Atomic Mage 2

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Atomic Mage 2 Page 1

by Carter, Garrett

  Table of Contents



  Coming together

  Growing the family

  High hopes

  Scorched earth


  Small packages

  Hand over fist

  Making empires

  Coming to terms

  Making friends


  The invisable Poppy


  How to train your dragon

  Love is war

  Urban renewal

  Noble asshoes

  Backdoor deals

  Family matters

  Meeting the folks

  Blood from a stone

  Holy matrimony

  The honey moon is over

  Family matters

  Fight for life

  When the bill come due



  Ok wow, I didn't think my first book would have done this well. I want to thank everyone who picked it up and gave my little adventure a try. I hope this next installment meets and surpasses your expectations.


  2000 years before Cade's death

  Promena walked towards Unbolge the ambivilant's throne room giving the multitudes of gods and goddesses that had chosen to visit her father's primary planet nods of greeting as trepidation ran through her.

  The most dreaded day of her eternal existence had come.

  Her father had declared she would be wed so he could join his wife, Tanstrya, in the ether after she had departed this plane of existence so long ago.

  Her mother had left them as all of her race did and would do over a thousand years earlier.

  Her argument that she had completed her time on this side of existence had been one she had heard time and time again as others had beseeched her father for the same.

  Their final goodbye was not one of tears but of a short parting until Promena joined her mother and all the others that had gone before her as one with the universe.

  She had asked her father for the duty of ferrying souls to the ether after that.

  She had requested the honor of ferrying others to peace would help assuage her curiosity over what caused her mother's decision by having the chance to view life through another's eyes.

  As she returned a bright smile at one of her suitors, the chaos God Farth, her wistful memory of her mother evaporated as her trepidation increased.

  As she held back from increasing her pace towards her father's throne room as the attractive man leered at her departing form Promena stuffed her growing terror down deep inside herself.

  "It was good to see you again little Promena," Farth shouted at her back.

  Suppressing a shiver of revulsion at the man's familiar tone, Promena hoped her plan to escape her destiny would work.

  Her plan had begun a thousand years ago when she had painstakingly created a world for the express purpose of evading Farth and her other suitors' grasp.

  Promena had visited the chaos gods own domain over a millennia ago when he had solicited her father to allow him to court his daughter.

  Remembering their first meeting she shook her head at her old nativity, if Farth was one thing he was suave and convincing not to mention panty soakingly gorgeous.

  Farth's planet had been created as his playground, the denizens of the world living in squalor and decadence at his whims.

  Promena had watched with apprehension as he destroyed a massive sprawling city with as much concern as she would have had creating her breakfast or washing her hands.

  "The little ants should be grateful that I left some of them alive."

  As Farth finished he gestured towards the horizon and flew off with a smile at Promena as she politely held his arm.

  "I don't see why you would be troubled with the lives of those who should remain beneath our concern Promena. I have visited the world you are creating and while tragedies like the one I just visited on my world are uncommon death comes for us all. The day will come to even us when life has expended all of its joys and triumphs and all that is left to us is a never-ending stream of death. Your mother's choice to return to the ether is a perfect example. She has watched her worlds come into existence, grow, and then die. She has born a strong and beautiful daughter that I would be happy to call my wife and companion for our eternal lives. This world is transient and the things I put on here only thrive by my will and whim. We are gods Promena and it is our due to collect their praises and punish their faults. If a city or two must fall to keep us interested in their mundane, boring lives it is a small price for them to pay."

  As Farth finished his speech they arrived over their next destination, Promena didn't see the city before them though.

  Her silver eyes were locked on his glowing golden orbs as he looked down on the next group of his creations that would either feel his wrath or his gratitude.

  She almost gave in to him at that moment, letting the man's honeyed words beak through her mother's teachings

  She was grateful for her restraint and her departed mother's insistence that she be self-reliant and skeptical of the court her father kept.

  Promena turned her gaze from the handsome gods vistage and leaned on her mother's words of wisdom.

  As she used her race's inherent power to move through time she saw the future of her life with Farth, she was equally intrigued and disgusted with the results.

  The man was a God in bed as well as out of it, her future children numbering in the hundreds and as adorable as she imagined they would be.

  Her life with this man would be amazing, she would want for nothing and live in extravagance.

  But one thing kept her from accepting his proposal, as chaotic as he kept his worlds their relationship was just as turbulent.

  Her head swam as she tried to take in the hectic path her life would take if he accepted Farth's offer.

