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Singularity: Book Two of the StarCruiser Brilliant Series

Page 14

by Rick Lakin

  Riley said, “It’s fake news, right?” Riley said.

  Everyone looked at Jennifer.

  “I’ve started this project at JennaTech,” Jennifer said. “Sami wants to watch a sunset.”

  “We’re behind you,” Tayla said. “But Curtwell might cause you a lot of trouble.”

  “We’re aware,” Navvy said. He turned to go. “I’m riding the Gulfstream back to Burbank. I’ll see you all at Tovar tomorrow.”

  “Let’s head out to Brilliant,” Jack said. “We owe the Blue Angels a trip into space.”

  The crew headed toward their StarCruiser.


  After they left the hangar, Jeff and Kalinda walked across the red-hot tarmac. On the flight line, September temperatures reach 120 degrees.

  “I’m glad we got out of there before the speeches,” Jeff said.

  “But didn’t you want to see your grandmother…”

  “I know she’s running for President,” he said. “The rest of the speech is boring.” They reached Brilliant, Jeff said, “Could we walk around the ship?”

  “Sure. Don't kick the tires too hard; they might go flat,” Kalinda said.

  Jeff gave a condescending look at her droll humor.

  “You’re starting to get it…There are the torpedo doors.”

  “Smart Tactical Autonomous Long-Range Torpedoes,” Jeff said. “Do you carry them all the time?”

  “My te’pa told me that they used to fly missions like this unarmed, but now we always carry at least two with one war shot loaded.”


  “That’s a secret.”

  He reached up with his hand and sealed his lips. Then Jeff pointed at the glass square near the top center of the bow. “I didn’t know that Brilliant had a porthole.”

  “I asked my tal’pa the same thing because Hoclarth ships do not have windows. We’re explorers. He told me about an admiral named Daniel Gallery who said, 'Curiosity is one of the strongest human emotions,’” Kalinda said. “No matter how many displays and sensors, we want to 'take a little peek now and then.'“

  “I understand,” Jeff said. “Let’s get on board.”

  They walked to a closed ramp. “Request to come aboard with my friend, Jeff. Authorization: azolyn.”

  “Hello, Kalinda,” Ani said. “Do you have your parent’s permission?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Welcome aboard.” The ramp descended.

  The two quickly threaded the maze of passages and ladders to the bridge.

  “Configure the ready room for Serving Tal’qid with gravity control.”

  “Who's Ani?” Jeff asked.

  “Ani is Brilliant’s Artificial Navigation Intelligence.”

  They reached the bridge. Jeff stopped and looked around.

  “She’s virtual?”

  “Ani’s been resident on Brilliant for twenty-six years. Would you like to meet her?”

  “Wow, yeah.”

  “Could you go physical and meet us in the ready room.”

  “Sure,” Ani said. “I’d be glad to meet your boyfriend.”

  “Ani!” Kalinda looked at the red-faced Jeff. He looked back at the red showing through Kalinda’s dark complexion. “She likes to joke around.”

  Jeff quickly changed the subject. “May I sit in the captain’s chair. I won’t touch anything.”

  “Don't worry about it,” Kalinda said. “Nothing works unless you're logged in…Except for the red button.”

  Jeff looked at Kalinda. She looked back with a straight face. They both laughed.

  “I wonder what it looks like in space?”

  “Ani put us in orbit around Xaphnore.”

  Immediately, the panels lit up and the display screens filled with a blue planet, two red suns, and several Hoclarth ships circling a large space station.

  “Woah.” Jeff looked closely at the surface. “That’s definitely not Earth.” He saw Kalinda walk slowly toward the displays transfixed. “You’re homesick, aren’t you Kay?”

  “I want to go back someday, but it’s not possible.”

  Jeff broke the spell. “Show me your dojo.”

  “Secure the simulation,” Kalinda said. She led him to the ready room.

  They reached the door. “Shoes,” Kalinda said. Jeff and Kalinda took off their shoes and socks and lined them up to the right of the door. They entered the ready room.

  “Welcome to my dojo.”

  Jeff’s eyes lit up as his bare feet touched the hardwood floor. The hall was two stories surrounded by windows made of traditional rice paper and Tasmanian oak.

