Atomic Mage 2

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Atomic Mage 2 Page 24

by Carter, Garrett

  Nods and squeals of joy went all around as his mate's made a beeline for the kitchen stairs.

  Cade chuckled to himself as he watched them ascend the stairs, chatting with each other excitedly.

  His blush from before returned as the sound of Poppy's door closing reminded him that there was someone he owed an apology to.

  As he turned to tell Nat how sorry he was for forcing his little mental trick on her he caught her flying lithe green body as she launched herself at him.

  As his lips were forcefully attacked by Nat's black ones they both moaned into the surprise kiss.

  Cade slammed Nat's moaning body into the side of Poppy pulling a roar of lust from her before her oral attack resumed on her target's lips.

  Cupping her toned ass Cade groaned loudly as one of his fingers found that the skirt-clad orc woman had been going command once again.

  His lust-addled mind caused him to slide the underside of his clothed dick against her bare sex as Nat ground her hips against his throbbing need.

  Cade's hand found a clothed breast and palmed it before their talk from her driving lessons broke through his feverish brain.

  "Wait...FUCK! wait Nat. One second pleeease," his cry was followed by Nat's drenched fingers slipping into his pants and grabbing his throbbing dick and beginning to stroke him languidly.

  "NO! You did this, I need that monster in me NOW. I will be your mate, wife, whatever you need just give it to me, PLEASE!"

  Nat's begging was followed by her ripping the front of Cade's pants open and their combined moan as his dick slapped against her sopping entrance with a wet smack.

  "I don't want you like this... I don't want our first time to be caused by my horrible aim. You are worth chasing, yes? Let me chase you a little longer please."

  Cade's plea for his, because she was his her plea made in lust had signed the death warrant on her single life, Nat to hold back her lust for a little longer caused the frantic orc woman to halt her downward thrust as the head of Cade's dick pushed against the entrance to her soaked sex.

  "FUCK! You better hurry, I don't know how much more of this I can take. I need release and my fingers aren't cutting it."

  Nat's acceptance of his request thankfully gave him the necessary control to keep from claiming the gorgeous orc woman then and there.

  "I guess I will go to my room and take care of THIIIS," as Nat tried to get down from her perch on her prospective mate Cade lifted her until her wet entrance was in front of his face.

  "Can't leave a lady wanting, we will call this a taste of what I have to offer. Now if you will excuse me I am famished."

  Attacking Nat's black-tipped lips and sensitive nub with his lips and tongue he moaned into her folds, entranced by her flavor.

  As a low moan signaled Nat's first orgasm, Cade brought his fingers into play and with that little addition, he groaned in lust as the short orc woman's moaning voice went silent for a moment before her scream of release was followed by a stream of liquid as she squirted her bliss onto his face.

  Lapping up his delicious meal Cade continued to prolong the shaking woman's orgasm as she held onto his bald head for dear life.

  "Is that enough of a release for you my Nat?" Cade asked with a smile as he regretfully removed the evidence of his meal and set the wobbly-legged Nat down.

  "Was it ever, I can't wait to have this monster cause me to lose my mind like that. Chase me quicker so I can take him for a long ride."

  As Nat made her swaying way up to the kitchen catcalls and whistles signaled her arrival, as Cade clothed himself with a groan.

  As he made the same trip he delivered a flurry of kisses before snatching Laurith by her arm and dragging his laughing mate up to their bedroom.

  Throwing her on her back in the bed Cade removed their clothes before he sheathed himself in his dragon wife as they both moaned.

  "I take it the little green one will be joining us soon my mate?" Laurith asked between gulps of breath as her mate took her just the way she liked.

  "Soon my wife, a date or two might be in order first," Cade replied as he captured a bobbing brown nipple.

  "And no date for me, what about my reward?" Laurith's question was followed by her hands cupping Cade's cheeks and kissing him soundly as he slowed down his hard thrusts to answer.

  "I have plans for us tomorrow my pet, now come for me."

  As Cade resumed his long hard thrusts inside is his dragon mate, he found he was excited for what the next day would bring.

  Coasting through the sky above Opect Cade shook his dragon body as the cold wind above the Capital of Dejot ticked his belly scales.

  As he banked to the side almost smoothly his dragon mate roared her joy into the early morning air.

  Cade returned her roar before a draconic smile revealed the long saber-like fangs in his mouth.

  His dragon mate had been overly excited for their date this morning.

  After his sweet had gotten her fill of him for the day Cade had announced his plans for the two of them.

  Laurith in her excitement had sprinted naked out of their room pulling a shout from Qetch and his mates as they enjoyed their morning repast.

  "Go get her my love we all have people to contact today, don't pout Mina we have the guild leaders to meet and our Laurith deserves a reward for her restrain last night."

