Submission Impossible (Masters and Mercenaries: Reloaded Book 1)

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Submission Impossible (Masters and Mercenaries: Reloaded Book 1) Page 37

by Lexi Blake

  He had some thoughts about that, but he didn’t want to get her hopes up. “I’m going to let Mitch work on that. We have some work to do, too. I want to know who that woman was and why she had your keycard.”

  Noelle let go of his hand and sighed as she lay back. “It was the mail room chick. I didn’t even think about her until now. The police told me someone used it, and I didn’t know there had been anyone but you.”

  He sat down beside her, trying to focus on her face, but it was hard because there were her pretty nipples and they were a deep pink from the clamp and…damn it. Mail room chick. “Had you met her before?”

  She shook her head. “No. We don’t get snail mail. We do everything on computers. But she had a couple of journals she said the company had ordered for our lab. She dropped them. That was when she took my keycard.”

  “Did you get a good look at her?” They could get a sketch artist in and he could then use computer modeling to refine it. She thought she could avoid facial recognition software, but there were ways to work around her tech.

  Noelle bit her bottom lip. “I don’t know. I can probably give you a basic description. So the mail room woman was working for the gas company. It’s crazy how many people don’t want my work out in the world.”

  He’d been thinking about it all night and whether or not Kyle had anything to do with the incident. Kyle hadn’t helped the woman who’d downloaded Noelle’s research. If he had, he would have told her they were in the building and that Hutch was on the move. She would have either avoided the server room until he was out or killed him there.

  “We’re going to figure this out,” he promised her. “And honestly, now that you don’t have to go back to that building, Jessica probably isn’t a physical threat. She’ll have you where she wants you, on the outside. She might even think she’s gotten away with it. She doesn’t have to kill you. She can try to let the court system silence you.”

  Not that he would let up on her protection. Another reason to go to Louisiana with her. He bet he and Armie LaVigne could bond over how to protect Noelle.

  Noelle sat up suddenly, her eyes going wide. “Madison texted Cara my name.”

  Oh, she’d put something together. He watched her as it was obvious her brain was working overtime. “Yes. Cara thinks she was interrupted. Likely it was when they took her and created the accident in her lab.”

  “She was in the building when she sent it out.”

  “Yes, according to the location service on her phone.”

  “Could she have been in the locker room?” Noelle asked.

  There was no way of knowing exactly where she was. “I suppose so.”

  “Someone was going through lockers the day I got attacked. Madison’s locker. My locker. What if they were looking for something Madison left me? The woman hated me, but I might be the only person she would trust to go up against Jessica Layne. She always teased me for being all upright and honorable. And our lockers were close. What if she was running and she knew she only had a moment to hide something?”

  “But they’ve searched the lockers. You’ve used yours. You would have found something.”

  She shook her head. “But I didn’t look up. I might not even be tall enough to feel for it. Madison kept a magnetic box in her locker. Our lockers were done by a designer, and they have an almost cathedral shape to them. Up at the top, Madison found a metal fastener she could put the magnet on. It’s how she kept her expensive jewelry safe, but I never heard of anyone else using it like that.”

  “How big was it? Big enough for a thumb drive?” He wasn’t interested in jewelry, but he would be in any type of data Madison might have pulled down when she’d figured out she was in danger. “How would she have gotten in your locker?”

  “She was smart. She could have figured it out. Hell, she might have watched me and memorized the combo so she could play a prank or something. She did that a lot. Hutch, I think that’s where it is. If she left me something, it’s in that locker.”

  Hutch felt his jaw tighten because that meant what had happened that day wasn’t a coincidence, and it hadn’t been someone trying to hurt Noelle. They’d been looking for something. “They know she left you information.”

  “But they didn’t find it,” she insisted. “They looked in the locker, but I bet they didn’t find it. Madison painted the magnetic box almost the same color as the locker. If you don’t feel for it, you won’t know it’s there.”

  She was getting excited, but fear was what he felt.

  Whatever was on that drive, Jessica Layne had been willing to kill for.

