The Chase is Over: Nashville Assassins : Next Generation

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The Chase is Over: Nashville Assassins : Next Generation Page 9

by Aleo, Toni

  To my surprise, the pianist behind us starts to play, and Shelli takes in a deep breath. Then her incredible voice fills the barn like it has filled so many theaters. I know the song; Moulin Rouge is a favorite movie of hers. When “Come What May” would come on, she would sing it loudly and proudly, just like she is now. The violinists join in, and the barn becomes basically a concert hall and Shelli is the star. But she isn’t singing for anyone else but me.

  Just me.

  Her voice is flawless, and her eyes stay locked on mine as she sings. Each word striking me like a puck in the chest. She hits the crescendo, squeezing my hands as she promises that no matter what comes at us, she will love me until her dying day. She may have hoped she wouldn’t cry, but someone might as well stick a pacifier in my mouth because I’m bawling like a baby.

  When she finishes, the room explodes in applause, and I can’t handle it. I grab her by the back of her neck and pull her in for a lusty and drawn-out kiss. Much to Ross’s dismay.

  But I don’t care at all, and I’ll be damned if someone or some tradition is going to keep me from kissing her any longer.

  This woman is mine.


  * * *

  There is a tap on the mic, and then my brother’s voice fills the redesigned barn.

  “Hello. If I can have everyone’s attention.”

  I remove my mouth from Shelli’s, something I’d rather not do, but she kinda makes me, and together, with her in my arms, we look up to find Asher standing tall beside me. He really wasted that height; he should have played hockey or basketball. Nope, he does technical stuff.


  “Yes, if someone is looking for their baby, he’s right here,” he says, pointing to me, grinning from ear to ear.

  “I’m gonna kick your ass,” I call to him, and he’s lucky my wife is between us.

  Fuck. My wife.

  Said wife laughs along with everyone as my brother thinks he’s hilarious. I love watching her laugh, the way her face moves with the action, the way her eyes glisten, and the sound. It’s heavenly. I love it. I love her.

  Along with her laughter, though, is that of the whole party, and boy, what a party so far. I made the complaint that I didn’t get to see the flamethrowers or the acrobats, so Shelli had them come inside and perform while we ate. The dance floor is surrounded by two long-ass tables in a family-style setup. Shelli and Elli wanted everyone to feel like family, and one big thing Shelli remembered from growing up was the huge tables full of food on family dinner nights. We’d be at those dinners, but I’d be so wrapped up in playing hockey with Shea and the boys that I never noticed her begging for my attention.

  She’ll never beg another day in her life.

  I cup her cheek as Posey giggles from beside me. While there are two long tables for all our guests, there is a smaller one up on the highest stage for us and our wedding party. Beautiful flowers cover every inch before us, but my favorite part is the little Mr. and Mrs. sign that sits in front of Shelli and me. The ceremony, the pictures… Jesus, it all seems like such a dream. I can still feel the words Shelli sang for me deep in my soul, and honestly, I don’t think they’ll ever leave me.

  Nor will she.

  “I kid, I kid. My brother is no baby,” Asher says, stealing back my attention. “I have watched my brother work his ass off for everything in his life. When he was younger, he couldn’t skate for nothing, but he had the hands, as my dad would say. Under the guidance of our father and Shea Adler, Aiden moved through the leagues like that kid you love to hate. The one who’s age on his birth certificate you question because ’he’s way too good to be so young.” Shelli grins up at me, and I kiss her temple as my gaze stays on my brother. “He was the youngest on the US Olympic team, he played for the Worlds team, and he had scouts looking at him when he was fourteen. Aiden graduated high school at seventeen just so he could train with the Bullies’ college team to be drafted into the NHL. Fast-forward to being one of the most sought-after forwards in the league. Elli Adler knew this and snatched him up, giving him a professional family, one with whom he has helped bring home two Cups to this beautiful state.”

  The cheers from my teammates and our families are deafening, and even Asher holds his glass up to the crowd as the chant “Go, Assassins. Go!” fills the barn. Asher laughs as he looks at me, and I nod. “I like all the ass-kissing.”

