Singularity: Book Two of the StarCruiser Brilliant Series

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Singularity: Book Two of the StarCruiser Brilliant Series Page 30

by Rick Lakin

  “Our scientists suspect that they were left there by the Sisters long ago. The planet was not rich enough for civilization to take hold. The natives are friendly and will provide for our needs.”

  “I will not be able to accompany you off the shuttle,” Sami said. “My cyberian body was destroyed on your ship.”

  “Of course,” Natira said.

  “Dani put us on a course for Prondas. Stay away from commerce routes but show us as a slow transport ship.”

  “Engaged,” Dani said.

  “Why did you agree so easily to the plan I proposed?” Sami said. “Your profile indicated that you would stubbornly defend duty and honor.”

  “The last time we were together as a family,” Natira said, “Kalim told me that if a ship came to me offering assistance, take it.”

  “The vision thing.”


  “Anthen, or Kalim as you know him, his father, and both his daughters can piece together obscure data and predict the future.”

  “I thought that was something that came from his earth heritage.”

  “Kalim never realized he was from Earth?”

  “He did, but every time he spoke it, the neural block gave him a massive headache.”

  “We learned to communicate in a way that deceived the blocker,” Natira said. “He knew that he would eventually return to Earth. I urged him to take Kalinda with him.”

  “You miss her?”

  “Greatly. I wish I could see my daughter again.”

  “Before I left, Kalinda gave me some videos,” Sami said. “So that I wouldn’t forget her. Which is ridiculous, because I remember everything.”

  “She knew, then,” Natira said. “They’re for me.”

  “Yes, they are.”

  Natira settled into the center seat and watched Kalinda’s adventures. They included the trip to earth, meeting her half-sister, auditioning for Galaxy Warrior, flying the Fat Albert at Miramar, surfing at Oceanside, and saving her fellow competitor. Sami noticed that Natira was expressionless.


  StarShuttle Hope arrived at a planet the Hoclarth call Prondas in the Goldilocks zone of Gliese 832 after an eighteen-hour transit.

  “Kinda barren, isn’t it,” Sami said.

  “Prondas does not rotate on its axis,” Natira said. One side always faces the star. Our cabin is in the temperate zone on the terminal line between the hot side and the cold side.”

  Hope landed on a clearing near a rustic cabin at the foot of the coastal mountain range. They settled into the cabin, Natira came aboard and watched Kalinda’s videos again and again on the days when she did not go into the forest to hunt and forage. She disappeared for several days at a time to trade with the natives.

  That was the routine for over a year as they counted the days until they could leave Prondas and rendezvous with Brilliant.

  Two days before the date when they would contact Brilliant, Dani sounded a tone. “There are human life signs at the very edge of the detection range. Near where Natira is hunting.”

  “Natives?” Sami asked.

  “Doubtful, they are carrying blasters.”

  “Natira, please return to the shuttle. We’re detecting armed soldiers near you.”

  Another tone. “A Hoclarth Patrol Ship is orbiting,” Dani said.

  “Make preparations for departure,” Sami said.

  Natira heard the alert and began sprinting back to the shuttle until she came face-to-face with three Hoclarth soldiers. In the center was her nemesis Predex Vanden Parle.

  “Predex Valenda, let’s return to your cabin at a more leisurely pace,” said Vanden.

  “What if I don’t wish to follow your orders?” Natira said.

  “We are armed, but our orders instruct us to ask your cooperation.”

  “How did you find me?”

  “Your father’s intelligence officer reports to me,” Vanden said. “That is how we discovered that you are still alive. There are others who visit this planet. We’ve got friends among the natives.”

  “The alliance thinks I’m dead. What use am I to the alliance?”

  “We have our orders, Predex.”

  With the shuttle cloaked and ready to depart, Sami would uncloak momentarily when Natira returned.

  “Hoclarth soldiers have captured Natira,” Dani said. “We need to contact Brilliant.”

  “We can’t do that,” Sami said. “It’ll disrupt the timeline.”

  Sami thought for seven microseconds. “Send a message to Predex Kalea. “We’re on Prondas and Natira has been taken by Hoclarth soldiers.’”

