Singularity: Book Two of the StarCruiser Brilliant Series

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Singularity: Book Two of the StarCruiser Brilliant Series Page 26

by Rick Lakin

  On the final day of shooting, the cameras were ready, audio was checked, Brilliant was in Position One, and the actors were at their marks.

  “Action,” the director said.

  David Masing and Cax'andra Granqil ran down the narrow, twisting canyon side by side. The two pilots, one from Earth and one from the Hoclarth Alliance, turned and fired their blasters at the pursuers as shots bounced off nearby rocks just missing them.

  Overhead, a Hoclarth fighter drone passed over exchanging fire with StarCruiser Brilliant. A shot from Brilliant shook the fighter. It was trailing smoke.

  “Yeah!” David raised a fist.

  May we someday meet in Laknove, brother, Cax’andra thought. A voiceover would be added in post.

  “Dad, I could use some help here,” David said.

  Aboard Brilliant, “Stand by, son,” Jack said. “There’s a clearing half a click ahead of you.”

  David emptied his blaster and threw it aside. Cax’andra was still firing.

  Brilliant turned back, dove into the canyon, and fired on David’s pursuers. They quickly took cover behind rocks and held their positions.

  David and Cax’andra broke into the clearing. At the far end was the burning fighter drone.

  Aboard Brilliant, Riley was at the ops panel targeting the Hoclarth fighters, and actor Eiji Noguchi was in the pilot's seat waiting for David to return.

  “David and the Hoclarth pilot have entered the clearing,” Ani said.

  “Very well,” Jack said. “Riley?”

  “I can hold 'em off, sir.”

  “Pilot, this is a combat landing in a hot LZ,” Jack said. “Get us in and out quickly.”

  David and Cax’andra saw Brilliant descending and ran into the center of the clearing.

  Having left his burning fighter, Na’gan Xan’fer limped from behind a rock carrying a blaster and faced Cax’andra. “You’re a traitor to the alliance. You’ll watch your friend die before I kill you.”

  He raised his blaster toward David. Cax’andra dove in front of David. The two Hoclarth fired. Na’gan fell.

  David shouted. “You got 'im.” He looked at the bleeding Cax’andra.

  She smiled and then collapsed just as Brilliant landed with ramp open.


  “David, promise me that you will bring our two cultures together.”

  “You’re the only one who can do that, my love.”

  “There is another.” Cax’andra’s eyes closed for the last time.

  He held her and kissed her gently on the cheek.

  Jack stood at the top of the ramp. “Son, hurry, there are fighters headed this way.”

  David held her hands one last time and then softly laid them open to the sky. He started walking then running to the ramp. As he reached the top of the ramp, he turned back and paused as the ramp came up.

  In the VirtualLocation40 truck, Jennifer directed Sami to track the CineDrone to an extreme closeup as David looked back at his fallen lover. He shed a single tear.

  As the ramp closed before the camera, she flew the CineDrone back to a wider and wider angle, showing Brilliant flying up through the canyon into the red Hoclarth sky.

  James Ford shouted. “Cut! Print. That’s a wrap.”


  On Sunday morning at eight, the crew of Brilliant gathered in the Tovar Executive Mess with families for departure to the Wolf Star where they would meet the Camdex and Predex Kalea Kone.

  With the families seated, Jack introduced the crew. Today, it included three members who had never attended an Away Breakfast. The three cyberians Dr. Ami, Ani and, Sami, were in uniform and prepared for their mission the rest of the way to Xaphnore in the Hoclarth Alliance aboard StarShuttle Hope. They would seek a cure for the disease that was killing the population on Xaphnore.

  The audience of family members including Navvy, who was sitting out this mission because of studio commitments. His son, Anthen, would act as science officer.

  Also, in the audience was Kalinda's friend, Jeff Rodriguez. His father was in LA for a weekend law conference, and he brought Jeff to spend time with Kalinda. Jeff was wearing his Brilliant uniform.

  After Jack introduced the crew, he looked down the line and saw Kalinda. “Kalinda, you are a member of the crew, but this mission is not for kids. You need to stay here and go to school. We’ll tell you all about it when we return.”