  She let him lead her here and there through his world watching dispassionately as he destroyed and created as he wished as she built her plan to escape this man's clutches.

  After he had returned her to her father's domain she had run to enact the first part of her plan.

  Striding through the doors of her father's throne room she launched herself into his arms.

  The massive smile on the head god's face as he encircled his daughter's slight form creased his otherwise ageless features.

  The smile grew as he felt the strength of his daughter's embrace and he gave a little "umph" of distress as he shrunk down from his normal 9-foot height to a more comfortable 6 feet as Promena held on to him.

  "Hello, my lovely daughter I hope you are prepared for your future with one of the fine gentlemen I have chosen for you."

  Unbolge's smile as he looked down on his daughter faltered a bit as he saw the uncertainty in her eyes.

  "I am prepared daddy I just wish I had more of a say in who I will be spending my life with."

  Using a finger to remove a long silver lock of hair, so very much like her mothers glowing tresses, away from his daughter's face Unbolge placed a kiss on her brow before he responded.

  "I have chosen a few of our ranks that could replace me when I join your mother in the ether. If you can bring one before me who can measure up to my expectations then I will allow my daughter her way."

  Promena's smile grew as he finished his declaration.

  "I would like that daddy if I could have a few thousand years to find an acceptable alternative to those you have chosen I think I could find one who will measure up to your expectations."

  A knowing smile crossed Unbolge's face as he watched his little girl try and mostly succeed to twist him around her fingers.

  "I think I can wai
t a few thousand years more my daughter, though I think I will take a few hundred after your husband of choice takes over. I think that should be enough time to spoil my grandchildren rotten, don't you think?"

  A laugh escaped Promena as her father gave her a conspiratorial grin after his question.

  She had to admit though she loved her mother dearly, even now after so long apart, she hadn't been the most motherly woman.

  Her strengths lied more towards her commanding presence and setting her daughter up as a ruler in her own right.

  "I would be happy to let you spoil the little monsters daddy."

  "Then go my daughter and complete your task, I will inform your suitors of the delay. Three thousand years my daughter, that is the time you have to impress me with your choice."

  Placing a kiss on her forehead Unbolge dismissed his daughter with a smile.

  As he watched her leave his throne room with a smile he sent his chamberlain a mental summons.

  As one of the rotating members of his court kneeled before the dias of his throne Unbloge delivered his message.

  "Inform the gods of the cosmos that my daughter's marriage will be delayed as I wait for her to find a suitor of her choice. Three thousand years shall pass before she will be wed to the successor of my choice if hers isn't suitable."

  A nod from his chamberlain as the man left to distribute his message to the gods under his command.

  Amusement flowed through him as he imagined the fits the declaration would give those who had their sights set on his throne through his little girl.

  Farth would find the news especially distressing, his attempt to catch Promena's eye failing spectacularly to Unbolge's glee.

  That one would require a watchful eye, his ability to fill his shoes was not in question. The chaos God lacked the empathy and consideration for others though.

  The story his daughter had told him after her date with the man had been... enlightening.

  He couldn't directly intervene in the goings-on of other gods' worlds, that was the cornerstone of their society.

  The need to express their abilities, and for some, lord their power over others allowed them to avoid war between them.

  "I hope she finds the one as I did my love."

  The Unbolge's heart ached with the familiar longing to feel his departed wife's presence near him and was just as quickly placed in its proper place.

  He would join her soon enough, meanwhile, he would enjoy watching his daughters plan to stymie the chaos gods' machinations.

  He distracted himself by playing with a globe of energy formed from the innumerable gods that had gone before him, their essence at his fingertips even as it spread to fill the universe.

  "Make sure he is a good fit daughter, he will be tested far beyond what he will expect.

  Coming together

  Cade ran into the front porch, his head swimming with a whirlwind of emotions.

  On one hand, he was graced by the sight of his two beautiful mates as they began up their task of getting the second story of their home filled with the gear and supplies from their adventure stashed away for sale in Opect.

  On the other Cade was terrified of what they would say when they found out Promena was going to be their sister wife.

  That thought brought him up short as Sabine looked up from her inventory list and tilted her head, her lightly tanned face quizzically looking at the mentally disheveled Cade.

  As the basilisk woman rose on her long armored fifteen-foot tail she shot a worried look at Mina.