  Dani sounded confused and frustrated. “Won't that disrupt the timeline as well?”

  “We haven’t left Brilliant yet,” Sami said. “We need to let time play out. Kalea will get word to Brilliant in due time.”

  Natira and the three Hoclarth arrived at the cabin. She glanced in the direction of the shuttle and hoped it was still there. Inside the cabin, there was room enough for the four to settle in for the wait.

  The two junior soldiers went to the patrol ship for food and monitored the area.

  “The high commander is taking a long time to get here,” Natira said.

  “The Kir’qox have caused great harm to the alliance,” Vanden said. “The Tal’Predex’s flagship has sustained damage. The Tandex is not able to maintain its maximum speed.”

  “Why are you holding me?”

  “You are valuable only to get what we need. Otherwise, you are of no value to our alliance.”

  “You want StarCruiser Brilliant,” Natira said.

  “I am not of counsel to the Tal’Predex,” Vanden said, “but there is a rumor in the high command that the future of the Hoclarth Alliance is riding on that ship.”

  Six hours before the appointed time for contact with Hope, Kalinda and Jeff came out of the ready room. Jack and Anthen had the bridge watch.

  “Have you two been studying?” Anthen asked.

  “Yes.” Kalinda looked away. “Sort of.”

  “I expect a better answer than that.”

  “I need to speak to the captain.”

  Jack turned his chair to face Kalinda. “What do you need?”

  “Captain, you told me to let you know if I talked to my tal’pa.”


  Kalinda was very nervous. “He says we should meet him on Prondas.”

  “Why would we want to go to Prondas?” Jack asked.

  “Our family has a cabin on Prondas,” Anthen said.

  “A hideout?” Jack asked.

  Anthen nodded.

  Jack thought a moment.

  “The second mission, Captain,” Kalinda said. “We need to hurry.”

  “Your grandfather told you?”

  Tayla whispered to Jennifer. “What’s the second mission?”

  Jennifer shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

  Kalinda opened her hands. “He did not,” Kalinda said. “But that’s why I came aboard. I knew you would need me.”

  “How will we need you?” Jack asked.

  Kalinda crossed her arms. “I know that I need to be there to help you get my mother back.”

  Tayla gasped. “Oh…my…God.”

  “Ops, compute a speed course to Prondas,” Jack said.

  “Course laid in,” Jennifer said. “Four-point-five-hour transit arriving at 1700 Zulu.”


  The star field rotated then blurred for a moment.

  “Everyone, catch up on sleep for three hours,” Jack said. “We’ll call general quarters at 1630. First Lieutenant, can you prepare a meal for 1600?”

  “Yes, Captain,” Maiara said.

  “Should Jeff and I help in the galley?” Kalinda asked.

  “Get some rest,” Anthen said. “We may need you.”

  Kalinda smiled and hurried down the ladder. The off-watch crew members left the bridge.

  “Jennifer,” Jack said. “You and Riley are still here.”

ptain, we’re running diagnostics on the weapons systems.”

  “You believe Kalea will attack us?” Jack said.

  “No, Captain,” Jennifer said, “but Predex Kalea may not be the only Hoclarth interested in Prondas.”

  “I see your point,” Jack said. “What’s your recommendation?”

  “We release two STALTs just beyond Hoclarth detection range and spin up two in the tubes when we get close.”

  “Make it so, number one,” Jack said. “We’ll hide the cavalry on the other side of the hill.”

  Jennifer and Riley completed the diagnostics on the Smart Tactical Autonomous Long-range Torpedoes, the close-in energy weapons, and the countermeasures. She programmed a battle plan into the four STALTs and ran it through the simulator. When she finished, she went to her stateroom for a twenty-minute power nap.

  Thirty minutes remained before Brilliant arrived at Prondas, and the bridge crew was on station.

  “Report all contacts,” Jack said.

  “There are no contacts in detectable range,” Sandi said.

  “Disengage StarDrive. Reduce speed to point-eight.

  The star field blurred as Brilliant returned to normal space.