  “This is like the Holodeck on the Enterprise,” Jeff said.

  “Bingo. My tal’pa is secretly a Star Trek fan.”

  There were vertical panels with writing. “Hoclarth?” Jeff asked.

  “Those are the sayings of Tal’qid,”

  “There are no weapons.”

  “When one is in the service of Tal'qid, she does not need weapons.”

  “Women only?”

  “Not only,” Kalinda said. “But men who pick up weapons always desire bigger weapons.”

  “And war,” Jeff said. “I think my grandmother believes that.”

  Jeff pointed to the lone figure on her knees sitting on her heels facing a decorative rice paper screen. “Ani?”

  Kalinda and Jeff approached. “May I present my friend, Jeff. He practices martial arts.”

  Ani stood and turned. With her right knee bent, she opened her hands and bowed her head to Kalinda and Jeff. Kalinda responded with the same bow and Jeff did the rei that he knew from karate.

  “Good morning, sensei. Good morning, Jeff.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Ani.” He stared at her yellow eyes. “I feel uncomfortable in here without my Gi.”

  “There’s a closet behind the screen,” Ani said. “You’ll find what you need.”

  Jeff went to the back room as Kalinda pulled off her street clothes to reveal her translucent suit.

  “There’s only one gi in here,” Jeff said. “Wow, it fits perfectly. And my belt is here, too.” Jeff walked out and did a double take when all he saw of Kalinda was a red scarf and a head.

  “Where is the rest of you?”

  “Descendants of Xaphnore have a proximity sense,” Kalinda said. “We do not need to see each other.”

  “And the red scarf?”

  He saw the disruption of the background and recognized her hands as she grabbed the scarf and pulled it over her head. She disappeared completely.

  “Woah, I don’t have your proximity thing,” Jeff said. “Let me see you.”

  He felt a tap on his shoulder. Startled, he turned and saw Kalinda's head again. “That's not fair.”

  “Camo off,” Kalinda said.

  She appeared before him in her black catsuit. Jeff felt surprised and a lot more.

  “Workout much?” he said.

  She nodded. “You?”

  He closed his hands around his body. “You can see through my Gi?” Jeff said. “You have X-ray vision?”

  Ani and Kalinda laughed. “I'm from Xaphnore, not Krypton. Set gravity to one-sixth. Let's work out.”

  “Woah, this is fly.” Jeff jumped up and nearly touched the ceiling.

  He landed. “Let’s start with balance,” Kalinda said. “Show me those punches that you did on Fat Albert.”

  Jeff executed a crisp set of three punches, right-left-right. In the process, he lost his footing and face-planted on the wooden deck.

  Jeff looked up at Kalinda. Her face was so dead serious; it was only the twinkle in her eye that gave away how hard she was laughing. “Watch me in slow motion. See how my off-shoulder and my hips counter-rotate to offset the momentum of the punches.”

  “I see some of it,” he said. “Do it fast.”

  She executed the punches as fast as he could see, but her feet remained planted.

  “Okay, one more time much slower.”

  She performed the punches at one-thi
rd speed.

  “Let me try.” Jeff punched the air three times. This time he stumbled slightly but kept his footing. “My hips do not rotate like yours.”

  “Not yet but you will gain that flexibility with practice,” Kalinda said. “You learn fast.”

  “Show me those moves that you did on the plane.”

  She stepped back and bowed. Then she jumped five feet up and executed a series of jabs, kicks, and turns. She softly touched down on the boards facing Jeff.


  “You try it.”

  Jeff jumped five feet up and executed the offensive and defensive moves but landed on his shoulder facing the wall to his right.

  “You’ve got the moves, but you need to remember, 'For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.’”

  “Newton’s Third Law.”

  “Correct,” Kalinda said. “Counteract a punch with your opposite shoulder, counter a kick with the opposite arm, and always use your hips and your legs to counter your upper body.”

  Jeff looked at Ani. “Do you know the 'serving talcum' thing?”

  “Kalinda has been my sensei as we serve Tal'qid.”

  “Do you two spar?”

  “Yes, we do,” Kalinda said. “Ani set gravity to five percent and turn on force cushion. When we air-spar, we start and finish on the boards. Grab that handle up there.” She pointed to a wooden railing.