  As Promena soothed his insatiable pretty kitty Cade captured her lips, his attempt to leave her breathless giving him a chance to try out his trick he mastered during his trial with Sabine and her mother.

  After a few long pleasurable minutes, Cade gave up and looked at his panther mate in amazement.

  "I figured it out all by myself," Mina said proudly, her smug smile causing him to laugh.

  "Another air mage is born," Cade said as his mirth ended and he passed around the love his other wives had been waiting for.

  "Yip Yip, you have a dragon waiting for you outside and I don't think she will be very patient," Mina said with a smile.

  "Did you just call me a flying ungulate?" Cade asked as he clothed himself for the trip through the house.

  "Yes, I did, while you might be a little smaller the package fits. Now go my love, Laurith is getting impatient."

  Cade collected another kiss as Mina shooed him out of the room with a smile.

  Passing around greetings to Xandia, Qetch, and his mates, Cade gave Sahree a congratulatory thumbs up as he exited the kitchen.

  Making his way to the dojo slash garage Cade came across the other two members of his family as they traded blows on the mat.

  Their bout grew intense as Cade took a few precious moments to watch them exchange not just blows but a few cutting verbal barbs.

  "Well he might call you his pixie but he devoured me yesterday, I filled his mouth with my pussy juices and he lapped them up like a dying man in the desert."

  As Eve flinched from the verbal blow Cade stopped the bout with a thought as he froze the two competitive women I place.

  "I don't have the time to explain to you how fucked up that was Nat, if you want to join our family you might want to play a little nicer. My pixie you will get what is yours in due time but in the meantime don't let what others have spoil what you are getting. Now if you girls are done with your catfight I have a dragon to woo."

  Releasing the girls Cade hugged his little pixie to him and placed a kiss into her blonde hair. As he turned to Nat he snorted at her puckered lips before he gave the pushy woman a quick kiss on her green cheek.

  "Do better and there will be more and better from where that came from," Cade said before he laid a firm swat on Nat's toned behind.

  Leaving a blushing Nat and a smug Eve behind him, Cade finally joined Laurith as she stood buck ass naked in front of their home.

  "Clothes?... Ok no clothes, let's go, my mate," as a naked Laurith growled at his question of garments Cade made a platform and flew them off towards a wide prairie a few miles outside of Opect.

  As he set them down
Cade's body grew.

  The issue of spare mass he had figured out wasn't a problem for him. He had initially tried to approach the riddle of Laurith's disappearing and reappearing mass as if he was the dragon.

  His attempts to make energy appear and disappear had gained him nothing and thankfully for Opect had cost him nothing, the idea to just create his own dragon body and puppet had come from his home building spree.

  As his dragon form approached the 500-foot length from his mental battle with Laurith he halted its growth with a thought.

  As he launched himself into the sky Cade felt like a kid on Christmas morning, his new toy had been opened and he couldn't wait to play with it.

  As he lounged around a pond hours later with a sated and softly snoring Laurith, a small swell of pride grew in his chest as he looked down on his sleeping wife, her food-induced slumber caused by the large wild Indu he had caught for his sleeping mate, with his own flying skills no less.

  Cade had been pleasantly surprised as he offered the bleeding animal to her, he could have sworn that his massive 300-foot dragon mate had blushed before she took the meal from his jaws with a light touch and a rumbling purr.

  A draconic smile crossed his face as he looked down at his slumbering mate as she snuggled closer to him.

  "Yup love this one too," Cade said to himself before he brought his massive head down and rubbed it lightly against Laurith's.

  Her soft snort as she pushed her huge body even closer to him was adorable and Cade made up his mind to tell her he loved her, as soon as she woke up, he wasn't suicidal enough to try now.

  As a shout went up near the northwestern gate of the city Cade lifted his massive head to get a look at what the commotion was all about.

  His dragon enhanced vision let him see the large contingent of armor-clad dwarves that had been stopped by the guards at the gate.

  A deep chuckle escaped him as one of the guards tried to shove the commander of the dwarves and failed miserably as the shorter man didn't budge an inch at the shove.

  Cade took a moment to appreciate the orderly formation the dwarves had put themselves in, the twenty armor-clad men arranged in five rows of four with the commander at its head, who was currently raising a large war hammer over his head.

  An irritated grumble left him as he held the descending war hammer in his mental grasp, he hoped the life he was saving was one of the non-slaver guards.

  He almost woke his sleeping mate to tell her where he was going but held himself back for a moment.

  Diving into her mind he didn't find her lounging on the mountaintop of her mindscape and dived quickly into her subconscious.

  Finding her quickly Cade's heart seized up as he found his mate in a dream playing with a tiny hatchling in front of his mental home.

  He left Laurith to her dream, his soul aching to make it come true, as he returned to his dragon body and gingerly took off towards the gate.