  Kalinda came over and gave Jack a sad look. “I can help out. You know you enjoy it when I bring you coffee.”

  Her father intervened. “We discussed this at home. You need to go to school,” Anthen said.

  Kalinda’s eyes were getting moist. “Dad, I’m caught up with school. I need to be with you guys.”

  “Go sit next to your friend,” Anthen said. “You’re staying with your grandmother, and that's final.”

  She burst out crying and stomped her foot. “But it’s my destiny,” Kalinda said. She grabbed onto her father, sobbed, and would not let go.

  “That’s enough,” Anthen said. “Go out to the car.”

  She let go, composed herself, stood as tall as she could, and said, “C’mon, Jeff, these people don’t like kids.”

  Kalinda stormed out and Jeff looked embarrassed as he followed her out.

  A few minutes later, Jennifer and Tayla ate breakfast. “I feel bad for Kalinda,” Jennifer said. “She’s going to be all alone this week.”

  “I think she deserves a nomination for that scene,” Tayla said.

  “Wait, you think…” Jennifer said.

  “K’da just gave an award-winning performance,” Tayla said. “It looked like she rehearsed it for days.”

  “You think that was an act?”

  “You certainly bought it. Your little sister has something up her sleeve,” Tayla said, “and her little friend, too.”

  Kalinda and Jeff broke into the sunlight outside the Tovar Executive Offices. They began the short walk to the Brilliant compound. “That was smooth, K’da,” Jeff said. “Do you think they bought it?”

  “I’m worried about Tayla,” Kalinda said. “I used some of the methods she taught me from her acting lessons.”

  “Okay, let’s check our stories,” Jeff said.

  “Your dad is supposed to pick you up at four o’clock at Navvy’s house.”

  “Check,” Jeff said, “and Sheila thinks your grandmother is taking us there after breakfast.”

  “Check. And Grandmother Hannah thinks Sheila is taking us to Universal Studios today,” Kalinda said.

  “Check,” Jeff said. “D’you think we can get on Brilliant?”

  “It’ll be easier than I thought,” Kalinda said. “Ani is at the Away Breakfast and knows all of Dandy's Jedi mind tricks. Sandi is the ship’s AI for this mission.”

  “Okay.” Jeff looked nervous.

  “I can do this alone,” Kalinda said. “You won’t get in trouble if you stay here.”

  “But if I do, they’ll find out you are stowing away.”

  “I know. Thanks for coming,” Kalinda said. “I’ll need your support.”

  “Do you think they’ll space us?”


  “I read this book where they eject stowaways out the airlock into space.”

  “You read too many space operas,” Kalinda said. “This is reality.”

  They got to Brilliant, and Dandy Lion met them at the foot of the ramp.

  “Brilliant is more incredible every time I see it,” Jeff said.

  “Dandy, we're here.”

  The cat nodded then jumped into Kalinda’s arms. I hope this works. Dandy Lion stared at the ID pad.

  “Recognize Tayla Mendoza and Jennifer Gallagher,” Sandi said. “I didn’t expect you here this early.”

  Sandi was the Artificial Navigation Interface for this mission since Ani was going to Xaphnore.

  “We’re just coming aboard to drop off some things in our stateroom,” Kalinda said.

  “Welcome aboard,” Sandi said.

  “We'll be off the ship in three minutes,” Kalinda said.

  “I’ll log you two out then,” Sandi said.

  Jeff and Kalinda followed Dandy up the ramp.

  “I still can’t get used to a talking cat,” Jeff said. “Especially one who can talk to computers.”

  When they got to Storage Room Three, Kalinda opened the door into the darkened space.

  “You aren’t claustrophobic?” Kalinda asked.

  “Umm, no,” Jeff said. “I don’t think so.”

  “Lights.” The lights came on, Kalinda pulled the door shut behind them, and Kalinda led Jeff into the storeroom to an open container. On the floor were two sleeping bags, a light, and a stash of drinks and grunch bars.

  “What about…?” Jeff asked.

  Kalinda pointed to a port-a-potty nearby. “It's for extended away missions.”

