea. “My younger cousin is a camp counselor. She works there every year. I’ll ask her!” Lucy squeals.

  I chuckle. “That could work. I used to do that when I was younger.” I breathe a little easier.

  “Things will work out, you’ll see.” She places her hand over mine to comfort me.

  “Thank you,” I nod. “Now, I need to tell my parents I got fired.” I frown.

  “They’ll understand, especially if it allows for you to be happy with your personal life.”

  The door to the coffee shop opens, and she stands. “Duty calls.” She walks back to the counter.

  I look over to see who walked in and can’t stop the smile on my face. Brett, Charlie, and Chloe step inside, and my heart races.

  “Ms. Magnolia!” Charlie calls out as soon as her eyes land on me. I laugh, heat filling my cheeks at her loud greeting and people looking at me with curiosity.

  “Hi,” I wave shyly.

  Brett looks at me with a full smile, dimple and all. Chloe tugs his hand and he bends to hear what she says. He looks over at me again and then back at her. Nodding, he whispers back and then stands, walking to the counter while Chloe heads my way.

  My smile widens when I see her.

  “Hi,” I say.

  “Hi,” her voice is quiet.

  “How are you?”

  “Good. We’re gon’ have breakfast.” Her sweet voice fills my ears. “I miss you.” She looks down at her hands, and I frown.

  “I’m sorry, Chloe. You’re doin’ okay, though, right?” I know Charlie will be okay, but Chloe was hit harder with the fire.

  She nods. “Daddy is doin’ a lot of what you did.” My heart pumps when I hear that. Brett mentioned he was still helping them, working with them, and it makes me happy to hear.

  “I’m glad. Remember, you’re very strong.” She nods. “What are you gonna have for breakfast?” I ask, changing subjects.

  “Orange juice and a cookie.” Her eyes light up.

  “A cookie?” I ask.

  “Not a cookie,” a deep, familiar voice interrupts. I look up to see Brett smirking crookedly at me. “She’s having a scone.”

  “Hi,” I press my lips together, my smile breaking through. I don’t want the girls to think anything is going on since I want Brett to talk to them when he’s ready.

  “Hey.” A bag hands from his wrist as he holds a coffee in one hand and a cup with orange juice in another.

  “I got a muffin,” Charlie says, holding her own orange juice.

  “What kind?” I ask.

  “Chocolate chip,” she gives me a toothy grin.

  “That sounds good.” I’m unsure of what our boundaries are, but I’d love nothing more than for them to sit with me. Deciding to risk asking, I say, “Do y’all wanna sit?”

  “Yes!” Charlie squeals. “Can we, Daddy?” She looks up at him with wide round eyes.

  “Sure,” he nods. I eye him, searching for some kind of emotion. A small smile frames his lips as he helps Chloe onto her chair while Charlie climbs up on her own. Then, he sits across from me, his eyes on mine for a beat before opening the bag and bringing out each of the girls’ pastries.

  I watch how he sets up each of their place with a napkin serving as a faux plate. I fall for him a bit more as I observe his caring actions for his girls. Once the girls are settled, he leans back and takes a drink of coffee.

  “How are you?” he finally speaks.

  We talked a bit through text messages yesterday throughout the day. Brett checked in to make sure I was okay, to tell me how much he enjoyed our date the night before, and randomly sending me messages. I smiled wide each time, my heart fluttering.

  “Good and you?”

  “Good…great,” he nods.

  “This week we’re gonna go with Daddy to the winery. He’s gonna show us the building,” Charlie says around a mouthful of muffin.

  “Really?” I lift my brows. “That’s great.”

  “Yeah, just from the street so they can see the progress,” Brett adds.

  I smile. “I think it’s wonderful. Are you excited to see what else they’ve built?” I ask the girls. Charlie nods, and I look at Chloe.

  “Yeah,” she finally says. “Daddy said we can leave whenever we want.”

  “Of course,” I assure her, looking at Brett. His eyes soften as he stares at his younger daughter and then me. I nod in encouragement.

  The girls tell me about everything they’ve done since I last saw them at the wedding. Their rapid conversation in between bites of food and sips of juice makes me giggle. Could this become normal for us? Brett and I dating, the girls sharing time with us? I want that.

  Despite the crappy situation in my life, I want to share this with Brett. I want to spend time with him, steal more kisses, and create a life together. I want to get to know the girls without the therapist hat on. Part of that possibility is telling my mom and dad about my job situation and assuring them I’ll find another job while I decide my next step as a therapist.

  After we finish, we leave the coffee shop. “Daddy, are we gonna go to Grandma’s house now?” Charlie asks when we stand on the sidewalk.

  “Yeah,” he nods.

  “Yay! I wanna go in the pool.” She dances around while Chloe stands close to Brett. They’re so different and yet so alike.

  “Chlo, do you wanna go in the pool, too?” Charlie holds her hand.

  “Will you go in with us?” she asks Brett before answering Charlie.

  “Yeah.” He looks up at me from his daughter, a secret smile teasing his lips. “I’ll talk to you later?” he whispers while the girls talk about the tricks and games they’re going to play in the pool.

  I nod, unable to hide my smile.

  “Ms. Magnolia, when are we gonna see you again?” Charlie eyes me.

  I take a deep breath. “I’m not sure.” I look to Brett for help.

  “I told you Ms. Magnolia wasn’t working in the center anymore, but she’s helping Uncle Miles and Aunt June with the bookstore while they’re away. Maybe we can visit her after school this week,” he tells them.

  “Yeah!” They both cheer.

  Brett winks while the girls are looking away from us. I wave them off, heading down Main Street and I hear the girls ask if Aunt Maddy will join them in the pool. I chuckle to myself. Those girls are so easy to fall in love
with. I have a feeling it’s just as easy to fall in love with their father.

  Sighing, I fish my phone out of my purse and dial my mom’s number as I head back to my car. I rather have this conversation in private.

  Chapter 27


  I laugh wildly, wobbly on my feet, as Brett almost falls and grips the railing next to him. We’re a few feet apart, and his eyes are wide with fear as he realizes he almost landed on his ass.

  “These are death traps,” he calls out, staring at the skates on his feet.

  When I suggested we come to the skating rink for our second date, I wasn’t sure if he’d think it was silly. Like a champ, he agreed. After putting on the skates though, he cursed the death traps.

  I laugh louder, holding my side and snorting. Heat flushes my cheeks, but it doesn’t make me stop laughing. My feet shift and I yelp as my ass lands on the floor. This only makes me laugh harder until I have a cramp.

  “Are you okay?” Brett calls out. I nod, glaring at the skates on my feet and rubbing my lower back.

  “Can you help me?” I ask with pleading eyes.

  “You’re gonna pull me down, aren’t you?” He grips the railing harder.

  “Of course not.” People skate around us, looking and chuckling as I sit on the floor, trying to figure out how to stand without the skates rolling under me and falling again.

  Brett inches toward me so slowly, it’s like he’s attempting to walk on the skates. His arms are stretched out by his sides. When he reaches me, he blows out a relieved breath. I extend my hand, but he stares at it skeptically.

  “I won’t pull you down, promise. Brake with the front of the skate to steady yourself, and I’ll pull myself up.”

  “Okay.” He does as I say, and I slowly stand on my feet. We both wobble and his wide eyes mirror mine. I laugh when we keep our footing. Brett’s hands hold my waist. I stare up into his eyes, a kaleidoscope of emotions moving through me. His hold on my waist tightens as his eyes bore into mine. My breath hitches, and I want to lean forward and kiss him, but we’re in public, and I’m not sure he’ll appreciate that even if we are in a neighboring town.


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