  “Fuck you,” he says playfully, and everyone at our table gets a good laugh at that. “He’s a pretty impressive dude, one hell of a brother, but nothing—and I mean nothing—touches how hard he works to be a good man for Shelli.”

  Shelli’s eyes and mine lock, and the grin on my face is unstoppable.

  “Don’t get me wrong. He resisted her for good reason. Have you seen her dad and brothers? Not the little one, but the two big ones.”

  Shelli snorts. “Man, he’s a mess today.”

  I nod. “I think he’s drunk.”

  “But even under the threat of death, Shelli was too hard to resist. I mean, did y’all hear her sing? She’s pretty incredible,” he says, and I clap along with everyone as Shelli beams up at Asher. “But what you don’t know is, she was made for my brother. She not only adds to his life, but she complements it, makes it shine. When he is down, she is there, lifting him like he weighs nothing. I’ve watched her watch game videos with Aiden until three in the morning. Mind you, I went to bed because no one wants to watch that much tape, but Shelli did. But he does the same for her. I don’t remember my brother ever liking Broadway, but you better believe, he knows all the words to Chicago, Frozen, and soon, he’ll be singing songs as Alexander Hamilton to her Eliza.”

  “It’s true,” we say at the same time, and then we laugh along with our wedding party.

  “I mean, it’s insane. They are a team. She pours herself into Aiden, and to my surprise, Aiden does the same to her. Now, I have had the pleasure and the gift of being Aiden’s little brother, and let me just say, I am more than a little excited to be Shelli’s brother-in-law.” Asher looks at both of us then, his eyes soft and full of emotion. “I love you, Shelli, and I love you, Aiden, but I think I love you guys together even more. I don’t need to wish you a lifetime of happiness, because y’all won’t settle for anything less. But know that you have a whole family, and we’re big and loud, cheering you two on. To Aiden and Shelli.”

  As the room erupts, I help Shelli stand, and we hug Asher tightly. “That was beautiful, thank you,” Shelli says, kissing his cheek.

  “All from the heart,” he says, winking at us. He hands the mic off to Posey, and the look she and Shelli share shakes my soul. Asher and I are close, but those two, they’re basically twins.

  “Well, hell, Asher, thanks for the pressure of topping that,” she says into the mic, grinning, though tears are already gathering in her eyes.

  “You can’t,” he teases, and she flips him the bird, which has everyone in fits.

  “So, I wanted to let everyone know that we know things are a little different from your typical wedding. They were supposed to dance before they ate, but if you know Shelli and Aiden, you know they aren’t traditional, and they love to eat,” she jokes, and Shelli grins. “We had flamethrowers, for goodness’ sake. I doubt y’all are expecting traditional around here.” Posey’s hand comes to rest on my shoulder, and I meet her watery gaze. “I have heard the name Aiden Brooks since I was old enough to process that it was your name. I hated sharing a room with Shelli because all she did was talk about you, and she would draw A+S’s all over our stuff. She was, like, eleven, by the way, and like any teenager, Aiden didn’t even know Shelli existed. A little insight into her love for you… She wrote A+S on one of my hockey sticks for good luck. How her loving you is good luck for me, I’ll never know, but I’m telling you, there was never a moment when I thought she wouldn’t end up with you.”

  I glance over to Shelli, who is beet red, which I find so endearing.

  “For one, my sister gets everything she wan
ts. She hustles like no other. And every guy who came along, she would say, ‘Eh, he’s no Aiden Brooks, but he’s good enough for right now.’ I’m not joking, like that was legit what she said, and I believed her.”

  “Man, our wedding is turning into a comedy hour.”

  Shelli laughs. “Right?”

  Posey then moves, coming between Shelli and me. Shelli reaches up, placing her hand in Posey’s, and they share a look that is so private, I almost feel wrong for staring at them. “My sister—” she starts, but then she gets choked up. “My sister is the best person I know. She has always had my back. She worries for Owen and Evan like they’re her boys, and Quinn, with all she has been doing lately, she has been helping him with college papers. She’s a giver, and we are lucky to be her siblings. I know for a fact she’ll be the best aunt ever, and I can’t wait to see her with my baby,” she continues, and Shelli’s lip starts to wobble as she places her hand on Posey’s growing stomach.