  He jumped up, bounced off the ceiling then pushed back and caught the railing on the second try.

  With Jeff in a high observation position, Ani and Kalinda faced off.

  “Ani?” Kalinda bounced to her position.

  “Kalinda.” Ani bounced the opposite position facing her opponent.

  They bowed to each other then sprung into the air toward each other. Ani attacked with punches and Kalinda successfully defended until contact sent them toward opposite walls. They bounced off and rotated for opposing kicks. This time Kalinda attacked and Ani defended until contact sent them perpendicular to the side walls.

  Jeff watched with his mouth open.

  This time they faced approached each other head-on. Ani rotated her body and executed a roundhouse kick. Kalinda dropped her head, defended the kick and somersaulted into position to deliver two effective punches to Ani's sternum.

  “Fall,” Ani said.

  “Fall,” Kalinda responded.

  They gracefully lit on the floor in their original position and bowed.

  “Wanna try?” Kalinda said.

  “You won’t laugh?”

  “Not on the outside.”

  “That was incredible, Ani.” He bowed and took her place facing Kalinda and bowed deeply.

  They sprung into the air and flew toward each other. Jeff assumed an offensive stance and Kalinda met him. He fired off four punches. Three hit air and Kalinda easily deflected the fourth. They moved to opposite walls.

  This time they pushed off legs first. Jeff executed a kick. Kalinda defended with a counter-kick and then rotated her body and delivered a kick to Jeff’s stomach. He groaned.

  “Fall,” Jeff said.

  “Fall,” Kalinda said.

  She landed on her feet. Jeff soft-landed on his hands and then recovered.

  “You okay?” Kalinda asked.

  “Took my breath away and I might get a bruise, but I’ll live.”

  They bowed.


  Kalinda and Jeff were finishing up their workout in Kalinda’s converted dojo. Kalinda had won two falls out of three. Ani, Brilliant’s Artificial Navigation Intelligence, was refereeing.

  The annunciator sounded a tone. “StarCruiser Brilliant, arriving.”

  “The captain’s here,” Kalinda said. “Reconfigure the ready room for Earth gravity.”

  “Thank you for being a great host,” Jeff said. “Brilliant is a really fun place to work out.”

  “It’s good to see that Kalinda has found a good friend,” Ani said.

  “Jeff is just a friend,” Kalinda said.

  “That’s what I said. It was nice meeting you,” Ani said. “I hope that you enjoy the flight.”

  “Kay, that was the most fun I’ve ever had. Thanks.”

  She looked back at her new friend. “We’ll do it again.”

  Jeff walked back to the closet and hung up his Gi. Kalinda changed back to street clothes.

  “You two head to the galley before it gets crowded. Maiara tells me that she has laid out some grunch bars and drinks.”

  “Grunch?” Jeff asked.

  “Maiara makes these delicious crunchy granola bars with chocolate chips,” Kalinda said.

  “Oh, cool.”

  They went to the bridge put on their shoes, and she led him to the spiral ladder with the fire pole in the center.

  “Ready to try the pole?” Kalinda asked.

  “Show me,” Jeff said.

  She hugged the pole and slid down one deck. Jeff grabbed on and slid down two decks.

  “Smooth move,” Kalinda said. “You can only slide one direction.

  He looked embarrassed as he climbed up the ladder.

  “You’ll get it,” Kalinda said. “It’s easier in moon gravity.”

  They walked into the galley. “Hi, Auntie Maiara. This is Jeff Rodriguez.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Maiara said. “Kalinda takes all of her boyfriends to her dojo on their first date.”

  “Nice to meet you, Ma’am,” Jeff said. “Kalinda has lots of boyfriends?”

  “No,” Kalinda said. “You’re the first…I mean…We’re just friends…Maiara.”

  “You’re always welcome on Brilliant,” Maiara said.

  “Why is everyone trying to find me a mate?” Kalinda said.

  “Stop talking and grab some munchies,” Maiara said.

  “These are good,” Jeff said.

  The annunciator sounded again. “Blue Angels, arriving.”

  “That’s the commander and his pilots,” Maiara said. “Grab some for later and find a place to sit on the bridge. We’re leaving soon.”