  Cade's black panther mate was less worried as she whispered to Sharee to take over keeping the few other women on task. Walking over with Sabine, Mina's smiling face changed to the same curious but worried look as their mate voiced his concern.

  I am so screwed." Cade said with a wild look in his eyes. "Promenashowedupintheliving











  ahalfmilethatway!!!" Cade finished his tirade before taking a gasping breath. He stood with his arm outstretched, his finger pointing at the exact place he had felt the two mammals rutting.

  Cade's panic subsided a small amount now that the whole episode was out in the air. The rise and fall of his shoulders slowed as his heart rate began returning to normal.

  He suddenly swayed on his feet as he began to feel light-headed. Mina and Sabine mouths hung open as they tried to sift through the massive wave of word vomit Cade had just spewed at them as Sabine unconsciously steadied him with her tail around his waist.

  Mina placed a delicate clawed hand on her mate's pointing finger and slowly pushed it down. As she and Sabine led their distraught mate to the bedroom, Mina shouted over her shoulder, the concern she was feeling not making a dent in her commanding tone.

  "Ladies get the rest of that into the storage on the second floor, Sharee you are in charge," Mina said as she patted Cade's arm as he shook with what she hoped was only exhaustion.

  Arriving at their room and laying a slowly recovering Cade on the bed, Mina hurried to close the door as Sabine slithered her way up to coil around their mate.

  As Mina returned to the massive bed she couldn't help but chuckle at her mate as he laid within their little snake's coils, his head resting in her lap.

  Her chuckle turned into a snort as the Cade she knew and loved returned as he used his power to open Sabine's jerkin freeing her breast.

  "Sooo much better, I am so glad I have you two my loves," Cade said as he leaned up and rubbed his face slowly between his little snake's perky assets.

  Sabine's giggles were interrupted as she leaned down and shared a passionate kiss with her mate.

  "We love you too my Cade," Sabine said as the kiss ended.

  Cade smiled up at her before a grin split his face and he got back to the wonderful breasts that belonged to one of his new loves.

  Mina's mirth at her mate's antics helped soothe her worried heart. The massive deluged of sounds that her mate had spewed out nevertheless needed clarifying.

  As Mina moved to join her mates she gave Sabine a questioning look full of love as she tapped a clawed finger on the coil wrapped around Cade.

  Sabine returned the look with a small smile as she loosened and lifted her coils to let Mina join the snuggle pile.

  As Mina settled on top of the six-foot-six mate she was again awed by the size of the man who would be the father of her kits and Sabine's hatchlings. She smirked at him as she felt her mate's dick swelling against her belly.

  "Oh no, you don't. You are going to explain the word tsunami you just dropped on us my love before you get to fill us with your seed again." Mina said to her horn dog of a mate, he just last night had filled them many times over.

  Mina was proud of herself at the use of the earth term to describe the indelible mass of words her mate had used. The time she and Sabine had spent in his head had not gone to waste.

  "Ok, I can do that my Mina, so how to begin?" Cade said as he gave his panther mate about three-quarters of his attention.

  The other quarter was spent on Sabine's nipples that he was toying with as he laid back, his head propped up on the deceptively strong woman's exposed stomach. Sabine's giggles were all the permission he needed to continue his antics. The hardness of her sensitive nubs turning him on and making his mouth water.

  Mina aimed a golden eye at Sabine's violet ones as she allowed their mate to play instead of telling them what happened.

  "He shall not get more than he has now until he tells us all that happened my Dresk." Said Sabine, a small smile on her face.

  Mina accepted her sister wife at her word and appreciated t
he formal use of her race's head of household title.

  "So my Cade tell us all and slower this time," Mina said as she propped herself up on her elbows on Cade's chest.

  "Yes, Promena showed up in our living room and explained she was the being that brought me to the world. Once she had dropped that bomb she had me sit on the couch and told me I was going to be her husband. Oh, by the way, I have to conquer this world. Let's let that sink in for a moment." Cade said as the size of his task overwhelmed him for a moment.

  Cade retreated to his bosom hideaway for a few seconds, the feel and smell of his little snake's aroma doing wonders for his state of mind. Sabine's hands ran across her mate's shoulders in soothing motions as she felt his anxiety spike through their shared mental bond.

  Mina also felt it, the insurmountable task had their Cade ready to give up on the spot. She smiled though, a clear plan out of that problem beginning to form in her mind. Mina had a solution for that dilemma that her overwhelmed mate had failed to see as he tried to fix everything at once.


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