  They share another grin, and then Posey looks at me. “Aiden Brooks, I said earlier that she doesn’t do anything mediocre, and I wasn’t playing. She has to be the best at everything she does, and no one could be by her side but the best. You are a good man, and my family loves you, but I also know how to drive the Zamboni, and that’s a promise.” I laugh out loud as she holds up her glass of water. “To the bride and groom, to a lifetime of happiness, joking, and love!”

  I wrap my arms around Posey first, kissing her cheek as she gives me a loving look. She pats my cheek before wrapping Shelli up in a tight hug. She whispers something in Shelli’s ear, and when they part, they’re both teary-eyed. To the point that Posey has to clear her throat before she whooshes out a breath, looking out into the crowd. “So, without further anecdotes—and please, no one give my father the mic, he is still a blubbering mess—I ask that you join our family in watching Aiden and Shelli’s first dance as husband and wife.”

  “Oh, that’s our cue,” Shelli says, standing back up, and I scoff.

  “I thought you said this wasn’t a production.”

  She gives me a very direct look. “It’s not. Come on,” she says, taking my hand, and together we head down the stairs as everyone cheers and congratulates us. When we reach the dance floor that is surrounded by flowers and little candle boxes, I spread out my arms so I can show off my beautiful bride. Shelli shakes her head, but I know she loves it. I pull her in as the soft music of Tori Kelly’s “I Was Made for Loving You” starts to play. Her hands come up under my chin, and I lean on them as we press our foreheads together along with our bodies. I close my eyes as I get lost in the music and words, as well as her soft body.

  “Posey wasn’t kidding. I really did say that about every guy.”

  I open my eyes to find her watching me. “You were right.”

  She beams at me. “I was.” I kiss her nose as her face explodes with love for me. “Asher’s words were beautiful.”

  “And completely true. I never wanted to be the best version of myself until I gave in to you.”

  She giggles against my lips before I kiss her softly. “Shelli Grace Brooks, I won’t ever stop.”


  “Stop loving you, stop being the best version, or stop chasing you.”

  Her lips spread against mine as she cups my face. “I guess the chase is never over between us.”


  “No matter the distance?”

  “No matter the distance,” I promise. “It’s me and you, sweetheart, and we’re one hell of a team.”

  “The best team.”

  “A winning team.”

  “A Stanley Cup contender, for sure.”

  I grin. “Oh baby, I don’t need no Cup when I’ve got you.”

  “Aw, super smooth,” she jokes as she guides me down to her lips, and I know our words to be true.

  I feel them in her kiss, in her touch, and most of all, in my heart and soul. Our future is so bright. So many things can happen, but no matter what, good or bad, we’ll make it. For she is my forever, and I was made for loving her.

  Only her.

  As I sing the words to her, her lips smile against mine, and everything fades away.

  Just like it always does when I’m with Shelli Grace.

  I open my eyes to look deep into hers, and proudly, I say, “I love you, Shelli.”

  “I love you, Aiden,” she whispers, exactly as she’s been doing her whole life.

  I just wish I had caught on sooner, but I’m not worried.

  I have the rest of my life to make up for lost time.

  Chapter 12


  “I ask that you join our family in watching Aiden and Shelli’s first dance as husband and wife.”

  I gasp as I push Wes away, pulling down my skirt. “Aren’t you supposed to be out there?”

  He shrugs as he reaches for me. “I’m where I’m supposed to be, baby doll.”

  I roll my eyes, smacking his hands, and he looks so offended. I don’t know how I found myself outside in his arms, but I didn’t fight it very hard. It has to be the way he looks in a suit. His body is unstoppable, and I’m pretty sure I can bounce a quarter off his thighs. Add in his bad-boy messy blond hair and blazing blue eyes, and I had no chance. I want him, I do, but it’ll never happen. “For real, we can’t keep meeting like this.”

  “Why not?” he asks, fixing his shirt. “I have a really good time kissing you. Maybe we can take it to the next level.”