  “I think I’m going to call Tag.” He was going to move her. “There’s clothes for you in that bag I brought in. Get dressed. I think we might make that trip to Louisiana tonight.”

  He would have someone bring him a car and take off. If Layne even had a whiff that there was an investigation, she would want all the loose ends tied up.

  Noelle was a loose end.

  “Why? Hutch, we need to get to that locker,” Noelle said.

  He grabbed her cane and handed it to her. “Someone will. I promise. But it won’t be you.”

  He dragged his boxers and jeans on and reached for his cell just as it lit up and started to hum. Michael. He swiped to accept it because Michael had the night shift watching Kyle. Had he slipped out again? “What’s going on?”

  “We have company. I need…”

  The line went dead.

  And then the lights went out and Hutch realized the night had taken a deadly turn.

  Chapter Eighteen

  It was so dark. Without windows to let in any light, the room that moments before had felt warm and safe now sent a chill through Noelle.

  “What’s happening? Did we have a power failure?” She couldn’t see Hutch at all. At least she’d managed to get her cane in her hand.

  A light came on, splitting the utter darkness. Hutch held his cell in his hand and illuminated part of the room for her. “Cell service is out, and Michael said we had company. I need you to get dressed as quickly as possible, baby. I’m going to start my laptop and pull up our security feed.”

  “I thought we were safe here.” She opened the bag MaeBe had dropped off for her and thanked the universe for underwear since hers had been ripped off. She quickly got into the jeans and T-shirt while Hutch hauled his laptop out with the hand that wasn’t holding the flashlight.

  “Even if someone cut our power, the security system has a backup,” Hutch explained. “And if they think they can break in, they should think again. The windows are bulletproof, and the locks would take a long time to cut through. I can access the security cameras and listen in through the comm. It looks like the backup is already online.”

  “Who’s Michael?” She picked up Hutch’s shirt and handed it to him.

  The laptop had turned on and glowed, making his face a bit ghost-like against the darkness of the rest of the room. “He’s the man who’s watching the man who’s supposed to watch us.”

  Ah, the one they had trailing Kyle because they were worried he was a spy. She still hadn’t completely processed that bit of information, but she couldn’t see it. Still, she was grateful they had someone on the outside. “So he called and said we have trouble and then the power went out. We’re in the middle of downtown Dallas. Who does he think is going to show up?”

  Hutch handed her the cell that was working as a flashlight. “Where you live, Dallas is pretty vibrant. There are always people around. This is a warehouse district. No one lives here. Well, Kai and Kori live next door, but they’re in California right now, so we’re alone at this time of night. But if there’s trouble, Michael will already have called someone in. He’ll call Tag and Alex first, but Theo is closest. Still, even the cops are probably ten minutes out at this time of night. More if they’re working an accident or something.”

  “How can he call if cell service is down?” She sat on the bed beside him, watching as he worked. She wasn’t worried. Po
wer went out a lot, and how would anyone know where they were?

  “We don’t know how far the outage goes. Maybe it’s all on our end. Michael will figure it out.” Hutch was always an optimist. And then his eyes went wide. “Oh, shit.”

  She looked at the screen where Hutch was staring and saw an eerie site.

  Jessica Layne was standing out in the parking lot in front of Sanctum, five big men around her all in black tactical gear. They were all holding guns, and they hadn’t come alone. They’d brought someone familiar with them.

  “Is that MaeBe?” The question came out on a gasp because it was obvious MaeBe hadn’t wanted to be with them. She was on her knees, a gun to the back of her head and blood on her face. It looked like she’d been worked over, one of her eyes almost swollen closed. She had a gag in her mouth and her hands were in zip ties that were so tight, Noelle could see blood on her wrists.

  “Yes. They probably tagged her when she went by your apartment. Then they followed her, caught her when she tried to go home, and waited until the middle of the night when no one would be here.” Hutch stood. “MaeBe isn’t a field operative. She’s never faced anything like this.”