  “Twenty-eight minutes to Prondas,” Sandi said. “Thirty minutes to contact with Hope.”

  “Ops, make preparations for weapons release,” Jack said.

  “STALTs One and Two ready in all respects,” Jennifer said.


  “Sandi, when are we in detection range?”

  “Five minutes to coverage of Prondas.”

  The crew members were watching every sensor. “Captain,” Jennifer said. “I’ve been focusing on the track directly from Xaphnore, and I’m picking up a recent stardrive signature.”

  “Is it Camdex?”

  “No sir, it has a signature I’ve never seen before…as if it had two drives.”

  “No way,” Riley said. “That’s not possible.”

  “The alliance had a secret project on the drawing board,” Anthen said. “Rumors said the ship had twin engines and was named a Tu’Do class. It’ll be the Hoclarth capital ship carrying twenty fighter drones and scaled up weapons.”

  “What’s the time until Sami’s call?” Jack asked.

  “Twenty minutes, sir,” Jennifer said.

  “Decelerate to one percent light speed,” Jack said. “Let’s wait here for a status report.”

  Jeff sat near Anthen. Kalinda moved from station to station hoping for some new information while the rest of the bridge crew watched their panels and the clock.

  “We need to hurry,” Kalinda said.

  “Someday when you’re a captain, you’ll realize that you have to choose between hurry up and wait. The latter is often the most prudent course of action. In the meantime, I could use a cup of black coffee,” Jack said.

  “What if someone misses something? I need to be here to help,” she said.

  “I’ll get it, Captain,” Jeff said.

  “Thanks.” Jeff went down to the galley.

  The digital second hand swept past the appointed time. All action stopped, and the crew focused on the clock. Kalinda stood close to Jennifer gripping her shoulder.

  Ten more seconds passed. “She’s late,” Kalinda said.

  Jennifer touched Kalinda’s hand. “Give her time, K’da…”

  A tone sounded on Tayla’s panel.

  “On screen,” Jack said, and Sami appeared. “Report.”

  “Captain, I'm cloaked on the surface of Prondas. Mission One was successful. I've got the animals, and I've synthesized a therapeutic vaccine.” Sami looked around at those on the bridge watching and saw Kalinda.

  “We’re thirty minutes from your location. What about Mission Two?” Jack asked.

  “The package is on Prondas, but…”

  “You may speak freely, Sami.”

  “There are three members of the Hoclarth Alliance down here. They captured her. They’ve got Natira.”

  Kalinda grabbed Jennifer's hand as she looked at the display. “Te’ma.” Jennifer held her sister firmly. Jeff came forward and stood next to his friend.

  “Three nights ago, a Patrol ship landed while Natira was out hunting. The Hoclarth are holding her in the cabin Anthen and Natira built. They haven’t left the planet surface, but they have company.”

  “We suspected that. A large ship left an ion trail coming in. What do you know about the ship in orbit?”

  “I’ve listened to their conversation, Captain,” Sami said. “It’s a Tu’Do class battleship called the Tandex commanded by Tal’Predex Brandil Glate.”

  “Bray,” Kalinda said.

  “Your avatar friend?” Jennifer asked.

  “The Tal'Predex is Bralen's tal’pa, and Bralen is part of the crew. His father was killed in battle two years ago.”

  “Who’s Bralen?” Tayla asked.

  “My fiancé.”

  Jeff’s face went white. “What?”

  “It’s a business arrangement,” Kalinda said. “I don’t love him.”

  Jeff looked only slightly reassured.

  “Are they saying anything else?” Jack said.

  “Captain, I think they want to trade for the vaccine,” Sami said.


  “I’ve met Tal’Predex Glate. He’s old school, very transactional.”

  “Sami, can you take off undetected, meet us here, and keep the kids safe while we come down and see what they want?”

  “The soldiers keep looking in my direction. I think they know I’m here.”

  “Captain, I need to go down there,” Kalinda said.

  “Not your call, young lady,” Jack said. “We need to keep you safe at all costs.”

  “But captain, we need to save my mother. I don’t want to lose her again.”