  "May I ask what the problem is?" Cade asked as he landed in front of the gate and assumed his human form.

  A few indu lows of panic followed by a few of the boar-like animals from the forest pinned close by mixed with the shouts at the animals and him kept him from hearing the response.

  Calming the animals and shouting an apology Cade walked toward the frozen dwarf commander and his almost victim.

  "I am Captain Arnol Urth and we are here to escort Beth Urth and her prospective husband to her parents for their review and acceptance of the marriage proposal. This fool decided we needed to pay an extra tax to bring our arms and armor inside the city."

  As the dwarf answered his question Cade lifted and threw the shivering guard out into the pigsty.

  His disappointment that the contingent of dwarves wasn't from the counsel was soothed by the fact he had the perfect excuse to kill two birds with one stone.

  The fact that the vastly more important of the two birds would allow him to give his dwarven firebrand his child without worrying about what the dwarven clans would say didn't sway him at all, nope not one bit.

  The smile that had blossomed on his face at the stray thought turned to a frown as he looked at the jumped up slaver as he cried and moaned at his broken bones, the man was lucky that was all that happened to him and in a few weeks or more he would get what was coming to him.

  Cade turned back to the dwarven captain and was about to explain that he was one of the two people he had been sent to retrieve as Poppy flew over the gate and zoomed down to land next to him.

  As the driver-side window rolled down the rear driver-side door burst open as his red-headed wife flew out of the vehicle with a massive smile on her face.

  After collecting a kiss from Cade, Beth screamed "Uncle Arnol" before she launched herself at the smiling dwarven captain.

  A smile grew on his face as he watched the two relatives before he turned to Nat as she sat in the driver's seat of Poppy.

  "Excellent driving Nat, Promena sent you?" Cade asked as the orc woman's cheeks turned a dark green and she looked down blushing at the compliment.

  "She did my giant, we are to bring these fine gentlemen to our home as soon as possible," Beth answered as she laced her hand in Cade's.

  Arnol's face, at least as much as Cade could see through his grey streaked beard, went red as he watched his niece holding hands with her husband.

  Cade gave his dwarven wife a questioning look as Arnol shouted for his troops to assemble at the gate.

  "There was a reason I left husband," Beth said as she tried to pull him after her as she made her way towards the assembled dwarves.

  Cade had a better idea though.

  "How would Arnol like flying my love," he asked with a sinister smile.

  "Ooo, he's going to hate it, lets get them in so I can watch."

  His sinister smile was mirrored on Beth's pretty face as she called for her uncle to come over.

  As his little firebrand convinced her uncle and his men to fly with them Cade couldn't help the small laugh that escaped him.

  He was going to need to make some more oh shit bars.

  As Nat pulled them into the garage with practiced ease, Cade grimaced at the smell that had permeated poor Poppy.

  The ride had gone well in the beginning, at least for him, Beth, and Nat.

  The panicked dwarves had put the new oh shit bars to good use as they rode along in Poppy after Nat had expanded her to fit the large group.

  The upchucking hadn't come until they were close to home, that hadn't started until after Nat had dodged a flock of the pigeon-like birds that made the taller buildings their homes.

  That maneuver had caused the assembled dwarves to do the technicolor yawn and caused him to put his powers to good use catching the ejecta before it could reach the seats and floor.

  After he had broke down the barf he the glimmering energy for a second as he reasoned whether the small power boost was worth it.

  "Well down the hatch," he said before absorbing the glowing particles.

  As he blew the smell of sick out of Poppy with a conjured wind he caught, broke down, and absorbed another round of upchuck from the dwarves as the smell cleared.

  "Well that was fun my giant, let's not do it again," Beth said as she exited Poppy taking huge breaths of clean air.

  Cade let out an appreciative "uh-huh" as he watched Beth's massive breasts rise and fall.

  Her smile and playful slap on his arm were followed by her uncle's "ahem".

  "We should get everyone together for this," Cade said out of the side of his mouth as he plastered a fake smile on his face directed at the scowling dwarf.

  "Don't worry about uncle Arnol, he's just a product of his time. A few centuries ago he would have tried to remove your hand for touching me before our marriage contract was signed."

  After Beth delivered that shocking piece of news she walked over to her uncle and after a short conversation, Arnol shouted at his men to make camp in Cade's garage.

  He smiled as the rest of his wives
joined them and after a few kissed and introductions were made uncle Arnol joined them in the kitchen for a late lunch.

  Hours later Cade was giddy with nerves as he lifted the house off of its lot of land as he prepared to make the journey that would end with Beth as his legal wife.

  The conversation with Arnol during lunch as he told them of his month-long journey to collect Beth and her husband-to-be was a little strained on Cade's side as the still armored dwarf cast disapproving look his way every time he would even look in Beth's direction.


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