  There was a brief knock and then the door came open. Kyle stood there, wearing sweats and a T-shirt. He also had a gun in his hand. “I want you both in the bathroom. I don’t know what’s going on, but until I do, you two are going to lockdown. You barricade this door and then lock yourself in the bathroom. Hutch, you carrying?”

  Hutch frowned. “No, I’m not. I’m in Sanctum. I’m supposed to be safe.”

  Kyle didn’t know what was happening outside. Noelle’s heart was pounding as she heard a trill. Was that a cell? “I thought we didn’t have service.”

  Hutch stood as Kyle pulled his cell out of his pocket. “Are you on Wi-Fi?”

  Kyle nodded. “Yeah. I always move to Wi-Fi when I come in here. Service isn’t great inside the club. I think Tag likes it that way. Shit. We don’t have cell service because Jessica Layne’s blocking it. Is she outside?”

  Hutch nodded. “Yes. I’m going to assume she’s taken over our Wi-Fi. She’s got some great hackers on her staff, and after tonight we can assume she’s got some we don’t even know about. We can’t call out, but she can call Kyle because she has his number and his phone is on Wi-Fi. Don’t answer it. She can’t be sure we’re in here.”

  Noelle cried out when she saw Jessica nod to one of the men in all black who moved behind MaeBe.

  He hauled her up by her hair and landed a wicked punch to MaeBe’s midsection, tossing her to the concrete when he was done.

  How much pain had MaeBe already taken? She wasn’t a hardened operative. She was a goth girl who was good with computers and liked playing board games with her friends.

  “I’m serious,” Kyle said. “Lock yourself in the bathroom.”

  He hadn’t seen what was happening outside. He had no idea they had MaeBe and she was in immediate danger.

  The cell trilled again. Hutch had a hand on her arm. He would do anything to save her. Even give up another young woman. He was desperate and he would buy time, but Noelle couldn’t buy it with MaeBe’s life.

  Kyle cared about MaeBe. How would he feel if she died in that parking lot and he could have answered that phone?

  They needed to buy some time. Despite the fact that Jessica Layne had dampened cell phone reception, surely they’d triggered an alarm or the Michael person would find the edge of the cell bubble and make a call.

  “They have MaeBe,” she said, turning the laptop around. “I think they know we’re here.”

  Kyle moved in, watching the laptop with no expression in his eyes, and then he swiped his finger across his phone’s screen. “Hello?”

  Hutch cursed under his breath and grabbed his boots, shoving them on his feet.

  “Hello, Kyle. If that is your real name,” a feminine voice said. “I should have known you were too good to be true. I thought I only had to worry about you talking to Noelle about my plans. But after tonight, I wonder if you don’t have another agenda entirely. I think you’ll find I have your bitch. I will trade her for another bitch, but if I don’t see you down here soon with Noelle LaVigne, I’m going to kill this one.”

  “I don’t have Noelle,” Kyle replied, his tone bland. “But I have information that can help you.”

  “Then come out here,” Jessica replied. “Now, or the girl dies.”

  The line went dead.

  “You can’t go out there. She’ll figure out you’re lying.” Hutch was on his feet again. “I’m going for the security office. I’m going to reset everything and call the cops. You’ve got to know she’s going to move as quickly as she can. She has to. We need to slow her down.”

  “And then MaeBe dies and Jessica tosses her body and she still gets away,” Kyle said between clenched teeth. “I’ll tell her I know where Noelle is. I’ll negotiate to take her there. You call in anyone you can get. Take the gun. They won’t let me keep it anyway. If they take me and MaeBe…”

  Hutch stood in front of him, his shoulders slumping. “Then we’ll find you.”

  “Tell Jessica you know what Madison left for me. That’s what she’s looking for. It’s in my locker. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I think it’s data of some kind. Take them to the Genedyne building and it’s in my locker in a magnetic security case at the top.” Noelle didn’t want to leave him with nothing. Her heart was pounding at the thought of Kyle going out there with no protection at all.

  “Noelle, are you sure?” Hutch asked.