  Jack looked at Anthen. “Talk to her.”

  “K’da, he’s right,” Anthen said.

  “Te’pa, it’s my destiny,” Kalinda said. “I came with you because I knew I’d have to be there to bring everyone back.”

  “What about…” Anthen said.

  She walked over and stood tall in front of her father. “I claim the honor of Tal’qid. I must go down and save te’ma.”

  “You’re an Earth girl now.”

  “We’re in Hoclarth space.”

  Anthen nodded. He stood, opened his hands, bowed his head and bent his right knee. “I grant you this honor, te’mil with the hope your path of destiny returns you to me safely.”

  Kalinda opened her hands, bowed her head, and bent her right knee. “Thank you, te’pa. I promise our destinies will take our whole family safely back to Earth.” She acknowledged the stunned looks of each member of her Brilliant family on the bridge.

  “What does this mean?” Jack asked.

  “It means we’re going to Prondas,” Anthen said.

  “Very well,” Jack said. “Pilot, take us to Prondas at point-eight light speed. Ops, load tubes one and two and spin up the STALTs.”

  The crew acknowledged and turned to their panels.

  Jack took a sip from his Brilliant mug. “Sami, we’re en route to join you soon. Stay cloaked for now.”

  Fifteen minutes later a tone sounded. “A ship is decelerating from light speed,” Sandi said. “Identify Hoclarth Battle Cruiser Camdex.”

  “Comms, hail them,” Jack said.

  Jack stood.

  “On screen, Captain,” Tayla said.

  “Hello, Kalea,” Jack said. “It’s getting crowded around here. How are you and your crew doing?”

  “Jack. Hello K’da. Five of my crew are sick. May we speak in private.”

  “Predex, your granddaughter is aware of our mission.”

  Kalea pursed his lips. “Kalim, you are taking your daughter into danger.”

  “Tal’pa, I’ve claimed Tal’qid,” Kalinda said.

  “Kalim, you allowed this?” Kalea asked.

  “She's of age,” Anthen said. “I trust her vision.”
br />   “Captain, was your other mission successful?”

  “It was. Sami has synthesized a therapeutic vaccine,” Jack said. “We’ll inject everyone on Prondas, send you with a supply, and then Sami will take it to Xaphnore.”

  “I concur.”

  “Who's our welcoming committee?” Jack asked.

  “Tal'Predex Glate is the high commander of the alliance space force,” Kalea said. “He knows about the vaccine, but he’s wary of a trick.”

  “Your opinion?” Jack asked.

  “He's a fair and honorable commander, but he's desperate.”

  Jack signaled Anthen. They stepped out of sight of the Predex.

  “Captain, this Hoclarth is a tough negotiator and plays a game like poker,” Anthen said. “The Tal'Predex will play for high stakes, but he will negotiate fairly. We hold the cards with the vaccine.”

  “And if I offer it without a demand, we will look weak.”

  “Correct, Captain.”

  Jack stepped back to the center of the bridge. “Predex, we’ll meet you on Prondas.”


  Sandi sounded a tone. “Tandex is on visual.”

  “Big son of a bitch,” Jack said. “Put us in a parallel orbit.”

  “Captain, we’re being hailed,” Tayla said.

  “On screen.”

  An admiral of the Hoclarth Alliance appeared before a background decorated with relics and battle flags. He was wearing an elaborate uniform with many military decorations, but he looked very sick.

  “I am Tal'Predex Brandil Glate. In the name of the Hoclarth Alliance, we demand you land on the planet and surrender your cargo.”

  “I’m Jack Masing, Captain of StarCruiser Brilliant. We’re on a humanitarian mission.”

  “So, you say,” he said. “What demands will you make of the Hoclarth Alliance.”

  Anthen stepped into the picture. “I want the return of my mate and the mother of our child, Tal’Predex.”

  “We do not recognize the rights of this traitor,” Brandil said. “We recognize the right of Kalinda’s mother to raise her as a citizen of the Hoclarth Alliance.”

  “Kalinda is of age,” Anthen said. “Do you not allow her choice?”


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