  He took a step into the container. “This looks comfy,” Jeff said.

  “Don’t get any ideas,” Kalinda said.

  “Eww,” Jeff said.

  Kalinda laughed.

  “You’ve thought of everything.”

  Kalinda tapped her head. “Two-oh-six.”

  “And an attitude to match,” Jeff said. “Do we have to keep the door to the container closed?”

  “Only when Maiara does her walkthrough and during watch changes,” Kalinda said. “I know the schedule. I thought you said you weren’t claustrophobic.”

  “I’m not,” Jeff said. “I just don’t like to be locked in a small box.”

  “That’s claustrophobia, genius.”


  Kalinda realized that she was going to have to keep her friend occupied for at least eight hours. They entered the container, and Kalinda pulled the door shut.

  “I guess we’re locked in, now,” Jeff said.

  “Let’s do a StarCruiser Brilliant movie marathon.”

  “That works.”

  Kalinda pulled out her HoloPad.

  After breakfast, the crew came aboard Brilliant and made final preparations for departure. Jennifer settled into the ops chair. She was suspicious since Tayla's comments at breakfast.

  “Sandi, are there any unauthorized personnel aboard Brilliant?”

  “Only crew members are aboard Brilliant,” Sandi said.

  Jennifer caught Dandy looking straight at her. “Dandy?”

  The ship’s cat looked away. There are no mice aboard Brilliant, Dandy thought.

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  Dandy walked away. No mice today, Dandy thought.


  The captain did a final walkthrough of Brilliant. He opened the door to Storage Three and found nothing out of the ordinary. Reaching the bridge, he took the center seat and asked for underway reports.


  “Final checks on StarShuttle Hope are satisfactory,” Ani said.

  “All crew members aboard, belowdecks is secure,” Maiara said.

  “Engineer?” Jack said.

  “The ramp is up, the ship is sealed, and all modes of propulsion are available,” Riley said.

  “Science?” Jack said.

  “All ships systems indicate nominal. Sensors are ready,” Anthen said.


  “Flight controls responsive. Ready to rock and roll,” David said.

  “Ops, departure profile?”

  “Cloak at one hundred feet. Southwest ascent over Malibu to eighty-thousand then unlimited acceleration to the Karman Line,” Jennifer said.


  “SoCal Tracon Classified reports clearance in thirty seconds,” Tayla said.

  “Very well,” Jack said. “Let’s go save some people on Xaphnore.”

  “Clearance, Captain,” Tayla said.

  “Take us up, David,”

  “The ship is cloaked,” Riley said.

  “Thrusters engaged subsonic.”

  “Forty thousand feet. We’re clearing commercial flight levels,” Jennifer reported.


  “Gravity drive ready in all respects, Captain,” Riley reported.

  “Pilot, on my order, engage gravity drive and accelerate to one-half percent lightspeed.”

  “Half-percent lightspeed, pilot, aye,” David said.

  “Eighty-thousand feet, Captain. Sensors indicate clear space above,” Jennifer reported.

  “Very well. Pilot, engage. Ops, decloak at the Karman Line.”

  “Aye, Captain…decloaked at one hundred kilometers above the surface,” Jennifer said.

  “Pilot, continue acceleration to eighty percent lightspeed. Direct us perpendicular to the solar ecliptic. we'll engage stardrive at one astronomical unit.”

  “Point-eight lightspeed. Parallel to the solar axis.”


  “On track in clear space. Six minutes to stardrive clearance.”

  “Engineer set gravity at sixteen percent.”

  “Sixteen percent, Captain.”

  “We’re clear to engage the stardrive,” Jennifer said. “Course laid in for the Wolf Star.”

  “Engage,” Jack said.

  “Twenty-six hours to the rendezvous,” Jennifer said.

  “Very well,” Jack said. “Anthen and I will take the watch until 1600. Jennifer and Tayla will relieve us. David and Riley, do a full diagnostic on the StarShuttle then relax until 2000.”

  Jennifer and Tayla came on watch at 1600.

  “I relieve you, Captain,” Jennifer said.

  “I stand relieved,” Jack said.