  Jeff and Kalinda climbed the ladder to the bridge. The aft bulkhead of the bridge was absent to allow seating for riders.

  The captain announced, “Take your places, everyone. We're raising ship for a Tranquility Base Honor Pass. Begin the pre-launch checklist. Reports, everyone. Blue Angels?”

  Munchkin looked around. “Captain, we’re ready.

  “Kalinda?” Jack asked.

  She looked at Jeff who looked a bit frightened. “We’re ready Captain.”

  Jeff whispered to Kalinda, “Isn’t Tranquility Base on the Moon? I thought we were just taking a hop.”

  “This is a starship,” Kalinda said. “The moon is a fifteen-minute hop.”

  Jennifer was getting busy, so Dandy Lion left her lap and paced to the aft wall and settled in Kalinda’s lap. He looked at Jeff and then at Kalinda. Who’s the noob? Dandy Lion thought.

  Kalinda lifted Dandy and placed him in Jeff’s lap. “Meet Dandy Lion, the ship’s cat.”

  Jeff looked even more uncomfortable.

  Dandy looked at Jeff and then at Kalinda. He can’t hear me, and he doesn’t like cats, Dandy thought.

  “Most humans can’t hear you, Dandy. Give him a chance to get to know you.”

  “He can talk?” Jeff began to feel the comfy vibes coming from Dandy. “He does kind of grow on you.”

  “First Lieutenant?” Jack said.

  “Sir, the ramp is up. Belowdecks are secure,” Maiara said.


  “All Modes ready,” Riley said. “Life support nominal. The ship is space-ready.”


  “All flight controls responsive. Ready to rock and roll.” David said.

  “Ops, what's our departure profile?”

  “Captain,” Jennifer said. “We'll raise ship and taxi to runway 2-4-0 and follow Miramar departure at 250 knots to feet wet. At ten miles, we’ll have unrestricted ascent to the Karman line.”

bsp; “Very well, Communicator, request clearance.”

  “Aye, sir,” Tayla said. She depressed a button. “Miramar Tower, StarCruiser Brilliant, request clearance to depart on Runway Two-four-zero.”

  “Brilliant, proceed to runway center and hold short,” Miramar Tower said.

  “Pilot, raise ship and proceed to the runway,” Jack said.

  There was a rumble beneath the ship. David turned southbound and began taxiing.

  “At what altitude do you cloak, Captain,” Munchkin said.

  “Normally at one hundred feet,” Jack said. “It’s not necessary today.”

  “Miramar Tower, Brilliant is holding short Runway Two-four-zero.”

  “Brilliant, you are cleared for takeoff. Ascend and maintain 2000 feet at 250 knots. Turn right course 290 to feet wet. When over water, contact Socal Tracon on 132.5.

  “Two thousand at 250. Turn 290. Over water switch to 132.5. StarCruiser Brilliant,” Tayla said.

  “Pilot, take us up.”

  David turned onto the runway and began his take-off roll. The passengers felt the push against their seats. After clearing the western apron, David turned right. “Altitude Two Thousand,” David said.

  “Passing over Torrey Pines Beach,” Jennifer said.

  Tayla modified the settings. “SoCal Tracon, StarCruiser Brilliant, passing over Torrey Pines at 2000 course 290. Request corridor for an unrestricted vertical climb.”

  “Brilliant, turn left course 190.” Tracon said. “Climb to thirty thousand at 650 knots for fifteen miles.”

  “StarCruiser Brilliant.”

  The push was more forceful. “Thirty thousand, speed 650.”

  “Brilliant, you are clear for unrestricted vertical climb. Good day,” Tracon said.

  “StarCruiser Brilliant, good day.”

  “Engineer, activate inertial dampening, maintain earth gravity,” Jack said. “You may get up and walk around. Ops, activate planetarium view.”

  “Engineer, Aye,” Riley said. “Inertial dampening and gravity on.” The ride became smooth.

  “Very well. Pilot take us to the Karman Line at Mach 12.”

  The passengers could now see in every direction, above them the blue sky, below the ocean and the horizon in every direction. For safety, the deck remained translucent as did the solid objects around them. The crew could still see their panels.


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