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Singularity: Book Two of the StarCruiser Brilliant Series

Page 23

by Rick Lakin

“She’s the leader of our country,” Jennifer said.

  Does she have a cat? Dandy thought.

  “I believe that her family has a labradoodle.”

  A dog? Dandy choked as if he was expelling a fur ball.

  “Dandy, you like Pugsley,” Jennifer said.

  I put up with that creature, Dandy thought. Does this dog talk?

  “Dandy, you’re the only animal I know of who talks.”

  Does it catch mice?

  “Many dogs are scared of mice.”

  Typical, Dandy thought. He jumped down and pranced away with a royal air.

  David Masing spent the last two days in the left seat of Brilliant rehearsing his stick and rudder actions. Tayla programmed the music tracks for the spectators on the ground, and those on the AirShow Channel. They walked in at seven-forty-five. David was in uniform and Tayla was dressed similarly to Jennifer.

  “Could we go through the White House departure once more?” David asked. “I’m ready for the arrival at Andrews, but I’d like to go through the aerobatics once more.”

  “I need to tighten my music cues as well,” Tayla said.

  “Is Riley coming?” Jennifer asked.

  “He’s right behind us,” David said.

  “You two rode in together?” Jennifer asked.

  “We were running lines at the house last night,” David said.

  “It got late, so I stayed in the guest room,” Tayla said.

  Riley came into the ready room. “Am I late?”

  “I think you’re just in time,” Jennifer said. She grabbed her cup and headed to the bridge and took her seat.

  With Brilliant in simulator mode, the Star Squad ran through the departure program twice.

  “Very nice flying,” Jennifer said. “I love the music, and I know the FX will look great.”

  “Another milk run,” David said.

  “Now, we're cursed,” Riley said. “Every time you say that somebody dies.”

  “And Dr. Ami has to work very hard to save them,” Tayla said.

  “Am I needed?” Dr. Ami walked on to the bridge.

  “We hope not,” Jennifer said.

  “You look different, Dr. Ami,” Tayla said.

  “She does?” Jennifer asked.

  “I do?” Dr. Ami asked. “Do we have a problem?”

  “I mean, I’ve never seen you with a wrinkle on your uniform,” Tayla said.

  “I'm sorry,” Dr. Ami said. “It’s brand new, and I just put it on.”

  “But…” Tayla said.

  “I never guessed that the queen of fashion would be the one to spot the only flaw,” Jennifer said. “Dr. Ami, introduce yourself.”

  “Ahhh,” Dr. Ami said. “I’m Dr. Ami Teesmith. I’m a cyberian.”

  “A Russian?” David asked.

  “Spelled C-Y,” Jennifer said. “Dr. Ami is going to walk down the ramp with us and meet the president.”

  “Omigod,” Tayla said. “Without projectors? May I hug you?”

  “Of course,” Dr. Ami said. “But you could always…”

  Dr. Ami was interrupted by a group hug from the Star Squad.

  “Dr. Ami, would you like to join us for breakfast in the Executive Mess?” Jennifer asked.

  “I don’t have an appetite, but yes, I’d be glad to.”

  “We’ll change and meet you there,” Jennifer said.

  In their shared stateroom, Jennifer and Tayla changed into their Brilliant jumpsuits.

  “Did you bring it?” Jennifer asked.

  “Here it is,” Tayla said.

  “Thanks. She’ll like it.”

  The two walked over to the Executive Mess. Inside, they met up with Kalinda and Anthen.

  “How do I look?” Kalinda asked.

  “It’s missing something,” Tayla said.

  “I worked on it for a half hour,” Kalinda said. “My uniform is perfect.” She looked at Jennifer and Tayla and then at her uniform. The older girls were wearing leather boots, and Tayla was wearing black knee-high Vans.

  “Here,” Jennifer said. She handed her a bright yellow scarf, the same as the one she and Tayla were wearing.

  “Oh cool, thanks,” Kalinda hugged Tayla and Jennifer.

  “I haven’t seen those boots,” Tayla said.

  “They come out next week,” Kalinda said. “The sponsor sent them.”

  “K’da said she is going to hook us up,” Jennifer said.

  Stephen, Ana, and Jake were seated along with Sheila. “Mom, you sure you don’t want to go?” Jennifer asked.