  I look over at him and shake my head. “No way.”

  He feigns hurt. “You say no, but that body is screaming yes.”

  “Well, listen to my words, Wes. We both know you don’t want anything more than this body, and I’m not just some ass you can tap.”

  His eyes dance with excitement. “Is that right?”

  “Yes,” I say confidently. “Believe me, I want you, but I know my heart will be involved, and you don’t have a heart.”

  “Hey now. I have a heart.”

  “Not an attainable one,” I say on an exhale. “We’ve been around each other a lot lately. We’ve had fun, but this is where it ends.”

  “Aw, baby doll, don’t say that,” he says, gripping my waist in his hands and pulling me flush with him. “We both know the heat between us is undeniable.”

  I look up at him as he towers over me, and he’s right; it is undeniable. I’d love to get lost in his kisses and his body like no other, but my heart is already wanting to play the game. I refuse to have it shattered by Wesley McMillan. He is one damaged dude, and he doesn’t have any plans on giving his heart away. My brother may not think I listen, but I do, and if I’ve learned anything from him and my parents, it’s that I have to protect my heart. I pat Wes’s chest before I kiss him hard on the lips. I almost allow myself to fall into the kiss, especially when he cups my ass in his hands, but I pull away, moving out of his arms.

  “It is undeniable, the heat, but it isn’t enough for me.”

  “Come on, Stella. We could have fun.”

  I nod. “We could, but do you plan on telling my brother about our fun?” His eyes widen, and I can see the apprehension on his face. “Exactly. When you’re ready to tell him that you enjoy feeling up his sister and want to see where it goes, come find me. Until then, though, stay away and have a nice life.”

  And with all the confidence and self-worth that have been passed down to me from my incredible mother and every woman in my life, I walk away from someone I know could break me in two.

  I walk into the barn that has held the most gorgeous wedding I’ve ever been to in my entire life, and I’ve been to a lot. It seems I’ve gone to every wedding for the Assassins’ players and seen some incredible couples who are so in love. But none of them have been what Aiden and Shelli’s wedding has. From the start, I’ve watched two people fall in love all over again, I swear it. I thought that the example of love my dad and mom have given me was one to set my standards to, but nothing can or will ever compare to Shelli and

  I watch as my brother holds his bride in his arms, so close, so intimately, like no one else is in the room. It’s so hard to be a careless teenager when you see things like that. I could have had sex with Wes and been happy as a pig in mud, but I would never have with Wes what they have with each other. His soul is made of ice, and his dick has no loyalties.

  I want more than that.

  I deserve more than that.



  As the spotlight centers on me, chills run through my body like they always do.

  I sigh, telling the story in the way I was born to do.

  I feel the audience’s tears, their love for this show, for my character, for everything that I’ve worked so hard to provide them with. It’s my last number, the ending of the show. I always get emotional when I know it’s my last time onstage for a production. As I move along the stage, singing, tears roll down my face, but tears not of sadness, of happiness instead.

  Not because it’s over, but because my husband is in the front row.

  Even with the spotlight, I can see Aiden leaning on his legs, in awe of me. He was there opening night and any other night he could be. I almost didn’t think he’d make it for tonight, my last show, but after winning against Tampa last night, he flew straight here. This morning before I left, he whispered in my ear that he “wouldn’t miss this for the world.” And he showed up, even with how tired he is, but that’s Aiden. He’s always there for me when I want or need him.

  These last six months haven’t been easy, but they haven’t been hard. If that makes sense. We kept the promise to each other to have a meal together daily. We always said good night to the other, and we didn’t go long throughout the day without an I love you text. We also never went more than a week without seeing each other in person. I’ve paid so much money in gas for my mom’s plane, and I don’t care one bit. I’ll pay for it over and over again if I’m on the receiving end of Aiden’s kisses. It could be for only a couple hours, but we’d see each other. We’d kiss, and we’d most certainly make love. One of my favorite things about Aiden Brooks is his passion, and his passion for me is without compare. We made it work, and I’m so thankful we did. For this was an opportunity I would have regretted not taking.


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