  Jennifer carried her Double-shot Caramel Frappuccino to the center seat. Tayla settled in to her right at the communications panel.

  “I’m still curious,” Jennifer said.

  “Kalinda?” Tayla said.

  “Yeah. After you said she was acting, I ran it through my head. It was too smooth.”

  “What’re you thinking?”

  “Sandi, are there any unauthorized personnel aboard Brilliant?”

  “Only authorized crew members are aboard Brilliant,” Sandi said.

  “Sandi, were there any unauthorized boardings before departure?”

  “There were no unauthorized boardings in the last twenty-four hours.”

  “List all those who came aboard since 0800.”

  A 2D display appeared before her. Tayla looked at the list over Jennifer’s shoulder. “Look,” Tayla said. “We came on board for five minutes at 0823.”

  “Sandi, show the access photo at 0823.”

  The photograph appeared before them.

  “Dandy!” they said together.

  “Dandy Lion, come to the bridge,” Jennifer said.

  Dandy Lion came out of the ready room. He was hanging his head.

  “Dandy Lion, who came aboard Brilliant with your authorization?” Jennifer said.

  I’d never allow mice aboard Brilliant, Dandy thought.

  “Spill,” Jennifer said.

  There are no mice in Storage Room Three.

  “First Lieutenant, meet me at Storage Three.”

  “Yes, First Officer,” Maiara said.

  “You’ve got the watch, Tayla.”

  Tayla moved to the center seat. Jennifer rode the firepole down to the bottom deck.

  “What’s going on?” Maiara said.

  “Stowaways,” Jennifer said.

  “Stowaways? What the bloody hell?”

  They got to the hatch. Jennifer put her finger to her lips.

  Maiara nodded and pulled the flashlight off her belt.

  Jennifer opened the hatch as Maiara led the way. They heard a noise further back.

  “Is that…?” Maiara whispered.

  “The fight scene in Brilliant Seven,” Jennifer said.

  They saw a container slightly open with light coming from within. Jennifer grabbed the door and threw it open. Kalinda and Jeff screamed and hugged each other.

  “Stowaways, First Lieutenant.”

  “The captain will deal with these scalawags.

  “Harshly, I’m bettin’”

  “To the bridge, prisoners,” Jennifer said.

  “We only wanted to ride along,” Kalinda said. “We didn’t mean to cause trouble.”

  “Are they going to space us, K’da?” Jeff said.

  They got to the pole and directed Kalinda and Jeff to the bridge.

  “Captain, will you and dad please come to the bridge?” Jennifer said.

  They got to the bridge. Jack and Anthen followed, and then David and Riley appeared.

  The captain saw Kalinda and Jeff. “What the hell are you two doing here? Stowaways, First Lieutenant?”

  “Yes, sir. In Storage Three.”

  “Who let them aboard?”

  Dandy Lion jumped into Kalinda’s arms.

  “The cat?” Jack said.

  “Are you going to space us, sir?” Jeff said.

  Maiara winked at the captain.

  “First Lieutenant, what about supplies?”

  “We only have enough food, water, and oxygen for the crew.”

  “That settles it.”

  “Captain, please have mercy. If we eject them into space out the hangar bay, it gets messy.”

  Kalinda and Jeff were crying and begging now.

  “I agree,” Jack said.

  “The black pill,” David said.

  “Yes,” Riley said. “The Black pill is quick and painless.”

  “No-oo,” Kalinda and Jeff cried.

  “Call Hanna,” Jack said.

  Hanna appeared on the screen. She looked scared and haggard. “Thank God you called. Kalinda and Jeff have disappeared. Sheila was supposed to drop them off, but she didn’t know anything about it. Jeff’s dad is here. We’re going to call the police…”

  He pulled the two stowaways in front of him.

  “Thank God they’re safe,” Hanna said. “They stowed away?”

  Chuck appeared on the screen. “Son, you’re in real trouble when you get back here. Will it disrupt your mission to bring them back?”

  “We’re on a humanitarian mission. It’ll take us two days to return them.”

  “Can you keep him safe?” Chuck asked.

  “I think we can,” Jack said. “If they stay out of trouble.”


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