  “You know how I feel about that pile of junk,” Sheila said. “No way am I riding in it.”

  Jack and Navvy walked in, and everyone stood.

  “Be seated,” Jack said. “This is an informal working breakfast. I’ve done a quick inspection, and everyone looks shipshape. Maiara's staff will deliver food, and then we can start with Jennifer after we eat.”

  Navvy walked around to Kalinda. “Your young friend seems to do a lot of work when he is on board Brilliant,” Navvy said. “Can you give him this when he comes on board? I don’t want him to dirty his clothes.” He handed her a package wrapped in paper.

  “Thank you, Tal’pa,” Kalinda said. “He’ll love it…sorry, grandfather.”

  “I understand Tal’pa is a Hoclarth honorific,” Navvy said. “I’m not offended K’da.”

  With breakfast underway, Jennifer went over the plans for the flight down to North Island then in and out of DC.

  “Are there any questions?” Jack asked. When there were none he said, “Son, are you comfortable with the swap we discussed.”

  “Yes, sir,” David said. Jennifer looked at David with the question, but there was no answer forthcoming.

  “On the South Lawn,” Jack said, “the awards presentation will occur as I instructed in the messages I sent. For the group presentation, we’ll line up by seniority with Navvy and me to the president's right. After that, there will be two individual presentations.

  “The president has requested tours of Brilliant for herself, her family, staff, and friends. Star Squad, you four will escort the teens. I hear they want autographs, selfies, and books.

  “Kalinda, there will be tweens and younger. You and Jeff will take them aboard. Try not to make a mess in my ready room.”

  “Yes, Captain,” Kalinda said.

  “On the South Lawn by eleven a.m.,” Jack said. “Raise ship in ten minutes.”

  The crew of StarCruiser Brilliant boarded and took stations. The aft bulkhead of the bridge disappeared to reveal extra seats for riders in the area usually taken up by the ready room.

  Jack took the center seat. “Make reports for immediate departure,”

  “All are aboard,” Maiara said. “The ramp is up and sealed. Belowdecks are secure.”

  “Sick Bay ready,” Dr. Ami said.

  “Engineering systems nominal. All modes of propulsion ready,” Riley said.

  Kalinda sat between Anthen and Navvy at the science station with Dandy purring on her lap. He raised his head. No mice on board, Dandy thought.

  “The ship’s cat reports all ready, Captain,” Kalinda said.

  “Ha-ha. Very well,” Jack said. “Pilot?”

  “Ready to rock and roll,” David said.

  “Comms?” Jack asked.

  “SoCal Tracon reports westbound window open for three minutes,” Tayla said.

  “Ops, departure profile?”

  “Cloak at one hundred feet. Subsonic westbound to 80,000 feet then Mach two to North Island approach,” Jennifer said.

  “Pilot, raise ship and cloak,” Jack said. “Ops, take us out.”

  “Aye, Captain,” Jennifer said. “Course laid in for San Clemente Island.”

  “The ship is cloaked,” Riley said.

  “Pilot, engage,” Jennifer said.

  The display surrounding the bridge showed the San Fernando Valley falling behind.

  “Twenty thousand, feet wet over Santa Monica,” Jennifer said. “Make your t

  “New course one-six-five,” David said.

  “Sixty thousand feet. Radar clear of commercial traffic,” Jennifer said.

  The displays showed a rapidly receding view of the coastline.

  “Eighty thousand,” Jennifer said. “Turn left to 135. Increase to Mach two.”

  “Pilot, aye,” David said.

  The coastline passed very quickly to their left.

  “Thirty seconds to subsonic descent,” Jennifer said. “Three-two-one. Decrease to 650 knots. Turn left to 090.”

  “Pilot, Aye.”

  “Captain, the ship is subsonic,” Jennifer said. “Comms, contact North Island approach and request a beacon.”

  “North Island Control, StarCruiser Brilliant. Request an approach beacon,” Tayla said.

  “Good morning Brilliant,” North Island said. “We’ve got you on radar. Beacon is assigned.”

  “I’ve got the beacon,” David said. “The ship is fly-by-wire.”

  “Five thousand feet,” Jennifer said. “We’re below Lindbergh Field traffic. Uncloaking at three miles.”

  “The ship is uncloaked,” Riley said.