  She nodded. “I’m not giving up MaeBe’s life to make mine easier. We can get Jessica some other way.” She looked to Kyle. “I figured out where it is a couple of minutes ago. Or where I’m pretty sure it is. I could go with you. I trust Hutch to save me.”

  “Fuck, no,” Hutch began.

  Kyle put a hand on her shoulder. “I promise we’ll get her. Thank you, Noelle. But I’m going alone.” He moved to the door. “Hutch, if anything happens to me, tell my mother I love her. And tell them all I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t do this,” Hutch said. “I can figure this out.”

  Kyle shook his head. “There are some things not even the smartest people can stop. I’m afraid this is one of them. If I die, save MaeBe. Please. Tell her… Fuck, don’t tell her anything.”

  Kyle disappeared from view.

  “I’m going to take the light. Turn on yours,” Hutch ordered. “The control room is on the first floor. I’m going to get the lights back on. There’s a monitor down there, so I should be able to see what’s happening. You keep this one and don’t come out of hiding until you see it’s safe. I love you, Noelle.”

  And then he was gone, taking the light with him. He was gone in the shadows and she was alone.

  The light from the laptop helped her find her cell and get her flashlight app on. She stared at the monitor for a few tense moments. Her hands were shaking as she watched the door open, Kyle appearing with his hands up.

  Before he could even start to talk, one of Jessica’s men rushed him.

  One shot and Kyle went down. He hit his knees and then slumped to the pavement as the man who’d shot him moved around his body and caught the door before it closed.

  Jessica walked by Kyle, making sure her designer shoes didn’t touch the blood that was starting to pool. Even for a murder the woman wore five-inch heels and expensive clothing.

  Noelle couldn’t hear MaeBe’s cries, but she could see the way the woman started to crawl toward Kyle, her bound hands coming out to reach for him.

  For Kyle. Kyle had been shot in the chest and he was down. Was he dead? Oh god, he looked like he was dead. Hutch was out there and Jessica was in the building. She’d gotten in the building.

  The laptop screen shook because her hands were trembling. Why? The question pierced through Noelle. Why had she shot Kyle? He’d told her he had what she wanted. Why had she shot Kyle without even giving him a chance to explain?

ecause the information wasn’t what Jessica wanted. She wanted Noelle.

  Tears blurred the shadowy world around her as she watched Jessica walk past the cameras. She snapped her fingers and one of her guards fisted his hand in MaeBe’s hair and started to drag her away from Kyle, her feet kicking as she fought.

  Jessica was in the building and Hutch was out there. Hutch didn’t know she’d breached the building because he was likely still trying to get to the ground floor. He might walk right into her trap, and Jessica wouldn’t hesitate to kill him, too.

  She bit back a sob at the thought of Hutch’s body on the ground.

  Then she saw it, saw Kyle’s chest move.

  He was alive. She might be able to save him.


  Noelle stopped at the sound. Jessica was using the megaphone app she loved to use whenever she wanted to get someone’s attention. It was an app she claimed she’d developed herself, and it turned a cell phone into a microphone that could blast her voice through the tiny speaker she carried in that designer bag of hers.

  “Noelle, I’ve got your friend and I’m going to kill her. I already took care of that wannabe spy of yours. So you can show yourself or I’ll have my guys blow this whore’s purple head off. No one’s coming, by the way. I’ve taken over all the systems. There’s no alarm going out.”

  She hated Jessica, hated her and everything she stood for.

  And Noelle was going to give her what she wanted because she had no other option.

  She clutched her cane and forced herself to move because she couldn’t let her friends die.

  * * * *

  Hutch followed Kyle down the stairs, lighting the path for them both. “I think this is a mistake. You need to know that Michael was watching the club tonight. He knows we’re in trouble.”

  Kyle didn’t stop moving. “Michael was outside? I didn’t know we had… Shit. Michael’s here to watch me. I’m not spying on my uncle. I can’t talk about what I did for the Agency, but it’s over. Mostly.”


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