  The beacon brought Brilliant over Point Loma. “Attention to starboard,” Jack said. Riders and unoccupied crew stood respectfully as they passed over Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery.

  “I’ve got the beacon on visual,” Jennifer said. A bug appeared on the display. As they got closer, they saw a welcoming party of twenty with a band behind them.

  “Maiara, I need a handful of challenge coins and M&Ms,” Navvy said.

  “Got 'em,” Maiara said.

  “Ops, are we on schedule?” Jack said.

  “Captain, we have time for a fifteen-minute stop,” Jennifer said. “We can handle a small tour.”

  “Very well,” Jack said. “Navvy and I will handle the brass. Star Squad, take care of the pilots and family.”

  “Aye aye, Cap’n,” Jennifer said. “The ship is grounded.”

  “Engineer, place the ship in ground standby,” Jack said. “Lower the ramp. Look sharp. Out and in quickly.”

  Navvy and Jack descended the ramp first as the band played two Ruffles and Flourishes. They exchanged salutes, shook hands all around, and exchanged coins.

  “Would you like a tour, Admiral?” Navvy asked.

  “We’d love to see your ship, Admiral Kelrithian,” the admiral said. “We know you have a tight schedule.”

  Dr. Ami and Kalinda descended the ramp and met Mia, Chuck, and Jeff. Mia, in dress blues, hugged Dr. Ami and thanked her again.

  “Dr. Ami, I didn’t know that you could come outside of Brilliant,” Mia said.

  “JennaTech created a new cyberian body for me,” Dr. Ami said. “I can make house calls. Let's go aboard Brilliant.”

  Jeff was dressed up in a suit. He stayed behind with Kalinda. “Hi, K’da, what’s in the package?”

  “Tal’pa Navvy didn’t want you to mess up your suit on Brilliant,” Kalinda said.

  “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yes,” Kalinda said. “You’re out of uniform.”

  “Thanks.” He hugged Kalinda. “Oh, sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Friends do that. You can change in Stateroom Three.”

  Star Squad came down and greeted the other pilots and family and escorted them aboard Brilliant. It was organized chaos as twenty people inspected every nook and cranny of the starship.

  “I expect this ship rides very comfortably in space, Navvy?” the admiral said.

  “Yes, Admiral. It does.” Navvy looked at Jack, and they smiled. “Riley?”

  “Ready, Captain,” Riley said.

  “Welcome aboard, everyone,” Jack said. “This is the captain. We’re going to demonstrate StarCruiser Brilliant's weight loss program. Everyone, please hold on.”

  He waited for a moment. “Engineer, set gravity to zero for one minute.”

  There was screaming and laughing throughout the ship until the gravity began to return slowly and the guests regained their attachment to the deck.

  Maiara made an announcement. “Brilliant is five minutes to departure. We ask our visitors to make their way to the exit ramp. Don’t forget to grab a StarCruiser Brilliant souvenir bag on your way out.”

  Captain, you have a beautiful ship and an excellent crew,” the admiral said.

  “Thank you very much, Admiral.”

  “I’d love to have one of these in our arsenal,” the admiral said. “Can you arrange that?”

  “You never know, Admiral,” Navvy said. “Let me take you back to the tarmac, and we'll let Jack prepare for departure.”

  The senior officers were the last visitors off the ship. Navvy went back up the ramp. “Seal the ship, First Lieutenant.”

  “Aye aye, Admiral,” Maiara said.

  “Do we have plenty of swag for the White House, Maiara?”

  “Yes,” Maiara said. “I won’t have to light off the fabricator.”

  “Any feedback?” Navvy asked.

  “As usual, the merch table got the best reactions of the tour.”

  “Dollar for dollar, free stuff is the most cost-effective marketing that the studio does,” Navvy said. “Let’s go see the president.”

  Jeff came up to the bridge with Kalinda wearing the cerulean blue Brilliant uniform. His mother saw him.

  “Where did you get that uniform and where is your suit?” Mia asked.

  “Navvy gave it to me because I help out when we’re underway,” Jeff said.

  “Do I have to salute you now?” Mia asked.

  “No, Mom,” Jeff said. “I’m only an honorary ensign.”

  “You’re going to change into your suit when we get to the White House.”

  “Mom, it’s just the president.”

  “Your grandmother will be there,” Mia said.

  “Oh, yeah,” Jeff said. “I’ll change back. May I get you two some drinks from the galley?”

  “Yes, son,” Chuck said. “That would be kind of you?”

  He and Kalinda took drink orders for the bridge crew and went below.

  Jack took the center seat and received pre-departure reports.

  “Ready to rock and roll,” David said.

  “What’s our departure profile, Ops?” Jack asked.

  “Our ceiling is five thousand to three miles to avoid Lindbergh Field traffic,” Jennifer said. “Then we ascend to one-hundred thousand subsonic, accelerate to Mach 15, fifteen minutes of ballistic flight and re-enter over Manassas, and cloak as a Gulfstream for the approach to Joint Base Andrews.”

  “Very well,” Jack said. “Execute.”

  “Comms?” Jennifer asked.

  “We’ve got westbound clearance from North Island Tower,” Tayla said. “Five thousand feet ceiling until we clear SoCal TraCon.”

  “Pilot, raise ship and cloak,” Jennifer said.

  “May I show off?” David said.

  “Captain, we have an audience,” Jennifer said.

  “Very well,” Jack said. “Raise ship and perform a 360-degree rotation on three axes.”

  “3D shake and spin, aye.”

  The spectators nearby saw Brilliant, perform an impossible combination of pitch, yaw, and roll, and disappear over the Pacific.

  “Two miles feet wet. Begin your ascent.”

  Jeff and Kalinda retrieved the drinks from the dumb waiter, distributed them, and sat to watch the departure.

  “Captain, may we see outside?” Jeff said. “You’ll love this, Mom.”

  “Engineer set moon gravity and activate planetarium view.”

  The ship surrounding them disappeared, replaced by the darkening sky above and the receding Earth below. The crew could still see their displays and controls.

  “Beautiful,” Mia said. “I’ve never been above sixty thousand feet.”

  They could now see the dark blue sky and the curvature of the earth.

  “One hundred thousand feet,” Jennifer said. “Accelerate to Mach 15.”

bsp; “Pilot, aye.”

  The sky began to shift from blue to black, and the Earth became a sizeable blue ball surrounded by stars.

  “Mach 15,” David said. “Securing propulsion.”

  “Fourteen minutes to re-entry,” Jennifer said.

  The bridge was silent as they passed over Phoenix, Kansas City, St. Louis, and Cincinnati.

  “Re-entry in thirty seconds,” Jennifer said.

  “Engineer shields up,” Jack said.

  The forward screen began to turn red.

  “Begin deceleration to subsonic at 100,000 feet,” Jennifer said.

  “Pilot, aye.”

  The red reached maximum saturation then became the familiar blue sky.

  “Captain, 100,000 over Manassas. Descending to 60,000.”

  “Engineer, cloak as a Gulfstream 450 at 60,000,” Jack said.

  She looked at the thick clouds before them. “Comms, report weather,” Jennifer said.

  “Andrews reports ceiling 4,000, visibility one mile, with rain.”

  “Can you handle an ILS approach, David?” Jennifer asked.

  “I got this, Jen,” David said.

  “Comms, contact Andrews,” Jennifer said. “Request instrument approach. The pilot will handle communications from this point.”

  “Andrews acknowledges and designates us Gulfstream 342.”

  “Pilot, aye.”

  “Gulfstream 342, Andrews. Turn right one-zero-five, descend to twenty thousand.”

  “One-zero-five, twenty thousand, Gulfstream 342,” David said.

  Gulfstream 342, turn left zero-one-zero, intercept the beam. You’re clear to land runway one left.

  “Zero-one-zero, beam, one left, Gulfstream 342.”

  “Andrews, I’ve got the beam.”

  “Roger,” Andrews Control said.

  “Gulfstream 342 has the field in sight, requesting visual,” David said.

  “Gulfstream 342 is cleared visual runway one-left. Contact the tower on 118.4. Welcome to Joint Base Andrews. Good day.”

  “118.4, Gulfstream 342. Good day.”

  Brilliant landed and followed the bug to a large hangar.

  “Engineer, uncloak, place the ship in standby, and lower the ramp,” Jack said. “Lieutenant Commander Rodriguez, we’re flying to our next stop dressed as a VX-5B. You’re familiar with that aircraft?”

  “Yes, I am, Captain,” Mia said.

  “Would you care to fly us to the South Lawn?”


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